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A member registered Feb 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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The result is impressive but hidden by the difficulty of getting through the doors at times and the unclear aim. The music and effects are very nice otherwise

Loved the mechanics. The sound effectects was really creepy thos :')

I was a bit confused on the start of my first run as I didn't read instruction before. But it was fun findind the fake furniture

Thnaks for playing. I'm planning on remaking the dialogues to make it more clear

Thanks for playing ! Glad you liked the mechanics

Thanks for playin !

The controles feel a bit waky as you trun and clic with the mouse. But the models are awesome !!!

I loved the different fishing gameplay techniques. And the music/art gave a great feel to the game

Loved the art style and music ! The game is a bit slow time to time, but I relly enjoyed it. Great work !

Art and music was really nice. For the gameplay the text are a bit slow and could be skipable.

Just one question : Why the bee movies script ? XD

I couldn't see where the story was going and I wasn't disappointed in the end. The music puts you in a nice and pleasant mood. 

Thank you for your opinion and detailed advice. I know I need to rework the dialogue to get some messages across. And I hope I will be able to set up the replay with the same layout/controll, it seems to me a very relevant suggestion.

But for now, fixing the impossibles levels generation is on top of the to-do.

So relaxing ! I loved playing this game

I am impressed by the graphics, and the voice acting! Congratulations on the creation of this lovely game.

I was stuck on one of the levels for a few minutes just vibing to the music before I got back to solving the puzzle

I loved the graphics when I saw the screenshots, but when playing the game the screen slides are a bit too much and you ended up tiring my eyes faster than they need to.

Very cute and easy to use game otherwise.

I liked how the simplicity of meditation shown with the graphics, contrast with how challenging the game is.

Love the game, the art style and the music are on point ! I'm sure you could create new levels or small features to make the game even more fun for a next version.

I'm impressed

This game is amazing, beautiful and relaxing. And the graphics... on point!

This little robot is so cute. The fact that you can't choose which ammo to throw and you always have to do the last one picked up is quite frustrating, but at the same time it's a pretty interesting mechanic that could be a bit more developed if you continue this game. 

The music and audio are very appeasing and give a good atmosphere, so even when I didn't know where to go I enjoyed walking around in this beautiful world

I loved the aesthetihc ! And I would have enjoyed to bring this cute Axolotel along for a few more levels ^^

It's been a long time since I played a memory game, and I have to say that I have lost the memory of my younger years :'(
The art is really cute and I enjoyed playing the game a lot !

A good turn based game is always very nice. And playing without reading the rules and figuring out every weird moves was fun.

A bit slow but fun to play. I fleet that I had to clic fake very ofen and couldn't feel my gallery in time :(

I really enjoyed the inter-world interaction, the levels are well thought out and make for interesting puzzles with lots of potential for the future.

Looking at the pictures on the presentation page I thought it was going to be a simple game. Well, I was very wrong :')

Very nice game. It lacks a little feedback to show what you got wrong on a bad delivery.

I should have read the page before playing I was a bit confused about what to do at first ^^'. But the concept is very nice and with some feedback animation to make it more dynamic I could play again with great pleasure.
And the graphics are on point!

So simple and yet so hard... Or maybe I'm not made for this reality... The graphics and music are top notch and really give the game a nice atmosphere !

Simple and fun. I would have liked more levels, but the idea has potential. And the graphcs are really cute.

Stong vibes of "there is no game" and I still love this ocncepts. Very well done !

Creepy but very well done with an interesting design feature. Maybe the camera could be raised, as it is currently very close to the ground, even if it adds to the atmosphere.

Thank you! I will definitely have a look at yours too

The game is "infinite" but the dialogues stop at around 50 so you must have seen the whole story. Very good suggestion for the drawings! I'll try to make my own style to evolve it on a next version.

Visually very nice, but the jumping was inconsistent for me and made the game incredibly difficult :/


For a next time it would be even better with qwerty / azerty compatible input 

The dialogues are a bit slow and some passages complicated to understand but visually incredible!

The dialogues are a bit slow and some passages complicated to understand but visually incredible!

The rabbit is so cute! The concept is very well done.

I was saddened at the end of the game, it's so cute that I would have loved to have played a couple more levels. It really has potential!