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Had fun with this clever take on inventory management!


  • 4cups fresh corn kernels (from about 4 ears)
  • 2tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • Kosher salt and black pepper
  • 4(6- to 8-ounce) skin-on salmon fillets, patted dry
  • 1½ tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1pint cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1lime
  • 3scallions, thinly sliced
  • ½cup basil or cilantro leaves

Step 1

Heat the broiler to high and set a rack in the upper third of the oven. On a sheet pan, toss the corn with 1 tablespoon oil and season with salt and pepper. Push to one side. Add the salmon to the empty side of the pan, skin-side down. Season the salmon all over with salt and pepper, then coat the tops with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Broil, stirring the corn occasionally, until the salmon is opaque with a browned crust and the corn is bright in color and browned in spots, 6 to 8 minutes.

Step 2

To the corn, add the tomatoes, scallions and remaining tablespoon oil. Zest the lime on top of the vegetables, then squeeze half the lime on top; cut the remaining half into wedges for serving. Play our Game. Stir to combine and season to taste with salt and pepper, then top with the basil leaves. Serve the salad alongside the salmon, with a squeeze of lime as you like. (After cooking, wedge your spatula between the salmon and skin to easily remove the skin.)

Rad game. Not one, but two sets of great physics-based platforming controls. Frustrating and addictive. Simple, but well-applied art style. A very punny story with a variety of characters and at least two bosses! (I gave up on the crab). Great work!

Clever theme and lovely posterized graphics!

That’s good feedback, wkmin1! The audio was really last minute, we definitely would have loved to add more SFX and mix the audio properly, but our brains were jelly by the time we wrapped up.

Thanks, darakyus! Enjoyed your game too!

Really clever card puzzle game.  One of the few games so far I really felt compelled to play several times.

Took me a bit to learn the mechanics, but It clicked after a couple tries.

On a sour note, I’m not a huge fan of the right click interaction for the cards. It makes it difficult to play with a trackpad and I’m not sure why left click wouldn’t work for that.

Also, the paragraphs of text when you lose is punishing, maybe that was intentional?

Great work, y’all!

ADORABLE little game. Very focused and well executed toy game :)


That’s good feedback. Thanks, prof!

thanks, valernyx! Glad you enjoyed it! We had a blast making it. 

Thanks, Jonathan! A key press to speed up the dialog is a great idea.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the kind words, Miguel!

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Thanks, Rust!

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Modern storybook vibes! Pretty art and calming music. The instructions were clear and an interesting mechanic concept.

Unfortunately, I can't rate this one because It is impossible to right click and scroll on a trackpad and prohibitively frustrating on an apple magic mouse, which is all I have access to at the moment.

Nice, balanced, minimalist TD!

Very focused concept.  Very well executed. Clear loop between the desert and the caves. 

Found myself wanted more varied obstacles, especially with the caves.

Loved how storm clouds just slow you down instead of ending your run. Felt very fair.

Great work!

Thanks, Arcade Eleven!

Thanks, friend!

Thanks, sheylaulya!

Nice job finishing something for the jam!

I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do.  The game does not have a clear goal and there don't appear to be any interesting challenges to overcome. Just a straight line of cars. Am I just repairing the road as cars drive over it?

I felt like a corrupt priest of some dark god playing this game! Good job conveying an experience!

A couple critiques: I'm not sure what causes the "day" to end. I'm not sure how dissent / ritual "in zones" work and how they relate to the overall dissent / suspicion, etc. states.

Nice visuals, enjoyed moments thinking about what state the sharks / wind tiles were going to be in the following turn. I could imagine a variety of interesting puzzles you could build with these mechanics.

Nice lo-fi graphics on par with many successful indie games in horror and related genres!

Fun science-y observer vibes. I loved the billboard-y weather effects.

Scroll wheels were very difficult to use with a trackpad.

I wasn't sure how many of the readings I needed to get right to succeed. Some of them wanted .00 precision, but the instruments were much lower precision than that.

Great work!

The song was rad! Fit the vibe quite nicely!

Thanks, a_leontiev! I loved your game. Great sense of weather, pacing. Picking up a variety of shiny treasures off the shore felt great. :)

By the way, I played your game and I'm super impressed. Playing the game, I felt like I was in Mad Max! Super curious about how you accomplished the sandstorm effects. :)

That's very kind of you to say! Shinbone (a.k.a. MisuseOfMana) and I had a blast hanging out throwing together assets and hacking together game mechanics.  There was lots of laughter, improv, and a very smooth flow of collaboration.

Appreciate the kind words, HoMyPants!

Thanks, mora!

WASD and arrow keys both work in the game. Though having the key hints show WASD might be more familiar. Thanks for the feedback!

Spectacular! Brilliant particle effects. Epic demolition feeling! Entering and leaving vehicle made me feel like this concept has legs and could expand into a wide sense of wasteland exploration. Seeing the pawn move around the vehicle and shoot from it made me imagine the possibility of  a rich set of game mechanics involving upgrading your vehicle and growing your nomadic tribe.

Spectacular! Brilliant particle effects. Epic demolition feeling! Entering and leaving vehicle made me feel like this concept has legs and could expand into a wide sense of wasteland exploration. Seeing the pawn move around the vehicle and shoot from it made me imagine the possibility of  a rich set of game mechanics involving upgrading your vehicle and growing your nomadic tribe.

Art looks great! Varied combat with a few bosses! Interactive tutorial at the beginning.

The challenge grew at a very accessible rate.

Lots of lovely micro-interactions.

The details really shine here.

Really impressed with what you were able to get done in a week!

Thanks, Everbro! That's very flattering. 

We had one play-tester and the most valuable feedback we got from that session was that the controls were not self-evident, especially because of the variety of control schemes. You don't really have a lot of time to adapt to new controls. So we added the button hints and made some of the challenges easier. Given more time, we'd definitely want to think about how the games build off each other to gradually teach you how the varied controls work.

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Nice interpretation of the theme and the main mechanic "clicked" in a couple moments. Graphics are pretty sweet, too!

Bonus points for multiple endings.

I wish the normal-speed platforming was a little more forgiving. Pretty difficult to control.

Relaxing vibes. Nice implementation of Dredge-like mechanics! Excellent artwork. 

I found it really easy to run out of fuel which made the beginning feel very slow.

Great submission!

Clever idea! Had a chuckle when the rock music starts and you start blasting!

The game invited some thoughtful strategy as you think about where to put trees and shrines to optimize access to enemies while avoiding putting them where you'll shoot them!

Appreciated the clear tutorial at the beginning.

This feels like a lesson in surviving corporate work. I can feel your frustration and skepticism.

Nice work! The UI and art is adorable!

Thanks, Krussy!