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A member registered May 14, 2021

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Professional work!

It's brilliantly done, it's pretty and the increase in objectives motivates us to continue.

The final fight is fun.

Very very good work, congratulations for this great game!

Smart game!

I love puzzle games, and this one is great! It gets complicated very quickly and requires a lot of thought!

Perhaps a change of colors or shades (lighter, darker) would make it possible to see things a little more clearly. Just a suggestion.

The execution is nice.

Good job ! Well done !

The principle is simple and quite intuitive.

The controls are a bit complicated and the frog's shadow misleads us. It takes a few games before you gauge the distances and get used to it.

That said, it works, there are some good ideas (single-use stones). I tried for a long time to collect the mushrooms XD.

I saw the time limit disappear on the third level.

It's very encouraging, now that the jam is over, you can polish your game and do something even more fun. Good luck for the future !

Good work !

For a first game, it's great!

It is a very good base to improve it! Yes it's very small and it deserves a little enlargement, but it's really a cool concept!

I imagine many ways to add content:

- BIG bosses full of HP

- Mobs with a timer that explode if they are not eliminated quickly (with a time penalty)

- "Ninja" mobs that run fast, hard to target...

Lots of ideas!

I hope you will continue this game, I like it a lot!

Very good work !!


We don't really know what to do at first, and then we notice the very small passage at the bottom, and it's time for the stress race! (Damn brown platform!!!). We keep moving forward, and struggle, and finally... we die on the red platform, very frustrating! But very fun!

I quite like the idea of leaving the player alone with no hints.

Classic time limit, but it works.

Good job !


It reminds me of my old years on the arcade machines!!

I really like the graphic style and the music that goes with it!

The theme is perfectly respected and we let ourselves be taken in the game by linking the parties.

Very good work !

Great idea !

I managed to overcome it! Excellent concept, I hope to see a few more levels soon. The graphic style is simple and effective. the concept of time limitation is brilliantly brought to light.

A little background music, and it would be perfect! :)

Very good work!

Oooooh! Thank you very much for giving visibility to our creations, it's adorable!!!

Of course, I went for a look on your Youtube channel :)!

Thank you very much for playing! I hope you liked it!

Thank you for your feedback.

I admit, a tutorial would have been welcome. We had thought about it, and then we thought that the explanation in the welcome screen would be enough. Obviously not! Next time we will be more vigilant!

Anyway, thank you very much for playing!

Very nice game! 

The sound of the river is soothing and we let ourselves be tempted by several games. 

You may not be able to draw but the final rendering is very nice! 

I would have added a little soft background music. I

t's a good base to add power up and other obstacles :) Good work!

Good luck then ! This is my favorite part :D!

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I'm glad you like it, we had a lot of fun bringing it all to life.

Regarding your ideas, indeed, highlighting the treasures in order to better identify them is an excellent idea.

About the colors of the traps, we decided (by challenge) to use only a limited palette (lost centuries) with a very small difference by adding a splash of gold. I understand that we do not make the difference between the multiple traps.

And regarding the sprint, TBH, I hadn't even noticed, lol. It was my teammate's part, ah ah!

Thank you for playing and thank you for your valuable feedback!

Oh it's too short, I would have liked to have a few more levels :)!

Good idea the streamer, however, some reactions and some face changes would have improved the immersion.

I agree with the comment below, the first time, I couldn't find a way out visually, I persevered by searching the whole maze to find the door, saying to myself: "we must certainly light it".

It's a good base game, and I'm sure with a little extra time you would have made it even cooler!

I liked it.

Good job !

It's super cute and reminds me of my younger years playing pokemon and zelda on my Gameboy!

The platform sequences lack a little fluidity and as said below, you can sometimes pass through the clouds, it's very frustrating, but easily correctable. I really like the graphic style, well done!

Very good job, I like it :).

A good old fight like a FF!

Very nice achievement, both visual and sound, congratulations to the team!

It takes a pair of plays before grabbing and learning all the spells and attacks. The animations are well done and we willingly die to read the conversation. And then it must be said: It's still cool to see a rabbit fighting against a pyramid: D!

About the theme, I have a suggestion:

It would have been interesting to see the fight completely time bound.

(for example: A heal spell or item could have added a few seconds to the timer, a freeze spell could have stopped the time for a few seconds, and taking damage could have lost a few seconds of time). It's just an idea!

Very good job!

Very good idea !

I love being able to manipulate time, it's great!

Unfortunately, I have an average computer and suffered from lags. it didn't prevent me from finishing the tutorial and a big part of the first level.

It's smaer, it's pretty, and very well done!

This is very good work, well done!

ice experience.

Very nice achievement, it's beautiful, it's neat and it shows! The home menu is very well done, and the rules explicit.

I couldn't make it to the bunker, I'll try again!

No matter how much I recover the energy, I almost always run out of it before the end. One of the rare times where I reached the end, impossible to find the bunker, a small indicative arrow to locate it when one approaches it would be welcome.

Good job !!

I'm not sure I understand the point of the game.

I went to collect the crystals by killing the octopuses, to bring them back to the central pillar and expand the central area. Maybe we should add a welcome screen with the goal of the game?

If the area expands and new crystals and monsters appear, it can be a very good start to the game. I like the idea of expanding the central base by supplying it with a resource found on the map. Some sounds would be welcome!

To refine! It's encouraging !

Cool game! We are absorbed from the first seconds.

The introduction is fun, we are quickly in the mood.

It's infuriating to go too fast and to be surrounded in a fraction of a second. It's a good balance between speed and caution. The time limit is there. At first I was surprised by the sounds of footsteps on laminated wood flooring, and then shooting at anything that moves while walking with shoes turns out to be quite fun. I imagine an English gentleman in the 19th century with a rifle, ah ah!

It's a good base to continue this game!

Nice experience.

Good job !

What a cute little game!

I love the graphic style, it's pretty and soothing. The soundscape is perfect, and the sound effects are funny.

I persevered until 100,000 fertilized eggs.

I would have liked to see some traps slowing us down to waste time. Food bonuses give a little too much extra time. By alternating food boost phase and egg fertilization phase, it's an infinite game.

That said, axolots are a magnificent and endangered species, we don't want to hurt them!

Nice concept, nice game.

Very good work !

Hypnotic, I spent a quarter of an hour on it :).

I like the idea, it's simple and effective, the atmosphere is present and the sound effects fit perfectly. Stream and time are respected. I confess to having sent many souls to hell from time to time, just to try and decompress from the working day (can't see any meaning in it, please) Ha ha!

Good job !

I love the graphics, it's just beautiful, the sound atmosphere that goes with it is great and the sound effects are well adapted.

After about thirty tries, I did not see the third slide. It's a shame because the graphics are really worth a look. The game is too difficult for me, everything is calculated to the millimeter. I like the way you included the notion of time. It is well found and very punitive!

I'll try again to see what's next.

Very good job!

Unable to start the game :(

I agree with the comment below, I would love to test your creation!

Fun shooting game!

Variety of enemies and rooms, it's significant! I sometimes found myself stuck shooting through walls to solve the room. Unfortunately some monsters are between two rooms, in the background. Alt F4 mandatory... I like the clean style, it's efficient.

Good game base to continue!

Nice job!

Classic platformer, I really like the idea of gravity changing with orbs. The difficulty is very quickly raised and can discourage some. I would add a few seconds to the timer to complete the levels! A few sounds?

It's clear, colorful and rather successful.

Good job!

I like this kind of game, effective and addictive. I have done it several times. The design is pretty!

About time, I spent a lot of time taking it rather than running away from it.

Either way, nicely done.

Nice job!

This! Is! Marthaaaaaa!

Nice high score game! Simple and efficient :) !

I would have liked Martha to come back to life a little with each watering.

It's very sad... But! The pretty colors make up for it all!

Nice job!

Really cool idea!

I had a lot of fun! It's pretty, and well done. The challenge is there and it's addictive! The themes are respected.

Nice job!

A nice FPS under time pressure. The realization is beautiful and I like the refined choice of (fifty) shades of gray. I noticed a lot of slowdowns during the game (it may be my very average pc, that said). Nothing happened once the timer was down? The enemy movements have some inconsistencies. However, they are varied and it is very appreciable!

It's a solid base to improve all that!

Nice job!

Simple and efficient. At first it's very complicated, after a few games it gets better. The design is very limited. I think you can make the game much prettier without trying too hard.

I spotted the stream, what about the time limit? Maybe by reversing: travel the most distance in a given time without dying?

It is a solid base to improve it!

Good luck ! :)

Hey! Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry for the frustration. I see that you have reached the last level. It does require a bit of dexterity.

Regarding the treasures, they can be collected once the puzzle has been solved (the timer starts at this moment). So you can spot them in the dark before going to pick them up before the time runs out.

No light (no pain), no treasure (no gain)!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your feedback, it's my first jam.

I just discovered drawing and animation tools, it was a great experience. Thanks to my teammate for dragging me into it. Precious XP for the next one!

Thanks for playing !

What a shame you ran out of time!

The idea is superb. I hope you will continue this game.

Improves the graphics a bit, the fish is not very visible (I love its funny legs). Add some sounds, some reflections in the water and sand on land and it will already be much more personalized!

I hope to play a polished version soon! Good luck !

The idea is brilliant. It's very well done. Being a medium English speaker, I didn't catch all the subtleties and humor in the reactions. The game is really too fast, I think it can be slowed down. The rendering is really nice. Great works!

It's my kind of game! I really like the simplistic and pretty style. I'm not sure I identified the themes for the jam. I think you could emphasize time differently. I feel like I have two HP bars. That said, very addictive and a great experience! Great work!