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A member registered 51 days ago

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Perfect interpretation of theme, executed intuitively and satisfyingly. Though I am an average estimator, I got such a high when I got it right. Great stuff!

Great notes! If it's any consolation, those woodpeckers drove us crazy during play testing too. We decided to keep them brutal for now but a bit of an indicator/nerf is surely on the cards. You're the first person to mention crouching but it's a fantastic idea, will look to add it to our post-jam changes. So glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Yeah, we'll be implementing that in the future for sure. For now, how high you get is kind of tracked by the changing colour of the sky. Let us know how high you get or if you manage to get to space. So glad you enjoyed it!

Love the style. Responsive and adorable. 

Love that you included PvP. A nice twist on tetris but needs some sharpening. Adorable art style!

Wow! Very, very cool. Genius interpretation and implementation

Amazingly enticing tone, style and mechanic. Really special!

Satisfying and addictive. Music is perfect. The end of level sting is particularly enjoyable. Rockin!

Cool vibes. My sword hit every door as I went through them and that sfx got pretty annoying. Nice sense of place and tone though 

Really fun take on the endless runner

The main game is great! Polished and crunchy. But manipulating the digits wasn't made clear, and then felt a bit cumbersome. Fun idea though

Slick and simple yet bloody challenging. Solid, polished stuff.

Great fun! Scale overload

Wild! An ambitious task that I wish ran better (I lost the radio through a wall). Really fun to play around in for a while though

The presentation here is off the chains! Just beautiful. 

Super cute! Feels like a fully realised world.

Really cool mechanic that adds fun tension to the platforming

OODLES OF FUN! I'd love the enemies' attacks to be a different colour so I don't confuse them with my own, but if you add some objectives and polish it up, i'll be back for more for sure.

The setting felt immediately original and interesting. Great concept and well executed!

Great mechanic! Though I think I had the most fun when I fell off and could just hoon around getting big.

Fun, addictive and challenging!

Have played so many games with this mechanic in this jam and this is by far my favourite so far. Intuitive and charming.

Gorgeous! Love that the better you are at typing, the more you're able to enjoy the visuals instead of watching your fingers. I'm sure I can now type "rocket" much faster than I could before

Ambitious! Really fun idea and great vibes. One of those tough situations where it feels like it gets more enjoyable as you unlock more elements but that makes the initial experience feel a bit slow. If you keep going, I'd be interested to see how you make the first moments of the game feel a bit more enticing. Great stuff though!

Great note! We'll get that in there when we come back to it, maybe with a leaderboard too.  Dragons are the final area before you get to space, so well done! Things get tough up there.

Tough! But really engaging. Love that you're already planning to keep working on it. Excited to see how it evolves!

This drove me crazy! In a very addictive way

We said this once a minute during game testing

You got to the end!! We were wondering if anyone would actually get here. We've only beaten it a couple of times ourselves.

No harm with a bit of cheesing :)

Thanks for playing!

Damn. I really liked the vibe of this and wanted to get into it but the fighting is a bit rough, and then I fell into a hole I couldn't get out of.

Love that you did musical scales, and this is a really effective idea! Will definitely check in to see if you evolve it further.

Strange and quietly terrifying!

Outer Wilds flashbacks at the end!

Nice original game!

Really well thought out, and easy to drop into. A great use of a solid core mechanic

Fun and funny! Then increasingly overwhelming as a hundred rats got stuck in different rooms and the music (that I loved at first) drilled into my brain, but a really fun ride for a while!

Fantastic character designs. Gave me Toejam and Earl vibes.

Thanks mate! We had a lot of fun with this, and still get hooked trying to beat it. Thanks for giving it a go, and for the very high praise!

Beautiful but brutal! Didn't get far. But as I've only beaten my own game once, I think that's a me problem.

Amazing presentation with a unique mechanic that evolves in super interesting ways. Once you accept a certain level of frustration, it's a great experience (very much appreciated the level select).

Great use of theme, and love seeing the upgrades effect the character. Feels like a solid base for a lot of fun additions if you decide to continue.

Haha. Every 3,2,1, go got me pumped! Took the scaling idea to ridiculous heights. Well done