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Mateus Ikezaki

A member registered Jun 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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I love the visuals and the story! The game looks great and looks like a final product. I do think the game is a bit confusing. Goals aren't clear in some levels and I was dying seemingly at random (still have no idea what was killing me). Good job nonetheless! 

Loved this one! Would have never thought of the word diving in this context, that was really creative! Game is really polished and the visuals are amazing! It has so much personality! Idk if that's just me but the game was quite laggy, but other than that amazing job!

I like the concept! This game felt really relaxing to play and would be a very chill experience if it was longer. I like the level design too, even though the sprites aren't made by you.

The fact you made this in just a week is insane. The sprite work is amazing and the game has so much charm to it. Incredible job!

Absolutely loved this one! The visuals are incredible and really cute! Gameplay is simple, straightforward and fun! I just think it was kinda hard to react and predict here the ball was going, but awesome job nonetheless!

Absolutely loved this one! The visuals are incredible and really cute! Gameplay is simple, straightforward and fun! I just think it was kinda hard to react and predict here the ball was going, but awesome job nonetheless!

I absolutely love the visuals! The artstyle is awesome and the color palette is simple but effective! Had a lot of fun with this one, just wish it was longer.

This is by far one of the most polished games I've seen. I absolutely love the artstyle and the boss design is amazing! I also really liked the shop addition I think it makes killing enemies very rewarding. I'm just not to sure how to kill the boss. I've been shooting it like crazy and neither my bullets nor my missiles seem to be doing anything against it. After 3 tries I just gave up, which is a shame cuz I really wanna see the ending. But incredible job nonetheless!

This one was amazing! Everything from the artstyle, to level design, to audio was really well made! Game was super fun to play and enjoyable. I absolutely loved the enemy variety here, they all feel very distinct from each other and force the player to keep on their toes. The only small nit pick is that it took me a bit to figure out the controls, but that could be easily fixed by just making that more explicit on your page. Incredible job!

The game was really fun! I loved the mechanic of giving some extra time for the player after the oxygen ran out. Clutching refills when I was out of gas was super intense and satisfying! I just feel like the controls to move side ways were a bit sloppy but maybe that was intentional. Good job!

Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback! You're absolutely right, we should've totally added an icon for the gun and that was my intention at first, but since my time management sucks I kinda overestimated the time we had left and completely forgot to implement it before submission :P Anyways, thank you so much for taking time to check out our game! 

thanks for the suggestion!

had a lot of fun with this one! the level was well designed and the 3d models looked good, although i do think they could use a little bit of texture (for instance add more glow to the main characters model). i absolutely love the idea of having an army as your ally, plus adding area damage to the attacks was a great idea. i will say however that making the player stop to attack felt a little bit clunky and watching the same swinging animation over and over does get a bit tiring. i feel like giving the player more offense options aside from hitting left click would add depth to the gameplay. although the game is very straight forward and took me very shortly to figure out the controls it wouldve been nice to at least tell the player at some point. but making a 3d takes a lot of effort and the fact you guys made a 3d of this quality in such little time is truly impressive. congrats!

glad you liked the game! youre absolutely right, pixel art for the scenario is a bit out of place, im working to fix it :)

no worries dude! yeah game jam projects are bound to have bugs, but im glad you guys are willing to keep the game going after the jam! power to you! 

good job! i really liked the artstyle and the concept is pretty good. you guys had a very creative take on the topic. beating the living crap out of the floating eyeball was pretty fun too. controls were kinda wack and the game is pretty rough around the edges, i had bugs happening a lot. the gameplay is very dynamic tho, it definitely kept me on my toes. i just didnt really understand what i was supposed to do once the bar started filling up, i just mashed space bar next to the babies and hoped for the best. nice work regardless! 

had a blast playing this one! graphics are super cute, the game looks pretty polished and the particles effects are just charming. the gameplay is pretty simple, but enjoyable nonetheless. the green wand was definitely the highlight. showering the enemies with so many projectiles it made my frame rate drop was way better than any HP i couldve recovered, i avoided swapping that weapon at all costs lmao. it did get a bit stale after a while since theres barely any enemy variety and theres no mini map to give you a sense of direction, so i was pretty much just aimlessly roaming around. had a lot of fun still! amazing job! oh just one small little thing, i would personally decrease the cursor size a little bit since it did get in the way sometimes.

awesome game! pixel art is extraordinary, level design is really well built and the environment is immersive and atmospheric. chain kills are extremely satisfying to pull and i dont know if its intentional or not, but getting shot and switching bodies just before the death animation reached its end was always clutch as hell. i will say, however, aiming felt really awkward. using the WASD keys to aim doesnt make a lot of sense for a top down shooter, it didnt really work for this one. plus ive faced pretty bad performance issues, if you play the game for long enough the frame rate drops astronomically and the only way to fix it was by rebooting the game. it was also tiring to redo everything with no checkpoints, especially considering how slow the character is. however, the amazing atmosphere, pixel art and cool concept had me trying again and again despite the frustrations. incredible work!

Absolutely adored the game. visuals are phenomenal, atmosphere is eerie and intriguing. i didnt get any of the symbolism but i still love that kind of stuff. the collage aesthetic is seriously impressive. the game is extremely polished too. amazing job! the only criticism i have is that the whole sphere part felt really out of place  

really fun idea! the camera was a mess and the physics were pretty janky at times but i really liked concept behind the game. kinda brought me back to when i used to watch 3 random games by pewdiepie in 2014 lmao. controls are easy to get used to, however depth perception was a bit weird (it felt like things were falling kinda slowly). also i love how you made the project open source, thats always a plus on my book! good job!

I liked this one a lot! congrats! the puzzles were pretty solid and entertaining and the dash mechanic felt great. the last puzzle is really smart, took me some time to figure it out :P i personally think the movement was a bit slow. it was a bit boring to refill if i ran out of energy on the other side of the map. also, some platform's collision is a bit off. i bumped into invisible collision a couple of times when jumping. aside from that, good job!

youre right! we programmed a platformer's movement into a wave survival game which is a bit odd. we were planning on having platforms and different stages at first but we simply didnt have enough time :/ maybe in a future update tho

nice job! to be fair, i dont have anything else to add :P i think the other comments say it all: cute sprites, pretty tiles, nice use of colors(though i feel like you might've used more than 5 colors), needs checkpoints, a little bit fast and the jump felt unresponsive at the rotating platforms part. overall good work!

glad you enjoyed it! your kind words mean a lot :)

ayee thank you so much!

hey it worked! thanks again for the tutorial!

much appreciated :)

excited to hear! will stay tuned :)

yo awesome game! its very polished! the game managed to keep me entertained even after failing multiple jumps. the level was cleverly designed and the obstacles are challenging but fair. the consistency of checkpoints also make the game much more engaging instead of frustrating. couldnt find the secret tho :/ i didnt know i was supposed to jump above the sign lmao but still, really enjoyed it! it is, however, a really simple platformer. i think adding mechanics like wall jumping or controlling the height of your jump would spice things up. amazing job regardless!

really like the art style, it's honestly one of the best in this jam! you srsly made a really good use of the limitation. the game is very polished too! the music fits the atmosphere really well, but i do think more sound effects wouldve been nice. as you pointed out in the description, yeah, movement is a bit clunky and hard to control. i also pressed W accidentally quite a lot thinking that i would jump instead of dashing. personally i think that W as the key to dash is a bit of a weird choice, but maybe thats just muscle memory(probably cuz in my game i programmed jumping with the W key and dashing with the space bar lol). i got a bit confused with the whole lives/hp thing going on. im pretty sure my lives got stuck at 2 no matter how many times i died. awesome job tho! loved the characters! 

Hey awesome atmosphere! I liked the aesthetic and i think theres a lot of potential here. i was really lost throughout the entire thing and couldnt get passed the locked locker :/ its also a bit hard to tell when i got a new item, maybe add a sound effect? good job nonetheless!

dude you actually went out of your way to get us a tutorial, thank you so much, srsly! im currently working on a web version, should be up soon!

yo thank you so much for the feedback! really means a lot to us that you enjoyed it! unfortunately we dont have a lot of experience with jams so the fact that web games get a lot more attention went completely over our heads :/

gotcha! thanks for clarifying :)

hey thanks for the feedback! absolutely agree with you. clicking like crazy gets tiring at some point and makes it pretty hard to play on touch pad. and yeah, definitely shouldve made it web playable. this is my second jam ever and i only just realised that web games get A LOT more attention! unfortunately we were running out of time and none of us knows the first thing about making web games, but will definitely take a look! again, thanks a lot!

the concept is really good! i also really liked the aesthetic of the game. the choice of pallete combined with the music gives the game a goofy(in a good way of course) atmosphere which brought a smile to my face. the game does get tedious later on. the levels are a bit badly designed which makes each death feel more and more infuriating and unfair. but aside from that the game has a really unique take on the theme! i honestly wouldve never thought of power that way

the concept is really good! i also really liked the aesthetic of the game. the choice of pallete combined with the music gives the game a goofy(in a good way of course) atmosphere which brought a smile to my face. the game does get tedious later on. the levels are a bit badly designed which makes each death feel more and more infuriating and unfair. but aside from that the game has a really unique take on the theme! i honestly wouldve never thought of power that way

awesome visuals! i like the concept as well and the atmosphere is just fantastically built! it really gives off this "Pony Island" vibe. this game is, however, really tedious. i have no idea what the pay off is but having to go through the same thing over, and over, and over again moving at the pace of a snail just makes me not care at all. this has a lot of potential and could be a really good game, it just needs some tweaks on the design