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A jam submission

Hints of DawnView project page

Soundtrack for a visual novel about inner contemplation and hope
Submitted by Sea Angel Studios, GooComposer (@goocomposer) — 18 hours, 59 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4393.1723.353

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Soundtrack for a visual novel about inner contemplation and hope, inspired by the "Inside my world" text and picture themes.

Genres: Classical, Symphonic.
DAW: FL Studio

Track 01 - "Hints of Dawn"
This piece would play during the Title screen​ of the game. It is a quiet piece meant to represent both the protagonist's past and their optimism for the future.

Track 02 - "Another Morning Comes"
This piece would play during the "Day" sections of the game, evoking the sense of watching a new day unfold as the sun rises.

Track 03 - "Dim Revelations in Starlight"
This piece would play during the "Evening/Night" sections of the game, meant to represent the quiet introspection that comes with the end of they day. The skies fill with twilight as the sun sets beyond the horizon.

Collaboration between Vortex and GooComposer

We started out by making a small piano sketches and then swapping them with eachother, we then developed and orchestrated the others sketch into the full pieces while getting feedback from eachother. It was a ton of work but we pulled through and are very proud of the final products!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The soundtracks are quiet, contemplative pieces that would play in a game about contemplation and introspection. Both things we think relate to the "insides" of someone's world.

The picture inspired us to make a dreamy, slightly japanese styled arrangement.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I like the concept of a game/visual novel that's just about quiet reflection and introspection. I think the music captures that well. The concept of each track representing a time of day and the emotions that go with it is interesting too.


Ah... A beautiful fairy tale atmosphere... I love it!

Dim Revelations in Starlight is my favorite. Heh)


your composition is amazing! :D 

i really loved "Another Morning Comes" ^-^


Wonderful music. Sounds incredibly and super realistic with your skillfully programming !!

Also very generous of you for showing the screen recording so we can have better clarity about your composition.  What piano did you use?

Great work!


Thank you! We both use the NOIRE piano from Native Instruments.


Excellent soundtrack. The first track led nicely into the next, and each was paced at a good tempo. Very high quality production and composition. Good work!


Thank you :)


Those symbols on each instrument section in FL were really cool how did you get those to be there?


If youre talking about the youtube videos, you can right click on a track and select an icon for it!


Neat I will have to do that!


gorgeous orchestrations, the integration of world instruments gave it a flavor that elevated it above other orchestral submission.  i particularly love the piano playing in dim revelations, limiting it to the higher keys gave it this ethereal atmosphere.


Love the added touch of small tempo changes, makes the tracks much more dynamic. A great listen.


Another Morning Comes was my favorite! I really liked how it built, but still felt relaxing to listen to throughout. Great job all around!


2nd and 3rd pieces are my personal favorites from all the ones I've heard in here. I really think you nailed it in terms of composition and theme relation and I can definitely see both of these tracks being in an end credit scene of a AAA game. Really solid entry !

I would really appreciate if you can rate my entry too !



2nd track immediately got me on board! Sounds really great. I think I could have done with a little more happening in the lower frequencies but that's definitely a personal choice and not an objective one. 

3rd track is also fantastic, and I think the final cherry on top to make it really stand out would  be to fine tune the piano velocities, as the notes all currently sound roughly the same dynamic. A little bit of up and down on the melody dynamic would sound great!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

wow this is beautiful. i really have no complaints. i do wish the songs tied slightly more into the theme but other than that this is stunning, amazing job. the third track was easily my favorite it's so touching.