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A member registered 35 days ago

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I haven't figured out how to shoot. 

And I also decided to check what would happen if I died, but I didn't manage to do that. There were 3 enemies around me, I just stood there and didn't fight back, but I didn't die and my health didn't drop to 0

It is a strange, but funny game

The game is really cute, but I didn't really get the point.

I went out to sea, caught a fish, but when I came to sell it, it wasn't in my inventory

I don't usually like games like this, but I liked this one. I liked that with a lot of dexterity you can not shoot at all, but just run away from the zombies XD   But the shooting is nice too. Good game. 

It's a nice short game. I liked it!

Only the music is too monotonous. 

I really like the game anyway!

I really enjoyed the game. You did a lot in 7 days. The first time I couldn't defend myself against the enemies because it wasn't very clear where they were going to come from and I put the walls and ballistas wrong. I decided to try a second time, but already ignoring the tutorial because I already knew how to collect materials and what to build. But after that, I ran into the problem that I was hung up on the hint on how to deselect stones and there was no way I could get rid of it. I didn't have any stones selected, but the hint wouldn't go away. I tried selecting them first and then deselecting them, but that didn't work either. In the end, I didn't fulfill the requirement and I didn't get access to the new structures. 

Awesome game. Simple and interesting and very pretty. The music is nice. 

I was able to survive the first night, I got a window that said it was the first night of 3 and that I had to press the space bar to play further. I pressed it, but I was thrown back to the main menu and there was no way to continue the game:(

Love the art! I also liked that you put in the effort and made several different endings, usually people don't have time for it on gamejams.
I got a bad ending, but I wasn't disappointed
And gosh, thank you for making it possible to change the speed of dialogs. I could calmly read what it said and not be afraid that the text is about to disappear. Give you a plus in karma for that. And gosh, thank you for making it possible to change the speed of dialogs. I could calmly read what it said and not be afraid that the text is about to disappear. Give you a plus in karma for that. 

I tried to play  again. I managed to do it this time. But now I couldn't get out of the room where the box with the memories was. I interacted with it, turned on the lights, got a picture. And then I couldn't leave the room.  And I couldn't look at the pictures again.

But still I liked the game, it's very atmospheric! And the idea of interacting with the photos is awesome too! 

I wish you could run around with a chicken in your hand, that would make it easier to collect them all. 

But the idea itself is interesting, the chickens are very cute and make funny sounds

I don't usually play shooters, but I enjoyed this one

I tried to follow the link to play, but got the same warning

I liked the idea, the music and the graphics, but it was very difficult to control the ship. Maybe it was done on purpose to convey how hard it is to steer a real ship. It is interesting that if you stop in place, the ship gets a bit swept away by the currents

Dragons are so cute! I love the art style and music. Cool visual novel! 

Thank you very much, we really appreciate your opinion!

I love this game! I don't understand why so few people have rated it. It's so cute and beautiful. I like the concept with calm zones and monsters in the sea. The game looks very well thought out, very well made, no bugs. You can see that you have put a lot of effort into it!

Nice game. The only thing that is unclear is what to do if all the villagers are dead and there is no one to produce gold anymore. But in general the concept is great, it's done very well, everything is polished, it's very pleasant to play

I like that game anyway!

I just love the graphics, sounds and animation, it all looks so cool! But the combat is very difficult and I die very fast and don't have time to damage the enemies

(1 edit)

I couldn't play because the game doesn't expand to full screen and gets cut off. 

I liked the idea and the main mechanics. At first it was very difficult to control the frog, but then I learned. I didn't like that after so much effort, I just fell through the stairs in the most unexpected place. 

Interesting idea, but feels like it needs some improving. I often fell into traps that pressed me to the edge of the map and even if I wanted to, I couldn't get out of there and I was covered by this black thing and lost health

Such a strange but yet so interesting game

It is really difficult to navigate, so I couldn't play:(

A fun yet simple game. Maybe a little unfinished. Only I didn't really understand how it fits into the theme of where the storm is and where the calm is.

I had to read the comments to find out that you don't have to click, you just have to click and hold the left mouse button. I also managed to reach level 2, then I lost, started over, but I still had a level 2 tree. And for some reason I couldn't buy anything the second time, even though I had a lot of coins

I can't open the game

I got that message, when wanted to download your game. So, sorry, but I can't play it

WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined

Our system has flagged this page for additional review due to potential suspicious behavior from the page owner.

I couldn't find how to open it on Windows

I managed to get to the big glowing ball once and give it the souls I had managed to collect, and then the storm started and I had to run away and then I couldn't jump over the chasm

Nice music, very nice graphics and an adorable bunny. 

At some point I realized that I don't have to jump to the top platforms at all to collect carrots, because there are enough of them below. 

In my opinion the game doesn't really fit the theme, because there's no lull here

Reminds me of one of the old tetris games. It wasn't clear to me what each of the portals was doing and why I needed to fly into them. But overall it's interesting to play.

In my opinion, the game doesn't fit the theme, there is no calm before the storm here

It's not a good idea to make a gamejam game on mobile. Chances are, few most people won't download it to their phone. 

But I did. I couldn't play it because everything in this game is too small. The character is small, the buttons are small, because of this control is not comfortable and too much strain on the eyes. And also I could not jump over the first platforms, because I kept falling down. It's like there's something wrong with the length of the jump. 

Awesome game! Beautiful, fits the theme 100%. I really liked the flying islands vibe from Zelda. Interesting map that makes you want to run around and look at everything. 

I ran into two problems. The first is that I had a VERY hard time climbing the vertical columns. The character feels just out of control at those moments. I fell 100500 times. Second problem - some objects are too far apart and I couldn't jump from one to another when running away from a storm

Thank you!

I see, ok, I'll try once again later. Thank you

A simple game, but still interesting. Only I think it doesn't really fit the theme. It's not the calm before the storm, it's the storm itself. But I enjoyed running around shooting everyone.

At one certain point, all the enemies died and no new ones appeared and I was running around on an empty map. And I didn't understand if it was a bug or if it was supposed to be like that. 

And also I didn't hear any audio

A simple game, but still interesting. Only I think it doesn't really fit the theme. It's not the calm before the storm, but the storm itself

(1 edit)

I got that message from when I wanted to download your game. So, sorry, but i can't play it:(

"Our system has flagged this page for additional review due to potential suspicious behavior from the page owner.

BUT I watched the walkthrough on YouTube. I like the idea of the rising tension and mystical atmosphere. 

But I didn't really like the fact that you have to do the same tasks every day, it's a bit boring. 

Interesting concept, but the game needs some improvement. I ran into a problem that when I was putting up barricades, I had one of them “ stuck” to the cursor and I couldn't turn it off. And I got lost