I can totally see this being developed further into a more fully fledged game. Great idea and execution.
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Very nice execution of the "one bullet" idea, i really enjoyed the large variety of enemy design. The large fire ball really made for some challenging levels but sometimes it would get stuck bouncing from one side of the screen to another so my suggestion would be some way to change the bullet directory after you've cast it.
I think there's something funky going on with the movement, it looks to be grid based but it does not seem to line up with the floor tiles, making it kind of counter intuitive.
I have seen many games about a platformer with only one platform but this one sticks out to me. I think changing how much you can see above you would help but it might have been your intention that the player should learn and remember the level and in that case its great.
I for one really like the slippery ice floor but i do with that the jump was a tad higher.
All in all its a great game with a good implementation of the moving a platform concept!
You got the right idea but the execution feels a little lackluster. I love the different enemy types you have but i think the game is quite a bit too easy, for example i rarely got to see the yellow guy's attack as they were just too slow.
The art style you've gone for could really stand to inspire some interesting game mechanics were you to do more work on the game.
I think the whole "one bullet that you can make come back" mechanic mixes really great with the Asteroids. The visuals do however become very distracting and with the camera position combined with the very floaty controls makes it really hard to play. A little tweaking and i think this could be a very fine game indeed.
I think your idea here is solid and the checkpoints are a great mechanic. However It seems like most of the time you just launch the car a direction and hope to build hella speed and eventually hit the goal. Perhaps some more friction on the car would be a pleasant tweak but thats for you to find out. The potential is definitely there!
Lovely game. I know i'm not supposed to to rate on graphics but they really tie well into the goofy ragdol physics. I love the idea of a one bullet game but you save people instead of blasting them. I do however wish that there was more of an emphasis on actually throwing the buoy as it seems like the best strategy was just running into guys, kind of removing the "only one lifebuoy" mechanic.
Graphics: I was not quite happy with the CRT look i was going for so i added the blue gradient background.
Gameplay: The controls were way too sensitive so i added some acceleration/deceleration to the paddle.
Polish: Added screenshake and sound when going through the menus and also screenshake and a sound when you loose.
Updated features: Refined the menus. Added a settings menu for turning screenshake and shaders on top of changing volume. You are also able to see your best score after a game for each individual mode. The settings and highscores will be saved locally.

Now i'm gonna give you a challenge here. If you can draw fanart of this i will be seriously impressed.