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A member registered Oct 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Capitol seems a bit OP.

Lightning in a Bottle seems bugged, it doesn't cooldown and stays locked.

It'd be nice to have a bit more direct control over what you'll draw, as some "common" buildings (fields, apple orchards) are useful for combos later on. 

It seems like there's certain 'chains' where by placing one building you unlock others (e.g. placing a windmill will give you wheat fields), but if you try to have as few of these 'chains' active as possible you increase the chance of getting buildings that synergise with your existing ones. I like the idea, it just feels a little obtuse when your only other form of hand management is limited rerolls.

A related UI bug, you can select a building then reroll the hand, and still can place the building from the 'old' hand.

Cool game, I had fun.

Cool game. You should put the LD link in the description so I can rate it.

I think the screen-clear attack of the tower was bugged and removed the upper limit of some of my units.

Very cool game, a strong design with nice polish.

Not being able to totally 'choose' what deck you play with game-by-game is a bold choice. It prevents strict meta-decks from emerging and forces you to come up with a different game plan every game. It feels extra nice when you get a game with a killer combo. On the other hand it makes the game feel slightly more weighted towards luck than skill, but whether that's good or bad is a matter of personal taste.

The art and theme I thought was a bit weak at first, but it's grown on me. Kudos for crediting every photographer!

Having to grind games to unlock cards is a bit annoying, but I'm going to play the game that much anyway, so I don't mind being drip-fed content.

Again; a really deep, fun, and polished game.

Yeah I haven't done fog of war before and used a pretty hacky inefficient method, so I'm not surprised it lags out when everything is scouted.

Very crisp visually and mechanically. The staccato movement reminds me of stop motion animation. I loved that the enemies with guns would kite the horde.  If you keep working on it later a level editor would really make the game shine.

Neat idea, but quite difficult. Is there actually a win condition? I thought enough states getting independence might be it, but couldn't achieve it. I believe the actions overall are net negative in cooperation, so it's always a matter of time until you lose.

While visually interesting the map doesn't seem to actually serve any purpose, I guess it's also thematically relevant to the "anti map-painting" premise.

Nice Easter egg that only Poland has its name unchanged for a Polandball game. And I had quite a funny moment when the first choice was Ardoirre asking for their 700k back.

Very cute. I honestly wasn't expecting to be able to draw well enough to be able to guess what each thing was, but the instructions were very good. The roleplaying writing was also nice.

I liked this a lot. The opening cutscene and blood splatters for dead pieces are particularly nice touches.  The risk-reward of trying to kill as many of your own pieces as you can without losing so many that you can't also take all the black pieces is very fun.

That the black queen will happily kill the white king is kinda funny and can make the endgame a bit tricky, though the AI seems a bit random in how aggressive it is.

A small UI thing, the "possible moves" highlights don't show enemy pieces you can take, I didn't realise the king has the queen's moveset at night initially because of this.

I like the look and feel. The gameplay seems to just be spam attacks as fast as you can though, with no decision making to be done. Spamming attacks does feel pretty good though.

Nice concept, quite ambitious for a 48 hour jam. The art and juice was really nice. I found the movement controls a bit clunky but 3d platformers like this need a ton of tweaking to feel nice, so that's to be expected.

Good job getting it done, I think this is the submission closest to the deadline that I've seen :P

Left a comment :)

Yes the locations of everything is random. 

> the starting location was guaranteed to not be right next to an airplane

Yes that's a good point. I think technically you could bank a few greys and send out multiple scouts at once and at least one would get through, but there's no way a new player would know that.

Really nice tight gameloop. Love the juice on the eye beam towers. I feel like the risk of putting down more towers outweighs the reward, you're never really threatened by the waves of enemies. But that's just a tuning issue, the concept itself is solid.

Impressive amount of content for a 48 hour jam game. Well polished and full of character. Only improvement I can think of would be some sort of reference for the different heroes so you don't have to memorise their stats.

Very nice. I found myself mostly unable to catch the skiers unless they hit a tree though.

Well executed concept. The frogs seemed to often spawn with the same timing, so it's pretty easy to just stay in one lane and time the jumps rhythmically to rack up a big combo.

Very clever and amusing. Only improvement I could think to make is some indication that your input is a "nonsense" one with no associated picture\outcome, but since the game's so short it's no big deal to play again and try other combinations.

Nice concept and execution. I really liked the risk-reward mechanic of selling the player swords for more coins. It does seem like the "tower" minions are pointless compared to the trap though, which is a shame because the combat is cool. I also think I blocked the hero's pathing by putting a shop in the way of a corridor, so they just ran into the wall until I won.

I like the concept a lot. I found the snake's movement a little unpredictable, but that's only an issue for trying to get a good score.

Cool concept that meshes with the theme well. I would have really loved some voice lines when the buttons were pressed. Also some indication of which cue you've missed or gotten wrong.

Nice theme and art, the gameplay comes down to spamming the different calamities without any strategy or skill though. 

Tight execution of a good concept. Wasn't sure what items were for or how to get points, but the gist of the game was straightforward.

Fun game. Feels like it needs a bit more difficulty scaling or some sort of progression, but was nice overall.

Very meta and cool. The onboarding needs some work, it wasn't clear what I was meant to do or how to do it, but once I figured it out it was very fun.

Nice dog, nice game.  I figured out the flying dog trick and it kinda trivialises the game, but a cool idea all in all.

I liked the idea but the level design was a bit repetitive and it felt too easy overall. The knight building walls was interesting, more stuff like that would be interesting.

Art was cute, didn't feel like there was enough to do. No sense of progression. Pushing boxes is fun tho.

Interesting concept, reminds me of FTL. I agree with Shetalin that the different abilities seem unbalanced. The main thing needed is more UI, it's hard to know what is happening and why.

Nice art, cool flavour, great intro. Not a great integration of the theme, but I liked it. Frustrating but that's the point, I gave up after only finding one virus.

Was cool, I played several rounds. I liked the art in the menus, was wondering why you went for 3D for the game itself. I wish there was a visual for the dash's cooldown.

I had fun. I think some food drops were spawning twice as I had to pick them up twice. Would be nice if there was a timer or music cues for when the walls were about to go up or down. I think those types of things separate good game design from fun concepts. Just quality of life stuff that makes a difference.

Reminds me of Baba is You, though some of the rules weren't clear to me. Level 8 was cool, got that 'eureka moment' feeling when I figured it out.

I was playing on linux through wine. but had serious framerate issues. Otherwise seemed neato. Was cool and weird.

Cool concept. I found it hard to know what to do, I liked the hotkeys but the controls were a bit clunky.

> human forces to actively attack and for you to have to fight them off
That was an intended feature I didn't have time to implement. Glad you thought it was neat.

I liked the sound, art, UI and writing. The gameplay loop gets tired quite quickly though. Sending every item if nothing's been asked for seems to softlock the game. 

Fun and fluid. An improvement might be to indicate when a bullet is getting close to going off the board, as when there's many it's hard to tell which are coming or going - just tinting the bullet would work. But maybe I'm just bad.

Engaging game, though I found it a bit frustrating for the same reasons others have pointed out - camera and controls. Nice level of polish.

I agree with Thielith about the shadow, the level with the books was quite difficult as I I found it hard to tell where the apple was. The physics felt satisfying.