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A member registered Mar 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Excellent job on this. The world building was incredible. It was descriptive and engaging. The work and effort put into this is impressive. The achievements were a nice addition too.  English isn't your first language, and you created this is crazy. Lastly, nice submission time. I don't think I've even been that close.

Thanks, I am happy with how the concept came together. Thank you for the feedback. I never tested to see if the itch fullscreen actually worked. It does now.

This was a lot of fun. I liked the turn order of thinking where to go, then getting a pause for the story from each character. It created a nice flow.  It reminded me a lot of the movie Alien. Excellent job.

I had never heard of the mothership RPG. After reading through your dungeon I went into a rabbit hole  of how to play. Love the atmosphere of each scene you created. Great work.

Thank you. Madeline helped a lot with the character feedback and I think we got it to work well. Same wall jump is my go to.

Thanks for the kind words and thank you for playing it. 

Wow thank you so much. A big focus was to make it platformer everyone could enjoy.

(1 edit)

Buildings - signs lead the way

Dirty Hospital - trashcan 

Sheep - left and up from the start shows the way.

Boring- broken bricks 

Yugsoigoth's dream - Near the end a single skull floats 

Wow! This was amazing. The ideas and writing were great. Loved the ending concept.  One issue was sometimes advancing the typewriter effect would skip to the next text. Visuals were superb, amazing for a jam game. The atmosphere from the music and visuals was exceptional. Wish there was a little bit of a gameplay change up but I understand with how much work went into this.  Excellent job.

Great job on this. The visuals were enduring. It took me a few plays to understand the mechanics but it clicked pretty easily after that.

***Spoilers ahead***

Thanks for playing. The tear at the end is getting out of the dream. The person on the hospital bed is the dream walker. Yugsoigoth pulled them back into the dream. To escape the dream there are hidden memories in each dream to collect. Thanks for the bug report. I didn't notice that on the last build.

Loved this game. The visuals were beyond excellent, they gave me that weird 2000s cartoon vibe.  I was excited to check behind every door and learn about each character. I could definitely see this being a full game similar to Spiritfarer with quests for each tenant.  Amazing job.

Sounds good. My discord is nearphus

Hey,  I am a pixel art/programmer looking for someone to do sound effects and music.  Someone also to bounce ideas off, don't really have a concept yet. My previous work is in my itch profile.

Thanks for playing. Was there a certain control that felt strange? I feel like its a pretty basic action platformer control scheme.

I think I found the sound issue. If you play on GX games you have to enable sound on chrome. GX is Gamemaker's game hosting site.

 After watching the stream I realize I need to tune the difficulty alot. Thank you for playing.

Thank you. Samurai, space, and Oni in a pixel art setting was a challenge but I'm happy with how it came out.

Those frog sprites are awesome. My wife and I enjoyed playing this together a great experience baiting each other into attacking or defending. Great submission. If you do update it we will for sure try it again.

Excellent visuals and setting. I struggled for a while until it clicked what I was supposed to do. After that, it was an exciting game. The characters and animations are top-notch. Great game.  I'm excited to check out your other stuff.

Thanks for playing it. It does have sound. I wonder if it was GX games or windows that had the issue. I should increase the drops rates I wanted the sword to be a last resort weapon. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks that was my main goal for this game was  visual and sound feedback. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing. The drops are set for weighted chances, I should have done a drop timer instead to help the randomness. Thanks for the feedback.

Awesome, thank you. I had played Vampire survivor just before this and enjoyed the visual feedback.

Thank you. Animations are always the last thing for me and I think I was ready to be done. 

Love the minimalist pixel art. Excellent take on a rock-paper-scissors game. The pause to allow the anticipation after the fight is a great design. Making the player guess and double-check if they were correct before the announcement is perfect. 

This was a really interesting game. I thought the frying pan would be the easiest one, but boy was I wrong. Great prototype for a relaxing blacksmith game. 

I loved playing this one. The visuals and audio were great in combination, it created this wonderful setting. I know the time was limited for sprites but even the outlines had character to it. I got one crash and one bug where I couldn't move, still a truly amazing effort and game. Congratulations. 

Wow, this was amazing. impressive for a solo jam. The visuals were wonderful and didn't distract from the combat.

This is a really tight platformer. The movement felt responsive and natural. The setting and story were excellent. I always prefer butterflies over bees.  Great work.

This is a great project for your first Jam. It was fun trying to predict where the islands would appear knowing the current one was going to disappear. Great job. 

Thank you so much for the bug report. It was a last-minute attempt to add something. Thank you for playing it. 

On a controller I had a lot of fun on this game. The pixel art is amazing.  I do have to say I prefer the Dinomech to the mushroommech. Loved the change in weapons too. It was fun wonder what you would get in each room. I felt like an air marshal with the two giant swords haha.  Awesome job with the feedback on hits and deaths as well. Overall all amazing job.

Wow! Thank you for the great feedback. You pretty much hit the head on everything. This was a great experience for me to learn from. I think I have a good grasp on what features I missed on this project to apply to my next game jam. I'm waiting to review your game until I have a controller. I was not doing well with the keyboard inputs. 

Thanks for playing. I agree, there are situations where it takes too long for the run mechanic to kick in. Looking ahead I will probably spend more time on testing the movement systems.  Thanks for your feedback.  I appreciate it. 

Thank you. When I was working on the foot movement, I had to tell myself someone would appreciate it.

That's my bad. I should of included an in-game tutorial. You press "Q" and "E" to switch between higher jumping or faster run speed.

This is a really great concept that you executed perfectly. A base management game that makes you move constantly. I had a lot of fun playing it and I think it has a lot of potential. 

Frickin Loved it. The character and setting design are great, gave me a Jak and daxter/Ratchet and Clank feel. Simple tutorial to teach mechanics and perfect length. Amazing job.

I really enjoyed the gameplay loop. Having to get out and look for energy while trying to not get swarmed was fun. Awesome music too.