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Aran P. Ink

A member registered Jul 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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oh hey, is Haberchuck a duo, then? :)

Let no one stop you from headbanging!!! That was the goal, after all! :D

Major is definitely to blame for the guitar production! ;)

I think it ended up being a mix of an Axe FX II (on Bruno’s side) and Neural DSP plugins (mostly Archetype Plini and Nolly) on my end.

I really liked your submission, too! Thanks so much for the kind words.

If you ever want to collab on something, hit me up!

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To be fair, I barely know what genre to call these tracks either. Djent-jazz-hip-hop-fusion???

Thanks for the kind words, though! Glad you enjoyed ’em!

Really enjoyed these soundscapes, and the creative use of clock tick samples!

Clever writing, excellent mix, lots of cool instruments, melodies, and rhythmic ideas.

One of my favorites from the jam so far. Great work!

What a clever theme! Cute vibes.

Next time, I’d recommend changing up the instruments between tracks, to give each of them a slightly different feel. :)

I really enjoyed these tracks. Sorry that we didn’t end up working together on vocals, maybe next time!

Loving the the percussion, scratches, and edits in the shop theme, definitely a standout track for me from the jam!

Torn denim ftw.

Hell yeah.

Whoa! Huge tracker vibes despite this being made in Ableton Live 11! Would love to know how you created all these great chiptune sounds.

What a huge mix! Great selection of instruments, too. :)

This was a lot of fun! Really enjoyed the playful melodies, varying time signatures, jazzy solos, and the broad range of instruments.

Great work!

Delicious gated reverb snare. Tsssht!

Love the use of all these risers and FX elements to accentuate the transitions between different sections, and the integration of the actual train SFX was really well done! Great work.

Really liked the use of vocal samples in Reflection, big soul energy!

What an interesting take on the theme! Feels very grounded, with tons of interesting sounds and little glitchies here and there to keep you interested.

Great job on the mix, really liked your choices of percussion and synth instruments! My one nitpick would be that the laser-like kick sound gets a little fatiguing after the track has been playing for a bit, but that’s a minor flaw in an otherwise great track.

Really excelling mixing and instrument choices! I think you nailed the Cyberpunk style you were going for. :)

Love the idea of doing a track for each of the characters in the jam image! I had a very similar idea, but ended up cutting it due to lack of time. I know time stopped you from finishing all the tracks you wanted to make, but I’m really glared you shared with us what you could.

Oh dang, these spooky vocals are so cool, and the bass drop at the start of Hopeless was really fun to listen to!

Super evocative tracks, very cinematic and engaging. Well done!

Great job getting all of these tracks to feel cohesive and consistent! That’s a lot to do in 48 hours!

Whoaaaa, I was not expecting massive bass after that gentle, pensive intro track! Very cool, and always glad to hear some electric guitars in there!

I am totally down with Cyberfunk! Everybody loves a drill solo. The harmony drills are a great touch!

Really interesting to hear this done with a bunch of hardware supplies! The making-of video was also really fun to watch, thank you so much for making it and sharing it with us!

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Oooh, loving the break-y drums right off the bat. Fun little micro-edits, giving the whole thing a slightly more aggressive lo-fi hip-hop vibe… Smoke and Mirrors definitely gives me “cyberpunk jazz club” feels!

Really enjoyed the drop into sidechained drums about half-way through Chip Hunter, too, and the sinister bassline in Now It’s Personal was also a delight.

Great work, overall!

Strong feelings of determination, here, with that hearbeat-like kick drum running all throughout the first track.

Would have loved to hear a bit more rhythmic variation, and maybe some reverb on the cymbals to help them fill out the space, since they fade pretty abruptly!

Ooooh, really cool to hear some classic chiptunes! Really impressive that you pulled so much expression out of this limited chip.

I think you definitely nailed the synthwave feel with the huge basses and simple, pounding drum lines. Great work!

So cronchy! I enjoyed the sinister vibe and the interplay between the softer synths and the harsh lead line.

Oooh, the change in energy from Enhancements to Cyberpunkin’ was really fun! Excited to hear something more uptempo after the relative calm of the first two tracks. Really fun gutteral basses, too!

Really enjoying these CRONCHY synth-guitars in the Battle theme! Definitely getting mavericks vs. Mega Man X vibes from this collection.

The break-y percussion and fast arps of the Boss Battle theme are also a lot of fun, it’s probably my favorite out of the bunch.

Great work!

What a cute and friendly little Cyberpunk jam. I want to hang out with this cyber-rabbit friend and feed them carrots.

I like the concept of a Cyberpunk-noir — I’d definitely want to see this as a game!

Loving all these little vocal clips, reminds me a bit of Jet Grind Radio. :)

It has a bunch of meanings!

  • quite literally, this CEO has been locked in an elevator made of steel plate and plexiglass, with no way out

  • cybernetics are often visualized in Cyberpunk as gleaming metal and smooth, glossy plastic. “Every damn line I hock at these jocks got ‘em locked in a heap of plastic and plate” is a reference to overcoming the overwhelming strength and power of a corpo-cyborg-militia through subterfuge, hacking, and clever manipulation. If you shut down a cyborg’s robotic components, they’d be helpless, weighed down by their non-functional body parts.

  • plastic and plate metal are both evocative of industry, to me. At the end, suggesting that the CEO will “take ‘til [his] heart is plastic and plate” is saying that he’ll keep amassing power and wealth at the expense of others until capitalism devours his heart completely, removing his humanity.

It’s all me! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

I was expecting a bunch of chill tracks after the Intro, but Endless Corridors really hooked me with its juicy bass and pounding drum track. Feels very tense and foreboding.

Some really cool pads and synth patches all over this soundtrack, definitely gives me alien vibes. Open fire is a lot of fun, too!

Well done!

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Love how hard you went on the backstory for this! Really fun to hear what these songs represent to you, and to associate the story beats to the sounds.

That lead synth/bass line at the start of Metro is killer, too!

Whee, I haven’t heard riffs this catchy over such weird, jazzy chords in a while! You captured such a bizarre, friendly vibe with these tracks.

Out of all the submissions I’ve heard so far, this one has the most distinct, unique, and memorable character. Really great, weird, delightful stuff.

Chocolate! Strawberry! Wheel! Bones! Bones! Boop ba de boop! Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo bones! <3