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Not So Secret Bird Society

A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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It was not that ergonomically pleasing but I managed :D Thanks for creating that game!

Thanks :D

It was fun playing it anyway!

Quite a cute little game! I like how Tora ‘powerwalks’ around when you run and those chicken sounds are absolutely on point! The first two ‘rounds’ I lost because I did not notice the chicken house and just went for the big and obvious house, which then promptly ended the game with 0 saved chickens (Should’ve been 1 :P ).

And I lost another round because I got to ambitious and picked a chicken up, which I then could not place down again after I noticed that I have not enough time. It would’ve been nice if I could have placed the chicken down again.

All in all the game was surprisingly engaging - I played multiple rounds and while I never managed to save all chickens (I tried to herd them as a flock towards the chicken house but never quite managed) I saved quite a few.

Thanks for creating it and I hope you had fun doing so!

Thanks! I tried Storm Disaster out as well and it is quite stimulating one’s ambitiousness :D

The new name is a great pun, but I honestly liked the old title better.

I have the feeling it gave me some ‘additional purpose’. Am I a worker in some travel agency with time travel as an option - trying to rescue my customers? It was the tiniest little bit of world building which I quite liked.

I am always up for a good pun or wordplay, therefor I find the title hilarious and like the idea and setting!

The sound design is great as well and I absolutely respect any Game Jam Game with any kind of voice acting :D Together with the stylized graphics it quite an atmospheric bundle!

Distribution Related It took me a while to start the game, because I had to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime before I could start it. Then I had to read the UE Prerequisites and agree to them. Then I had to install the .NET Framework 3.5 All in all it was not a really frictionless process to start the game. That is not on you - I had a bare bone System in which I run the game and it is a Game Jam Game. So: much is forgiven. But if you somehow have the possibility, to distribute the game better it would make it much easier to play it.

I hope you had fun creating it. I had fun trying it out :)

Thanks for creating it!

Thanks for trying it out and your feedback!

I know what you mean about it being a bit brute forcy. I think that could’ve been done better but maybe not in the restricted time frame we had to iterate and experiment. I really like the community level by ‘Blouey’ (unaffiliated ;) ) because there you have to notice what your problems are and have to come up and implement a strategy and solution. It can not be that easily brute forced.

On the other hand: With a fixed amount of steps the possible state space for each level is quite low and I think it is a intrinsic problem of the mechanic.

As have I yours. And I am actually quite happy, that I found it. Its a cool game!

I died a lot - the first times just because I went to deep without knowing any key location :D

But I did not mind. It had a bit of a groundhog vibe to it. I used my first few rounds to search for the keys and then tried to optimize my path. I think the top level thunder and the thunder clouds are quite good enemys. You kinda have to stay underground or under ledges and on the other hand can try to out maneuver the cloud.

I spend quite some time with the game but yet have it not beat. Maybe I will revisit it later ;)

All in all a cool game. I like the jump and run feel. It is imho quite hard to create good jump and run mechanics. Even more so in a Game Jam game but I think you managed.

It is a great entry and I hope you had fun creating it!

A little puzzle game:

We had quite some fun making it. It may take an hour or two fo me to get around playing your game, but I am eager to test it out :)

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Thanks for trying it out.

Give me a bit of time and then I love to test AreaBNB :) (Edit: Done - quite an atmospheric game!)

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I will check it out and would be grateful, if you could give your opinion about

as well :)

(Edit: I just noticed, that it has no WebGL build - I will try it, but a bit later) (Edit2: I got around to it: A nice and atmospheric game!)

Thanks! Should you like it I also recommend the community levels (1 at the time of writing and another one by me ;) ).

I absolutely like the art and music of the game!

I think it is hard, to create jump and run mechanics that feel good in the span of a game jam which I state because I fell down in the first level and trying to jump back up to the lever was quite frustrating. Maybe having some coyote time or jump buffering could’ve helped? I dont know - as I said: I think it is hard to get right and in a Game Jam restricted time frame even more so.

But then I got the Jet Pack (and other Stuff) and it is awesome to just fly through the ship. I absolutely respect having the guts to create such a powerful jetpack in a jump and run game. And it indeed felt great to be able to fly through those parts I had to painstakingly climb before.

All in all a good experience and I hope you had fun creating it!

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I have not played a Visual Novel before and therefore do not know, what you can ‘normally’ expect of the genre but that is quite a story (in a positive sense) :D

‘It is a whole new world’ as some characters put it.

Thanks for creating it and I hope you had fun participating in the jam.

(The ‘Will Be Randomly Playing, Reviewing, or Streaming Your Games’ Community topic pulled me in)

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Hi, I present to you

A small puzzle game with imho cozy graphics. We only worked on it over the weekend but had a lot of fun creating it. Should you play and like it I also recommend the two community levels you will find in the comments.

Now lets see what ‘Kookie’ is all about ;)

This is quite a cool concept and I like the execution. It took me a moment to realise, I can just walk away when the interviewees had no more interest to answer. But other than that, it is a surprisingly huge amount of fun to hunt the target audience down while trying to create a profile.

Your jam submission title image pulled me in ;)

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Thanks :) I tried yours and managed to save quite a few chickens! Nice Game!

That is true. While I like the look of the wind VFX it is a bit hard to read. We had the intention to let it clearly convey, where wind is blocked but it is to fast and convoluted to do so.

On the matter of conveying information: I like those signs in you game! I find that live updating population sign hilarious!

I absolutely like the visuals including the little details about those night visitors. I managed to spot a group of three standing around while the storm was just brewing and it managed to convey the ‘Cabin in the woods’ feeling. I think I cheesed the game by just placing all population counter relevant elements (aka citizens) in the same room all the time no matter what.

Thanks! I just played Time Travel Tours Agency: Avoid Extinction and have to say that is a cool setting and story!

I had to think about XKCD comic 2976 ( Time Traveler Causes of Death ) when the intro twist got revealed :D Cool game. I managed to win with one tourist eaten, but I did not manage with less than one being eaten. You did a great job with that voice acting in that goofy intro and the generell setting is great.

Lovely, I think it is hard do develop Jump and Run mechanics that feel good in the span of a game jam but you did great! I only wish for keys other than ‘x’ and ‘z’ as controls. I assume you tested on a keyboard layout which has ‘y’ and ‘z’ switched respectively to mine.

I absolutely adore the main characters hair animation and at least for me those levels got hard pretty quick!

Thanks! I’ve just played Avoid The Storm and can basically say the same to you :D

Thanks for the suggestion! We thought about it and had the low key idea, that the wind could influence the move pattern of the vehicle. i.e. when you drive with strong wind, you may move multiple fields. But we only jamed over the weekend and had no time to test it out.

That setting hits home way to hard (in a fun way) :D I like the artstyle and the setting is just hilarious.

The game and score screen feel quite nicely juiced!

I feel the same about the camera. I mostly like it, but every now and then, it is a bit to much. But we ran out of time to really tune it in. Sometimes it would’ve been nice to see the level a bit closer or have a bit less movement. But on the other hand I like how it currently turned out and think, it shows the ‘potential’ of nice camera transition and animations :D

I just helped Jimmy out in Bingo Spree and I have to say, that the setting hits home way to hard (in a fun way) - I really like the idea and setup!

Thanks for making that game then and I do not mind the block placement - I had a lot of fun playing it :D It was basically just a Game Jam Game quirk which did not distract from the game after I knew it.

I really like the feel of that game - it feels quite immersive and I can see the little figure with a scarf as protection pressing on against the storm through the waste lands quite vividly.

Amazing art / fx and shader work! I hope you had a great time making it, I at least had a great time trying it out!

Wow, thanks. I am not quite sure what to do with that comment. Maybe print it, so I can hang it on my wall? Yet undecided :) In any case, thank you for trying the game out and writing that comment.

I just played your game and will write something as well. Just be aware, that I am just a non native speaking bloke with a keyboard and not that silver tongued :)

I did :)

As i said in my comment under your game: I like the visual transitions you have!

Quite a nice shoot em up with a nice set up phase. The first time I played, I managed to place a block in a way, that my character got trapped. But I had a lot of fun in my second try!

I also like how the transition between the two phases is done visually!


I just played yours a bunch and while I guess I am not good at it I also had a lot of fun just stacking objects on top of each other and doing a (well, actually quite terrible) job saving that purrr cat!

I should have read the tutorial the first time :D. But I like the game! It’s pretty hard, but surprisingly fun to just stack objects on top of each other and then hope it all goes well (At least, that is what I did). The fence made it a bit hard to read for me, but beside that I absolutly like the art and style of the game!

We had a great time!

The exact number of steps becomes more important for later levels - I can understand that it seems superfluous at the beginning when it is first introduced.

I absolutly adore the tornado in your game and hope you had a great time creating it as well!

This tornado is the graphic equivalent of Googly Eyes, I absolutely adore it!

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Delayed Again
Are you aware, that one minute of delay can cascade into madness?

Awesome Level!