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A member registered Apr 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I really liked your city scape - can see you were going for something epic and probably would have added a lot more if you'd had time. I enjoyed flying around the game area in the little ship though. Be nice to see what you do with this if you continue developing it!

Loved the art style of this game - thought the designs for the ghosts were superb. Really novel concept! I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but having the red and blue buttons the opposite way round from how I expected them really had me concentrating hard on whether I needed to press A or S. I also thought the difficulty curve was well adjusted for the first 10 levels. One suggestion I have as an improvement is that you could also have implemented getting a certain number of orders in per night (with the timer getting slightly faster with each level) as I found after level 10 that the difficulty hit a bit of a plateau. Really well implemented though!

Neat idea - I love the concept of being transported to different themed levels like in Gex: Enter the Gecko or Spyro. The idea of having different attack sets was cool too, although I'm not sure if the other two options worked as they didn't seem to have any animations (and the game slowed down for me considerably after I changed weapon). Collecting items to gain access to new areas like in Mario 64 was a nice touch too! Well done!

Nice idea - I think it would have been better with a few more levels, but I really liked the concept. The level transition animation was awesome - it reminded me of the game Serious Sam for some reason :)

(2 edits)

This was a really great little experience - the platforming felt really nice. The controls were really smooth and allowed you to provide a few challenges that required tricky manoeuvres that didn't feel frustrating or unfair. It played like a professional platform game and the puzzles were well constructed. The art work was fantastic too - I thought the ghost phasing power looked and felt really nice to use.

Your choice of music and sfx were enjoyable too. It felt quite calming and contrasted quite well with some of the difficulty of the later levels. I got a Final Fantasy / Breath of Fire vibe from the soundtrack.

You should expand this into a longer game with a narrative - it's got some real potential!

RIP my mouse, my finger, my soul...

Really great game. Not sure how you managed to get me to sit and click 7000 times while blankly staring at the screen, but you did! Really, really loved the artwork for this game - it was fantastic. I love how everything slowly got creepier and then one by one all the elements disappeared and left you just sitting there endlessly drawing pentagrams. Very eerie!

The simplicity of it all was brilliant - excellent work!

Nice to see an RPG maker game on here - I've not played through too much of it yet but I really like the setting and characters. You've obviously put a lot of time into the story and dialogue! Unfortunately some of the dialogue in the cutscenes was too fast for me to catch and I noticed a fair few spelling errors, but on the whole I think you've done a great job here. Nice work!

The graphical style of this is really nice and the items you placed around tell a narrative despite not actually having any dialogue. Would love to see what you were planning for the full game as the elements you managed to finish are really great!

This was a really nice idea for a game - I love games that centre around the concept of ghost hunting and it fits the jam theme well. The art style was really nice and the music was really appropriate. The game play loop itself was quite satisfying and I really liked that the accessible rooms kept expanding with each level.

A couple of criticisms I had:

- When restarting and level or transitioning back to the menu there was a noticeable music bug that sounded like a record repeating. It only lasted a second or so, but was quite strange.

- The Next Level button just sent you back to the level select screen rendering it a bit pointless as there was also a Level Select button.

- The speed with which the movement / picture taking UI meter filled up was a little quick, it made moving around a little stressful which obviously hampers the players enjoyment a bit. Once suggestion I thought of was to make it fill up more slowly, but have bronze, silver and gold markers on it. So the first time you complete the level, you can do it casually. But then you could actually play again, trying to complete the levels using the most efficient route.

Hope that's helpful! Good work on this :)

Really scared me - I think having no music actually benefitted this game a lot as it made the loud echoing sfx more creepy. I think the fact you never actually saw anything made the game more frightening as you're constantly expecting the worst. The tasks were a nice interactive touch and the player movement and footstep sound was really satisfying. Nice game all in all!

(3 edits)

Really enjoyed this - it reminded me of games from the mid 90s like Crazy Ivan and Mech Warrior (despite not actually being in a mech lol). I think it was the style of 3D models you used. The gameplay felt really smooth and everything looked very polished. I'm really impressed that there was no lag despite using procedural generation - props for that. I also thought the view distance and fog you applied to the view limit was perfect.

Some suggestions I have though:

- The planes stopped flying over after a few hundred meters and I didn't see the turrets in game at all (just the tanks). Perhaps that was just lack of development time rather than an actual bug.

- The game felt quite easy. I was able to make over 4000 meters with 200+ health and only stopped due to needing to do other things rather than being killed. Perhaps you could have added a max health limit (e.g. 120) and made some of the obstacles harder to spot (such as mines being hidden and only being revealed just before you run into them meaning you have to do reflex jumps to avoid them).

- The UI elements appeared off the side of the screen for me so I think you possibly tested the game in the wrong resolution.

Really nice nostalgic experience though. I also really like the narrative opening level and the tutorial arena. Nice touches there :)

Really nice twist there - I thought for a second it was just a two level game with the only link to 'not real' being that little message on the end game screen. I like the idea of the monsters actually being the victims and the developer being the monster. Really liked that angle :)

I think it would have been improved with a few sfx (appreciate you may not have had time to do full soundtrack) and the monsters on the shooting level seemed to appear out of nowhere rather than entering via the side of the screen. Other than that I really enjoyed it!

I really like how this game starts off in a real mundane way (filing papers and tiding away stock) and then switches to feeding your fellow employees to a giant creepy green head lol. The game felt really atmospheric and I loved the surrealism of it. 

One gripe I had is that it took too long to travel around the game area. This was particularly noticeable when transporting employees to the large head. I liked the long corridor that lead up to it and I can see why you designed the level that way (it looked really freaky looming in the distance), but it would have been better if you could collect all the employees and transport them there in one go if you wanted. One by one felt a little monotonous unfortunately.

Really nice concept though! 

This was a really complex game, really good work with it. I particularly liked the voice acting at the beginning and the Greecian style of the whole thing. The powers and feel of the platforming were quite reminiscent of  Castlevania - which is great cause that's an awesome series!

A couple of suggestions that I think may improve the experience though:

- I wasn't too keen on the colour palette if I'm honest - I appreciate the look you were going for, but it being mostly grey made the levels look a little dull (which was a shame because the modelling was excellent!). I think splashing hints of colour here and there would greatly improve it. Like maybe the torches giving off a vivid yellow light or the monsters having a brightly coloured mark on them, etc.

- I could hear the clicks of you turning your mic off / pressing the keyboard after some of the spoken audio tracks. You can easily fix this by using free software like Audacity to limit background noise and trim the ends of your audio tracks.

I saw that you wanted to expand this to a series so hopefully those suggestions are helpful in some way! :) Good luck!

Really nice - one of the more innovative platformers I've come across this jam. Loved the puzzle mechanics, really nice unique idea. The ending twist scene and animation was really awesome too - loved the music in that part. Collectables are always a bonus for me too!

One thing I wasn't so keen on was the limited range of the jump... it felt quite stiff. I also came across a bug where I'd remove blocks, but a glowing remnant would be left behind and act like a block was still there. There were a couple of levels I had to restart 3 or 4 times due to that bug.

Those issues aside, I think you came up with a great game here!

(1 edit)

Nice concept - I really liked the lighting and the Amnesia: The Dark Decent style craziness meter. The screen distortions and flying ghosts were great, but I also liked the fact it progressively slowed your character movement. If I have one criticism it's that the game felt too easy. There was always plenty of time to reach the next light source and the creatures were too slow to actually ever hit me.

It was a really nice idea though and could definitely be fleshed out into a longer game!

(Oh, and I loved the creepy ending screen!)

This is a great interpretation of the 'not real' theme. There were a lot of little subtle touches here that I really liked such as being able to change your door selection at the last second after clicking one - this made you not only have to watch out for the small mimic movements, but gave you the option of making a quick decision and hoping the doors would validate it with an animation before your character got there. The mimic eating sound effect was also very satisfying when you died.

I think this might have benefitted from having levels rather than just being an endless loop, but I appreciate you may mot have had time. Would make a really great mini game in a high fantasy RPG!

Really good work there! :)

Thanks for messaging - I've played your game and left both a rating and some feedback :)

Thanks for sharing, I really liked the sprite set you used on this game and think it has the potential to be fleshed out into a longer game (I couldn't figure out how to exit level 2 so I'm assuming thats where it ends). I also liked the audio loop even though it was short.

A few ways it could have been improved:

  • I think starting off on a menu screen would add some polish, even if it was just a simple one, as the game suddenly opening on the first level is a little jarring.
  • A counter for how many blue flames you've collected as a UI element would have added a nice bit of visual feedback.
  • The jump mechanic felt a little inconsistent - sometimes it didn't work when I hit space which caused me to die a lot in the second level.
  • Having the checkpoint save all the blue flames you'd collected would have been helpful as I had to go back and collect them again when I died anyway.

Overall I thought it was quite a solid implementation though. Nice work!

Nice work for a first game - I liked the idea of it being like an arcade version of Outlast. I wasn't too much of a fan of the title screen graphics and I felt the maze needed more batteries (I spent most of the time running around in the dark bumping into spikes and accidentally running through the fake walls lol).

I loved the fact you gave a little tutorial section for encountering the monsters though and that you offered different difficulty modes. I think people who don't like horror games will appreciate the 'no-monsters' mode.

This was a really great concept... I really liked the idea of having to watch over two character concurrently and the method of switching between them, having to reverse your thinking control-wise was really challenging. The fish eye view was a really great touch and gave the whole thing a sort of sleezy, security camera vibe.

One improvement I would have made is to give the character more of a health bar and give some kind of audio feedback when getting hit. It felt like you died too easily and I wasn't too sure whether I'd hit the enemy too many times or simply got hit once.

Some really great stuff there though!

(2 edits)

Regardless of whether you finished or not I really liked the assets and the character movement. The jumping felt particularly good. Better than most of the finished platformer submissions I've played so far! You should continue work on this... I'm sure you could turn it into something great :)

This was really great - can't believe you've had so few rating so far. There are a lot of people missing out on this excellent escape room game. It had a lot of similar elements to the game we made, but yours is a lot higher poly. I thought graphically it was very beautiful. I loved the surrealist element of having a portal in the cupboard and food in the bathroom too. Very inventive.

The puzzles were also well crafted - I particularly liked the one that made use of the radio. Very clever!

One suggestion that would have improved the experience is making the object interaction a little less precise. Weirdly I found that I couldn't pick some keys up or open some draws if I was too close to them. I kept having to move myself back bit by bit before I was at the correct distance.

There was also a small bug in the bedroom where, if you moved close to the wall with the drawer, you could actually phase through it.

Great work overall though! Extra points for doing a proper Mac build :)

(1 edit)

Great game, was nice and challenging but not too difficult. I liked the difficulty progression as the night wore on and some of the changes were subtle enough that you had to have your full focus on the scene. Really great concept and nice smooth implementation!

(1 edit)

Wow, I can't believe how few ratings this game has - it was so damn good! I thought the menu was bugged to start with when the option and quit buttons dropped, but it brought a smile to my face once I clicked play and was able to look around. So many great little trippy parts in this game. Particularly loved the shrinking door and growing lamp. My one criticism would be that the door on the giant clock was a little difficult to catch and you had to wait too long for it to come round again. Great experience though - one of the best in this jam!

(1 edit)

Nice concept, though the maze felt like the tutorial level to a longer game. I liked the idea of picking up 'sight' objects that reveal the true nature of parts of the maze - it was reminiscent of Soulblazer and Illusion Of Gaia in that respect. I think adding a health meter would have improved it as I wasn't sure how many times I could be attacked.

(Also, it worked in browser a lot better than I expected!)

(1 edit)

Wow, that story took a particularly dark turn at the end for something that seemed so upbeat and cute :') I liked the art style and particularly appreciated the curtain animation that played when you transitioned between scenes - that was a nice touch. Two suggestions I have that might improve it:

- I think it could have done with a few quests running concurrently rather than a single sequence of puzzles that each trigger the next. This would give the player a greater challenge as they'd have to focus on the solution to multiple quest lines at once.

- The dialogue could have been improved slightly by making characters that have given you something say something different when you next talk to them. It was slightly jarring when one character told me she'd give me a rose after having already given it to another character.

- A small UI indicator to show you what items you were currently holding.

Nice game though - good work!

Thanks so much for rating ours - I've checked yours out too and left a review and rating! :)

This is one of the more unique games I've played during this jam. I love the interpretation of the 'Not Real' theme as travelling through the desert and seeing mirages - really excellent spin! The art style is really nice and I particularly liked the game interface with the animated window at the bottom. I think that addition really helped balance the simplicity of the game board itself and stopped the visuals from being dull. The music was appropriate for the theme too.

I came across the bug mentioned on the game page - it was a real shame as I don't think the game can be completed easily without getting close to sleep deprived. Great concept and execution though!

No problem - I played it through and really enjoyed it :) Left some feedback and a rating!
If you could check out our game too that would be greatly appreciated!

Excellent - really enjoyed that! I loved that it starts out as a no frills BBC Micro style platformer and ends up with you escaping outside the games boundaries and trying to beat the dev rather than the game itself. Great idea! The level transitions were really superbly done and the SFX were really entertaining (reminded me a little of young merlin).

I particularly like the hand draw exit door and acapella song at the end - they made me laugh :')

No problem, I just finished playing it now and have rated it :)
If you could give ours a go too that would be fantastic!

Great platformer with a really original idea - I like that you added the ghost lure vials partway through as it added evolution to the gameplay. I also liked the SNES art style and thought the music suited the game well. I did come across a few small bugs such as sometimes not actually dying when a ghost got me or when falling down a pit (though I was able to restart via the pause menu so it wasn't too much of a problem). There was also an issue when on full screen where the black fade-in screen after dying was only a small window in the centre of the screen (so you could see the background around it still).

Really great idea though. Loved how your friends didn't notice after they'd mysteriously changed floors and were happy to go off and dance to music like nothing had happened :')

(1 edit)

This was quite a novel way of presenting a platforming experience - I appreciated how you provided the obstacles in text form. Pretty neat idea!

(3 edits)

I've been really overwhelmed with the response we've had so far for our game The Dreamcatcher and am very proud of our work on it last week. If you haven't had a chance to try it yet, please do give it a go: https://adamthewom.itch.io/dreamcatcher

We'd really love to hear your feedback on it (and if you've got time to give it a rating that is of course much appreciated).

If you'd like to do a rating swap please do drop a message with a link to your game. I've been playing through and rating / reviewing a lot of the submissions already so would be quite happy to support any other submissions and devs if I can :)

I'm on a Mac so unfortunately can't play any Windows-only games (the joys of Apple, eh?), however I will let one of my team know so they can rate and review your game instead! 


(1 edit)

Really nice idea for a game. It was actually more difficult than I expected to coordinate my mouse hovering with aiming the lil' ball guy! I really liked the music as well, though it didn't quite loop perfectly. The simple art style was nice too - it reminded me of the original Gameboy! :)

One suggestion I had was that the winged power up be changed in some way. I actually found it more annoying to constantly have the ball off screen due to it travelling higher... perhaps instead it could have given you greater control over the balls left and right movements instead?

Really enjoyed the concept though!

This was probably the best puzzle game I've played from this particular jam. I've seen the light mechanic used to hide and reveal objects in other games, but not done this well. The puzzles were all really well structured, the art style was beautiful and the controls felt really nice. The music and sfx were really well chosen too. The only two improvements I could think of were that there was some sprite tearing on the floor and walls; and there was also a section of floor on the double-eclipse level that you could fall through... really great game though!

Haha, very entertaining! I only wish it had lasted a bit longer. I think the one thing that was missing was a finishing screen of some kind or a way to restart at the end (it just ended with a black screen for me). My favourite part was the language buttons :')

Well done for putting this together in only a few days - especially for you first submission. It was very much like the sort of thing you'd see on the BBC Micro back in the day :) The maze level was really well laid out and the skeletons really made me jump when they popped through the walls! I wasn't able to get past the second level though - I think one of the jumps was maybe a little too difficult. My main criticism would be the background music on level two as it started to give me a headache after a minute or so. Really great first effort all in all though! Keep it up!

Love Ringu and the Ju-on movies so this one instantly intrigued me. I liked the hybrid puzzle / survival horror concept where you not only had to draw the ghost out and run away from it, but pick the order in which you move them around in order to reach the exit.

Two suggestions I can think of:
- I think it may have been better if you simply had to draw them to a spot with a light rather than having to time it for when the light is on. I found this a little difficult to gauge and it came down simply to luck rather than planning.
- The mouse sensitivity was a little too high.

Good game though!