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A member registered Nov 15, 2024 · View creator page →

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I swear I've played almost every game type this jam but this is the first rhythm game. Good music and having such a variety of enemies kept it fresh. 10/10

Such a great unique concept. It took a few reads of the directions to figure it out but it has a solid gameplay loop. The art is also fantastic, I'm a big fan of the art style.

The maze had me totally stumped for a while, but to be fair I'm absolutely not smart enough for a game like this.

Proud to say that my dumb self was able to beat the game! Only took almost 2 hours (-_-;). Solid escape room game with some fun out of the box thinking needed.

I like the dice rolling concept. Learned not to full screen the game lol.

A fun yet stressful management game. Visually vary neat with a lot of flavor added through the news and phone calls. Well done.

I am a sucker for hex based games. Hexagons are the bestagons! Learning curve was a little steep but it was worth it.

First boss rush I've played this jam. Love the retro look and the gameplay was smooth. The bosses were definitely a challenge!

Super nice vibes. Of the bat felt a little like ultrakill. Got swarmed quite a lot but felt satisfying to blast a crowd and jump out of there. Great Game.

It was added a little late in development so it wasn't mapped very well, but if you press A (or Z on keyboard) while pressing B (or X on keyboard) you can back up with the battery to prevent getting stuck. I'm assuming that's the issue you ran into, as its been a pretty common one (⭑•͈ 𓎟 •͈ )

Thanks for playing my game. Level three in particular has a second battery to use on the other side of the doorway. Future levels you can take them through but I hadn't figured it out when I was making that level (-‿-")

Holy fuck these levels get hard. I was knocking them out until about level 8 then my brain just stopped working. This is by far the best puzzle game I've played this jam (including my own XD). 10/10

Once I actually figured out how to boost effectively I was shmoovin. I do wish there was a benefit to going faster other than not dying. The art is also very fun, love me some dancing green men.

How have so few people considered electromagnets for this theme. Great and creative game!

The platforming was more different than the parrying. Great game!

Super smooth fast gameplay. Simple and to the point! Great game!

Game of the year!

Love not only being the bad guy but also the dungeon builder theme! Good game!

Was not very clear about how to make connections with the wires, but once I was able to figure that out it was a lot of fun. It scales very fast.

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May not have shown up on the leaderboard but I needed proof of my success.

Holy shit a typing game, in my game jam? 10/10


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The first round I played I got one tapped by the cpu, just my luck. After I actually got to play it was really fun. Nice game!

Didn't expect any visual novel types to pop up this jam, but a nice surprise. I was a little confused by the enemies at first but I got the hang of it. Nice game!

The isometric style is awesome and I love the premise. I feel like the scaling needs to be changed. I found myself in a lot of runs stalling out or being overwhelmed in a few turns because of bad rng. Awesome game nonetheless.

Love the atheistic, and the Mario galaxy type  planet gravity.

Waaay harder than I thought it was gonna be, but that made beating levels so much more satisfying. Very polished visually.

What a hilarious and short little game. You had my undivided attention the whole time. I'm just glad we didn't have a gremlins microwave situation on our hands.

Super fun to play. Did take a few try's to figure out how to dodge security and there are a few staircases that you get caught on the top, but It kept me entertained til the end. very cathartic.

Shitting and pissing myself in the overflow 10/10

Champion scaling go brrr.

Hey, thanks for playing my game! The original plan was to have each line show if it was being powered, but unfortunately the Gameboy is limited to rendering 10 animated sprites at one time, so it had to be axed pretty early on. If I was to work on the game past the game jam at all though I would definitely want to improve the visual clarity of some of the lines and switches. Seems like a common complaint :/

Perfect golf game. I definitely see this getting played in a video lol. 10/10

Neat platformer than implemented the theme very well.

I did not expect an emotionally in depth bubble life simulator. Very unique and a neat playthrough. I will miss my bubble child.

parry to x100 multiplier, die, repeat. Good shit.

I exploded myself more than I'd like to admit, but I had fun.

Absolutely perfect game. I regrettably took a sip of coffee right before the second slide popped up. Reminds me of an old flash game i used to play were you were trying to hide a fart from people at a bus stop. 10/10

Fun concept. I noticed that the music stopped for me after a bit.

I like this take on the mini metro style mixed with the theme. It looks very clean and was fun to figure out.

I love being a valued employee!

The controls are so frustratingly bad that they're fun, but it did result in some swearing as i tried to run across the room and attempted to hit a lever with my noodle hands as alarms blast all the while. 10/10 need more levels asap.