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A member registered Jul 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Lovely, really ambiant. Loved the vibe from start to finish. I don't really have a detailed feedback for I don't really do this kind of music, but I can say that I loved the soundesign and layering ! 

Heureusement que je suis tombé dessus, un jour avant la fin !

I finally listened to the entire soundtrack 4 times and finally want to say....

Ok. But you could have done more.

Amazing work on the soundesign, the layering and the panning. I really was underwater for 12 minutes, in a pleasant journey. Loved it, really not much to say, no critics or anything, just, great job !

Wow, live performance ! What a surprise, and a rather inspiring one ! I really loved this "bubble" of authenticity.

Bonus point : I'm a sound technician, and I know how painfull harp can be to record ! GG !

I said it before and I'll keep saying it until someone made me shut up : chiptune is a really hard kind of music to make. And yet, you did it very well ! You said you are pretty new to using daw, yet you already have a characteristic way of composing, a personnal way of doing chiptune, that's impressive as fock ! 

Really cool, really unique. Love the mix of the two really different sounds, orchestral and synthetic. I find it to work really well, especially in "I'm The Cat Burglar!". Time to go home is a total vibe, really efficient and with some pretty jazzy harmonies I really loved.

Beautiful singing, make this submission ABSOLUTLY shine. GG

Really impresive for a first take on the genra ! Cool submission, the production is good, the composition got some really neat ideas. GG ! 

Loved the fusion of expermimental , very panned-based electronic music and more "traditional" orchestral ! I find some ambiant elements to be quite overwhelming in the mix, but still a really deserving submission that I liked to listen to !

Ok I absolutly drove in your submission as soon as the first synth dropped, so I'm gonna try to write a good feedback : fantastic OST, loved the composition, creativity and practicality (in the sens where it really could be in a video game) of your tracks. Your low ends would really benefit from a better mix tho, but that's really the cherry on top. Overall, fantastic work, really loved it ! 

It felt so eerie going through your submission. Really cool ! Nailed the sounds and the panning, I really felt like I was in a vast piece the whole OST. Loved it !

Very coherent submission, all the tracks are so good, feel related without being repetitives. GG !

Wow, that's an incredibly unique take ! The sound design is absolutly amazing.

Really creative take, with a lot of good idea ! I think some need more refining, such as the glitch to the voice that make it go crazy stereo, or the synth that go a little to loud from time to time. Overall, really cool and unique take on the theme, GG 

Loved it, really chill, really well made ! I don't have a lot to say except good job

Loved the cuteness and simplicity of thoses tracks ! If I had one thing to reproach, it would be that you don't use dynamics enough, especially for the piano. But overall, really soothing OST ! 

Really cool orchestral, I even smiled to Aaaaaah, favorite for me ! GJ

Still don't work !

Loved the submission, good orchestration and the spatialization is lovely, GJ !

Chirurgically clean music, really love the chiptune-lofy vibe, you didn't made it the entiere personality of the track, just some little SFX here and now, some astucious sound choice, and it really show ! 

Really cool track, had a good time listening to it ! Really good fit for space exploration. Maybe a small thing is, I think minimalist long pieces really need to evolve slowly but constantly, and it felt like sometime the music was looping, but really neatpicking here ! Good job !

I love the track, definitly see the Minecraft inspiration, really ambiant yet have a lot of character to it ! GG ! 

The mix is amazing : two different genre that just sound like they belong together, instruments with really similar range perfectly mixed, I just don't have a lot to say because of how good it is. 

At least I did lower your karma a bit ! 

UNDERRATED GEM ! I had "Children's of the Whales" vibe  from the goddess theme, my favorite really ! 

First of all, the covert art is so cute. It perfectly illustrate the music, and the vibe is on point, clearly the strongest part of your submission. GG

Internet jungle is my absolute favorite, you did an excellent job overall, really fun and original submission !  It's not the style of music I listen to, yet I had a really good time !

I can see it, I can see the game ! That's a good sign. You had a vision and you made it alive GG ! Love the two endings !

Really good use of leitmotiv, felt so coherent and pleasing, absolutly love this submission, one of my favorite !

The fisherman track is MASSIVE ! Incredible work !

Really pretty piece, I love it ! The sound design on the "blip and bubles" and panning is amazing, the orchestral is STUNNING, I just really love this track !  It's dense, and it has heart !

Good work, can't wait to see what you'll do in the futur, you have the idea and the talent to do fantastic pieces !

Loved it, the fusion of style work for me, really liked it ! Mixing big angry horns and an electric guitar must have been a pain in the aff, and just for that I admire you and this submission !

I loved the three, really great proposition, rich and colorfull

I crave for more folk and live playing in video game music ! The first track was AMAZING ! 

The 2 piano tracks are really shooting too, what an achievement for a one week jam, GG

That's really cool ! Love the little percussions, they all have a ton of character ! The panning is top notch, the mix is really clean, I don't really know what to add. Absolutly nailed it.

Lovely !  Really well executed, the concept is so cool and the OST are all really nice ! I don't have much to say except that I really love your layering and the sound choice you made. Pertinent. 

One of my favorite this far, crazy concept and excellent delivery, just a blast of an OST

Super Funky, that's music I love to have in my playlist for hard physical work ! Overall, really fun to listen to !

Well, this is an exemple of the masterpieces sound design can make. I just don't have the word 

I'm biased because I love orchestral, but this is incredible. Listening to your work felt like I was playing a relaxing yet epic game, such as Journey, but with more water.