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A jam submission

imaginary of an innocent mindView project page

five tracks for the game ''imaginary of an innocent mind''
Submitted by MurilloChiarelli — 3 hours, 50 minutes before the deadline
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imaginary of an innocent mind's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3483.3843.688

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

HI!!My name is Murillo and I live in Brazil. This text was written in Portuguese and translated into English using Google Translate. I apologize if it's bad. Imaginary of an Innocent Mind is a game about a girl called Luna, she is eight years old and has always preferred to live her days imagining whatever comes to her mind than anything else. She likes to imagine non-existent scenarios like the time she imagined swimming in Neptune or when she imagined being a queen of animals, mini green plastic soldiers, etc.The Game is full of mini games, it starts with the first time that Luna's imagination is shown. The stage starts in the sky, she steps on clouds and has to climb a windy mountain (inspired by only jump!) and on top of the mountain she starts chasing monk cats. The second phase takes place at school where Luna is faced with several puzzles that have to be solved with little time. In the third phase is where she becomes the queen I mentioned and is faced with several choices that will influence the end of the game.The choices will define the player's character.I didn't have time to make a specific track for this phase. The fourth and last phase occurs when Luna and her parents are having dinner and a cockroach climbs onto Luna's arm. She is scared but when her parents help her the cockroach has already invaded her mind.The first part of the level consists of Luna running away from the cockroach (inspired by Temple run) and the second consists of a fight (inspired by Street fighter).
I used Sibelius to compose and the sound is from noteperformer.
It was a pleasure to be part of this event, it's the first time I've participated and I'm looking forward to the next editions.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Credits to @kawaakar._

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to be added

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (Game Jams)

For game jams only

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Beautiful strings and lovely textures. Well done!


omg Luna Theme was beautiful :') 

Good Job ! ^_^


Heh... good dynamics, good string work, and... I don't even know what else to say. Well done!


Gostei muito do seu uso do Dynamics

I liked your use of Dynamics a lot



A beautiful soundtrack! Your string writing was excellent.

I think this soundtrack is screaming for some more reverb in the strings though, it would make everything pop that much more.

A fun listen all around. Great work.


Uau, esta musica eh belissima! Boas melodias e harmonias. Gostei muito. A tensao em "aaaahhhh" e muito eficaz. Acho q o intro foi o meu preferido. Orbrigado por compartilhar.

P.s. Ha um pouquinho de portugues no meu album.


Really beautiful music, full of interesting bits :) good work!


Nice orchestration here. Its a pleasure to listen to it.


Your orchestration work is beautiful. I also really liked the structure of your music, everything sounds so coherent but also interesting and captivating. It also sounds like this would be a really fun game. Great job! Greetings from Chile :)


A hug for Chile. It really is supposed to be a fun, funny game, etc. Something similar to the anime Spy × Family.

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Really cool orchestral, I even smiled to Aaaaaah, favorite for me ! GJ


Thank you very much Pyöveli, this track represents a crucial moment in history. It's also my favorite

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


I am very impressed with the music you have made! I absolutely love your use of the main motif in almost all the musical pieces. You really did a good job of making them feel connected and part of the same game!

You have done a great job making a wonderful orchestral piece!

That is all I wanted to say, have a good day!


(Vou traduzir isso no Google para facilitar a leitura!)

Estou muito impressionado com a música que você fez! Eu absolutamente adoro o uso do motivo principal em quase todas as peças musicais. Você realmente fez um bom trabalho fazendo com que eles se sentissem conectados e parte do mesmo jogo!

Você fez um ótimo trabalho criando uma peça orquestral maravilhosa!

Isso é tudo que eu queria dizer, tenha um bom dia!


Thank you very much mice, it took a little work to keep all the tracks connected but still have a particularity for each track, this gives a lot of depth to the soundtrack.

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


I'm very impressed with these! As a fellow submitter who went the orchestral route, I can really appreciate this. Great work!


oh yes likefire let's go together

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Hello Murillo!

In "aaaahhhhh" the tempo change at 0:15 surprised me quite a bit! 

The whole track shows how well it reflects emotions from the perspective of a little girl.

You have made a wonderful orchestral ost!

I hope it is understood in Portuguese, I wrote it simply ☺


Thank you very much layla, I dedicated myself a lot to this event and being recognized for this is really good
I noticed your effort and I repeat, it is a great job.

I love this! Your melodies are very playful, and nice to listen to with some really pretty harmonies with them. I think your writing for the strings is very well done, and the piano writing is gorgeous as well. Aaaahhhhh is a very fun song, especially because it feels so different compared to everything else. Your storytelling with the music is very clear, and matches with the story you told us very well! Good job.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

(reposting the translated version of my comment so that op doesn't have to do it themselves!)

Estou colocando isso em inglês em um tradutor para o português, espero que faça sentido!

Eu adoro isso! Suas melodias são muito divertidas e agradáveis de ouvir, com algumas harmonias muito bonitas. Acho que sua composição para as cordas é muito bem feita, e a composição para piano também é linda. Aaaahhhhh é uma música muito divertida, especialmente por ser tão diferente de todas as outras. Sua narrativa com a música é muito clara e combina muito bem com a história que você nos contou! Bom trabalho.


Thank you very much Pixcele, I'm a pianist and I love writing for strings, so it worked well. The track aaaahhh comes when Luna's imaginary is invaded by the cockroach, so I tried to keep the previous themes and at the same time put a horror in the music

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Supercool strings voices on the intro.   This was dope good job


Thank you very much exedexes, I dedicated myself a lot