Yeah just game jam things, always going to be bugs. Tried again and was able to clear, once I got the upgrades going it flows really well!
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Great concept and REALLY excellent polish and art/animation, 40 more levels + a few more mechanics and this is a full game. Love the different feel of the two characters. One might say that the slippery spirit controls are too slippery but one also might say GIT GUD N00B :P (im the n00b, but i did git gud, after a few tries) (Also its a spirit, what do we really expect, you'd be falling over yourself too if the grim reaper was after you! +1 for realism)
Also very impressed at doing this with a team of 4, we (3) improved quite a bit since the last jam we did but coordination on that short of a time scale is TOUGH so big props for that.
Thanks for the feedback and glad you liked it! Agreed, the UI needs a lot more work put into it, I really wanted to actually have it show on the map what each building was doing (range of effect, which resources were coming from which tiles, but ran totally out of time :(
Grrrrr the layering, thanks unity tilemap! *shakes fist* (I am probably doing something wrong but no clue why they just flip sometimes...)