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A member registered Jul 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Love this album! Is it okay to use your music in a gamejam game if proper credit is given?

This was really interesting and quite addicting. I found the rounds to be just the right amount of length and the artwork is pretty nice. Glad you submitted this, great work!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and I appreciate the kind words.

Congrats on entering your first trijam! I liked your art and thought the whole gameplay loop was actually pretty satisfying. The controls were also easy to understand and worked well. Nice job!

Took me a bit to get a hang of where exactly to put the nails in, but after that it was quite fun. It surely was challenging and a little tricky, but it kept me engaged for a good while. Enjoyed it overall!

I got more enjoyment than I would've thought from zapping the little aliens with a taser. I'm unsure what that says about me.

Haha, yeah it was definitely quite a bit more challenging then I had planned but thats the fun of NOT leaving enough time in the process to playtest:) 

Glad you appreciated the idols disrupting the movement! That was part of the initial idea and what I was going for when I decided to enter this jam. I had a few other game mechanics in mind too but had to reallllly scale back to get everything in in time to submit.

Thanks for playing and I appreciate you leaving a comment!

The game mechanic was a fun little twist. I really loved your art though! It definitely led me to check out some of your other games as well. Great job!

Oh you aren't imagining things! Can't save our country of freedom and prosperity without doing a little dance while BLOWING AWAY dissent:) I appreciate the kind words and thanks for playing! 

Oh no worries about the colors, honestly it was just placeholder art that I thought I'd get a chance to come around and change but those 3 hours come at you pretty quick! Thanks for leaving a comment and I appreciate you playing:)

Ha, thank you for playing. I'm happy my hasty blend of mechanics gave off the illusion of balance:)

(1 edit)

I feel like I was destined to be an Eggitect. Loved the simple colors and you choosing to focus on the structure itself being the actual challenge.  Great work overall! Looks like I'll be coming back to this game a couple of more times until I finally overcome that last level....

Amused by the out of the box idea using these two gameplay mechanics. Even better, they actually work quite well together. The top town bit could be pretty difficult sometimes but it was still fun:) Great work putting this together for the jam in 3 hours.!

Thanks for stopping by to comment and for all the kind words!

That's a pretty high score, especially without surviving all 5 nights. Apologies for the completely unbalanced and slightly unfair gameplay:) It was quite rushed towards the end!

This is actually pretty entertaining, but the difficulty in the beginning can be quite a hurdle. I appreciated the sound never getting old though, and it was always fun feeling like you barely made it through the next day.  Enjoyed my time with it and it's impressive you fit so much in for the jam! Great work!

I was a bit unsure if I was doing things correctly with the temple, but it can be quite difficult to fit everything in under 3 hours when developing! Some instructions or clarifications on the game page might help a bit if others get confused too. 

Overall though, I loved the look of the temple and the switching back and forth between the mechanics still seemed to work quite nicely.

I appreciate you playing and thanks for the kind words! I tried to implement as many of the little game mechanics I could without losing my mind within the time limit:)

I don't think I've seen this kind of mechanic before and it's definitely interesting. While the visuals are simple, they're effective and the gameplay stands on it's own. I found it pretty challenging but after a bit I got the hang of it and I enjoyed playing a few more rounds! Nice job!

I'm happy you were able to notice those little details! That was basically the core idea/gameplay loop I was going for when I started but because of the time limit couldn't FULLY flesh out as much as I would've liked.

Usually I'd spend the first day or so just writing stuff down on paper and figuring out the balance/scoring but this time since I started last minute I just kind of threw it all in and crossed my fingers:) Hope the game wasn't TOO difficult over all! 

Wow, I felt humbled every time I somehow went BLIND and seemed to miss the smaller number because my brain my was playing tricks on me! Enjoyable game and the music/sfx worked well with the vibe of the game.  I liked this and the meteor/number mechanic was a clever way to provide tension! 

I liked how you were able to balance any difficulty by also letting the population increase during the day as long as you could move out of the way. Neat mechanic and good use of the theme!

Loved this! Very intuitive and the music fit perfectly. It does get rather tough when you have only a SLITHER of tower at the top though!  Visually your choices were also spot on.

The palette is a bit of mess with the red because some of it was placeholder BUT I appreciate the kind words. Thanks for playing and sorry about not letting you shoot! Shooting protestors is bad:)

That is a LOT of wolves towards the end! Fun little idea overall though and I felt engaged enough to keep playing. All the art and sfx fit well too. Nice job! 

Oh, btw your game page has a tiny typo that says "Made for Trijam #248" :)

Played this earlier in the jam and forgot to leave a comment! Just wanted to say I loved presentation and the sound. It added such an authentic feeling to the experience and brought back a lot of memories of messing around with those older handheld devices. Great work!

Definitely could use a bit of tweaking and balancing on tossing the bananas! I'm glad you enjoyed the different monkeys, I did my best with my VERY limited abilities. I appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!

Now that you mention it, Banana Hell might have been a more fitting name:) The bananas smacking yourself in the face is definitely part of the charm.

I'm glad you enjoyed the music from Holizna! It's very very good. I tried my best with the UI to get something to work in this resolution, so I'm glad I ended up on the BIG BANANA in the end. Thanks for all the kind words and I appreciate you stopping by to play!

Somehow I wasn't expecting this even after reading the title... but I wasn't disappointed. The intro/tutorial was easy to understand annnd the movement itself was challenging but fair. Great use of audio and the planet effects were neato. Well done and I'll definitely come back and check it out again since you said you wanted to work on it post-jam!

Enjoyed the look of the game and the overall vibe! Was a bit confused at first but the aesthetic and style won me over.  Controls also worked well and flinging a bowling ball is fun.

This was a neat mechanic for the jam, and definitely challenging. Love the idea of having the player in a wheelchair as well and the controls are simple and easy to understand without need for any explanation. Great job on your first game using PICO-8!

Yeah that collection by Holinza is amazing. It took me a while to find something I thought fit the game and when I stumbled upon that I knew it was right.

'Banana Boss' is the top rank for the normal mode so it's definitely good:) There's 3 ranks for the regular mode and 3 other ones for the hard mode. 

Thanks for playing and stopping by to the leave a comment. Glad you enjoyed the game and I really appreciate the feedback! 

Completely in love with this. I think I've spent more time playing this than any game in the jam so far. Was hooked from the opening, and then the gameplay really got me. The first fight I unfortunately fell victim to the Netherquakes, seemingly not blessed by the RNG gods. But honestly just well polished all around, incredible for a two week project, and 100% my type of game. Quite an amusing sense of humor as well.

Nice take on the theme! Can get quite difficult but this was a clever idea annnnd it had cute sprites. And I like the name.

Saw a bit of your stream and thought I'd check out your game! Both the title and main theme music are really great and the art also looks nice within the resolution. The gameplay, while simple, worked flawlessly and felt intuitive to understand. I didn't start to feel any challenge till around wave 10 so that ramp up could've been a bit quicker, but thats also preference anyway. Nice work overall!

Haha, no worries. It's the middle of the three ranks on the normal mode so it's not  bad at all! I really appreciate you playing and taking the time to leave a comment. Thanks for the kind words as well!

Ha, also fair. I completely missed that part. I think I usually have just been grading it with how creatively or interestingly people designed within that restriction. I can absolutely see why they added that the authenticity section was the most subjective. Thanks again for the heads up though!

Took a bit for me to understand the rules but after a while it definitely clicked. Interesting concept and a really clean and easily readable UI.  Had a lot of fun with this. Great job!

Oh I see, that's fair. I didn't take away from anything I read that there couldn't be more "modern" bits.  My only understanding from the jam page was to make sure that it was 64x64 resolution but I can see how those other things could play into the authenticity.  Thanks for the explanation and everything, I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward and for the next jam!

Quite well done, I enjoyed playing through this! The controls and movement felt great and then got even better after the upgrades and additional mechanics. The level design was also consistent and I never felt lost or confused. Overall enjoyable and the perfect length for the jam.

The aesthetic and atmosphere was so so perfect and consistent I was blown away. And the fact that you were able to cram all that within the the resolution of this jam? Masterful.  I never thought about how well FNAF type mechanics would work with something like Alien but it's such a great pairing. Your UI, audio, just everything is brilliant.  Amazing work, really.