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I am glad you enjoyed, thank you for the feedback! :)

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States above the NPCs was for testing, and I actually forgot to turn them off... 

You can click on other NPCs and if you do so the girl will get mad at you (you'll lose some trust) and ask why are you watching other girls, the same happens whenever you try to look at other guys, I mean not that there is something against that, it just wasn't intended xD, but the time wasn't enough to be able to polish the game!

Congrats, the music is amazing the gameplay is fun, the blindness doesn't seem to work for the whole game? Like I started had blindness once and then I wasn't blinded anymore! 

Got 54 as highscore ! :)

Very original, good job :) 

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Really innovative idea, I like the game but I find it missing a bit of polish with some work I definitely see this being a hit! 

I couldn't get past the third level tho, I am not very good with puzzles hahaha :(

Good job!  

This comment was ineluctable, hahahah.

I feel like this game is the lost brother of mine, the story telling of Sandwich Crew is very interesting and captures the player attention and curiosity from the very beginning, at first I started playing thinking the game would have gotten faster as the time went by, but instead I got surprised by the story that the game is creating and slowly but  steady I found myself eagerly waiting for the next character that would pop up or the next event happening or the next dialogue box appearing on the screen, really a great experience!

The only suggestion I feel like I can do is that the gameplay itself feels like it's missing something, the game does a very good job at getting the player interest in what is it's story, but it's more like I'm playing to see what is gonna happen next instead of playing because I like the gameplay loop, which is not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion but honestly I think it depends on the direction you want it to take. 

Overall I found it a very enjoyable experience!

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Sorry for the late response, I wanted to make sure to test your game before answering.

Yes I am actually surprised of how similar our games are in terms of ideas! I am definitely gonna write a comment under your game as soon as possible. 

Reguarding the gameplay loop, I agree it is a bit too fast at the start, in fact in the most updated build (you can find it on my account) I made it slower in the early part of the game and made it a little bit easier in the late game too, I am currently working on a build not published yet in which I am trying to release a more balanced gameplay and a playable tutorial aswell! I am glad you enjoyed the rats mechanic it actually was a last minute suggestion made by a friend that was watching me working on the game hahah.

I am thinking about adding the crates and the trucks slowly, I thought about starting the game with just 2 trucks and slowly adding up to 4 trucks in total, but I am still working on the gameplay design.

I agree that the rats mechanic is a little bit out of place in the gameplay flow, so I am trying to think about how to rework them to make them fit more.

Thank you very much I appreciate the deep analysis, have a good day <3

Thank you for taking the time to analyze the game and for the suggestion! 

Maybe I should consider adding a timer for when you complete the rats event. 

Anyway I am thinking about reworking the mechanic complitely since I would like to make it to be more cohesive with the main gameplay loop as somebody else told me in the comments!

For the exploit, at first I didn't notice you could play like that, but thinking about it made me realize that if a player sticks to the "correct" way of playing the game they will end up making more points compared to the player that tries to cheese the game, so I believe it is not a major issue as of right now.

This said I am glad that you enjoyed our game, have a good day <3

Good job mate, the game is enjoyable maybe a little bit too repetitive but fun to play nonetheless, I tried couple of times but unfortunately I can't seem to get the job done in time, the boss is really mad at me :( 

I was a little bit in tension since the game has kind of a horror vibe to it, especially when I failed and had to go see the boss hahahaha

Great game tho seems like it has a lot of potential! 

Hi, the game was very fun to play the graphics is very good overall it's a good game.

The camera shake may be a little bit too much during the intense and fast paced fighting moments, the grappling hook mechanic is really fun to play with for example when you grab an enemy! 

A little bit of polishing would make the game even better, also my PC is going on fire I suppose because the game has uncapped FPS! 

Good job tho, had a lot of fun! :) 

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Really fun gameplay, graphics is very minimalistic but it gets the job done, I had to try hard a bit but I haven't died once! 

I don't know if it's a thing already, I think it's not, but consider adding an immunity frame during the dash, I think it would the game more fun but maybe a little bit easier! Also I don't know if it's intended but I found that standing in the corners of the map as far away as possible from the boss might be the best strategy since you can keep charging your flow bar easily. 

Very good game overall, challenging and fun! Good job! 

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!

Wow this game really is amazing, the gameplay is very addictive I had a blast playing it, the graphics and the polish really are on point in this.

Really great job! 

Thank you for letting me know! 

The option "Shared array buffer" is already enabled, I don't really know what the issue would be to be honest :(

Wow it looks great, really good gameplay and I love the graphic effects!

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Thank you ! 

I am gonna play your game too today, it looks promising! 

Wish you good luck aswell ❤️

Thank you! 

I am very happy to hear that you had fun!

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Unfortunately I cannot update the jam version of the game anymore, you can find the most updated version on my account, in the latest version the belts have a starting state!

Windows version should be up and running 

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That's strange, which browser are you using?

I will look to uploading a windows version soon :)