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A jam submission

Crypt Climb - GBJAM 12View game page

GBJAM12 submission 2024, a vertical platformer - escape from the crypt by climbing up! Fully GB Compatible!
Submitted by ChunkySteveo (@chunkysteveo) — 13 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 21 people so far
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How does your game meet GBJam's theme?
Play as a skeleton and try to escape the spooky crypt by climbing out. Beware of the oncoming water (which can drown skeletons... apparently?!)

Didn't manage to get anyone to help with music, and I cannot play a tune to save my life - temp music is now just some drum beats that I have learned in Hugetracker from Beatscribe's music.

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Great work!  Loved the challenge and also thought your choice of soundtrack was effective!  


thanks! The soundtrack was as good as I know for now... laying down a beat track! 😆


It was very nice :-) A tad difficult to control, but the graphics were very good. Regarding the music; in my opinion, much better than without. It also reminded me of the intro to the Daft Punk's, Derrezed, my favourite track from the TRON: Legacy OST, so super ;-)


I LOVE the art. The pixel art has many details and this is great. And make for original gameboy its perfect. One of the best games of the jam, gratz! Please, continue the development and launch the official game.


Holy smokes - that's the kind of feedback I like to see, many thanks!! After reviewing it's positive views from the Jam, I think I will continue it to flesh it into a full game, with a few levels, and i'd like to make some kind of arcade mode where you're climbing for a high score.... May even look to make it GB Color compatible too and add a splash of color to the graphics!? Need a Hugetracker composer though, that's for sure!

Thanks again for the positive review!


A difficult but rewarding gameplay loop. I like having the completion percentage after each run to see just how much farther you got each time. Great job!


Nice. I like the T-pose the character makes :)


The graphics are oh so very nice, and the gameplay gives me nostalgia. Makes me wish I had a cartridge so I would be able to boot it on my GB!  Will instead play it on my 3ds. Good job!


thanks for the feedback! It's awesome on the 3DS, just hold start when loading it to put it in Pixel Perfect mode to get the whole DMG vibe!


Great job on the graphics! They have an extremely gameboy feel.


Thanks for the comments! It runs on Gameboy hardware, so I'd hope they feel like gameboy graphics! Lol!

Thanks for playing my game! 👌🏻

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It’s your heavy usage of the same tiles, placed in such a way that they never feel too repetitive… That’s the “It needs to fit on as cheap of a cartridge as possible” vibe that most GB Studio games are missing.


Thanks! That is the key I aim for.... about 3/4 unique tiles and you can spread them out to not look too much like it's repeating. 

Appreciate the attention 👌🏻 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great entry! Really loved the design, i needed a bit of practice to get used to this, but after time very pleasant ( i think velocity slide is a bit too long after stopping - but it's just my opinion). It looks really nice and it's fun to play, very solid!


Great game, good job on getting it to run on the Gameboy! It looks great, and plays well, but the left and right movement frustrated me a bit because of how long it takes to accelerate. I also hated how much I would bump my head and fall right into the water because I underestimate the jump height as well. As for music, it's not that bad, but if you want to get better at making music that would work well with a Gameboy I recommend using LSDJ. The UI is a bit hard to navigate but once you learn it it's really easy to use and it can also run on the Gameboy and uses the sound chips from it. Anyways, good job!


Very nice game, it takes a bit of getting used to. Fantastic that it also runs on GB. Well done!


Bro made the game run on a GB this deserves more love for real.

if I had a GB I would have loved to play it on it. insane how someone can make something like this. the gameplay is also really fun little platformer that controls really smoothly.


Thanks for the feedback! It's best played on a GB for sure. Check out GB Studio to get yourself into GB Dev... it's very easy once you've scratched the surface!


Nice one Stephen! \o/


Thanks for playing! I know your logo - on many a good GB Game!! haha


I don’t know how I did, but somehow the water did not drown me and I had to restart the page. :O

The controls are way too hard for my taste and I may have scream in frustration. The graphics are gorgeous though. Nice touch for including the multiple file formats to try it on real hardware. :)


thanks for playing! Yeah, the water has a hidden collision that is only a few tiles wide that tracks the player - you must have just fallen past it?! I'll add that as a bug - just increase the hidden collision - thanks for the bug report!

The controls are a little pixel-perfect-jumping.. I may remodel the level to reduce the pinch-points!!

Do try it on other hardware... on GB Pocket and 3DS it's very cool!


Gameplay is simple but effective! A little rage inducing with the slower than expected acceleration of our skelly friend, but other than that this is a nice entry!


thanks for playing! Second person to say he doesn't move as quick. I'll work on that for sure!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I think I want left and right movement to be quicker. Once I got my head round that, I found myself keep going back for one more go! 10%, 15%, 20%, it was satisfying getting a little better every time and working out the best routes!
Game looks great as well, well done!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the great feedback! There's a lot of control in the jumping, but yes - left and right is quite static. I'll test that if I expand on the game after the Jam.

Glad you enjoyed the incentive mechanic of the game to get to 100%... I can only do it using a 3DS and save states to save after every 'hard bit'....!!! I suck, lol

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The controls take some getting used to, but I do appreciate graphics, particularly the animated candles and water, and the rising water level is a really neat use of the overlay! I oughtta look into that full screen boss tutorial myself...
Oh and, I also appreciate that there's more than one path up the crypt!


Thanks for playing! The rising water was the inspiration for the game, although the final results was a long way from my tests! It works well though, and a clever use of the overlay window, with animated tiles too.


the platforming is a bit tricky and the graphics could get a bit more love, but overal is pretty cool n_n




The graphics was what I worked on the most, haha - d'oh!! I will take on your feedback though!


the backgrounds where amazing but the character not so much, but its great non the less


yeah... my bone drawing skills need improving.. I liked his skull, but struggled with his body. More animation frames too. Definitely something to improve if I expand the game. Thanks for feedback!


Love the overall graphics and the idea. Might look pretty cool on the GB! (haven’t tried myself) I found a bit hard to understand which elements are a platform to stand on or just background elements, the jump felt a bit longer than expected. Had fun playing after I got a grasp of it :)


thanks for playing! 

Yes.. the platform elements and background tiles are a little too similar on purpose to trip you up... but there's also a shortcut if you use this logic, to collect a skull.. 😉


aaaaah of course!


It was funny, not to hard ^^


Not to hard... I must suck at games, haha! The only way I have beat my own game was with save-states on a 3DS! haha


first 30% is chill