Yeah I think there is a narrow line between feeling drifty and feeling slippery, and we're just a little bit in the slippery category. Probably having a faster acceleration but faster obstacles would make for a tighter experience
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I love the interpretation of the theme, replacing body parts to become more mechanical is very cool, and gives the vibe that you are becoming more similar to the enemies over time. Cool level generation and enemy design, my only gripe is that the combat feels a little too slow for me (you want the weapons to feel weighty but when it's too slow they can feel floaty instead). Maybe experiment with animation curves in the future to give more oomph to those sword swings. Great job!
Yeah I've noticed this as well, looking back I think I should have made movement speed more directional, such that it was quicker to fall back than to move forward (in both forms). I wanted the movement of the car to feel different than the plane so I made it acceleration based rather than constant speed, but it looks like a lot of people found it too floaty/slippery.
Really fun game! Very juicy gameplay and good aesthetic with attention to art style and music. I think the post processing is a little heavy, making the game less readable, but the effect does add a lot to the tone. Transforming into ships with different controls is really cool, I would just be mindful that in my first game I started as the most basic ship and on each transform I transformed into the same basic ship, so in the future limiting the randomness to avoid things like this would be good. But all in all, great game, probably the most fun one I've played so far!
Loved this game. The puzzles were really well designed, each one after the first couple took me at least a few minutes and gave me that "a-ha" moment that is great in a puzzle game. Unique gimmick mechanic that I could definitely see expanded. Also, I love the interpretation of the theme and the sense of humor. Excellent job!
I like the idea of transforming into creatures with different abilities! It happened to me a few times where the timer ran out and I didn't transform, so it might be a good idea to influence the randomness to prevent that. Having a win condition or a score might also be a good motivator to play again. Good job on your first entry!
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that the game probably could have used some alternate controls, especially something like using 1/2/3 to control focus as an alternative to J/K/L. I'm glad you had fun and enjoyed the details with the skater animations.
The routes are randomly generated each time, and Hony procedurally increases or decreases his speed using several metrics in order to keep him moving around the screen so the player is engaged. All of his tricks and animations happen dynamically as he collides with obstacles, and rails cause him to change lanes, forcing the player to adjust camera focus.
Yeah we wanted to keep it somewhat difficult, so there's camera sway and drift towards the center, but I could imagine if it was too much. And ideally I would have liked to do framing based on percentage of Hony within the camera's collider, but we didn't have the time, so I made Hony have three invisible colliders (Board, Body and Head). I think the camera's collider adjustment when zooming could use a little fine tuning as well.
I like the art style and assets, also the underwater theme is cool for pac man. My first game I won really early, and my second game three of my ghosts got captured and then it wasn't really possible for me to win. I also couldn't tell which of the bubbles powered up the AI, so maybe making them a different color would help.
This is a new and improved version of our game jam game submitted for the GMTK 2022 game jam. Roll dice in this Yahtzee-inspired Western to defeat rugged criminals and collect their bounties. Meet a cast of humorous characters and fight in one-on-one battles using nothing but your dice and your wits. Down a shot of whiskey before breaking a bottle over your opponent's head, or load a shot into your trusty revolver before firing it off on your next roll. Become stronger by beating your opponent and swapping their dice for yours. Test your skills in three difficulties and a new endless mode!

We just released the improved version at!
We just released the improved version at!
We just released the improved version at!
We just released the improved version at!
We just released the improved version at!
We just released the improved version at!
We got a lot of feedback on both the help panel as well as the dice hover. We made a change for after the jam so when you hover over a die, it shows the description of what that face does. Also, the indicator at the top shows all 6 faces that are on that die.
Be sure to check it out after the jam, we have an update planned with new difficulties and an endless mode!
Thanks for the feedback! We considered giving the opponent rerolls and having them use them when you use yours, but opted for more deterministic enemies so you could strategize your turn more easily. While this makes it easier, we felt it would have been too frustrating setting up a cool turn in response to your opponent only for them to reroll and change it all.