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A member registered Nov 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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i blatantly ignored the rules and i paid the price. 10/10

great catch! yeah, we found out about the hole on the last map almost immediately after submitting, it was a real forehead slapper. thanks!

thanks for trying it out! no specific discord community, we’re just a group of people that know each other.

it’s because every block can be moved by people playing the game! you can mouse over shining blocks to see who was the last person to move a block. since the gifs were made, most of the level layouts have been completely changed by players.

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haha, thank you for the super quick review! you’re easily one of the first, if not the first, to try the game out. our time got really slim towards the end of the jam and yeah, that bug slipped right through. we’re still slowly piecing together our landing page (it’s super late for all of us), but hopefully we’ll have everything set up very soon!

i think the difficulty of each level is marked well, and i like that your own actions directly contribute to the chaos rather than it just being generated for you. the game looks and sounds great, and i really enjoyed that there was a cutscene added to the first level.

i did struggle a little with the dash mechanic, which didn’t always seem to fire. possibly this was just a result of hitting the colliders of my past self, but the game’s quick pacing made it difficult to read what was going on sometimes. i do otherwise enjoy the concept a lot!

i like the concept, although i kind of struggled with the map rotating while you’re trying to navigate between bullets. the “task” you complete on typing some numbers was very funny to me for some reason, i like it a lot. i think a bullet hell with objectives you complete at different places is actually really neat!

i also noticed that entering the task causes your pause screen to break, although i admit i was trying to pause so that bullets would pass through me without hitting me, haha.

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the idea of being able to change gravity towards all six different directions is very cool, and i think the visual design of the game is polished and i really appreciate the work done on the audio!

it seemed a little strange that there was a limit on the number of bullets you had before reloading when the enemies increase exponentially. i spent more time trying to figure out how to abuse gravity to get enemies to fall out of the station, but ultimately the entire game crashed due to the excessive number of spawning spheres. regardless, i think this demonstrates the cool idea of having nearly full control over gravity!

i like the idea and the visuals are super well executed! there was obviously a lot of care put into level and enemy generation. after figuring out how the enemies deal damage i was able to start experimenting with combinations of colors. i think the best part of the game to me was just seeing how the different effects worked with one another.

i will say that after dying a couple of times and ascending two floors i started to take damage for no apparent reason. possibly an enemy was invisible or a weird calculation was being done on a hitbox, but several of my runs just ended spontaneously because i slowly lost health while walking around. i’m sure this wasn’t intended and i otherwise really enjoyed playing!

there was a lot more depth to this than i thought there would be! i’m impressed by the starting cutscene and i’m glad the game helps you figure out the controls as you move forward. the length was perfect — five sections felt exactly right. i also really enjoyed realizing that the blue clouds had their own trick.

i might say the game felt a little easy! it definitely has the right chaotic nature to it, the spawning speed at the end of the 40 and 50 levels felt good. possibly it could have just ramped up in speed a little sooner? regardless, that’s all balancing and overall i found this super enjoyable. awesome work.

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as a solo project in a week this is really impressive! the programming is super tight, the game feel is great and the controls are simple but effective. i got a few minutes in before wishing there was a strafe key, came back to the control list and sure enough, there was one!

the music is bumpin and i think it’s very cool you not only made all of these art assets but managed to get everything to be destructible and have a consistent feeling. also i really like the way Brutus looks. breaking open houses and finding caveman in it was a fun realization — i think the design of everything here really came together.

as a huge rhythm game buff, i’m completely biased, but it’s really difficult for me to find a single category i would give lower than five stars. i think this game fits really well into the theme while having a twist to the familiar rhythm game formula that i haven’t seen before. the concept of playing and getting to hear each layer of a song get built onto itself is really appealing to me and you guys executed it perfectly. especially since i’ve spent a lot of time putting together stepmania charts that have tried to balance between instruments, i was immediately hit with a “why didn’t i think of this before” playing this game.

i ran about a dozen times until i finally managed to get a bad and miss-less run (got a perfect + 5 goods). the song is really nice, introducing drums and then bass works super well. the visuals are very consistent and other ambient audio like bitcrushed voice clips and sound effects pulls everything together. i love the record scratch-like reverse noise, it’s exactly what i was hoping to hear. for what can be accomplished in a week, i’m super impressed! also, nice itch page design.

all of my criticisms are minor. i didn’t find a way to leave a run and exit to the main menu, so when aiming for perfects i had to close the entire game to start over. i also didn’t see any visual for when i got a good or a bad, so it was tough for me to tell where i was off in a song. a few sections of notes definitely felt placed off time with the tune, but only ever by a fraction of a second. also, maybe i’ve just gotten used to a certain visual format, but the distance between the F and J tracks actually took some adjusting to, i might suggest keeping the distances between each vertical line the same if possible? personally, i thought the difficulty scaled really well, but i can definitely see this particular song being difficult for a new player.

okay i’ve definitely spent too much time crafting this review but i thoroughly enjoyed rhythm rewind so i had to write more than usual. you guys definitely deserve to place well in this jam, but i sincerely hope you see good reason to pursue a fully-fledged game following the results!

and… maybe even make user-created tracks possible? haha, just an idea!

i really like the concept! and i greatly appreciate the button that allows you to jump to the end of a stage, haha

as others have mentioned, i had some difficulty with the wall jumping but am mostly concerned with the way that collision seems to occur with a delay, or in areas where it doesn’t seem appropriate. making the hitboxes for elements that kill you smaller would help favor the player, but possibly there is a bug in the collision detection?

i jumped to this game specifically because its tagline stood out to me, so i would definitely have an interest in seeing it expanded upon from a demo!

thanks for the input! i agree, there were definitely more original ideas i had in mind before i got started, i ended up deciding on an idea that was simpler because other ideas felt too ambitious for me to finish in time. it'll definitely be something i improve as i get the hang of game jams.

i'm not sure why you didn't hear audio though, there are a few sound effects when moving, winning, or hitting a mine.

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really good to hear that it was difficult enough to be worth overcoming and not so frustrating it was annoying. that was definitely one of my main concerns regarding balancing movement. thank you for taking time to comment!

thank you! speedrunning was very much on my mind, i considered adding a timer but ultimately decided against it in the end.

this game is super polished. art assets look nice, audio is clean, has a lot of great level designs.

i tried my best to get full scores for every level but the second and last two levels really had me beat. on the second to last level there is a spike tile that just appears to be invisible for me, which i only figured out was there because i died on it and couldn't place my own block over it. i'm not even sure i can get a full score on that level as long as that tile kills me. okay, i read the game description all the way through. glad to know it's already been noted, i guess i just wasn't smart enough for that last level!

overall this is definitely the best game i've reviewed for the jam so far, i would love to see this built upon in the future

man this game is HARD

honestly i was going to be more critical of the difficulty but it's all smooth once you get used to it, the levels are nice and movement is punchy. overall really enjoyed it!

i didn't experience any weird bugs. i'm a little annoyed by the blocks having a diagonal corner but you still collide with it as if it's a square, but it doesn't affect very many of the levels

cool visuals, surprised that i got to interact with the actual rotating planet. the soundtrack fits pretty well. i honestly found several of the decisions funny

a bit confused by the color of the nodes. it was also hard to tell which direction the bars would go when i made a decision. since events were time-based and some of the bars moved on their own, i didn't always have the right amount of time to read and decide whether my decision was going to shift a bar left or right.

overall, i think the presentation is good and the pacing fits the theme well! nice job

very nice! i was surprised by the amount of content, this is a pretty fully-fledged tower defense-like. all the visuals are pleasant and consistent, the sound work is great, and i was able to figure out everything i needed to know to play the game from reading the help and messing around in the game myself.

i saw it mentioned in the game description already but it's worth mentioning that i got the bug where an enemy spawns inside of the wall on all of my attempts, which also unfortunately prevents the game from moving forward (your projectiles can't hit the enemies either). but it seems like you guys are fully aware of that and plan to continue working on this past the jam, which is great!

overall i would definitely be looking forward to a more complete version of this. i think the style of the game is already present and makes for a really great jam submission!

good take on the theme! art assets are simple but effective. very crunchy walking sound effect. i'm glad that the description says so explicitly to pay attention to the character's thoughts otherwise i would've just missed it.

the siren noise was a LOT louder than i was expecting. the game is pretty difficult overall, i didn't manage to get past day 3, but i understood the mechanics. the number rises a lot faster than i was expecting and i was a little disappointed that the point at which the reactor explodes is only 1000 more than the goal (you end up reaching that VERY quickly). most of the time i would end up 1000 short of the goal or i would blow up -- so i suppose i would say the game is a little too hard for me, but others may feel differently.

visually really consistent and the audio ambiance sets a good tone. i like the concept and the levels are ordered well in increasing difficulty. 

my largest issue was that i wasn't certain when i had reached the end. the room shown in the preview image is where i ended up and i think that was the ending of the game? the only suggestion i would have for game mechanics is to display the key you dropped on the panel itself (in case people forget what key they left where). 

otherwise encountered no bugs and found the solution to every level after a decent bit of thought! nice work

really clean graphics and sounds, it was easy for me to figure out where i was supposed to be going and what the detonators were meant to be used on. i like the number and difficulty of the levels too, clearly all well thought out. 

my only minor complaint is that i had a fair bit of resetting to do when i got caught on the very edge of a wall or when i detonated slightly too late and got stopped by a door. for the latter case, maybe doors shouldn't fully stop the player?

regardless, a great game that i would gladly play more levels of. impressed that this was the first game i encountered to review