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A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Although it appears that this version has a glitch where you fly right past the treasure chest and can't actually beat the game. So if you want to actually beat the game, you're still gonna have to wait till 12:00. Looks like I win this round.

Wow I didn't expect someone to hack into the source code just to play it! I just thought people would change their internal clocks to 12:00.

Great Question.

This is really good. Such a great idea executed wonderfully. The timing and managing everything almost made it feel like a rhythm game. I do think the language should be toned down a bit. But otherwise, Great Job! 

This is really cool. The progression of abilities is really neat and going back to the first area after having the new spider ability is really cool. And the boss fight at the end was really cool. For me it was actually harder to try to get killed by him without accidentally attacking him than it was to actually try to kill him. Great Job!

This is really good. The idea is really creative. The gameplay is interesting and fun. And the upgrade system is amazing, not only adding replay-ability, but the fact that every upgrade makes it harder for both the enemies and you is absolutely genius. Great Job!

Thanks for playing! I used scratch, because while I am learning how to use unity right now, I'm not comfortable enough with it to make a full game yet, especially in 48 hours. 

Ok this is really fun trying to balance keeping obstacles out of the way and keeping the bird up. The only problem is that it ends too quickly. I would love to see and endless version of this. Great Job!

This is really fun trying to balance all your numbers and survive. The only problem is that no matter how hard I tried, I could never get even close to the hospital. I would've loved to see it, but it was just too hard for me. Still really fun though. Great Job!

This is pretty fun, but for me it too quickly devolves into tedious preciseness. Having to start over and over again every time I died was really annoying. But maybe I just suck.

The game looks great, and it's a fun concept, but unfortunately the gameplay is completely unaffected by the choice to be giving treasure instead of stealing it. 

This is really clever and fun! I wanna try to do this in real life against some competent opponents. Great Job!

The physics are great, the graphics are great. I just wish there were more levels. You dangled such a fun idea right in front of our faces and then literally left us hanging! Great Job!

This seems like it would be fun, but it's a little too tedious to play. I think if the controls were simplified it would be really fun little mobile game. Great Job!

This is a really cool concept. I do wish there were more levels, and the security guards would usually not go all the way where I clicked, I think it would be more fun if you could control the selected guard with WASD, but this is still really fun the way it is. Great Job!

This would be a really fun game, but there's the obvious wind exploit. Playing through again without using the exploit is much more fun, but having to ignore a mechanic to have fun is a little rough. I think this could be very easily solved if the only way to win was to kill the player. This way, you couldn't just stall out the timer with the wind, and you'd actively have to play the game to kill the player. This is so close to being amazing. Great Job!

This is really fun. The controls feel really good, and the frog splatter on the front of your car that slowly builds up is a really nice detail. The main problem is that it can be really easy to go off the top or bottom of the screen and then it's really hard to tell where you are and how to get back. I feel like it would be really easy to fix that with some barriers on the top or bottom of the screen. Other than that, Great Job!

This is pretty fun, but it's a little too clunky and unpolished. It would definitely be helpful if launching the ball was a button and maybe the power of the launch was dependent on how long you held the button. I also think there should be railings or something so you can't fall off on the z axis. But this is a pretty solid foundation for something great. Good Job!

This is cool. I've always wanted a game where you play as bowser and try to kidnap peach officially from Nintendo. Unfortunately this usage of the theme only works within the context of the Mario universe. If you get rid of the art assets, there's no reversal of roles here. I also thought the game was way too easy, and feel that it would've been much harder if Mario was faster than you so you had to use clever routing to evade him. Still a fun game. Great Job.

That was a really neat story. There were some misspelled words but it's fine. I loved the sprite when you get damaged. It was kind of annoying that when you walked you were hugging the right edge of the screen so you couldn't see enemies coming. I also think that the mechanic of leveling down when you fight enemies would be really interesting if you could fight the security guards but doing so would make you weaker, and you also make it more difficult to just jump over them so you have to decide whether to fight or to avoid them. Overall though, Good Job!

Ooh that does sound really cool.

It's hard to tell, I think it may just not be snappy enough for me?  Like if the gravity instantly reversed when you tapped it but was still weak compared to a hold of the button, that would make it feel better. Or maybe it's not the gravity itself but the momentum of the green guy. Cause the biggest problem for me was when he'd be hurdling toward spikes, even when I changed the gravity in time he just had too much momentum and kept going into the spikes anyway. I don't know, hopefully that  helps?

This is really clever and fun. I think that if the birb flapped at a constant rate, that it would be slightly less frustrating. I get that the flap is telegraphed, but it is a little difficult to react in time. But that might make it slightly too easy so I don't know what the right call is. Great Job!

This is a neat idea, but the physics feel a little weird, and I don't think reversing the roles changes very much. I do like having to hit one of the white balls first so you can't just shoot anywhere. Nice work.

The art is also really great.

This is a really good game. I love tactics games and I love chess. The mechanics were great and the art was great. I do think it would be really cool to have a third level with both enemy types where both players have to protect each other from certain enemy types. But this is still really fun. Great Job!

This was really well made. The controls could be refined a little and this would be a really fun high score game. Great Job!

This is a really cool idea. Could definitely used a little more explanation, but it works well. Great Job!

Thanks. I'm sorry I can't play your game since it's downloadable.

Thanks! Sorry I can't try your game, but I cant download games. It looks fun though.

This is really cool. I love the fact that you added the ability for the level to be rotated to make it more than just a platformer with reversed controls. The story was a nice touch too. I did clip through one of the levels at one point and got softlocked which is a shame. But other than that, Great Job!

This is a really clever twist on the entire game jam format itself. Turning trying to solve peoples problems with the game into a puzzle is really cool. Great Job!

Thanks! Originally Zone Time was going to be a power up instead of a meter, and I almost think it might've been more fun that way. 

Yeah it was hard to test balancing cause I don't actually have a mouse for development, just a laptop touchpad, so I decided to err on the safe side of difficulty, but I'm thinking I made it a little too easy. Thanks for the feedback!

This is really cool. The idea is super unique and I find it super impressive that you made all or most of these 3d models during the game jam. I did have a bit of a hard time trying to find where treasure chests were and how to put stuff in them, I think just a little more direction would be nice. But still, Great Job!

I used Scratch, which slightly contributed to the game's limitations, but it was mostly just me and a lack of time/creativity.

This is fun, but I feel as though the usage of the theme is more of just a visual choice, which is fine, but it would've been cool to see it affect gameplay somehow. I also weren't sure what any of the upgrades were, so I just picked when at random when I died hoping it would help. I do love that the game over screen is literally just a mowed lawn, it fits with the theme and I find it hilarious. Great Job.

Oh I thought I tried it and it and it didn't work. That makes it even better. Nice!

This is really great. Insanely polished, plays great, looks and sounds great. The "leveling down" mechanic is definitely really interesting, but it does feel kinda painful every time you do. The great, adrenaline filled feeling of leveling up in most games is completely reversed in this game. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like maybe having some small increase in one stat as a reward for your sacrifice would make it feel at least a little better. Really great game though!

This has a really cool concept, but it feels like it's not capitalized on fully. It kinda just feels like, "Go over here, get killed by this enemy, Go over there, get killed by that enemy, " Which is a bit of a disappointment. I feel like an adventure that's a little more open ended and "handholdy" would make it more fun to discover the new abilities you get from enemies that kill you. However, the pixel art and animations are absolutely gorgeous, and some enemies are really fun to play as, I especially like the pig. NiceJob.