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A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like it! Took me a moment to realised it was left-to-right instead of top-to-bottom gameplay, 

I love the cave-painting premise and that the hand gets paint(for lack of a better work) on it when placing your pieces etc.

I enjoyed the premise, and enjoyed playing the game - I'm not really one for idle games myself.

It wouldn't let me get sticks (It said you can get when you have 100 stones and I had like 1000 at one point). The music was chill though and overall a nice background game (Which is what I guess an idler is, right)

I hope you enjoy playing my game - this is the first time I've used 3D in a game.

unfortunately cannot play - I had the issue of getting so confused about exporting and the files needed on my first game jam so no worries - would be nice to be see what you've made at some point though :)

Hi there! Thanks for playing and for your kind words. 

Sadly the dialog was added in like the last 20 minutes of the jam so a bit of a rush (that's why the space button goes over the text, sadly) As a result I forgot to mention that the players cannonballs work differently to the enemy cannonballs - more of a mortar effect which lands where the mouse is at the time of firing - that's on my for missing out that explanation - apologies!

Thanks again so much for playing and your feedback. :)

Thanks for your feedback and for playing! the last few hours of the jam was a bit frustrating as I couldn't get the enemy ships to fire toward the player - thankfully I got that fixed about 30 mins before the deadline haha - I like your suggestion about the key bindings - I hadn't thought about that before. Thanks again for playing :)

Thanks very much for playing and for your comment of course. 

Thanks very much - it was a bit of a rush to actually get the enemy shooting mechanic working in the end - wanted to work more on the game but just didn't have the time. Thanks for your lovely feedback :)

Hi there! thanks for playing and for your feedback - I had in fact wanted to ass a crosshair to the mouse position but just didnt have the time sadly - that's the way it goes in game jams I guess haha.

Thanks again for playing :)

Never thought I'd be moved by a yellow circle - I don't think I've played such a story-driven game from a game jam before - very nice!

Fantastic strats there! I hadnt thought to do that myself. Thanks for your kind words and for playing!

Thanks for playing! Yes, I was going to implement a crosshair which appears briefly at your mouse when you pressed fire, to make it more obvious but just didn't have time. Appreciate your feedback - thanks very much :)

Thank you very much :) That's a good score - the enemies even manage to kill me after 2 or 3! May have made them a bit too powerful. Oops

I really enjoyed this - didn't read the comments beforehand and felt like a proper moneybags - really like the different attributes given to each creature! Not played many tower defence games myself but thoroughly enjoyed this game - the sounds effects were great also.

Like others have said - just balancing to make the game more difficult with less moneys.

Thanks for playing! I was especially proud of the cannonball splash - I used YouTube videos for reference!

I agree about the enemies - I struggle with them myself! I only got their cannonball mechanic fixed about 20 minutes before the deadline so no time for testing strength or anything unfortunately. Thank for your feedback :)

I love the concept of a gameshow / blind date kind of format and adding in the minigames was super fun! I completely failed the first time but had to replay once I got the idea. Loved the humour too

*fish noises*

Great name for the game - fun to control all the fish and the giant squid was awesome. loved the menu fish movement too - a bit of fun when you're not even playing!

Nice to see a comeback from Rou - I played the helicopter game a few jams back! When I saw them flying in I was like "hey I know that character!"

Lovely game, and I loved the effects - the bomb explosions were lovely! Art style was cool also. I also liked that when eating fish they are drawn in to your shark-subs mouth and you don't need to line up perfectly - makes the game more enjoyable definitely. 

Don't know if it was just my computer (probably was) but it struggled a bit in my browser, but I'm aware that may have just been me - I'd have liked a windows download to try.

Thank you very much, and thanks for playing!

I think you should feel incredibly proud to create such a well fleshed out game in a jam - the amount of items in the shop, the different locations - FANTASTIC! 

I didn't run in to the travelling bug as I didn't try to travel before I was worthy.

Ah even so - it's a beautiful game! Like I said, would love to see more with this aesthetic :) good work

I love the idea of controlling the iceberg instead of the ship! reminded me of the adultswim game "giant boulder of death" a little in that regard, along with the whimsical music.
The sploosh sound effect was great too . I will say it took me a couple of tries to stay alive and to actually see a glowing ship to know what it looked like.

I also like the transition between start screen and game.

I think I'd have liked to have seen a counter of how many ships I'd sunk in the end screen - not just amount of time that I've survived for - just so there a reason to go for ships (apart from the satisfying sploosh sound) moreso than just dodging everything.= for a better time.

Overall a very enjoyable and dare-I-say addictive game.

Didn't quite manage to fill out the map as much as I wanted before the deadline unfortunately so there are only a few enemies - hope to expand further in the future if warranted - I hope you enjoy my little game!

P.S. I also forgot to activate the backing track before exporting - whoops! That's game-jams I guess!

I liked the exploration part of this game - felt almost like an n64 game in its aesthetic. Would like to see the level more fleshed out with things to do, maybe even some kind of help to find missing gems somehow so you're not searching for ages. Overall enjoyable and lovely to see a 3d game.

The artwork for this game is amazing - very pure. I collected all 8 of the shiny-shinys but nothing happened, swam about for a bit longer.

Don't know if i missed something, but would love to see more artwork like this in a fully-fleshed out game.

I liked the art and the tutorial art was very helpful! The laugh the enemies made when they turned creeped me out probably the same level as before they turned haha.

Enjoyable game.

I love the aesthetic of the game, it feels lovely to play though I struggled to figure out what I had to do... also I got stuck on a crafting screen without knowing how to exit.

I think it's a good implementation of the build system - I haven't played with player placing tiles in any of my games yet as I can't get my head around it haha. The idea of game jams is to learn new mechanics and new things to implement in the future games you make, and for that I'm very pleased for you. The game is a great demonstration of the learning process.

Like others have said, having this as a base mechanic and theme has scope to build up on :)

I want to brew myself a tasty warm drink, get in to some comfy clothes, wrap myself in a blanket and play this game.

Lovely aesthetic, nice story-based gameplay and very nice character development and world-building.

Would play again.

I liked the mechanic of losing charge when you were in the sun, not something I've seen done before using light2D nodes so that was pretty interesting! 


Lovely polished visuals and nice puzzle solving gameplay. I live the camera movement for points of interest and the like. very nice.

I enjoyed the game - attached is my score - I struggled a bit at first to get the hang of placing things, but soon got the hang of it. I definitely think this game could be more scalable as others have said. Maybe adding time for building construction or something, can definitely see potential there.

Overall a nice game :)

Really enjoyable swinging movement and game feel - loved swinging through the skies!! Solarpunk spiderman feels. I did get smashed up in a wind turbine though so maybe I'll leave extreme solar panel cleaning to the professionals

Hey there, thanks for played and taking the time to write a comment :) Really appreciate your kind words :)

Hey there, thanks for playing!

I agree about the tutorial absolutely! Didn't have time unfortunately as is often the way with jams.

Thanks for your kind words - most of the sound effects are from freesound.org besides the jump sound the running sounds and the enemy spawn sounds which were myself. I haven't used sound in jams before but it was always something that people mentioned would help :)

Thanks again for playing and taking the time to post a comment :)

Hi there! thanks for playing. Apologies about the web issues you were having - I made my game on a surface go 2 which has limited processing power and I realised that struggled to run in the web player on that device.

And yes, tutorial would be great if I had the time :) 

I originally had the ammo device on the left, so you had to run and fill up the ammo when you ran out but it didn't make much sense to me, I guess  was trying to limit the player from just having unlimited ammo, and in hindsight the ammo indicator (the 8 lights on the gun) probably should have been a hud element instead :)

Thanks again for playing and taking the time to comment!

Thanks for playing and for your feedback! I completely get the need for tutorial - I tried and tested a lot of things I hadnt done before in this game so didnt have time unfortunately (also stupidly tried to do the no words wildcard, which in hindsight was probably an overreach.)

Thanks again for playing and taking the time to comment! :)

Congrats on your first game jam!

Lovely little game - Nice implementation of features like a parallax background (very nice) 

I liked the artwork also

I think moving forward if you were to make another platformer I'd probably consider implementing coyote time for better game feel. 

Yeah, good work!

Nice simple game - I enjoyed being the decapitated floating head of a futuristic solar punk!

I enjoyed smashing the stuff up - the guards caught me a couple of times but fun!

I did get stuck watching a guard in level 1 by accident and thought I'd broken the game but then the mechanic was explained to me later on. I think it'd be worth trying a couple different mechanics or level layouts if you were to develop this further - maybe you have to turn off the power to the panels first, then smash? 

PUNK SMASH! *does best incredible hulk impression*

Loved this game - really cool to control different robots. I found the jump mechanic a little finnicky and kept hitting my head! Guess I'm not elite enough.

Overall lovely game, nice aesthetic and I like how you used colour to show you were controlling the bots.