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A member registered Mar 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Damn! Crazy time you got there mate. Glad you enjoyed the game <3

Thanks for playing. Yeah a sandbox area was not included in the end :(.
Others have mentioned that it is not good to take the movement away. Now I know better
Thanks for the feedback

Great aesthetics with your terminal look. And great addition of the endless mode.
- Design
- Unique controls
- Boss. Felt good to fight against.
What could be improved:
- Movement: Personally I am not the fan of it but that not important. Problematic is the all black background. For the player it is hard to know if you are moving and in which direction. This works somewhat when enemies are on the screen. But a little discernible background would have been great.
- Movement direction: I would have liked the addition of diagonal movement. When focusing specific enemies it felt weird to not be able to directly follow them.

I enjoyed playing your game.

What I liked:
- Visuals!
- Map design felt right
- Lighting! Nice one

What could be improved:
- Combat: the cooldown on the laser is to high. If you start with it alone you shoot. Wait 7 years and see your second kid graduate and when she has her kids you can fire the laser again. How about reducing the cooldown a lot and make the laser weaker? Limit it's range that way the player still has to come in close and personal.
- Tentacle: I liked it in the beginning. But later it is very hard to engage the enemy. You have the dash for that. Nevertheless I always took a lot of dmg when trying to get close. This could be maybe solved by giving some Iframes when using the dodge. Or changing the enemy variety to include more melee enemies and less ranged enemies. This way ranged enemies would become more of a priority target for the player.
- Acidpool: I found it's use very limited. The slime does not stay for very long. When fighting the enemies don't move that much, because I am circling trying not to get hit. For it to be useful I have to get close. Which as we covered before is rather hard. 
- Upgrades: I would have liked to see more variety instead of only flat scaling. E.g. powerful laser that shoots for 3 seconds but has longer cooldown. Big tentacle with longer range, but afterwards it has to regen for longer?

Great game you made here.
A lot of depth and a lot of depth with upgrades and more.
Would have loved to see an endless mode.

Controls could have been more refined bla bla bla. But that is just nit picking :D
Gameplay was top notch!

Great game with a nice concept.

- Mechanics
- Idea of health being a resource to be used great!
- Visual

Could be improved:
- Speed of the game: Currently the game encourages the player to go slow (which is boring :( ) . When slow not many cops spawn and it is easier to react to them. This way the player can farm blood for the more costly upgrades.
To fix this maybe make it so that more cops spawn the the player is moving slower.
- Upgrades: I would liked to see the introduction of scaling upgrades. Each roadblock upgrades gives - 0.10% speed on hit or something like that. Same with the guns. That way the player can try to achieve high scores and doesn't run out of upgrades (like I did in my run)

Overall great game! Which asked the question. What if the trolley needs to kill the people tied to the track to survive/ feeds his family :D

(1 edit)

The level of polish on this game is awesome!
- Different starts kits were all unique and felt different to play.
- Boss death animation <3
- Sound, Art, Polish ... all great

What could be improved:
- Distinction between character and bullets. Quite often I was confused where the MC is right now. Change the color of MC or change maybe the color of the bullets?
- Spinning balls. They seems a bit to weak for me in comparison to the other options. Especially against the boss
- When finishing a stage all pickups left on the ground can't be picked up :(. Either let the player walk around for like 3 seconds more or auto collect them. That was a bit frustrating when playing to me :(
- Some modifiers like double wall appeared multiple times. But when I picked them again nothing changed :(
- Anomaly: I feel like the game would have been even better if the final boss were a lot tougher. Maybe you cant even beat him. The longer you survive against him the more points you get. And he scales with time that way he will beat you at some point.
This would lay the focus on scaling your build while trying to have minimal anomaly as long as possible. I say all that because right now I feel anomaly doesn't play such a big part in the game. When you reach the boss you are gonna be strong enough to beat him anyway. In my first run I ignored anomaly all together and beat the boss easily. But that is just my opinion. Curious to hear what you as the Dev thinks about that.

Cheers <3

I waited pretty long for the cube or anything else to load. Perhaps you could upload a downloadable build and send the download link? 
Sound interesting and I would love to try


Great game! As others before mentioned I struggled quite a bit with the rules that govern change.
Problematic is that it is quite easy to finish the first few levels just by doing "random" rotations. You would need first level that guarantees that the player understood the base principle. Or something else that isn't easily solvable by random moves alone, but still easy enough to do. I guess that would be rather difficult :( 

PB: 18.42

First time I ever saw this kind of art in a video game. Look awesome!
- Sound
- Art
- Control
- Mechanic of shooting the drones: Adds depth to  the game and more decisions for the player to make.
- Death particle are nice!

Could be improved:
- Checkpoints: I feel pre determinded checkpoints on a per map basis would be better than randomly  generated checkpoint positions. That way the player could learn the map design and improve his/her score with knowledge over the map. With the added benefit that it removes rng from the spawn point and getting therefore makes getting better times less frustrating.
- Obstacles: I would have liked to see more interaction with the asteroids. Bumping into them, shooting them to get rid of them ... 
- Visuals UI: The arrows are sometimes hard to pick out during play. And because they are not arrow shaped confusing in their function. It took me about 10 tries to figure out that the second marker points to the next checkpoint after the current checkpoint.
- HP: right now HP feels very irrelevant. Instead of 10 maybe 3 to 5 would have been better.

All in all great game! Enjoyed it <3

Congrats on reaching it that fare!
You are very much correct about it being hard. It was added in the beginning and never probably adjusted. In addition your important tools like the dive and walljump are taken away their.
If I were to do it again, I would make aberration modifiers that change more in the level and less with the player.

Cheers <3

Thanks for playing!
There is indeed more about the Aberration theme. After beating the first trial 2 times (after beating it once you have to confirm that you want  to progress at the right scroll next were you respawn ) aberration modifiers are introduced. These make the game harder. 

The first takes away the ground afterwards the player can decide which modifier he wants to enable.
I recommend you give it another try :D
It can always happen that you miss something ^^

It is quite hard to get over that wall with the backflip and walljump.
Because of that the jump combo exists (you probably know it from Super Mario jump again after landing with the right timing two times in a row and your next jump is gonna be much higher) the scroll next to the wall teaches that you.

I recommend giving it another try :D

Cheers mate

A slower acceleration was something I was aiming for. But in its current form it is to much. I agree with you.
What do you mean with the slipping after landing? Do you mean he carries some momentum after stopping?
Do you have a scenario in mind as an example?

Thanks a lot for playing and giving feedback.

As other have mentioned before. The twist is just awesome. Good job not showing any screenshot of that section :D.

- Concept
- Controls
- Nice tutorial
- Sound

What could be improved:
- Reload button instead of reload page
- Skip tutorial button
- Size of the hitbox of the enemies. I my opinion could be greatly reduced. As the player I want to make the tight turns and twist in between enemies. Right now this doesn't work.
- Knockback: I don't like the knockback. Knockback is supposed to get you away from the enemy that way he can't hit you again and you can reposition. But here most of the time when I got hit it was because I wanted to dodge the enemy. Then the knockback would hit me back in the direction I came from. Problem is in that direction was the line of enemies I was trying to escape from in the first place :D. This way it often resulted in me getting knocked around a lot and taking multiple hits. To fix this I would get rid of the knockback. I would be interested to hear your and others opinion on this.

Great job! Nice game and keep "cutting" those vegetables

Very much true. Presentation and polish were swooped under the carpet this time. The only real asset is the scroll in its two forms :D

Thanks for playing <3

You are right about the acceleration. When the player completely stops moving on a platform it is rather hard to accelerate.

The potatoe sack made me laugh <3
Thanks for playing and commenting <3

Props for finishing and doing the code, sound effect, voice lines and art yourself.

The player character needs some more work. He feels hard to control.

Good job and continue the hard work :D

I am joyed that you found the same fun I and one of my friends had. And you bring up a valid point. The player gets used to the movement kid and then it is partially taken away from him. I should have focused more on Aberrations that change or add to the level. I only had one Aberration like that on the second page. 

Out of interest do you remember what medal you got and what time? Because for my friend who played it he had a bug where he always got the red medal with any time. 

Thank you for your comment <3

Ps take a look at this:

Thanks for playing!
What do you mean with color?

(1 edit)

I can sure send you a link for a windows version. This will take some time though, because my internet sucks ass and it takes some time to upload. I will notify you when it is done uploading :D

Password : Aberration

Enjoy <3

Can't add you on discord for some reason :(
Thanks for your elaboration helps a lot. But I disagree with you when it comes to the control during jumping. I had a different version before where the player had full control and this just felt wrong and terrible to control.

For the camera I can not take any credit. I started with the Unity 3D Starter Assets which include a Character Controller which served as my base for the movement. This class includes all Camera Controls.
You can take a look here:

I like the animations and visuals in the game.
With the help of the cross hair as my enemy detector (because it goes red when there is an enemy in sight even behind wall) and the wallbang gun (which can shoot through walls) I was able to complete the game.
What could be improved:
- The gun: I feel like the gun could be removed. Because the only way you are using it is to shot the enemies through the wall or when they get stuck on the environment. If the enemies wouldn't get stuck the easily catch up to you and during that time the damage from the gun is way to little to finish them off.
Instead maybe focus more on the stealth part of the game?

I enjoyed the story part of your game

- Visuals: Background, Main Character, Combat
- The story you told
- The music was very fitting too

What could be improved:
- Combat: The combat was very bare bones and felt like a chore for me. Attack, dash, attack, dash, attack, dash...
Not a lot of change. I feel you could have gone without it and instead focused even more on the story part and the storytelling
- Visuals: The 3D models which were pixelated looked weird and out of space with the main character not being like that. Either you could have gone full 3D models or sticked to 2D in my opinion.

Cheers <3

I enjoyed your game. When searching for the third key I already had a hunch what might be behind the door. ^^ And I was proven right. But great execution on that.
- Atmosphere was great (Sound nice, Movement sluggish = perfect, Light, Cramped space)
- Changing environment (texts appearing later)
- The notes and placement of notes in areas that can only be seen on the way back (or placed close to ceiling)

Could be improved:
- The maze: It is nice for it's atmosphere. But problematic for the gameplay. At some point it is very likely that you are just stumbling randomly around (which if you wanted that effect is nice)  searching for the keys. Your placed markers were great for finding the "main way" to the door. But nothing similar exists for the keys. For me it was just applying brute force to all possible ways.
- Static atmosphere: If someone is subjected to certain stimuli like Sound, Light, Environment no matter how scary they are. With time the person will get used to it. This happend with me too.  Nothing changes, everything stays the same and you lose the feeling of danger (like slowly checking each corner). Which just breaks the atmosphere.
To improve this you need to change the tension over time. This is already done when having all keys and opening the door. But never anywhere else.
One could introduce flickering of light, reduce light in certain areas, sound that get louder the closer you get to a certain area and then abruptly stops, rising water maybe (would add time pressure too)
- Narration: I like the reveal behind the door. But the narration completely ruined it. The player is not stupid (most of the time :D) Let him come to his own conclusions. I don't need extra narration about poster and notes. Because the notes already give me all the context and content that I need. It felt out of place in this game and felt more like a friend making jokes while I play the game than anything else.

The could be improved part is longer because the good stuff doesn't need much explanation in my opinion. I just wanted to point that out, because what you have is already great. 

Cheers <3

I very much enjoyed playing your game. My best score was 30K
- Slowdown time on death (nice)
- Movement of ship (after cranking up mouse speed)
- The zones you had
- Atmosphere etc.

What could be improved:
- Scaling of zones with time. The first time the speed zone comes it's really  hard because you are not used to it. Maybe you could add a modifier where with increasing time the speed zone movement speed gets more. Because right now in the beginning I feel it is to much
- Rockets. I had problems with them. Because you feel very much in control during the game and when you fail it's usually because you did something bad. But the rockets are random and when you are in a tough spot the easily end the run. My idea to improve this (because I due like them in certain situations and the added pressure the give) to have longer warning for them. Right now the warning appears and the come really fast at you. You could scale this warning time down the further the player has progressed (like the rockets in Jetpack Joyride if you know it). Because when there is a longer warning you know you can not move where they are during the next X seconds.

Great and simple game!

Nice atmosphere. Destroying blocks is fun and satisfying.
I had problems with a buggy walljump sometimes.
I would have liked to see the big clouds in the sky to not just be scaled up clouds. Because the pixels are then gigantic compared to all other pixels.

I enjoyed your credits very much too.

I know it‘s hard to get people to notice your game. I can recommend playing other people‘s games and commenting. Often in return they will play your game

Here is my entry. Will rate and give feedback to yours today.

Looking forward to your game!

I am always looking for comments which help me improve my work. It would be awesome if you gave my game a try <3

I am interested to see how many games you are gonna play this time. Looking forward to your stream

Thank you!

Thanks for playing.
How far did you play? After completing the stage 2 times Aberration modifiers are introduced. These change the movement and stage to something more difficult. 

The movement needs some work. Weird with the camera rotation jumping around. 
Thanks for the feedback

Thank you for playing. I think the reset button is introduced at stage 2 or 3. 

Don‘t be sorry for giving your honest opinion  i profit the most from comments which say what was not good. 

I know a plattformer needs flawless movement, which definetly is not the case here. But could you elaborate on the Player versus moment mechanics problem and why you it feels this way?

Thanks a bunch <3

The visuals are quite nice and fit well together with the audio. I agree with everything being a bit too much pixelated.
I struggled a lot with the camera. It moved always to fast when I moved it. Maybe a less limited camera (limited regarding constraint angles) would have been good here. To allow looking up for example.
The way the environment beats to the music is great too.
Nice one!

I liked the snow falling down and the darkness ascending upon the town later.
But I felt lost while playing it. Lots of open space

Nice visuals and interesting camera viewpoint.
I really struggled with the controls. In addition for a game where it is likely that the player crashes/fails fast it is important that the player can try again soon. Here it takes a long time between each try. This discouraged me to go faster, because failure would mean a long wait time.
You should try to get someone to play your game during development. That way the person can tell you when the control scheme feels off.

I like your idea of combining the colors to get the new magic effects.
But I had problems with invisible enemies and other bugs which made the game hard to play sadly.
Nevertheless cool concept and good job for sending in a game