That would have been a great idea. I actually thought that my given explanations were enough. Talking about being stuck in my own head.
Thanks for playing. Cheers mate
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I played this previously too. I still like the idea. I would have liked to have the story told differently. Currently it is a bit of a lore dumb. Maybe some bits between fights.
I find the dodging phase a bit to easy. Especially when you repeat the same actions multiple times. I would like to see more randomness.
Interesting idea. I would have liked to see a more complementary use of the 2 characters. The player has to do it at the beginning. But later when it comes to tight platforming its not important anymore. It felt like I had to do a section 2 times instead of 1 time. In addition the hitboxes of mines were a bit to strict for my taste.
I enjoyed this. Sad that I am just that good. No enemies want to come face me. I agree with what others said. Currently I dont see a use for the dash.
I would like to see more difficulty. Currently it's rather easy. Just that the player has to put in more thought when to pick up the sword. When to kill enemies and more. Currently I pick it up. Slash a bit. Place it down further from the enemies.
Maybe in combination with bullet hell mechanics? Or some other mechanics that change the area. This way the player has to plan their swings more careful.
Great game!
Played the browser version you uploaded.
I like how to camera follows the player. Look nice.
I find the game a bit to hard. I took me several tries to beat level 1 due to the limitation of available items.
It did not feel like the green dots were helping me at all.
Therefore I had to build a catapult with 2 attracting magnets at the side. This way the ball goes through the middle.
I would have liked to have no collision with the magnets. I feel this would have made it easier.
Good job on finishing the game.
Nice one.
A tutorial would have been helpful. I was very confused at confused when and why my abilities changes.
Afterwards it was fun. Managing the available area and switching between the 2 modes.
Although I would have liked to see quicker switching between abilities. Sometimes it takes half a second or so to update.
In addition maybe a indicator when a specific corpse turns into an undead.
Good job!
I agree with Yuio on the UI and graphics. The are great.
I think the gameplay can be improved. For example by not showing the integrity of the bomb, but instead showing only an indicator. This way players have to calculate the risk of further holding on the bomb. Currently I feel like one player will hold onto the bomb till it's integrity reaches 1 second and then shot it towards the other player.
What do you think about that?
You have an interesting idea. But I believe it still needs more work in the oven. Currently it's pretty straight forward. Just hit the next magnet. This means the amounts of shots are the same for each time. I wasn't able to skip any magnets really. And I believe this goes against the "golf dream".
I can imagine that you idea would work better if you had some magnets in the area that had a bigger influence and could not be picked up. This way the player would need to use the magnet to their advantage.
I enjoyed this a lot. I feel this has some potential. In its current form it is way to random but with some adjustments perhaps. My first round took around 15 minutes :D
I like the graphics a lot too.
Regarding gameplay:
- I would like to see more strategic use of resources. Right now every turn is the same regarding resources (coins). I get my normal level. What if I could hold on with attack and shield coins as well as with special coins? Or atleast to some degree? This way I could wait for better special coints to deal more dmg to my opponent
- Perfect for a deck builder/ coin builder. Have some special coins e.g. this tail will always land on tails...
I think there is plenty of potential.
All in all. Give the player the ability either through strategic use of resources or deck building to improve their chances of success.
P.s. Anybody who reads this. Give the game a try. It's fun! Even without a browser version.
Cheers mate!
Nice 3D models you made there.
I also like the minigames you made as well as the kraken pulling you underwater :D
I would have liked to see a increase in difficulty with each mini game. Something like speeding up the time the player has, or increasing the speed of the fish ....
Also I was a bit confused by being teleported to the start after fishing.
Good job
Great 3 pixel models and in total good polish.
The final level was very frustrating. It feels very random. Ice cubes just hit you, hit you through objects, the girl sees you.
I would have liked to see you lean more into the magnetic objects. Maybe remove the ability or limited the ability of the player to move by himself. Because currently I feel like the ability of the main characters has not enough impact on the game.
Good job guys!
I like the idea and concept. Sadly I could not really play much of it. The sandwhich and ghost mini games dont end for me. End when the bar at the top of the screen fills up I am not brought back to the main menu
Maybe it's just my system but I could only play a little of it.
Interest to hear if others had similar experiences
I agree with what others said. Nice concept that puts a unique spin on typing games. But also missing fullscreen.
I found the words on the track very hard to use. More often than not they were harmful turning me around. I know that my ship is points in the direction of the word but it was still hard to use. More often left or right was better to use.
In addition I often was stuck on the side of the track :(
Nonetheless great game with nice concept. My time was 2:47