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A member registered Aug 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great homage to Insaniquarium and evenly addictive. I couldn't figure out a lot of those fishes yet, for example my aquarium was flooded by pills no one wanted to eat and that blue fish didn't want to eat anything yet. I just refreshed the browser window and saw that there are other kinds of fish - are those random? So maybe I got combinations that don't fit well together?

I think the core gameplay loop and mechanics work great. I would've liked it more if the other kind of fishes were gradually introduced, instead of unlocking them all at the start. Maybe that way it would be easier to learn what those fishes like. In my opinion it's great that you don't have something like those pesky aliens attacking now and then like in Insaniquarium, those were really stressful. On the other hand I missed those little helpers you could get after some time, e. g. the snail to collect coins or I think there also was some auto feeding mechanism.

All in all great entry with lots of potential to build upon.

Oh, probably .NET framework needs to be installed - most computers already have that installed from other games as well.

If you are interested to play the game, we could investigate further, if you don't want to take that effort, I can understand as well.

If you want to get an impression of the game, I made a full gameplay video:

This was a fun experience, really felt good. I think it'd be nice if the text speed was little bit faster, because it felt really slow, especially the opening crawl. The artstyle in the intro feels a little bit inconsistent as there are different pixel sizes, but the artstyle in the rest of the game feels consistent again. The parallax background bugged out for me, so that I often had no background on the right side of the screen until it plops in.

I found the crab running with you and holding up that shield really great. The little banter between all the characters was also cool and made the game feel alive.

Just tested again, I overestimated the range of the stun by a lot. :D If I am right next to shrimps they get stunned.

Very cute racing game. The visuals are great the music and sound is fitting perfectly and the gameplay feels well polished. Had a good laugh as I bumped into something the first time and my fish spun around like crazy. The controls are really fun as soon as you get the hang of it. I think the checkpoints might be a little bit too small, so you missed them really closely sometimes.

Thank you for your nice feedback. :)

Thanks for the feedback and nice words. Interesting that it lags when the shark attacks, actually it doesn't spawn, it's always in the world and swimming around, so maybe something in my chasing logic is too performance intensive - gonna have a look at it

Thank you very much for the feedback, great that you got all the achievements, happy to see that somebody really explored everything! I am happy that the achievements felt rewarding. Maybe I should put a disclaimer somewhere that this is not a horror game. :D

Didn't read the description, so I just expected a platformer, but was surprised by a puzzle game (+ platformer). Really great entry, sadly I didn't finish the game yet, because I was stuck in that relatively open area with several enemies and I didn't get how to beat them. Can you even or do you just have to outrun them?

I found the mix of platforming and puzzling really great and the level design in general as well. The puzzles had the right difficulty, not too hard but not too easy either. I was a little bit annoyed that you couldn't just hold the mouse button for bringing that water down on the stones. Repeatedly clicking was tedious.

Had lots of fun playing, even though I didn't beat the game (yet ;)).

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Great game - is it inspired by "Feeding Frenzy" by any chance? :D Had lots of fun with this game (like I also had with Feeding Frenzy in the past).

The backgrounds of the first two levels were a little bit distracting, because it also had a lot of fish, making it hard to distinguish between "real" fish and background fish - this was especially the case for the first background. Sometimes I had the feeling that bigger fish spawned already inside of the map and not outside of it which resulted in an insta-death for me - I mean in the end it's my fault for staying too far at the border, but still.

The turning felt a little bit strange to me, maybe because of the pivot point where your tail just flips around. I never used the dash, because I felt that it didn't really increase my speed and thus didn't help me - you also could move really fast by just using the mouse, maybe some clamping would be good there.

The third level was pretty challenging, but had lots of fun beating it. It always feels so satisfying when you reach the biggest size and then can just gulp everything away.

EDIT: Oh, didn't talk about the audio. The music and also the sounds were also very great and fitting to the feel of the game.

The music and artstyle are really cute. At first I had some trouble to realize that I need to scan the corals, because I missed some feedback (noticed that there was some dim highlighting later, but that's really not that eye-catching). The controls take some getting used to, I think a more traditional approach would be a lot more accessible. After noticing that the enemies only stun you for a short period of time and you get i-frames afterwards, I didn't really consider them a danger or challenge any more - so I just swam right into them and then used the i-frames to get through them.

It was a really fun experience nonetheless and was very pleasant to look at, nice job!

I think I just committed fishocide to all those poor fish in the cells (at least the levels made me think I'm in a prison). Nice concept, was fun to play. I liked the little secrets you hid here and there.

That was a big download and it brought my computer to turn on all the fans. D:

Fun idea for a platformer, although the controls feel really floaty. I think you got a lot of content in, but could have invested more time into polishing. One checkpoint (I think it was the second one) in the tutorial is placed so that if you respawn, you instantly die again. When hitting escape, there is no possibility to continue the game - only let's you return to the main menu or to the party boat - not really great if you hit the button far into a level.

All in all a nice entry, but needs more polishing.

Nice visuals, sadly I didn't fully understand the stunning mechanic. I tried to stun shrimps, but they just happily continued to swim even if they were right next to me when I stunned.

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Wow, this was a wholesome experience. A full game and fully polished. Great art, great audio, great fun. This is nothing you normally see for a game jam. :D I only have two negative points and one idea. 

First negative point being that the balancing might be a little bit off and thus the game feels a little bit too easy, especially after you fully upgraded the attack speed. Second is that I only really seldom used the fish powers because they did not feel of much use to me (except the heal).

A nice idea could be to make the fish slots function as a sort of shield. So if an enemy swims into a fish slot circling around you, he gets damage and the fish slot is used.

Great work overall!

Quite relaxing game with a nice gameplay idea. Of course it gets repetitive quite fast. I would have like it if there was any way to influence which fish you catch, because at it is, it's just pure randomness here and thus I wasn't motivated enough to catch all the fish, even though the images were really nice to look at.

The game looks and sounds fantastic, I love those calls of the enemies and the player. The visual style is really unique and plays nicely with the lightning. It was a little bit hard for me to grasp how to fight the enemies or better how to let your allies fight for you. After few tries the farthest I got was level 3, it would've been nice to be able to respawn at least in the last level instead of level 1 all the time. Really great and fun entry!

Nice looking game, sadly I only ever got 4 sea horses before the time ran out. In my first try I found that big abyssal hole, but never found it again. 😅 The controls didn't feel that good and intuitive to me (I used keyboard and mouse). I liked how the sea horses were only subtly highlighted, enough to see them, but not too much on your nose. Nice entry altogether!

Really lovely game with such a nice artstyle. Getting past the catfish was little bit tedious and I was a little bit disappointed that the game was over that fast - which is a good sign, I had lots of fun for that short amount of time.

Amazing work for only 8 hours. As you already mentioned it's a little bit janky, but fun nonetheless.

Really cool game, I love the SpongeBob-style transitions. I felt, that the colliders were off in some places, thus I often died for no apparent reason. I think the relaxing music is not quite fitting if you wanted to create a "racing"-experience here. My time was 01:15:100.

Nice and challenging game. I found the movement really hard - only being able to go forward and in the direction of your mouse felt a little bit finicky for such a kind of game. But I liked to shoot myself through the hordes of enemies.

Very nice game with a neat visual style. After the 3rd mission it became quite repetitive. but until then it was really fun to fly around and I love your level design.

Haha, yes, you discovered the secret lore of the game. Actually, all those fishes are just steam engines in an aquarium. :'D

Had trouble to find the end of turn button because the colour is very similar to the background. :D Besides that, this is a real great game, normally I am not that much into deckbuilders, but you had me here. I didn't manage to win the game, but I had lots of fun. It would've been great, if you could undo your cards during your turn, so you don't die because of misclicks (didn't happen to me, no no). Also the playfield got really messy and hard to read from time to time with all those lines and damage numbers. Great job altogether.

Really cute game, I got all the others to cheer with me for Pearl and we won! I really liked that you could wear all those rewards from the tasks you got, that felt really... well... rewarding and you got a sense of progress. I first didn't realize that I just had to swim to the edge of the screen to get to the next one, thus I was stuck a little while on the first screen.

Otto really likes to drop their eggs all around, huh? Very nice idea and fun gameplay with playing with the light. The graphics were pleasant to look at, but if you kept to a single pixel size it would've looked more coherent.

Thank you very much for your kind words. :)

The idea is great and I really dig the art style. In the beginning I was really frustrated, because I didn't realize that I had to point where I want to punch, thus fishes seemingly spawned in areas where I couldn't reach them. Some sort of indicator (e.g. moving the fist when moving the mouse) would have really helped here. All in all a intense and fun game!

Thank you very much for taking the time to play and stream the game. Yes, the name of the game is a reference to the fairy tale Rapunzel, because your hair grows longer the more points you get.

> and sometimes I thought I was swiping correctly but it may have just been user error?
I think you often attacked a little bit too late, but maybe I also was a little bit too precise with my colliders (as soon as your body hits the tip of the sword, you are already dead). I probably should've shrunken them a little bit down for a better gameplay feel. So I take at least half of the blame here.

> Everything kind of blurs into the background and it's tough to see enemies and projectiles
I absolutely agree with you here, especially thanks to the stream, I saw how much everything blended. I also noticed this during some of my playtests, but I think I was not ready to kill my darling (i. e. keeping those colours and refraining from the use of outlines). The general look appealed too much to me to change that, but from a gameplay perspective that's absolutely problematic.

Again, thank you very much for your feedback! :)

Very cute artstyle and interesting combat system. Your tutorial was great. Sometimes it was hard for me to block the enemy attacks, although I think, I was blocking the right direction. So I went for a hit and run tactic and always circling around the enemies, but it was not easy to trick the enemy AI, very well designed.

Only made it to level 7, then there were too many enemies for me to handle. The music was really great and energizing. Altogether a very fun, competent and polished entry!

BTW: I love my little soy bottle companion, but could he please not block my shots? ( ̄o ̄)

I like the general concept and idea of the game and it is was fun to play. The art is really nice and consistent, but sadly suffers a little bit from sub-pixels and non pixel-perfectness from Unity. The controls feel a little bit floaty, and I think there might be better keys, e. g. UJIK are more vertically aligned than IJOK. I constantly pushed the wrong buttons.

The combat system in general is really cool nonetheless and is really satisfying. Enemies felt like they are taking turns on the attacks, so you could patiently wait, parry and then attack. Very cool!

Burning down the fields was also a really nice idea.

Very nice and fun entry overall, a little bit rough around the edges and could use some polish.

> Crustacean???

Cool concept, the controls feel a little bit wonky, but might be either my phone's gyro or my skill or a combination of both. Very original entry as well, sad that it's over so fast. Would be nice, if you could directly restart without entering a new code each time. 

It would be helpful to directly upload the apk-file instead of a zip-file, but I don't know if itch.io allows that. At least my smartphone couldn't open zip-files, so I had to unzip it on the PC and transfer it over.

Wow, what a unique idea. Really love the combat concept, although it is really really hard - but also so satisfying on the other hand when you punch the enemies sword away and then attack yourself. The block was really hard to get right, I think the time window might be a little bit to short, but maybe I am just bad. Also liked, that you can unlock shortcuts, so that you don't have to play the whole level again.

Sadly, I only made it to level 2 and already hit my limit, but I think I am gonna revisit this.

The art for title screen is gorgeous and "lured" me into this game, I have to agree that the art ingame looks a little bit inconsistent. The gameplay itself was quite simple, but fun nonetheless. It took me some time to memorize the counters for each attack. Always love a good rock, paper, scissors game.

Thank you very much for the feedback. The two attacks only differ in the position, so you have a high and a low attack. To defeat a melee samurai, you have to match their attack position. So if the melee samurai holds his sword up, you have to do the same. I am going to add some information about this on the game page later, so it might become more clear.

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Tried to beat the high-score. °L°

Sadly, I didn't find the time to add sound. Too much going on in those 2 weeks. Thank you

Lovely arcady golf game! I love the overall aesthetics of the game, the visuals, the audio, the gameplay it all just fits together so well.

It's great that you have different types of underground for the golfing itself and also for the golf cart. The destructible environment is a great little detail.

Some minor points for the gameplay I would have liked:

  • being able to influence the accuracy of long shots at least a little bit, for example doing first button press for the general direction and then for the shot a quick time event like for the putting
  • make the quick time event for putting easier, the closer you are to the hole - it felt like it didn't matter where you end up on the green as long as you end on it

Scored 44 points on the first playthrough btw.

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Wow, this is great. It feels like you opposed another challenge beside 64x64 by choosing that minimalist art style. I really like that the game has all those small puzzles, especially the puzzles with the green dots.