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A member registered Jan 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's probably a bug... as long as a key is following a bot, they should automatically unlock locked gates just by touching them. I've never encountered that in testing, sorry that it happened to you.

I think a tutorial for all the mechanics as well as some sort of visual indicator for the bulbs you can't click (maybe a box around them or something) would go a long way. When I got to the dots, the first three levels I accidentally completed in a click or two and had no idea what they actually did, which ended up getting me stuck on the next level.

Oh I'm just stupid, I literally beat one of the previous levels with all the bulbs off. It doesn't really make sense to me why I couldn't click it though.

Oh yeah that works better. I think you needed to set a stretch mode in the the project settings (I also use godot), because when I maximized the window there was some empty space to the right. Coloring the ships was cool, I wasn't expecting that. Although, I think the game is missing a good progression system. It slowly gets harder as you kill the big ships, but the player doesn't get stronger and the enemies don't come out much faster. After I got the hang of things I was just kinda sitting there waiting for more ships to spawn.

This is one of the more unique jam games I've seen. It's fun for a while, but I feel like it's missing something. Some powerups of some kind (like a row clear, line clear, 3x3 clear, etc) sprinkled in would have been perfect.

I beat the first two puzzles but then there was a light bulb in the third one that I couldn't click with no adjacent bulbs to turn it on for me.

Great story intro, it was pretty funny. When I actually got into the game, I didn't know what was going on for a while. Some voice told me that they'd be my guide, but then didn't say anything else. I figured it out after a while, but if this isn't a glitch, this game could've benefited from an actual tutorial.

This game was really well-made. The binary upgrade system was very unique, and I liked the choice you get between health and extra upgrades. The movement was a tad too slippery for my liking, but that's a minor complaint. Good job!

When I tried to play, the play area was conpletely different from the area I could see. My ship chould fly off the left side of the screen, but I couldn't even go over to the right half.

I was laughing out loud as I played this, good job.

I have got to say this is probably the best jam game I have ever played. If you put this on steam, I would 100% buy it. The strategy is so good, and I love the upgrades you get at the end of each round. The only thing that I didn't like was the wall of text at the beginning, which made it kinda hard to understand what was going on. A proper tutorial would've been appreciated, but I understand that it's hard in the limited timeframe. Thank you for making this wonderful little game.

The music and art were good, but I couldn't really tell what was happening during the story cutscenes. Also, the lack of sound effects was odd (even a couple from a free asset pack would've added a lot to the experience).

This is a really great story, I especially love all the art.

I really like the effort you put into making many different options with meaningful consequences. I felt like most of the options made me seem like a villain though, but when I stuck with only nice stuff I still god the bad ending. Either way, I enjoyed this story, good job!

The sitcom theme is really cool, and I love the laugh track when you do different things. I will say I got a little lost when trying to get the microwave, I didn't realize I was supposed to put the sandwich in the mouse trap. It's also a little weird not being able to see any of the characters or objects in the rooms they were in. It was a bit confusing trying to figure out what to do when all I had was an image of a room and some text. Overall though, great work!

This is a very cute game with a nice story. However, the very slow dialogue that can't be sped up, combined with a lack of music or sound effects made the game very difficult to play. The parts where I was actually in control were fun, but most of the game felt like sitting through a slideshow. I also encountered a glitch when I fought the first guy's sadness. I kept shooting at the dark blob and it kept getting smaller, but it never flew away. I sat there until it was a tiny dot before I checked the comments and realized there's more to the game than that. Overall, this game has some good potential, but it needs a couple things to really speed things along and make it feel more satisfying. I'd love to see where this might go if you decided to continue working on it in the future!

I really wanted to fit a tutorial in, but I was already up until 4am the night before finishing things (with class starting at 8am too), so I just didn't have enough time. Also, I completely intended to tell the players that right clicking rotates but I forgot. Oops!

That second thing might've been happening because tanks transport 3 water per side per second but rain condensers only input 6 per side per second. So if you were taking out from all three sides, it was using more water than was being input. I'll admit, that was kind of a bad way of doing things on my part and I should've had it be 2 water per side for the tanks. Not sure what was happening with the other thing though, sorry!

It's a little hard to know where to position the birds to attack properly, but overall this is a pretty good game. 

I absolutely love the art style, great job!

This game has some really good potential, I would totally buy a full version if you kept working on it and improving things.

It's really cool in theory, but in practice marbles keep getting stuck or lose all their momentum before they can get somewhere. One time when a bunch of marbles were respawning they starting flying all over the place.

All the rabbit/carrot themes and puns are really cute. Also, I really like the art and sound design, great job!

Wow, the sound design is on-point here! The sound effects are so nice and juicy and buttery smooth :)

I can see the beginnings of a good idea here, but this game definitely needs substantial work to get anywhere. I'll be interested to come back and see it once you've finished it though.

Interesting idea, it would be cool to see further explorations of the concept in a future project.

This game has got some really great puzzles. A couple of them are real head-scratchers. Also, bravo on implementing a whole level editor. Really great work!

(1 edit)

This is a really cool concept, I really like some of the levels and puzzles you've made. The credits say there's supposed to be music, but I don't hear anything. Overall a good job, and I can't wait to see where you take this if you decide to continue working on it!

Unfortunately, it looks like nobody ended up continuing it on day 3...

I really like the additions you made to this version. I will be working on it for day 4.

I will be using Godot 4.1 as well

This game has my favorite interpretation of the run theme. Good work!

The player heals upon killing an enemy with the melee attack

1. Hunger Fangs. Run, jump, dash and kill your way through this speedrunner as a hungry vampire who must kill to eat.


3. ChunkyPotatoSoup, 13throbot, TETRIS, Aneubys (these are our discord usernames)

4. There are some blood splash effects when killing enemies, but other than that should be fine.

5. Central Standard Time (CST)

6. Any feedback you have is welcome!

Hey thanks! You should play the game again, it's been updated and now looks and feels a lot better.