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A member registered Mar 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your Feedback

I didn’t know about Crom (Crom Dubh, "The Black Crooked One") until I researched about the Dullahan, the Irish fairy version of the Headless Horseman; Essentially, Crom was a Celtic god who demanded head sacrifices, and the Dullahan acted as his reapers.

As E.Howard took a lot of inspiration from the European folklore, I'm quite sure Crom was at least partially inspired by it.

Regarding the sound, I ended up leaving it out. I had the audio system and a BGM, but I didn’t include them in the Jam version because I couldn’t implement a volume control in time, I thought it would be more annoying to have loud audio than none at all.

Thanks, I appreciate your feedback!
I already started working on some of the things you mentioned, mainly on the visual feedback of attack ranges and the directional commitment but Im also working on the depth sorting as its one of the things I left behind on the Jam that I feel limited the current level design.

Originally, I had included a "Block" action (the animation remains in the Jam version when pressing X), which was also intended to function as a "Wait" action. However, once I added NPCs, I changed the key to interact with them and forgot I could use another key as"Select" or even assign "Start/Enter" for that.

In the long run, I would love to make it more roguelikeish or work on a similar project with fewer Jam constraints and procedural generation elements.

Great gameplay, I enjoyed a lot looking for the different weapons!

I enjoyed it a lot, great game!

Very interesting mechanic also I loved the art style and color palette. Great Entry!

The  art style is awesome and the concept too, the music fit the game really good too. Great entry!

Great entry, at the start I was a bit confused with the timer that I didnt knew what was for and  with the keypad as I had issues with it, the game feels a lot like a Gameboy game and the music is great!

Thanks for your feedback

Thanks for taking the time to play it, I appreciate your feedback.
It will be probably more forgiving when I get to fix the issues with the player/enemies attacks, I also had a  system ready for this version to get two extra Hearts in exchange for some Heads, but I decided to hold it off to get the build ready in time for the Jam.

Thanks for your feedback

I liked the visual style a lot, the gameplay was nice and the option to switch the color palettes was great,  great  entry!

Thanks for your feedback

Thanks for your feedback

Thanks for your feedback

Thanks for your feedback

Such a great concept, the battles feel great and its fun to find new fish, its the type of game I could spend hours playing.

I enjoyed it a lot, I loved the jumping mechanic and how the main character looks! 

I loved the game’s feel. At first, it was a bit annoying to drop the torch to fight, but I got used to it and started planning ahead. The art style and music are great, and the puzzles felt just right—not too easy and not too hard.

The Head throw mechanic was a lot of fun, and the level design was great. I even found an alternative path that led to where I was supposed to go. I’m not sure if one path was easier than the other, but it felt like it.

Visually impressive, I loved the dungeon crawl feel it has and how smooth the controls are.

Thanks for your feedback, right now the attack area is a circle around the player/enemies which is not great and there are also a few other issues with it that I will need to solve.

I do feel the same, as it was my first time working with an isometric game I runned agains some issues that took me a lot of time to solve so I ended leaving a lot of things partially implemented or incomplete.

Great minds think alike ^^

I loved it, the artwork is very beautiful and the small audio details make it very enjoyable.

Im, I do Pixel art, if you guys want to see some of my work and talk just add me on discord (Tato#5119), Im from Uruguay, Sweden is like 4 hours ahead of here so i may not take to long to answer ( unless its in the morning :p im a bit of a night owl).

The music had a few bugs, it was supposed to keep looping without delay, but I got that and a weird crack noise at the end of each loop, I also made the mistake that when you die the scene reloads and that makes the music restart too.

I'm working on an update to upload after the jam rates end, there I will solve those things and more, and also add the stuff I didn't add during the jam.  (Here is a devlog with the stuff i already did.)

Sure i will, thanks for your feedback, this morning i added some extra details to the level design and did a rework on the sprites of the platforms.

About the audio as i said in another comment i will ask a friend to help me with it, so it will probably sound much better than what i have now.

At the start i was a bit confused but after i started running and getting momentum i was unstoppable, or at least i thought that, then i realized that i was hitting every hazard in the level and that my hp was very low, tried to be a bit more careful, but wasn't enough, i already was too low of health. 

Those graphics look really smooth and awesome, great game, nice work!!

Great game, nice level design!

Thanks for your feedback

Right now there are only two lineal levels but i will add a few more and sub levels.

In the first one after you reach the part with the spikes there are some platforms at the right (is kinda hard to see them), in the second one you can reach the end but it doesn't send you to another level, that was all i could do for the jam.

Thanks for your feedback , right now the only way to make them reappear is killing yourself, but i'm already working on an update where they will reappear after some seconds, also i already adjusted the global light and did a few more details on the level design.

Those white particles come out of spikes that are on the ground and have a small hitbox, the actual particles are making hard to see them (the opposite purpose of why i have them there), i will make them a lot more visible when i change the global light and add them  a small glow (and probably delete that particle effect).

About the platforms i was going for making them reappear, but i got scared by the jam time and did the function only delete the object.

I will work on a dead feedback, at least a sound and a transition.

The music glitch i don't really know what is making that happen, i believe i have null musical skills so i will ask a friend to help me with that.

Loved the sounds, great job!  (there was no escape for me)

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Rate mine too, I will check yours (Done) Dust

Is sad to see that people isn't replying this topic...

My two favorites are  End me and Lyre of truth, i think both are awesome games with awesome art.

(1 edit)

Check mine Dust (web based), i will check yours after i leave to home (im in work rn) Edit: now at home time to check that game

Wasn't a problem shifting to here, i'm here to learn so now i will give a good read in the replies here (shh don't tell anyone,  i'm in workplace).

(2 edits)

In my case I didn't experiment with the mechanics or anything like that, but had some failures in time management and planning, I started working on a platformer based on DuckTales, spent near 3 days working on the sprites, then I realized it was too much time and if I kept going wasn't end like I wanted or even wasn't end at all, so I changed to a new concept that ended in the game I submitted.

In my next jam i will spend a few times before start working, making a schedule and planning everything in advance.

Also, i'm using all the feedback you guys are giving me to improve not only the game, but my skills, all this helps me.

I hope you guys share your experiences with me, and if possible rate and  give me feedback about my game.

- I deleted the post i did about this and switched to here.