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A member registered Mar 06, 2020

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So much creativity and skill with those black and white dots man. Amazing stuff (specially on the Doom and 3D ones), can't wait for next year!

Wow this is good! Just the moment I saw how the game was presented I knew this was gonna be a blast, the emphasis on just dodging and making the space to maneuver smaller in exchange for more time to react is a really good trade too :)

I love the monkey onee!!!

Such a really nice take! It was a bit sad to not have any kind of background music or just sounds in general, but I really wanted to just go deeper and deeper to see what new minerals I could find!

Really fun idea! I love how you need to constanly go after the golf ball to attack, it really adds a bit of charm to the combat.

Glad to see you in this jam as well Piggy ^^
Really short and sweet beatemup type game, easy to understand and with a really interesting way of using the theme of the jam no doubt! It was a bit mindless in my opinion since dash-spam can be a tool to always get you away from any problems you might have... But still, really cool entry :)

I really loved the intro and music! It sets the mood quite well, but both the bosses and the use of the theme felt a bit flat for me... Don't get me wrong the game feels good and I had fun, but it still looks like it needed a bit more work put into making the bosses feel much better and the arena/weapons to give more of a spectacle.

Still with this said, I really had a nice time playing! 

I liked this one a lot for the little story going on, but felt like the whole game could have been more hard. In general the theme is executed well and the art looks good, but the bosses and difficulty should have been more looked into (for example, the second boss was way easier than the first one, and the final boss was a matter of just staying close and spamming the attack button). Overall a really neat entry, good job everyone :)

I might have been playing for an hour and needed to stop so I can take dinner jajaja. Seriously, this game is such a fucking blast!

When I saw how you applied the theme on the page it left me a bit curious because it can be really hard to feel powerups substantial to a point were it looks like such a exchange... BUT HOLY SHIT you made a good job with it (still, the theaming might fall a bit short still), I was straight up laughing when I saw my orb shoot like 10 cannon balls per second at stupid rates that go slower than the movement speed on Unreal 2. The shotgun jump? Daikatana would be jealous, the melee is so useful both to gain heigh, correct movement or even stop entirely your momentum!

Some of the icons for the perks gave me a stupid smile as well, was not expecting the random one and jar the first time I saw them lol

The style, oh my... It looks so beautiful, those chunky textures and enviroments are superv, the only thing missing for me is more boss variety or difficulty. It ended up feeling more like anoyying enemies than bosses to fight.

Your music too was so good, exactly what I was expenting from a game lookng like this (gonna check your bandcamp later while working). Overall one of the best games I played this jam, I SERIOUSLY want to see this game finished or at least one more update with some more cool content. You did such a rad job here B)

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I really liked this one, but it was hard to play all the bosses with the constant freezing the game had sometimes. It reminded me of Ubermosh in terms of the movility and constant action, the dash feels really satisfactory (even if sometimes the weak points are a bit hard to hit), the bosses have quite a lot of attacks to keep up a good fight and the way you tell the story/artstyle adds a lot to it as well.

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Even having a bit of stuggle the first time playing and understanding how the swapping and color mechanics for attacks work, this was a 5 stars on almost everything for me no doubt. Redability can be a bit hard with the limited palette and some of the size from a few projectiles, but it was incredibly fun and satisfactory to do chains of swaps to avoid damage, really good pixels and boss designs, amazing music and with enough length to feel satisfied (or play a few more times!). Amazing job on this entry, one of my favorites from the jam ^^

Ngl I was able to cheese the whole thing just with the combo kicks and grabbing constantly jaja, but the concept here for the exchange was really interesting, the art style is good and in general the moves are really flashy and it's quite the spectacle!! Nice job ^^

Short and quick to play, the patterns used in here were easy to understand and dodge (but I missed having a clear point of refence for the hitbox of the ship, something similar to Z Warp). Visually it looks neat too!

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Oh yeah I saw it, thing is it would happen regardless sometimes (specially with the second boss), maybe it felt like it because there was no particles sometimes when I was hitting the boss. And again I don't doubt the dash can be useful if you use it properly everytime (sometimes used it to go on top of the first boss on my first run), but in my playthoughs it wasnt worth it to upgrade or use at all with the movement speed the player already haves. Glad my feedback was well recieved and I cant wait to see what you all do next ^^

I'm gonna start with the negatives: The bosses feel like a mix bag to me, you rather constantly strafe the arena while running to shoot them or get killed sooner or later because the melee attacks happen instantly (a lot of this could have been worked around with a better arena design), weapons sometimes don't hit the enemies at all even having the cursor right on top of them and tbh I had no incentives to upgrade the dash at all...

With this said, the music really makes you want to keep playing (all bangers!), the weapons apart of the problem mentioned before feel good enough, player movement/speed was decent, grapically looks good and there is enough variation to play a few times to see how far you can get. There is a lot of improvements that could be done but for the time your team had this is a solid entry no doubt!!!

PD: Is there any links to the ost of the game or composer you had for the jam?? Would really like to give a follow :)

Really fun! The last boss was a bit unfair with the insta-kill and the turtle in last phase was rolling nonstop for a while, but the way to move around and deal damage, the resource management and the overall nice arena design was more than enough for me. Great job!

Short and sweet! Really easy to pick up and play, but the lack of progression and the constant fight with the same boss can make it a bit repetitive even with the few changes added to it. But overall this is really nice job and entry for the jam ^^

Really nice looking game! Art direction is a strong point no doubt. Gameplay wise I felt it really forgiving, I never runned out of items or had a boss doing a shopping spree, but it was also really easy to pick up and play and the synergies/gems made it more interesting to plan layouts no doubt...

I really wanna congratulate everyone on the team, this really shows a lot of effort put into and it was a nice time!

Starting with the bad, I felt like it was incredibly easy to beat both the "Jam" and "Hard" difficulty. The scythe attack from death was a bit unfair sometimes because of how fast it is and how big the hitbox seems to be...
With that said: there was enough variety of bosses and attacks, the weapong exchange was really neat and felt like a nice change of paste and it looks and sounds quite good!! Overall it's still a really fun game and a very good entry for the jam no doubt :)

I really liked the concept and looks a lot, crunchy textures for the win! Probably my favorite boss was the one at the river because I used the harpoon gun and got to be constantly spining around jaja.
In terms of optimization it was a hit or miss depending on the bossfight (mostly played in browser), the snake arena in therms of design for me was a bit rough specially needing to look up almost constantly and damage or ammo of weapons could have been a bit high in general. Other than that this was a banger, would pay for a full release no doubt!!

Let's gooo partner!!!

You already know because I was playing with you on call, but I had quite a lot of fun! The game can feel slow, some phases can be really long and I would have liked just a little bit more of difference between areas, but apart of that every boss felt different, had an interesting second phase and the final boss was a decent enough challenge as well! The main mechanic was on point too. Really nice job friend ^^

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JESUS MATT, I was genuenly saking with the last phase of the final boss. Dude I clapped when I finished the game jajajaja.
Really tight and well tought action and slashing no doubt, Goblin like always did an excellent job, having the blood all over the place in the small jet enough big arenas is such a satisfactory thing as well... 
The music specially on the last boss was superv, but for me the heal was incredible situational (mainly because I wanted to be on "hard mode" lol), only healed once on my winned run. The second boss can feel a bit unfair (both spit attack and hitbox on second phase)... But those are literally my only complains, like, damn this is a good job!!


I can genuenly see a full game like this! Incredibly fun to move and dodge, the shooting mechanic is fantastic (I love seeing the bullet go all around the screen jajaja) and really helps to make it even a much more rewarding and skilled fight.
Art is amazing too, quite sad that you people didn't manage to have something more done for the jam, this is fire!!!

Thank you a lot! Really happy to see you liked it this much and wanted even more. Polyducks did in fact colaborate with us for some assets (like that really chunky bird, love that), but I was the main artist for the whole project, hoping you can invite some friends to play the game again soon, it changes a lot how it feels ^^

Oleeeee <333

Cortito pero muy divertido! Buen trabajo ^^

Really fun concept! Had a lot of fun even if I was very tense at the end. I was not expecting the items as a mechanic too, great stuff ^^

The shop mechanic is really interesting and the art is quite good!

Only problem I have is that some of the updates are quite expensive. Apart of that everything else is super neat, great work!

Cool mechanic and the way the ship controls gives it a nice touch of difficulty!

Cool mechanic related to the theme and really clean art! It was super fun to make the most ""not optimal abominations"" for the 2 missions you can play jajaja (always have lots of fun in this kinda games)

Really happy to hear this friend, thank you for taking the time and playing! :3

The gameplay heavily focusing on inventory management and combinations is such a good touch and great take for playability on this jam, can easily see myself playing this for hours no doubt!!

Damn, then for such a low amount of time to work on it you did a nice job!

Really nice Megaman inspired entry, tiles looks fantastic, having different weapons is obviously a must (but I did not end up using them that much), there is a lot of different enemies and details put into every level!

The only bad things I could say is that the camera in the "Botanical Garden" sometimes hides crucial parts of the level that instantly kill you and the appear/disappear platforms go on/off instantly (even in the Megaman games they at least had an appearing animation if I remember correctly).

But this are mostly nitpicks, incredibly neat game and amazing entry!!

Really cool game and well executed idea, with good art and music as well! Big fun of the long time for response you give the player to "parry" the attack.

Not much else to say, just a very simple jet well executed entry!

Insteresting game, the grapichs look neat and the boost it's a nice mechanic to have, but the level design and lack of directional control makes a bit frustrating to play.
A lot of the times using the boost makes you die and waste time, others you need to completely stop moving to change direction... A lot of this would be fixed by just changing the level design and making a bigger race track.

Nice work and keep making cool stuff!

Good conversion of the original, but like in the original I'm REALLY bad at it jaja. Overall a really solid entry and good job ^^

YES! So happy someone finally talked in the comments about the dialogue jaja, really wanted it to feel bad enough to look like bad GB game translations of the time. 

Thank you for playing <3