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A member registered Dec 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Would be cool to see how attributes affect your damage/defense. Maybe add sprint. Good job!

Thanks for feedback!

Thanks for feedback!

Thanks for feedback!

Thank you for your kind words:)

Нас раскрыли!!!

Спасибо за отзыв! Сбивание прогресса с ковром я сделал специально, чтобы ночью нереально было быстро подложить по ковер оберег. К сожалению, собрать билд вышло только к концу дедлайна, поэтому геймплей не тестировали:( Кстати, режим фонаря все же отличается, зеленый менее яркий.

Спасибо за отзыв! Да, к сожалению, собрать игру получилось только под конец дедлайна, поэтому время на тесты буквально не было:(

Спасибо за отзыв! Если вы про поворот персонажа, так и было задумано:)

Thanks! Yeah, there are some stutters in the beginning because of shaders. I made shader cache scene and it helped but not entirely. Actually there is a little movement on background. Had problems with parallax but made it with simple shader.

Nice wind and sunflower growth animation! Like audio and narrative by chapters. 
Have some feedback about writing. I see my old mistakes, you shouldn't describe everything, moreover, obvious things. Readers should find it themselves. How? It's your job of a writer:) 
You dont describe that something happened, you write it so it happens (i forgot exact wording, hope the meaning left clear)
About emotions. I remembered a saying that if you want your reader to cry you must yourself burst in tears.
You try to express overwhelming emotions in simple ways. I wish I could list all problems and solutions to them but i'm not a writer myself though i tried years ago because i love reading (was too harsh on myself and gave up). Taste and sense will come eventually when you will have read many good-quality books. 
And I hope that you'll not stop like i did.

Btw, верю, что английский:))

Fullscreen doesn't work, select canvas_item stretch in settings.
If you put 2 buckets in the same place and lift you'll get only one bucket.

(1 edit)

Atmospheric journey, nice audio, though it's too dark and all you see are silhouettes therefore bright sticks seem strange.
Noticed that sticks can spawn inside trees.
Would've liked if cooldown refreshed when bonfire lit.  And camera movement is too constrained because of only one axis.

Thanks! Yes, it should have more varience. I made a little randomness in volume and pitch because I have only one audio file. 

We hear it so much that after 20-30 playthroughs I noticed that I can hear the sound even when not playing:) 

Love UI, especially the sounds.
Bad camera angle so you cant see some bombs coming.

Love UI, especially the sounds.
Bad camera angle so you cant see some bombs coming.

I like "how to play" in the game. Nice audio UI. 
Would've liked if upgrades would hide when player shoots.
Interface hides pirates below.
Because of the ambiguous marker i spent several minutes to find out that i was going the opposite direction

Thanks, nice idea:) 

Thanks! Instant fire when enemy spawns is intentional:) So you can't stay all time under a portal. 

Thanks! Actually, there is auto fire (i named it auto shoot). You toggle it by pressing Tab by default.

Actually, it's Intergalactic from there.

Thanks for playing! Glad that you enjoyed it:)

Initially there was a meeting room but didnt have time to implement it.  Now I think a player could get a finite set of tasks there. Thanks for ideas.

Thanks for playing and bug report:)

Thanks for playing! Right, we should've made a sign. At first I made a path of tiles with pattern but it was dazzling the eyes so much. 

Very cool game, losing 3 times made me read the description more carefully and finally win:)

Though i'd add ability to skip intro, it's too long if you start over several times 

(1 edit)

Too hard to kill a parasite, got a bug when i get damage in the next level but no infection is shown. And after i died and restarted a game i still was getting damage.

Btw, FOV is too low. Or there should be a kind of a map (e.g like in diablo:) )

(1 edit)

Didn't think of that. Nowhere to test. Maybe not, I exported it with x86_64 architecture.

I don't know if I can upload new files because of the jam. If it doesn't work, send a reply after jam, I'll upload.

Funny idea, nice voice and audio, but that camera getting through walls and boxes is veeeery uncomfortable! Consider trying phantom camera addon or something. And adding a simple menu to quit the game:)

Noticed some jittering in people's movement.

Very cool audio, graphics are good, nice intro.
Would be nice to have subtitles, add little animations for repairing (some feedback), add highlighting to know where a player should click.  

Nice retro art style, cool idea. Simple but very polished!

Very nice idea, so many mechanics, cute graphics and matching music/sounds!

Thanks for your review! 
Yes, using dash in combat is quite hard and maybe not worth it. I made combat system in last days so it's not polished. 

To use a dash in combat effectively you need to get a timing when an enemy raises his sword and you dash to his back. It was planned to make an auto attack but didn't have time:( 

(1 edit)

Cool graphics, nice atmosphere. But it's walking simulator gameplay. 

Cant fast pass intro scene, no fullscreen. The labels disappear too early!

Got a bug where i went into the corner and character disappeared.

Getting keys without damage is quite hard. The game graphics looks meditative but gameplay is not. Kind of a dissonance. 

Noticed camera jittering. I solved it with character movement logic in physics process.

Very nice grapichs and animations, was surprised to hear voice! 

Managed to beat the game in the third time:) It's unintuitive that game offers trades but because of them you'll end up with very unbalanced vase like all gold, red and 1 or 2 green and others. I got in a situation where I bribed all of them but didn't have items to continue and... Closed vase, enemies returned in deck. Trades are a trap here:) Got much farther by letting curse myself. I got a curse item but 1-2 green, red ones too.

Also would be great to highlight interactive objects like a vase when mouse hovers. Add a way to know how much items are in the vase right now (not remembering it). And later include a help picture in the game itself.

And progress in the game was unintiutive too. How am I close? How many more enemies I need to go through? 

Cool intro but you should've given an option to press a button to continue because not all people are so fluent in english.

Also you should've set stretching to canvas items. I have 2k monitor and the window was kinda small.

Interesting idea to gather cards by defeating enemies. 

For me the game was difficult, couldn't go through B3. Tried 3 times. Don't know how to defeat 2 fairies and mage. All of them cast heal and I dont have enough damage... They had 50-ish hp each(!) in the end... And started to make more armour...

Also got a bug where couldn't apply a skill. Maybe because of several skills activated in the same time. I may messed with repair card that i didnt understand.

Thanks for the review!
Yes, combat system is kinda clunky. You can avoid all damage by circling around an enemy counterclockwise (because a sword in his right hand).

You're right, I shoud've put an enemy in the first room. But you can lure them out one by one.

By the way, it's not said that you HAVE to defeat all (and even any) guards:)

Thanks for the review! 
You're right. Combat system is kinda clunky. You can avoid all damage by circling around an enemy counterclockwise (because a sword in his right hand).

The sun was supposed to be in some kind of a device which takes and distributes energy to the building. 

Спасибо за качественный отзыв! В to-do списке  появилось много новых записей:)

Согласен, что спавн прямо в игроке надо пофиксить. Да, маг опасен, но он всегда один на локации (если не медлить с его убийством). К сосулькам можно привыкнуть. Если прокачать защиту, то они почти и не кусаются. А если стоять подальше от мобов, то урона можно и не получать (хотя это сложно на 7-8 волнах, но там уже и защита 2/2). Согласен, что стоит выделить их, но замедлять вряд ли буду, они уже замедлены:) Мне кажется, что  паттерн вылета тут и должен быть таким, никогда не знаешь, в каком порядке они вылетят. 

Графику делал rivalfx, обложку собирал тоже в блендере. 

Да, думаю, что камеру стоит отдалить еще подальше.

Спасибо за отзыв! Rebinding кнопок и тд я не трогал из шаблона для джема, а уж про геймпад даже и не думал. У меня его не было никогда даже. Да, стоило бы убрать столбец с ним, чтобы не смущал. В шаблоне исправил только звук, который работал по правилу воды из-под крана: либо из адских глубин, либо из вод Антарктики.

Относительно локализации, да и вообще всего, я делал эту игру не за 2 недели, а только за одну, поэтому пришлось урезать кучу вещей. 

Про кулдаун рывка вы что-то путаете, там есть прогресс бар. Да, иконка на краю экрана и не особо заметна в пылу боя. Стоит ли повесить над головой? Но ведь и на персонажа нечасто смотришь. Над курсором? Мешаться будет, наверное... 

Про прокачку. Пришлось обойтись простым увеличением чисел, но и сам по себе выбор уже меняет путь с первой волны по 6-7, например. Хотел добавить бомбы и рывок, который будет урон наносить. Про ловушки спасибо, подумаю:)

Увлекательность тут и правда сильно зависит от человека. Лично я залип на день в недоработанную версию вместо того, чтобы саму игру делать:)

Я не против:) дс: the_utter_emptiness

Ну что Вы, какой pro, я даже стрелять нормально не умею, ахах