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A jam submission

Warlock's AscentView game page

Capture your foes and warp them into spells in this roguelike deckbuilder.
Submitted by Panda-K — 7 hours, 46 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Capture your foes and warp them into spells in this roguelike deckbuilder.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The protagonist is escaping their prison by ascending through multiple floors.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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cool idea :) got pretty far but then failed against a demon. I did not quite get how everything works (e.g. the gnome card) but that is definitely a cool entry and it felt pretty polished. 


This game is super pretty, I especially love the style of the cards ! The gameplay is really cool and clever, it gives the desire to capture each ennemy and see their abilities. I'm truly amazed you could put so much in just a jam worth of time ! Really great job !


Loved every second of this game!! It took me a few tries to understand how the mechanics worked, but once it clicked, I was hooked. Every card has some kind of intriguing caveat, so you have to picky about which monsters you trap into your deck! A deck that's too defensive can be just as fatal as one that isn't defensive enough. I finally defeated the Beastmaster with a blast of dragon fire.

I'd love to see what a fully polished version of this game would look like! Great work!!


I had trouble figuring this out. Every time I thought I understood what was happening I would end up in a situation where I could use various cards and eventually seemingly couldn’t do anything but end my turn.

That said, there were some interesting ideas here and the similarities to the other submission “Tortured Tower” helped, making me think I’m just not super fluent in this sort of game.

I also had to run this on Linux via Wine, so that may be part of the issue for me.

Regardless, I liked the story and art, and it’s clear there’s a lot to this, so nice job!


Thanks for playing! I definitely agree that this sort of game needs a lot of feedback so the player knows why things are happening and what they can do. 

I'll have to check out "Tortured Tower" :)


Steep learning curve, took a bit of trial and error to figure out how things work. After playing for a while, though, I really get the impression that a lot more went into making this than meets the eye, so maybe with another day of effort it'll be more approachable for new players lol. Great music, and the graphics and sounds made me feel like I was playing an obscure NES gem that a friend picked up at a garage sale. Nice job.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm one of those people who like to figure out a game when first playing, so I definitely lean that way when making games. Still trying to find the balance where players feel like they know enough at the start not to get scared off :)


i dont play card videogames but this one definitely got me


Feel like I am Yugioh haha nice work here this is really cool!


This is exceptionally good. Initial impressions were that it’s a fairly standard deckbuilder. However, with the monster capture mechanic plus the transform mechanic, this became something new and refreshing.

For a jam game, I think the difficulty was a little bit high. But, personally I loved the challenge. I felt compelled to beat it, and managed to do so on my 4th try.

Would love to see this expanded into a full release!


Thanks for your kind words :) I did consider putting in an easier mode, but ended up compromising by making the start fairly gentle and the end hard...

Definitely considering working on it post jam!


It was hard to make sense of it at first. And i still don't understand what am i doing half oh the time.

But the more i play. The more i drawn into it.

And i realy liked obtaining monster cards in battle. 

In my opinion. Having more agenda over wich battle to pick, would make your game more unique and intersting.


Good suggestion! It was the classic jam thing of not having enough time to implement a more interesting battle selection :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I took me a while to figure out how to play, but when I realized it it’s a very fun game, good work


A had a lot of fun playing the game. At first it was not really clear what was happening in the screen but  after reading the help button I started to understand a bit.
The mechanic is well thought and I think is a bit of a twist on card games. Great work! I couldn't finish it after 3 tries... but I don't know if it has an end! This kind of games doesn't, let me know!


Thanks for the feedback :)

It does have an end! The number next to the stairs on the top left is what floor you are on (Basement 4, Basement 3, etc.), the boss is on the ground floor.


Cool intro but you should've given an option to press a button to continue because not all people are so fluent in english.

Also you should've set stretching to canvas items. I have 2k monitor and the window was kinda small.

Interesting idea to gather cards by defeating enemies. 

For me the game was difficult, couldn't go through B3. Tried 3 times. Don't know how to defeat 2 fairies and mage. All of them cast heal and I dont have enough damage... They had 50-ish hp each(!) in the end... And started to make more armour...

Also got a bug where couldn't apply a skill. Maybe because of several skills activated in the same time. I may messed with repair card that i didnt understand.


Thanks for the review!

Good point about the intro speed.

 I didn't know about stretching the canvas items. I'll try that next time :)


Wow, Great game! I'd buy this if this was on sale. Loved how fallen foes became my cards, with giving a choice for enemy.


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it :)

You've got me thinking about expanding it into a full release...