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A member registered Apr 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

The one on the current jam site is invalid :(

EDIT: has a valid invite -- as of this edit

On-topic story. There seemed to be a bug after I got into the minigame such that I couldn't progress past that and it was unclear what the health bars meant or how they were decreased after interacting with the cop. Def cute vibe art wise.

Broadly could be interesting after some bug-fixing and I liked the maze aspect of the dialogue minigames. It might be interesting if you toned down the difficulty and had the outcome reflect how well/poorly the player did navigating the maze.

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Appreciate it! It was one of those projects where the more we did the more I wanted to see it expand.

If you liked the music check out the OST. Our sound guy is amazing and there's so much more than what we managed to get into the entry for the jam.

(3 edits)

This is great! I was happy to see several VN entries and hoping to get some entries pouring a strong helping of narrative/lore -- BubblePunk provides top shelf stuff. Also enjoy running into renpy in the wild.

I've got the expected feedback on the drink mixing bit but I did really appreciate the wall-breaking snark / tutorial when I fucked up the first drink. I don't know if that was a branch or always present but it was well done.

Oh, I definitely looked up "Dreamweb Butterfly" in case it was a reference to something. Sounds like a great game to make :P

I like the implication that we've already arrived at a cyberpunk dystopia and gig work being the last resort. Slap a narrative on this and you're steps away from social commentary. Good submission!

Critical feedback is more of the same old "mouse sensitivity is wild" comment but I actually was testing with a ps4 controller and couldn't get it to recognize input.

I liked the mechanic though it felt a little one dimensional and there wasn't much to keep me going while the game started to open up into the more interesting puzzles. In a non-jam setting I think I'd have bounced off pretty quick. Style was good though and music would have made the early minutes more pleasant.

A huge thing that would make it way less friction would be to auto-focus the text area when you open your terminal.

lmao, there was a sword?

Great balance and nearly perfect length. Felt like a cross between Descent and the Nier: Automata hacking game.

Bosses were nice intersection of challenge and novelty.

nice submission. I especially like the situation where you had to drop below the lowest platform, attack, then bounce back up before you fell so far you couldn't save yourself.

I think it was a little chill for the genre -- I found myself with more than enough time to respond to all the attacks on normal mode. Possibly that was expected but I think challenge could use a bit of tuning. The character movement was also a bit "floaty" so I think tweaking acceleration on her jump/descent might add a lot more "connectedness" for the player.

fun game over all: I made multiple attempts and to clear levels and didn't hit any real bugs to speak of!

Love that you provided an html5 build. I found feedback on the shooting lackluster and was unclear about my hitbox. But the level variety, that I could remain covert for a while, and the need to memorize my target were all great and added more nuance than I expected when I started out.

The stories were over the top mostly in an amusing way but also "god, there actually are people out there like this." So idk if that was the intent but good job regardless; nervous laughter.

Solid job, looking forward to seeing your future work.

Woo! We were definitely excited to do something unexpected with the minigame there. Would have liked to have a bit more time to explore mechanics but such is jam. Thanks for the kind words wrt setting/art. We got super lucky that our "narrative guy" had two friends to pull in for writing and our character artist was pretty much "some guy off reddit" when we needed a hand with that. They all kicked ass.

I ran out of time to get about 60-70% of the written script converted into the narrative format we used for the VN so shortly after the rating period I'll push an update with materially more content / story for the characters.

Woo, shout out for Visual Novels :D I really like the premise of a mysterious bar that opens where and when you need it for people in need and the little stories that the patrons tell are cute. Over all good presentation.

I did have some issues as the stats on the glass wouldn't clear for me between patrons even if pressing Reset so I'm not sure if the drinks I was mixing were really what I expected. I saw this was your first attempt at unity and this was a really got result; would love to see what this plays like and the stories you tell after a bit more experience with the platform.

great job!

Genuinely funny. I unironically loved this. I thought the Tic-Tac-Toe showdown was perfect.

Ambitious attempt for a jam! Oozes aesthetic and the bg music loop is solid. Ran into a few bugs that interrupted the flow but when I didn't hit those the gameloop was solid. Very impressive entry; kind of what I imagine a Dark Reign prototype might've felt like.

Issue wise - on some of my runs I ended up getting drones stuck while gathering crystals and couldn't pull them off to work construction. I built a drone in response and it spawned inside the spike then couldn't leave. Amusing way to soft-lock. I think you suffered a lot from the godot4 build as I've had perf problems with it in previous projects as well. I think v4's html5 export is still a bit lacking.

On the whole well done, I liked what I saw. Cheers!

This is fantastic. I still have boxes of the old android:netrunner game that we'll break out in my house from time to time so this entry is *extremely up my alley*. I initially shared similar frustrations as the other reviewers in finding the mechanics a bit byzantine without better but realized i missed the "next" button on the how to play screen (was playing fullscreen) so it's somewhat on me..

Don't really have notes, would love to get a frame story around this. Great job.

Love territory control mechanics, this was a great little experiment in it. Feels like it's not far off from a good casual mobile game deal.

Kudos on the entry, very well done.

Thanks for playing / the feedback! Hah, yea my fav parts of this is everything except "the sum of the parts."

We started with the theory we wanted to avoid traditional power fantasy setups & tell stories from the perspective of "just a person" and kind of backed into the setup you saw. We also started forming a team to join on the second day and one of our dev's power went out like 36h before deadline and the other was dealing with a water leak in their ceiling for the duration. End result is that it was--unironically--my favorite / most memorable jam to date despite the cuts we ended up making :D

Amazing job everything about this was smooth and it captures the stress of the genre extremely well. I'm in love with your request bubbles - we tried several variations of them in our game but couldn't get something we liked and eventually went back to standard overcooked order queue. IDK why we didn't pull out the recipe from the request but it works extremely well here so props to you.

Solid entry with a good aesthetic and perfect humor. 5/5 no notes.

Thanks for the kind feedback! We definitely liked texture of adding the anvil as a bottleneck while leaving the forge, quenching station, and crafting bench as places where multitasking opportunities. All the art was done for the jam and I was deeply impressed -- I hadn't worked with bea previously (she did all the iso perspective work) and was blown away by her volume and the quality.

"Real" multiplayer might be a bit much but I think couch co-op mode isn't totally off the table as a post-jam addition. Right now we're working on some other QOL changes that didn't make the cut so we'll see when the energy runs out :)

My comment is pretty much in line with raghunandan's before me -- core interactions were good, the mechanics seemed okay... but the lack of clarity around when I was going to get attacked and if/how block worked at all was confusing. I got to a point where enemies were 1-hit killing me from ~full health with block and progression seemed impossible.

Despite the issues I had around the edges I liked it. Feels like this has a good basis and a little work teaching the mechanics or making them more discoverable would have huge returns.

Thanks so much! Bart has always been a big fan of Bert considering him a true master of the craft so he was very pleased when I relayed your compliments lol :D

But yea, you nailed on the head one of the things we missed -- teaching some of ancillary mechanics was difficult to convey in just the tutorial cards and a live tutorial was a step beyond what we were able to get in place for the jam. Glad you enjoyed the experience, thanks for the kind words.

There should be a trash can on every level to get rid of stuff in your hand if need be. BUT we're also about half the way to having counter-top storage in place post-jam so soon you wont be in a place where you need to throw away partial work!

It has been a joy to see our art get such love here as we felt bea really knocked the iso stuff out of the park (IIRC it was also her first stab at pixel art!)

Sorry that the instructions didn't convey the need for multiple ores better, we considered a more interactive tutorial but .. you know how jams are. And, yea, right now the primary enemy is the clock though that could always change if we continue development. For the jam though our goal was to have it tuned such that it was fairly approachable to get 1 hammer on every level and harder to get 3 just based on time constraints though I expect there was a lot of massaging left to do if we want a good skill curve.

Thanks so much for the feedback -- we'll def fold it into any future work that gets done.

I got nothing novel to add here -- the game is great, the vibe is solid, the music is top notch. The second and fourth levels I found to be challenging and the release just isn't clicking for me. But I tend to rush a beat so that kind of tracks.

Great job.

I feel like the pineapple kingdom has been maligned :sob:

But other than that this is great! I enjoyed the super playful take on the theme and tower defense. A little levity goes a long way. The gameplay loop was solid and the tension of needing to be at the oven to craft new towers / in the fray to collect items vs the super powerful removed observer magically collecting and dropping goods was a great move. Added a ton of tension to the waves.

Extremely solid submission.

Thank you so much! It was a big learning experience for the team and we're glad you enjoyed the results.

I love this. I want it on my phone yesterday.

Fantastic job -- everything is so well paired with each other it feels unreal that this was a jam entry. Would love to see what additional play variations you'd add if you were to continue development here for advanced players / deeper levels.

Eep, saw you drop by and thought I recognized the game and just realizing I didn't leave a comment!

Anyway everything about this was so good. I had trouble getting the coal to work initially but the aesthetic and the variations you made on the mechanics are just top notch. And how you use the intro movement mechanics tied into the menu was superb. Well done!

(1 edit)

Aw thanks! I picked up the menu / wiring work on this one so it was like "gotta be creative somewhere or I'm going to explode" and that all went into the credits scene lol.

haha, sure thing -- if you sort out the grind/hammer details lmk :D

Cute art and the hammer / grinding mechanics had promise but it's not clear how to interact with them. I checked the game page and it just says to interact -- tried the "standard" keys (space, e, enter) and didn't see any feedback really.

Conceptually I like the focus on the mini games.

If you press space it'll progress the dialogue with the sketchy old owner.

(1 edit)

Hopefully you didn't learn that diamond is melted into forgeable material, that was artistic license :D :D

Stashing things on the counter was definitely something we wanted to add but had to cut at the end. We tried to compensate by setting point-limits low to allow for some things falling through the cracks while letting people progress. Having a low skill floor and high ceiling felt important.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Everything about the aesthetic here is great. Mechanically how the requests mapped to the actions I should take was non obvious. I love the style though and it'd be wonderful to see it more fully fleshed out.

God this is so well done.

I found the minigame fairly unforgiving -- I'm not sure if this was because I was getting a tiny bit of lag from wireless controller / playing in a browser or a skill issue (NARRATOR: it's definitely a skill issue). Even so I love this so much and your team should be super proud. I will say managing to nail an inspired piece is super rewarding.

Art and music are perfect for this and even the plodding speed of Bert which I normally would hate in this style game fits the story so well that I'm in love. Only critical feedback I've got is that I found the targeting along the bottom row to be finicky -- i suspect because Bert only has a left/right facing -- and the timing is maybe a bit tight leading to a high skill floor.

All around bang up job folks.

Ahhh. To blob's credit the suggestion was definitely made to put the glowing item in the order queue and I was concerned it would be too distracting. I guess we should have at least tried it and IDK why but using a single frame of that animation didn't even cross my mind until this comment.

Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

I love this a lot -- huge overcooked fan so this is right in the middle of me genre preferences. The snark of the customers and whimsy of having your crucible explode are both great touches and give the game a distinct sense of self. I love the additional mechanic of having to decide the tool at the anvil and how it adds challenge without significant gameplay (or dev) complexity.

The downside is basically what folks have said -- a constrained order set on the earlier levels to learn the items would have gone a long way and the timing is brutal (coming from someone who has 4-stared all of overcooked 2 and most of the DLC) unless there was a pipelining opportunity I missed.

In all this is a great entry with a fantastic twist on this style of mechanic.

haha, idk about that -- it was pretty well integrated and with the exception of that one bit i was able to dive in, realize i liked the loop, and then catch the missing bits in the write up. even better if it a last-hours addition.


I'm literally dying. I feel unfairly targeted by this game, perfect no notes. lmao

(1 edit)

I found this to be a unique take on the theme and an interesting mechanic. I had some perf problems -- possibly from the dragon VFX getting compiled (were they pooled objects?) -- and the screen shifting as much as it did left/right was polarizing for me. I loved that it captured the push/pull of a battle but the frequency of it made things a little hard to follow.

The gameplay was fun and the mechanics of collecting things before they got lost was super solid / I loved the time dilation when it all went into the air and that collecting things near another resource would give you more time. I feel like this would be a super solid mobile game if you kept developing the concept.

Music and art were a great match to the vibe.

Solid entry, cheers!