Thanks! I was both going to have enemies and hazards, but I ran out of time : ( The rectangle is intentional: it's a gauge to show the percent of the map you've seen. It was MEANT to have an animation of it sloshing around to show it's ink, but again, didn't get to it.
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Great game. The artistic direction is phenomenal on this. I enjoyed the gradual challenge, and the gunplay felt really good. I initially wondered why you would ever use the rifle squid over the revolver one, but when I started to use both in tandem it felt really good! I appreciated their strengths balancing each other's weaknesses (range vs limited ammo). Wish there was a timer and radar for finding fish because it definitely does take a while to find that last fish on the levels.
Like Sodoj said, I don't really know how to rate this one on the merits of it being a game, but as someone who has a habit of making very arcade-focused, high-intensity game jam entries, I think this entry kinda spoke to me that not everyone wants a super high-energy game, and some people just want a relaxing experience free from the constraints of "winning" or "losing". I really admire this for being so unorthodox and creative, and it really made me think about how I myself could try to create something more in the direction of a non-game myself for a jam. Great work!
Wow! Obligatory "this is on Pico-8?!?"
I've played for like 10 minutes but as someone who just bought a Pico-8 today I am blown away by the production value. Tweening? Really nice animations? AUTOTILING? Wow I am impressed!
As someone whose played a decent bit of roguelikes, I really liked how nicely the patented "rogue sauce" really goes with this. Once I understood how important getting the first attack was, I really appreciate how much detail you put into the randomly generated environments to encourage strategic play (opening doors to let an enemy get close to you so you can attack them, rooms of jars allowing you to take a turn so you can attack, etc)
I got absolutely curbstomped out of nowhere on a decent run and I'm definitely going to see if I can beat this one.
Ahhh shoot... I'm assuming it's the HTML5 version? It may be due to your browser not supporting various GLES3 settings (I just tested it on Firefox and it seems to work fine). Anyways, if you hit ESC, you can change your shadow mode from one of three settings (off, orthogonal, PSSM4) which may solve your issue.
Thank you! Yeah, I checked out the game you mentioned and the flat poly shader really does give off a similar vibe to it. I'll have to check it out!
I'd highly recommend you check out the new build: the game is much more fleshed out and much less jank. There's new models, lighting improvements, fixed puzzles and a completely playable front-to-back experience with a proper ending.
Hi Sodoj,
If you got to the part that I'm thinking of, wow, I am impressed that you got that far! Yes, I checked and realized that in its initial form the game was indeed unbeatable.
Thankfully, it is now cooked enough to be played through front to back without major issues, and I hope you enjoy.
Thank you so much for playing!
Oh my god :0
Very good looking game, love the color palette chosen, all of the ingredients (and there are a LOT of them!) have a lot of varying effects, and although it sometimes seems like its a crapshoot to what I get (A character is boiling in lava! The fire res ingredient boosts my score by +5, but the poison resistance boosts it by... +8?!?), it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, I tried my best, helped tidy, used my manners, ate all my food, and (mostly) stayed focused.
I'm OK with the fact that there is really no final score at the end... save for when you kill a customer, it lets you know they will never return... how morbid and hilarious at the same time.
Oh yeah, and it's made in Pico8 -- what a flex for a 72hr game jam.
Love, love, love this game. Absolutely love this game's sense of humor. So many little touches I absolutely adore, and I can't praise it enough. Great job!
I managed to clock out!
Great concept, but it feels a bit bare-bones. The CTRL button is useless because it's very slow (which gets you killed) and you can play the entire game on audio cues alone and just use SHIFT and SPACE. The boss AI is unfortunately predictable, and I wish there was more to manage than just a single clock.
Overall I enjoyed it, but I wish there was more to it. Ending was hilarious lol, great job on that
This is made in Scratch? :0
Really like the game, and getting into a flow is really fun. Like other people said, it needs more juice (fire sounds, enemy particles, etc).
The one large problem I have with the game is that the key to reset is the same key as to fire your weapon, which leads me to never see my final ranking because I'm always hammering down the fire button during the game. Reset should have been LEFT + RIGHT + SPACE in my opinion.
Hey I remember you from the Colors jam!
Stellar entry -- really enjoyed this game. Your visual style really compliments the atmosphere and gameplay of the game, and I think you built on the Spacewar / Asteroids concept in a really fun way. The ship thruster diagram is helpful, and I like the little touches such as the alert sound when an asteroid gets too close to the black hole, and the lock-on red highlight line to let you know you can fire onto an asteroid.
The bootup for this game is great, too. It's nice to see it throughout your games, and I'm a big fan.
I also agree that the time mechanic (winding the level like a clock) was confusing, but once I figured it out, it really felt like a well thought-out game. I loved the pixel art, the overall color scheme, and everything felt like it had the proper weight to it -- great use of SFX! All around, incredible entry.
I really enjoyed this game! The spritework had some neat touches (you turn into a ball when you are jumping and moving left and right like in Metroid), the level design is very well done and the game itself is the perfect length. Would have liked some sound, but oh well!
The only major criticism I have is I don't see where the theme factors in, and I would have liked to see it play a part in the game.
The squares in the clock combined with the need to shoot enemies feels like a frustrating mechanic, especially when a square spawns in a direction you need to wind the clock hands too. Honestly, I'd enjoy the game a lot more if there were no squares at all and the game was overall faster to compensate for it.
Really like this one! The Petrify! meter may be one of my favorite visual touches I've seen in a game jam, and I'm a big fan of the art for the enemies and towers. Game is brutal, though -- definitely a combination of your towers feeling weak, the enemies feeling very spongy and the prices increasing very fast that make it very tough.
Game is infuriating 😭 It's a rage game through and through, so you all succeeded on that front! I really wish that there was the opportunity to start from the last level you cleared.
There are a lot of clashing art assets which detract from the experience. Some of the spikes look like background objects and/or are very small, which causes some cheap deaths. The main slime spirte looks good, but I'm not a fan of the filtering on it.
Ooooo, Caravan shmup!
My impressions are that the weapon selection that was put in is very well-balanced: it feels like there's a really good mix of speed and shot power from the DDP-style laser to the nice Raiden spread shot to the six-way to the straight vulcan -- very good job. Enemy placement is very well-done, and once I got that the name of the game is to point-blank the hell out of everything, I really started to enjoy it.
However, there is one VERY important caveat: and that is that the game crashes when you die, which is a huuuuuuge shame.
Also, I agree with your focus on making a tighter game over incorporating the limitation in a shoe-horned way in a detriment to the gameplay. In an ideal world, both could happen, but I respect your decision.
Rated your game! Here's mine: Rate Battle Khromatica by tis2k for Mini Jam 111: Colors² -
Very good presentation! Love love love the art. A bug I found is when you fall off the platform, you fall forever and don't die, which prevents the game from resetting, which is annoying.
Interesting mechanic, although there seems to be a very obvious and optimal way to play the game (stick to the edges as much as you can). As another commentor said, I think the game needs more variety and interest to engage players.
Couldn't get past the 1st level. I'd love to play more but it seems like complete RNG to get past the first section, especially the turrets that fire continuously in a straight line which are near-impossible to get through without taking a hit (if there was some duck mechanic I feel this would be more excusable) and the platforms with inconsistent clipping (why do some platforms let you jump through them and others don't even though they look the same?).
Aesthetically, I really liked it sans the Aperture Science turret lifted directly into the game. Menu looks fantastic, and the music is pretty good.
Excellent puzzles. The trollface room puzzle was genuinely a head-scratcher for me, and I was pleasantly surprised there was MORE game after it (even if the puzzles were fairly easy from that point onwards). Puzzles were very clever, and the color-switching mechanic was well implemented.
The atmosphere's certainly there but I wish that there was more done with the story and especially the limitation. It is hard to take a game with trollface enemies seriously, and the game kind of abruptly ends.
Very good job!
Oh, before I forget, there is one small technical issue -- there's a clip bug where there's no wall on the bridge in the trollface room, letting you walk into the background (however, it's enclosed so you can't walk out of bounds).
I like the idea! Keyboard controls not having Z to jump and X to attack threw me for a loop (damn you muscle memory!!!), There are a lot of small issues (player attack hitboxes are very small, bullets have strange hitboxes where standing on them is inconsistent, player friction is a bit too slippery) that sapped my enjoyment, but zipping through the levels is fun.
Playing and rating rn, here's ours: Rate Battle Khromatica by tis2k for Mini Jam 111: Colors² -
Banger visual design!
Wish I would have known that you can use the arrow keys as well -- playing two-handed is a much more comfortable experience even if you have to still manually switch paddles.
Also, I wish that dropping the ball on either side would reset the ball position back in the center like standard Pong.
Also liked the "playing for Earth" at the end -- nice touch!
The aesthetic of this game is top-notch. Really something special with the music, the writing (the joke about the locks being made in a weekend really made me laugh), and the presentation. I didn't really understand the story at all, but it left an impression on me for sure. I'm amazed this was a one-person effort!
Mechanically, I really found this game more frustrating than I would have liked (ok, it looks like it needs more red, and now -- ahh, it needs more blue, and now it needs green, and now more red, etc. etc.), and I wish that there was some sort of auto-reset if you input too many colors so you're not in an infinite loop of feebly changing colors.
I'm a big fan of the presentation! Bootup screen was very well done, manual was well-written, all really done well on that front. I laughed when I got RTFM'd too the first playthrough.
--Spoilers Ahead!--
My primary wish is that the steganography mechanic was used in a more engaging fashion. When I discovered that almost all of the rooms had secret platforms, it kinda ruined the "a-ha"! moment I got from doing it the first time, not to mention my fear that I had missed a cookie and would have to do the whole thing again. I feel that more mechanics would have been a huge boon to the game.
I agree with everyone else -- hitbox is too big, and that makes it frustrating to get to the secret level entrances. The controls are very slide-y and feel a bit mismatched to the environment, and I felt more frustrated than accomplished upon finishing the game.
The tutorial does a good job of explaining the concept, but the problem is that I have no idea what is happening when I am actually dropped into the game.
I got a score of 1000, but I have no idea what was really happening in-game. Is it like Tempest / Gyruss? Am I in a tube... or is it like Space Invaders? Are my enemies in front of me? To the sides of me? As far as I can tell, enemies and sounds pan left and right only, so I have no idea. I know it's not relevant information, but I don't have enough audio cues to really piece together my surroundings, so my mind jumps to these questions -- and while it stems from an issue with the game, I really think that mystery of not knowing your surroundings is what really makes this game so intriguing to me.
My issues are that, as stated, there's not really enough information to play the game, and with what little info I have, the sounds are too similar, and I frequently get audio cues mixed up. I'm no audio designer, but:
- Some sort of continuous, whining sound for enemies moving around the playfield with some doppler effect (I think???) would effectively let you "see" the enemies.
- Afaik there is a thruster sound for the player, and I think there is no reason for it to be there because it clutters up the soundscape. Highly recommend you replace it with audio cues for enemies instead. For this game, if it isn't the case already, I'd suggest limiting the number of enemies on the field to like 1 to 3 .
- Again, I literally have no idea what the playfield looks like, so I keep envisioning this is some sort of tube shooter where enemies are moving back and forth in the foreground and taking potshots at you.
- A distinct cue for grazing an enemy with your shot / an enemy grazing would help with aim.
- Sounds for your shot trailing down the playfield where it decreases in volume the further it gets.
- In addition, I don't mind the beam charging mechanic, but the requirement for it to be fully charged to fire feels unwieldly because I didn't hear any distinct sound for it finishing charging.
- Getting hit: if you have ANY visual feedback, it should be here. I don't know if there is a health system, but I think I was getting hit sometimes?
EXTREMELY fascinating concept, but it definitely requires some serious reworking. I think that an arcade game like Galaxian where enemies simply swoop down from formation and divebomb the player could totally work as an audio-only game already, so I think you're onto something really cool here.
Veeeeeeery polished, and I was shocked to see 20!!!! levels in the level select for this less than month-long game-jam.
I can see how much attention you put into understanding multiple solutions for the same level just by looking at the gifs section of your entry, and I am very impressed by it. The only addition I'd ask for is some sort of storytelling across the levels or something to compliment the gameplay, and make the jump physics a bit floatier.
I am extremely impressed with how rock solid this was, and I really enjoyed it!
Holy moly, that is a map if I've ever seen one! My jaw was on the floor after continuously going through rooms and thinking "yep, that's the end of the map" only to be greeted by MORE map. Very impressive.
Like Roldy said, the map menu is really nice. I have no idea if the "I'm stuck!" button that boots you out to the desktop is the final, intended purpose (I was expecting it to be some sort of hint feature), but I was laughing hysterically at it anyways.
As in the prototype, there seem to be some quirks of the player SM and the world that results in weird things like grabbing onto the side of ledges in thin air, etc. I also would highly recommend disabling autoclimbing on walls once you are in complete freefall, as it's disorienting when I am falling down to get to a lower area and I climb on a ledge without meaning to do so.
Very annoyingly, I got a wrong-warp glitch where I went through a door and I ended up in a completely different area, and the camera got desync'd into another area too when I tried to go back, forcing me to reset.
For combat, I think that the player being given some extra attacks that conserve momentum would benefit the flow greatly, esp. a dash attack or slide attack.
This was so fun to play!!!!
I like the vibe, the atmosphere is so cute, and my only real gripe was that the slime enemies kept bouncing into each other when I was trying to make that trickshot to get the last target, which got very annoying.
Now that I think about it, I do have a legitimate concern -- I feel like there are too many keys to do things, and something like Zelda's held item would be useful, esp. because many of them would benefit from context-sensitive actions (i.e. I feel a key for planting AND throwing buttons is a lot).
Very excited to play the final build! Keep up the good work!
I liked it! I think that you are going for a slower overall game pace than I'm used to with shmups, which is fine, but I think that it becomes a liability, especially because things take a long time to happen (section length is long, bullet speed is VERY slow, ship speed is slow, etc), and without that quick decision making shmups often rely on, it feels flat.
Also, the problem with a lot of the powerups is that most of the time, they felt like hindrances more than help, especially speed-down for something-up items, which in a game where the ship speed is already slow and the hitbox is very big, feels like certain death.
Visually, I think the game is really nice! Again, I think having different bullet types for different enemies would help a lot, but besides that, I appreciate the variety you put in the sections, and my only wish is that you would mix-and-match enemies to complement each other.
Can't wait to see the final build!