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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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character-controller felt very sluggish? and the balance felt weird, i legit one-shotted the last boss with the last die i was given.

and was it intentional that the thrown dice always landed on a 1? feels like it should vary

the music was kinda epic tho

can't really critique the game since it wasn't finished (would have been interesting to see how the dice affected the game tho). Also why is there an options-menu when there is no need?

what i can say is that i for some reason loved the voice-clips. (especially the "d-d-d-dice!")

felt so cute in some way

this was quite a fun game, however the sound-design could use some work. Like maybe some sound when choosing the dice?

and rip num6. never to be seen

this was actually really creative, my only criticism is that i could use some more Juice!

yeah i was planning on making a healthbar but ran out of time since I really needed to make some kind of tutorial.

And no, you did not miss a mechanic. I did not have that much time to balance the game, so it mostly just became a chaotic "shoot everything"-kinda game

quite a cool idea yet simple idea, 

and is the difficulty way to hard or do i just suck a lot?

very juicy game with a great character-controller. 

but the way it fit the theme wasn't so great. Just "gambling" between two options doesn't really feel like a dice-theme

damn, this was quite a creative and fun idea. however it was quite weird that the die was physics-based and not just a fixed "roll-animation" because sometimes the die would come "off" the grid, or spin in some weird way, making the movement a little funky.

(also sad there were so few levels) ;)

damn that turn-speed definitively needs a change.  

sooo.. with "change the entire level"

what changes, apart from health?

damn, a solid three star game xd

the art is really quite amazing for a game jam!" but the floaty character-movement combined with the weird cutty walking sound makes the game feel less fun

really like the effects when the dice are "picked up". otherwise as you might guess, there isnt much to say.

 Gotta step up them coding speeds

Cool idea but could have been executed better.

the puzzles would have to be trickier, most could just be solved first try by just pushing everything randomly

a quite creative idea, however it needed more polish.

as others mentioned its very confusing to begin with. 

it would also be great if you could speed up the plant growing somehow when you have "chosen" the ingredients you want

6 hours? ??

imagine what could have become with 50

enjoyed the feel of the game but things were kinda confusing, never knew how much hp i had. And what did the coins do?

beat all three levels, and yet the dice was in another bag. :(

quite fun, controls felt a bit slippery tho

big GOD scared me. Why NO horroR tag??

really get that celeste feeling

however the controls are a little wacky


This Game, just awesome. Definitely going high up on the leaderboard!

an interesting but rather hard game. I like the feel, but checkpoints would be appreciated

I really enjoyed the music, and the graphics look nice. However the walking sound is quite annoying and the game feels really slow to play (like there's not much happening)

nah, made it up like 3 wires. But that sounds so sad (that they blocked the rest of the game) when it had such a good concept, and I would have liked to have seen more of it!

the gameconcept is good. The music and aduio in general is great, and putting a story in a jam-game is quite speciall (With voicelines too!). But the difficulity makes me wanna commit robot murder.

Cool art, but the ziplines are stupid and 9/10 times I fall straight through them

okej, just thought the text looked low resolution, but maybe that was a font?

I really like the attack animation, really captured the angry chicken look. However i found it really hard to launch the little penguin

Damn, never thought anyone would like this game this much! I greatly appreciate it

cool concept!

fun and cool that everything stacks. But it would seem like it doesnt stack correctly? when the frequency can go to xInfinity

wow, these visuals are tooooooo goood!

announcement to all gamers, my record is wave 31. If you want to torture yourselfes, go ahead and try to beat it

thx for the feedback, yeah kinda annoying Having to keep spinning. Atleast the "spinner" style, makes it a bit esier

a nice idea, but it doesnt really work well in this environment. Probably would have worked better in a grid system (where everything moves 1 tile at a time).

And a recommendation for you unity users. Look into a thing called "Textmesh Pro"

A nice concept, but would it not be more interesting if there were a puzzle element to the game. Like some difference to the maze on either side.

damn this is cool.  More varied enemies would be nice, but i belive most time went to that was it hard checking if a path to the boss existed?

the feeling of this game is soooo guuud. Everything feels so fun and caotic


(thos sounds so gud >"< )