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A member registered Feb 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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i love how the octopussy looks at me and then inks

I liked the story and this was definitely a very original idea. The art style was also very nice and unique and I liked how the inner dialogue was quite funny at time especially when the bug girl popped up on the screen and me and the character had the same thought "a what..." or the instant "get out" which I thought was very funny

overall it was very enjoyable and made me laugh quite a few times well done :D

I really loved your game it was phenomenal so i'm very excited that I got some feedback from you! 

Thank you so much though :D I would have loved to have a much more detailed sort of style on the pixel art but since I joined so late I could really only allotte around 3 hours to work on sprites plus it was my first time ever making pixel art. I really wanted to add this cool swap to a much more detailed first person sort of view when you interacted with an object to add to the horror aspect but with only 12 hours to work on it I didnt had to cut out alot of plans I originally had.

The ending was something I was making around 30 minutes before submission and the game is supposed to crash when she reaches you but the code seemed to break right at the end and I sadly didn't have time to fix it D:

I really appreciate all the feedback you gave and that you enjoyed playing this little experience I put together :D\

Thanks so much for playing!

No sadly I ran out of time to continue the story so I implemented some code to crash the game once she reached you but that code ended up not working properly right at the end but I was already out of time D:

Of course thank you for making such an amazing game! seriously loved it!

Don't worry it was honestly just a minor thing it really didnt change much about the overall enjoy ability of the game!

Thank you :D Yea I had to really rush the story sadly as I was only able to get to the story part with the last hour of development and halfway through I had to change some code that deleted all the story that had been written so far :(

Seriously was an amazing experience I'm very glad I was able to play! keep up the amazing work I know you guys can turn this into something great :D

I'd love to see how you build on this in the future, amazing game :D

The game is a little too dark I kinda understand it for the first area but for the second area I had a really hard time trying to find my way around the house and I ended up stuck on the paintings.

edit: i didnt know there was a flashlight. to make it a little easier you could possible start with the flashlight on when you start the game and then people have the option to turn it off from there cause I had no idea it was in the game.

I wish something happened with the black room next to the power box too as i thought something was going to come out and chase me but it was still a nice little jumpscare top get people even more on edge.

I really loved the atmosphere and the sound design was on another level I seriously fell in love with the atmosphere especially when you leave the first level and headed off to the house it really gave me resident evil vibes!

Overall this was a really good and extremely well designed and lay'd out game :D

I really loved the haunted mansion feel of the game! It was a really fun arcade shoot em up experience I really liked the fact that you could aim too cause hip firing was a little hard to do at first. 

I really enjoyed the alarm and the ghouls getting let out near the end too thought I wish i could have gotten my picture :(

Seriously an amazing game!

I really loved the story and the gameplay was super fun on top of the monstrous noises mixed in with the music. the sounds and music really had me on edge the whole time and really took it over the top for me! I really loved the shadow girl that walked when I was in the maze too.

One comment I do have is I think that the time between when you start the game and the instructor starts talking is too long. I thought that I had to do something and almost had enough time to minimize the game and open the gamepage to look at controls before he started talking. Also the time between when you take the serum and the effects start to play is a tad bit too long i feel.

ill try to refrain from spoiling so ill be vague but I loved what happened when you finished the third maze it really caught me off guard!

overall I really loved this game amazing work :D

Wow that is seriously amazing. That was one of the most original takes I've seen so far I loved everything! 

Ok so for feedback, The walking part of the game got stale after a while which ended up making everything else start to feel more stale as I found myself paying more attention to the art and everything around me rather than the gameplay.

 I think something you could do to spice it up (obviously I understand we only had so much time and this is amazing for the time allotted) would be to add a story and other things going on between just running such as cut scenes, fighting, etc. Obviously only if youre planning on continuing this project but I really loved what you came up with already and I seriously think you could make this into something even more amazing.

I seriously love the warping mechanic and how you cant spam it so you have to actually be careful with how you use it. 

And on top of all that the music and art were amazing. I just started getting into art and I'm very envious that you can create such amazing 2d art! 

Overall though I really really enjoyed this game and I can't wait to see what you turn this into and all of your future work :D

I really loved the concept of the close eye mechanic the only complaint I have is there wasnt much of a hint of where enemies were without closing ur eyes so I found myself walking with my eyes closed most the time and missing out on the world and assets.

that being said the mechanic is a very cool and interesting twist on this kind of game. I'd really love to learn more about the world as I started getting more and more invested as the game went on with all the notes scattered around. I really loved the fact that even in a small build like this you added multiple endings letting players choose what path they wanted to to choose.

With more time dumped into this game I really think it could become something amazing great work all around :D

Thank you so much :D this was my first attempt at pixel art or really art in general! I would have really loved to have spent more time on the art but im fairly happy with it with the amount of time that was put into it thank you so much <3

Oh yea I get that I don't have any experience with Twine but I understand it having its own set of problems just like unity.

I'm gonna go and check that out and see if i can hear the sound I would really love to hear the whole game played as it was meant to be!

Of course thank you for making such a wonderful game :D

such amazing people behind the dev team too! I can't wait to see what you guys make in the future <3

No thank you for this masterpiece!

Yea who knows it could be something on my end for all we know but that aside I loved the game I can't wait to see what you do with it in the future :D

Amazing :D I can't wait to see what you end up doing with V2!

Thank you so much this means alot :D

I'm pretty happy with what I was  able to get done in 12 hours considering it was my first time making a game and first time making pixel art. I  definitely would have loved to spend more time on the sprites and story but obviously time didn't allow.  But i'm really happy with the experience I gained and I cant wait to start working on future games :D

I really loved the feel of the map! the art as a whole was really nice it all added to the feel of the game really nicely. I think the music could have been a bit louder as I forgot it was there entirely if i didnt focus on it.

I feel you had to drag the relics for a very long time it woulda been cool to see a more interactive puzzle or something but i understand we didnt have very much time but for the time allotted i think you did an amazing job!

I really loved the filter when you got near the monster too it was a really nice touch.

Overall I thought this was a really cool breath of fresh air especially the reflect mechanic!

I'm not sure if it's just me but the controls were very hard to use as my character would not walk the way I wanted them to alot of the time and my camera would randomly jerk away but technical issues aside I really loved the art and the story of the game.

I really love these kinds of story experiences and I really loved how the pill bottles turned into beer bottles when the cop lights started playing. The story overall was very encaptivating and the environment just brought it all together beautifully

overall the game was a really fun experience :D

I loved the creepy and chaotic nature of the walk animation for the monster I thought it was a good twist on just the robotic like movements that you see with most monster AI in games like these but everything about the game was well executed! I feel some form of ambiance music would be a nice touch since at times I didnt feel much pressure and forgot about the timer. maybe the music could speed up or get more distorted as your time runs out or the monster nears  on you.

overall I really enjoyed this game keep up the great work :D

Wow I just finished the game and it honestly left me speechless. That was a beautifully made game everything about the game was so incredibly built and everything tied together so well! The story was amazing the more I listened to the more and more entrapped I became. A beautifully made environment that kept my feeling more and more immersed as the game went on. 

overall this was an amazing game I don't really have anything negative to say about it! keep up the amazing work :D

I loved this game! I really love the old resident evil feel of it with all the puzzles and camera angles.

The controls were a bit weird to get used to at the begging but it I got over that fairly quick. I honestly didn't notice tooo many bugs considering the scope of the game and the allotted time for the jam!

honestly amazing work with everything about this game. it was fairly detailed for such a large map never did i really feel underwhelmed wandering around the hospital the atmosphere was brought together beautifully with all the sounds, story, and monsters throughout especially the one in the medical room I loved that one! I loved that you went for a creepy approach instead of just relying on jumpscares too 

overall you should be proud of how this turned out! I loved it and I can't wait to see the future of this game :D

Based on the credits I assume there was sounds that were played throughout the game for some reason I wasn't able to hear anything while playing through which is really sad as I loved the aesthetic of the game!

The story was very interesting and I really loved the little details through the game such as the shadowing of text or the model and detailing of the "next" button! I already enjoyed the styling of the text alone but when the game swapped to background I fell in love this is exactly what I was hoping to find in this jam for a text scroller! I'm really sad I didn't get to experience the sounds but im sure they tied the environment together even more beautifully. I also have to say I love the cover art for the game its such a unique style. The only thing I think I have to say for feedback would be I think some form of blur fade from the black the the image would be a really cool touch to add more of an alive feeling to the game! also maybe at critical moments in the story giving the text movement or something to once again just make the game feel even more alive and add to that eerie feeling of the atmosphere!

overall loved the game! Can't wait to see future work from you :D

The art style and the mix of the hand drawn panels and the game play was really cool that I havnt seen before with this type of game. The game could use a lot more detailing with animations and sounds and such also the gun sound in my opinion could use a change as it scared the fuck out of me when I shot for the first time. 

Overall this is a very solid game and I look forward to seeing the future of this I think it could be an amazing game with more time put into it :D

Very nice story! I think it could have done with more sound, background, etc but it was still a very nice story and I really liked the fact you could click on more to uncover more about the story and being able to go to something you missed was a really nice feature!

Thank you so much I really appreciate the feedback and criticism as it helps me grow.

the unsettling feeling is exactly what I was going for. The game originally was still going to use that element but obviously have much more features that time didn't allow so the game ended up being much more lackluster than I hoped and I didn't have enough time to code audio triggers sadly I was really hoping to add knocking sounds and much more but I hope to continue working on this project and turn it into the full vision I had at the beginning of this :D

Thank you! the painting were just a last minute funny thing that I added since I ran out of time to create a more detailed environment :(

And yea the current state is supposed to crash once the alternate version of you reaches you but the code ended up not working and I didn't have anytime left to fix it but that was also just a fill in ending I would love and can't wait to work on this further and make it a much more fully fledged working game!

Thank you :D 

yea the paintings are just downsized images as i ran out of time and thought itd be a funny way to spice up the atmosphere rather than just leaving it empty!

thank you so much for playing and giving feedback!

Of course ive been trying to go check out every game since everyone tried their hardest with this i wanna make sure that everyone get some form of feedback for their games after putting so much effort into them!

I can't wait for future updates about this game!

I really like the overall style of the game i thought the sprites and animations looked really cool and i really liked the boss battle at the end i think with more game play elements this could be  a really cool game.

you could possibly turn it into the rhythm like game sorta like crypt of the necromancer at least the shoot on beat aspect of it

but overall a very solid game :D

Thank you so much! I know i sadly ran out of time since i ended up joining the jam so late i had alot more planned for the game but obviously time didnt allow. I'm hoping to treat this as a prototype there was a lot that I sadly didnt have time to implement but I have something in mind that ill start working on very soon  that will still be the same concept but alot more detailed since ill be working on it for me rather than for a jam!

I loved every second of this game it was super enjoyable to play.

The gameplay loop was extremely fun and that was a lot accomplished for a game made in a week 

Seriously amazing game keep up the amazing work! Can't wait to see where this game ends up :D

Really nice game I thought the story at the beginning was a little lack luster but once it got to the climax it really made me go oh shit and I started finding myself more and more invested as the story continued and on top of that the visuals and audio really tied it all together very nice!

overall it was a really fun experience and id love to see where the story leads :D

I know I had to throw in some guardian angels too keep everyone safe <3

I hope to keep working on it thinking of it as a prototype to make a bigger project now that I have some hands on experience as this was both my first time actually making a game and making pixel art :D

I really loved the art style but I'm very confused about the gameplay mechanics and how to get away from the monster. I can't get past to complete anything without just spam dying to the monster. The audio and visuals were on another level though I loved them im sad i was only able to get to the little bird room :(

I really enjoyed this game I honestly don't really have anything bad to say about this game it did everything it was meant to do flawlessly and the game play loop was pretty fun!

I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the music they really tied each other together 

overall it was a really enjoyable experience and I can't wait to see what else you guys end up putting out :D