Now that this is all said and done, thanks to everyone who played and rated the game! Seeing as "Story" and "Horror" were the two categories I was gunning for above all, placing top ten in both (4th and 8th, respectively) is honestly really nice to see!
I guess looking back, I'm seeing the consistent issues with Twine as an engine starting to bite me a bit. Whether by it's reliance on next-to-no graphical elements, or the fact that based entirely on technical issues, essential parts of the story (such as music) might not load... I'm wondering if sticking with it is a smart option, going forward. Guess it's time to experiment, a bit!
This is also the first game I truly collaborated with someone else for, in this case the wonderful ConeClvtist on music. More than anything, his involvement not only made the game great in a way I could not, but it shows how essential a team is in the grand scheme of things... I am clearly a writer, but to step beyond that, well... I'll need a bit of help, moving on.
Well, that's basically my huge take aways, now that the dust has settled... Again, thank you everyone for playing! I hope you enjoyed reading Neotrogla as much as I enjoyed making it!
Considering these results came in at 5am my time, I'm going to get back to sleep... Thanks again, and congrats to all the winners!
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