When I find time, I plan on implementing a major update. Specifically, some unique mid-game plants to help with the climb up to the Superflower, a couple balance changes, specifically the spawn rates of both meteors, more explanation in gameplay of some concepts, and some more chaotic elements (Black hole, alcohol clouds, space lasers). I had to cut the scope down a little when I came up with the concept, but
there's more content to be made here. Unfortunately I won't be able to live update it, so any progress people have will be necessarily reset upon getting the new update later since it'll be a new upload, but that's hopefully not a deal-breaker.
Vivian Webster
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Footage is absolutely insane. Really cool concept here. Lends itself to some really cool movement probably. Copyrighted songs is crazy, but those are classics I haven't heard in a while so they get at least a couple points. Difficult to find too many things to say about this game when I wasn't actually able to play it. Going for a nonstandard development path is commendable and impressive, but perhaps not wise under such a tight deadline. Very chaotic. Stand proud, you're strong.
Classic stuff here. The player certainly has a lot of health though, and it looks like the heavy attack restores a good amount of it. I had a tough time trying to get myself into danger knowing this. Occasionally animations did not match their hitboxes, but it was nothing too bad. Game's got a great atmosphere. Tolkeinesque fantasy always has a special place in my heart. Good feel, balancing took me out of it, pretty good game.
Ooh lots of text in this one. I think there may be better ways of explaining the parameters of your game. There's also seemingly no reason to ever intentionally click anything except 2, 7, and sometimes 1. Not quite sure why the game ended some of the times it did. Even when I was keeping track of my vague move limit, it still ended the game sometimes, evidently unrelated to the timer. Using the escape key as a shop button is crazy. The actual concept behind all of this is very interesting though. I think it's strongly harmed by the need for chaos. A tile-based point-scoring game should give you time to think if you have to consider so many different actions and consequences to your actions. Would love to see this concept executed under a different theme. UI was cool, music freaked me out, shop doesn't seem to work, interesting game.
That was real good. Needing to intentionally take on stress to beat the later levels was a really cool way of reinforcing the themes of your game. Prob the best story we've got among these games, and it had me considering my own life for ways I would actually manage to meet quota. This game is a mirror, screw you Waffle, very impressive.
The control switch caught me off guard but in a good way! Very engaging combat! I think the game could do with telegraphing boss 1's projectile spawns and boss 2's direction switching. Ran into a couple bugs, like the game not restarting on death, and some hits I feel I didn't actually hit me. The simplicity of the art style and characters was actually quite refreshing, and the control scheme made for great mobility. One of my favourites for sure.
Crazy good art on display. Taking that damn CAT down felt good. Might be a skill issue on my end, but a lot of patterns felt like 'oh I am absolutely getting hit by that, might as well not try to dodge so I can spend more time shooting the boss'. Also there is no reason to make the player hold shoot. It's very impressive how many nuanced patterns you were able to implement in such a short time.
A fun foray into faulty geometry! Had some minor issues with the control scheme (notably the low sensitivity and the lack of a labelled click button that wasn't just the mouse), and the absence of bgm hurt the experience a little, but the novelty of what each room would look like after pushing the button alleviated that. The bridge puzzle and big room platform segments stood out as the game's best IMO.
Very much enjoyed the feeling of rolling around and mercilessly slaying snowmen to save the funny elf. Candy cane felt like more of a colour palette than a theme and the gameplay loop of rolling in a circle and aiming in the middle misses a bit in terms of engagingness. Certainly wins points for charming animation and a fun soundtrack