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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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It nice to have some thinking games in the jam, great job!

Loved the bullet float. Got stuck on the wall a couple of times, but was always able to get moving again. Sweet little jam game! Keep it up!

Sweet. I like the way you think. Juicy, simple, looks nice, sounds nice, ... !!

Ha Ha Ha, loved it. Two different dances, at the same time, were good, much juicer than 1+1. Last level was awesome!!


(1 edit)

!! Nice, simple, great idle clicker. My clicks (un-upgraded) are still good even after upgrading the other things. Some clickers, there is no point to clicking "for points" after a short bit, but yours allowed the user clicks to still be worth something!! Good job, keep working on and getting this one out there, it could go!

Nice sweet simple game. easy controls. At first, I thought there was no sound or music, even though, the menu had a mute song, I had to turn the volume Way Way up before there was music to be heard. I'm glad you got your sounds/music in there unlike me.

Looks nice.

I had to refresh the page a couple of times before it let "z" start the game. The intro is looong and there doesn't appear to be a way to skip it, reading it once wasn't too bad, but after that, it was just a reason to not play again, the third time, well, let's just say there wasn't a fourth. 

Looked nice, seemed it like would be a good game. Keep up the good work!

Cute, simple game! I liked the death animation, zooming in on the floored carrot was a nice touch.

Was hard to play two things at once, until I discovered that I could concentrate more on the notes if I pulled further away. Nice idea, looks good. Would have been better if there was a way to actually win... I had 60 gold and nothing happened, no 50 gold you win, nothing to hit or click on to cash out...???... Hey, it's a game jam, mine ain't perfect either!! Good job. Keep it up.

Keep it up.

Ah! They got me!

Good start. Hard. looks nice, keep it up.

Cute, I liked the player animation. 


Cute game.

That's how you make real change happen... Good start to an educational game. Not enough good ones out there.

Just wow. What else is here to say...???... ;-)

Thanks. Sorry, about the controls, I had no idea focus-follows-mouse would be so tough for people. (I've got plans for an option to choose control style.)

Thanks for your comments and kind words. This is the third time I am replying (yesterday, POOF, today, POOF.) So...

Woah, so complex, so much going on at once, kind of a juice in itself. Looks nice. I had a hard time with the notes, but I expected that. Good job, a great foundation. 

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Nice Game! I loved the switch after the juice was gone! And then you get your juice back! Well done.

Much better, no carp in my wrist this time, thanks!!


You could shoot anyone, except the cops, they are wearing bulletproof vests. :-) BUT you should only shoot the ones with guns. This can be difficult because the innocent bystanders wander around with no concern for the hail of bullets. 

Thanks for your kind words and feedback!

It is sounding more and more like I should add an option to use wasd->compass. (Or depending on how hard it is to support both., <shudder> switch.) ;-)

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Neat sweet little game. I loved fishing around the circle, nice idea. If I looked away or lost focus, I'd forget which way was what!! I think I got carp-al tunnel from clicking so many fish. ;-D

Cool sound, and graphics. It reminds me of something from long ago, I just can't remember a name.

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Sound, yes. :-( I was unhappy when I realized there was no sound. I was building & testing for so long in silence. I totally didn't notice I never did the sound.

Controls: Well, I guess 'cause I didn't know any better and the sprites I chose for the people just kept me going in the face forward shoot forward mode, so everything mouseward is what I went with.

I realized Today, that there was only ever one cop. There was supposed to be a little less than one cop per civilian killed. At one point it was, then I'm not sure what happened by the time I submitted it???

Thank you for your comments.

I liked the art and animations, it was hard to see what was happening 'cause it was so small. I liked the fish bits(?) and blood diffusing into the water.

Nice mellow fun little game. I got all the achievements. But not very juicy. :-( It was a nice break from the hectic games. 

Yay! You shipped something!! That works. Now, go forth and make it better and better and better!!

Cool simple fun little game. 

Cool idea. It freaked out on me after the first level and wouldn't let me play anymore, reloaded the page and it behaved after that. Got juice- check :-) Got pay price - check - unique take!

There are brambles hiding right after the rock on the top half, so when you jump the pit on the bottom half you're probably hitting the brambles on the top. It is sneaky that way.

Good start. Sweet & simple!! Not sure about "juice" or "paying the price". I liked the over-under thing, kept me on my toes.

I did the alarm clock, and after the window pots, the game never told me what to do next, so I could only wander aimlessly around. There seemed to be nothing to do with the cups.

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Got Juice - check. When you arrive both altars are white, so later I never noticed that one of them had changed...

Glad, you found the bug and have a jam-usable solution!!

Looks cool, play's nice, good job.

Thanks, for your comments (all good ones).

Bullets/minute: The different weapons do fire at different rates, but that does seem to get lost in the onslaught (the slowest firer has the smallest bullets. He also fires faster than he should (my mess-up)) So, I should adjust all the firing speeds down (& maybe bullet speeds). Originally, the player was going to change weapons (start with slow/small and work up) but that got cut and he ended up with the fastest. 

Walls got cut, as I ran out of time to write the line-of-sight code.

Pauses for reloading (even if infinite ammo) & item (guns/ammo/buffs/etc) pickup are now on my future to-do list.


Juice - check. :-)

The play area is too small (referring to the 5x5, not the default zoom (which is also too small)). Starting big would have been good, and shrinking the area as a level progression, could have been good.

Too much meaningless color, with a bigger area maybe color-meaning would have occurred or maybe this was just a "too much 'juice'" for the space? It sounds like some of that color was enemy snakes(?), then instead of full square bodies, maybe the snakes could be colored circles on the background squares. Instead I got "juiced" (iow, zip, bam, pow color stuff, ???) 

Looks like you had lots of good ideas!!! Just too small a board...