Haha thanks! I appreciate the feedback. I never played The Lost Vikings, I'll have to check it out.
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This may be my favorite entry I've played so far. Like, the polish in terms of the audio and visuals is off the charts. It's very simple, but so beautiful. It's hard to put it into words how this game made me feel, but it was good, whatever it was.
If I had to nitpick something, it'd be that I didn't see the alchemy/awkwardness bars at first and I was wondering when I'd start gaining alchemy. I just had to look around for a second though. No big deal.
This is such a clever game, and a really fresh take on something like an auto battler. It's super fun! It was also kind of a small detail, but I really liked that when you fight the first boss, a new track in the background music is enabled (at least that's how I think you did it) giving those ominous vocals. Great work!
Sweet game! Some bits weren't clear to me, like what exactly I was trying to do to escape the solar system (though I did end up doing it!), why I was able to add so few or so many parts to my ship each round, or why I would want to travel to different areas of the map. But I think there's something here. Deck builder + space ships. What's not to love?
This is such a beautiful idea executed very well. It's very relaxing.
It might be cool if at some point you "finish" your current planet and move on to give life to a new one, with each planet having a different aesthetic. Additionally, perhaps collecting stars might create more than just flowers, like mountains, forests, rivers, etc. It'd also be awesome to be able to see full images of the planets you've finished and even save images of them to make desktop wallpapers, etc. I think there's a lot you could do with this.
I love it. It's such a simple, but well-executed and fun idea. The atmosphere and music are really nice. I did find the isometric perspective made it difficult to gauge distances when jumping between platforms. And I fell through the level a couple of times and had to restart. Consider adding a killzone that just restarts the level if you hit it. Great work!