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I did actually want at first to create levels you could revisit! I quickly found it would be too much work and most people wouldn't even get to that point in the game, so I went for a more linear style to showcase the mechanics! :>

Thanks for rating! :D

The thing is, the player only really has to change his power scales once in the game, and I thought making the message appear only once you fully committed into the UI would make it feel even more annoying, since you'd have to retry from the start everytime. I just find that preventing the UI from being opened at all when you can't switch makes people find it more responsive once they actually can change scales.
Like you said, it's just a small problem, but I thought I'd just share my thought process. ;)
What do you think?
Anyways, thanks for playing! :D

It was my first time adding music to a game, but I promise I'll do so next time! :D

Thank you for playing until the end!

The UI interface being offset can simply be fixed by playing in fullscreen (It's the first thing written in the description!)

Thank you for playing! :>

Thank you for persevering! ;D

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Press E to open and close the UI! Sorry if that may be unclear! :>
Experimentation is recommended!

The UI definitely has its issues, and, with a little more time, it is true I could've added some "subtitles".
Hope you played until the end! :>

Thanks for the advice!
I just added a few clues in the description of my game for those who get stuck! :D

Very polished game! It is noticeable that your team worked hard and carefully on it, very fun!

I can definitely see this game going in the top 100! :D

I like that you can customise you tank, but it is unclear what each part actually changes and tedious to reselect a new arrangement everytime. I do think the AI for the enemy is very well executed and makes for some fun games even without friends :>

As a pro gamer, I used pure skill to escape the map trough the water and go live a life somewhere. :P
(I had a lot of fun)

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The bee scale is the last scale you unlock, and it grants you a double jump! There are fireflies which give a subtle hint if you look closely in the level ;)

Hope this helps! :D

I prefer it when players want more than when they have too much! Thanks for taking the time to write this comment,  this community is so nice ;D

Very well done! I love how enemies get bigger as you grow, it makes the gameplay much more enjoyable! :D

Thank you for telling me about the scaling issue! That kind of stuff just happens when you put up your game on itch I guess :L

I'm happy to see that everyone understood the UI eventually, even without clear instructions :>

Yeah, for what is of the visual bug in the menu I wasn't able to fix it as it happens randomly when you pickup a new scale! Fortunately it is just visual! :P

Thank you for this thoughtful comment though!

I removed all instances of places where you can't progress because of it, you need 3 blocks high in space ;). 
But glad you enjoyed! :D

Thanks for your time! ;P
I worked hard on it!

For those wondering, I left some of the scales' rules to be figured out by the player himself because it encourages the player to experiment with the environment and engage with it!

Glad to hear that! :D
I always try to make complete games to get the player in full immersion! ;)

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At least you created something! :D

And it doesn't seem to have any bugs. (just ants :P)

This looked fun, but sadly it seems you have not uploaded your game to itch.  :(

I hope you still had fun making it though! :L

Big scale, small eyes ._.

Thanks for playing! :D

Simple yet super efficient! I had so much fun playing through, that time seemed to fly by! (literally) 

Once you "master" the controls, this becomes very fun as you glide your way to dodge obstacles. Apart from the tutorial which feels like "You'll figure it out!!", the progression is very well balanced constantly shoving new ideas in your way!

Great submission, especially the reward at the end of the game...

I really liked the artstyle combined with ressource gathering! It made for fun gameplay at first, but without knowledge about how this game handles enemy spawning, it becomes a game of luck wether or not you will get attacked when venturing out for ressources. 

Still, I had fun trying to finish the game! (which I did not :P)

Sadly I don't have time to turn all I do into full games, but who knows...

Time to play your game now in return :D!

Bugs are fun, like the fireflies in my game for example! :P

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I highly recommend playing the game in fullscreen! Otherwise, the camera scaling is a little off, removing to the immersion! :P

Thank you! :D

I'm definitly SUPER happy about all the positive feedback I got for this game, and plan on turning it to a full game with my free time! :D

I have tons of ideas which lit up in my mind as I created this (demo) game and I feel like it's potential could reach great heights!

Thank you for playing! :>

The idea is great, and good job for finishing it within the given time! I've had a lot of fun experimenting with the different shapes to find strategies, but I felt some of this game was a bit rushed. (I guess that happens in Jams :P)

 For example, you could easily clip out of bounds by swaping with other shapes close to walls. Otherwise, most of it was very well made to showcase the various possibilities which emerged from the core mechanic!

Well done! :7

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Wow! One of the most complex and fun games I've played so far! Other than a little bit of balancing to make the endgame a bit more challenging, this is excellent for you first jam, well done! 

Edit : It's kinda cool how a lot of us are actually new to Game Jams! :>

Very cool take on the Patterns theme! I got stuck on one of them because my solution wasn't valid, but they're very satisfying once you solve them. The only thing I'd add is a soothing music playing in the backround, a few sound effects and you'd have a complete game! Very good!

Picking the right shape to shoot is an interesting concept by itself, but I love how you expanded on this by adding 8 lines to pick from. It really adds a lot to this game's complexity, and becomes very fun once you master the controls! Well done!

Thank you for this awesome feedback! For what is of the sound effects, it was my very first time implementing them in a game, and it was getting very late so I do agree that some of it feels a bit odd. I am proud of how it turned out though, because it was my first experience with them! I do also plan on expanding upon this project when I'll have time after this Jam officially ends! :>

Thanks again!

Very polished and complete game! I liked the difficulty as the game felt fair towards the player! (Died on the last level. :O) It would have been nice to see where the arena borders end, but, all in all, super fun! 

I really like how this idea could expand by adding even more objects, and maybe more sides to pick from! Definitly a unique take on the theme! Good job! :V

Such a simple yet efficient idea! It was very well executed, especially the music which adapted to Dave's anger! >:(

The end got me smiling on top of all this! Well done! ;D

Thank YOU for playing!!!

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You can't understand how happy your comment makes me feel <3! I worked hard to get everything done on time and it's definitely worth the effort when I see others enjoy my creation.

Thank you! :>

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First of all, thank you for this really thoughtful comment! I did run out of time towards the end so I tried to create diverse level concepts. The one where you design your shape was definitely also my favorite! I only got the time to add a few sounds to make mechanics and gameplay more satisfying, but no music ;L. I do plan on pushing this project further thanks to all of you guys' great feedback!

Thanks again! ;D

Thank you, the mechanic took me so many hours to get just right, glad people enjoy it so much!