I sure hope you end up finishing this game, it looks like it has a lot of potential. My only complaint is that you can crouch for whatever reason.
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I'm not gonna lie, this was the first idea I had. The reason why I scrapped it was because I didn't know how I could make it fun. And your execution proves that. You collect wood, get back, fuel your fireplace, and then repeat. It's just a never-ending loop, which really isn't that fun on its own.
Maybe adding more features like hunger and thirst—both requiring you to do a new series of action in order to survive—would be a nice touch to improving the game, but right now, the game doesn't really feel like a game.
Visually, the game looks nice, and the sounds effects are okay. I really like how it fits the theme and as cerpotypes said, the way the fire move is lovely. Though the controls get whacky sometimes, and the thing is, they only get whacky sometimes, so most of the times it works like normal, but suddenly it gets more slippery.
I love it! It's like playing a puzzle game with a bomb attatched to it, you better think fast or the snowmen will come for you!
Shooting feels satisfying and responsive, and it feels so good when I trickshot a snowman. I must say, though, when a snowman spawns right in front of me, during movement, whether I survive or not is determined by how fast I can click, which I'm not sure I like. Other than that, the game is so good!
Yayy I did it.
Though the screen sfx played anyways. I think that some more audio/visual feedback could help, since I wasn't always sure what was going on. I spend a good time just spamming E before realising that if I had an object I could interact with, there would be something saying so. I do think that the overall experience is fun, tho, even if the sensitivity is a little bit high.

This game is SO GOOD. Visually pleasing, and very fun! Though I must say that the UI can be improved. It takes me a while to read the information on every snowman, and it takes me even longer to find a specific snowman I've leveled up specifically. Maybe using more symbols instead of text could help.
I think that it's hard making a strategy game for a game jam, because you really can't make that deep of a game on this little time, but even so, I think you did a good job! I do have some suggestions. Maybe have some easier levels at the start so that the player can simply level up their snowmen before throwing in some hard levels, because round 3 feels almost unfair
Works really nicely as a prototype. Weapons need some work though, damage is low when you don't wait for the cooldown, and if you wait for the cooldown you spend half your time doing nothing. You should probably reduce enemy HP. Sounds were very nice though, and movement felt slippery but surprisingly controllable.
Definitely one of the most fun ones here. The game feels chaotic, and the ice is very very slippery. Having to deal with the bird poo on my face, an ice stalactite about to pin me down, and two random fish on the ground sure was fun!
The sounds were so on point and the visuals were very nice. Overall, 4/5
I really liked the sounds, the water blobs being shot out wouldn't be as entertaining without that silly sound, and the music was also on point! Though I must say that moving the camera was weird, sensitivity was high, and then there was this weird blurring I'm not even sure happens every time I make a sudden movement, which, with the high sensitivity, meant that the screen was always blurring.
I can see potential on the concept, maybe some more things you can interact with using water, or a level where the wind helps you, or something along the lines of that, and the game would feel complete.
So far, I think this game is gonna hit top 3 on the "Theme "rating, because it truly is about "The Cold", isn't it?
The controls were very whacky, but in such a way that it had this absurd fun when moving around. And seeing the amogus go into the rooms sure was an experience. Though I'm not sure it really fits the theme, since only two visual thingies were about "The Cold". Sounds were ok, even if the only sound effect was the money thingy (which you left with "Play on awake"). But I'm not sure how to feel about the graphics, it looks weird, out of place, but I can't really say it looks bad. I think my favorite thing was the money room, those fat bills made me open my eyes like plates. Summarizing, the game can be improved
Very cute and nice game! Having a line of cucumbers really tickling my brain in the right way! There are little to no things I could say negatively about this game, I think that the only thing that maybe bugged me a bit is how you can't just press the down arrow when the plant you want is selected, maybe it's an issue with my machine? maybe it's intended to prevent accidental presses? Yeah that second one would actually make sense. Overall, great game, great art, great fun, 10/10
The art style is very nice and cute, although the gameplay gets repetitive after a while. I think it would be nice if there were some more visual feedback for the stomp, maybe some particles to make it look stronger. Also, great choice of food! I think that overall, the gameplay is fine, the art is great, but it lacks some juice.
Really fun game! The art is surprisingly readable, (though the text not so much). The game feels really well polished, and the dodging mechanic is intense and rewarding. I like seeing my healthbar grow with each enemy I defeat hitless, and man those clones sure are something. I really like the style too, reminds me of PICO-8 games and it feels well balanced too, although maybe magic is too OP? I think that the only thing I would add to this game is maybe some sfx for when you collect the key, I wasn't sure what it was at first.
Thanks! I think you're absolutely right, I should of have gotten some sound effects of the game, and a nice background, and man I should of had given the missile launcher more feedback, because that's what shoots when you press space (as long as you do have a missile launcher, of course). Those features you mentioned were planed, but then time happened and we couldn't implement it on time. Will do in a future update, though.
I think the concept is great, a platformer where you scale things up and down is quite common on the jam, but having limited arrows really sells the puzzle. I think the game is at its best with resource management in mind, give players limited arrows, and many sponges to shot, and you'll have a great puzzler. I'm not too fond of the controls, however, specially when you shoot. If you face left, you can't shoot right, and viceversa, and also, it really is frustrating when the arrows don't hit the sponge I'm aiming, maybe turn it into a shrink/growth gun and take aiming out of the game? Overall, it's a great twist on a somewhat common idea, but the execution could of have been better.