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A member registered May 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Bro my game doesn't even have a pause menu, how did i get higher than this

No way you have the stars both on discord AND here??? BIG thanks for your feedback! New camera system is planed and many more features too! Appreciate ya!

Thank you! I am planning some changes to fix the issues presented, appreciate your feedback!

Very cute and nice game! Having a line of cucumbers really tickling my brain in the right way! There are little to no things I could say negatively about this game, I think that the only thing that maybe bugged me a bit is how you can't just press the down arrow when the plant you want is selected, maybe it's an issue with my machine? maybe it's intended to prevent accidental presses? Yeah that second one would actually make sense. Overall, great game, great art, great fun, 10/10

Oof, multiplayer. It's a nice thought, but Imagine some dude with 30 missile launchers...

Those things are actually homing, and never dispawn until they hit something...

I'll give it some thought, thanks!

Thank you! Very true, I definitely should have a way of differentiating enemy ships from pickable parts. Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks! I will definitely change how the camera works in the future. And the spin too. Appreciate the feedback!

I think this was the most creative one so far! Although the game gets unforgiving at times, are there no checkpoints? at all? The art is nice, and the controls are clean. Very cool game!

Actually pretty fun game! The climbing feels very nice, reminds me of getting over it and a difficult game about climbing. Although the art wasn't too good for my liking, I found the game very, very enjoyable. The level was so good it actually surprised me that it was procedurally generated.

I like the idea, but the gameplay gets repetitive very fast. And I'm not too fond of the art either, seems like a weird mix of free art and self-made art, combining different styles poorly. But the controls are very nice though, it feels surprisingly good to control the character.

The art style is very nice and cute, although the gameplay gets repetitive after a while. I think it would be nice if there were some more visual feedback for the stomp, maybe some particles to make it look stronger. Also, great choice of food! I think that overall, the gameplay is fine, the art is great, but it lacks some juice.

The graphics and music are really nice, so are the sound effects. Though I'm not gonna lie, I got stuck in level 2. I stacked the two blue squares together, and moved it to the right, and then I just couldn't jump high enough to climb it, I'm sure i'm missing somehting here.

Really fun game! The art is surprisingly readable, (though the text not so much). The game feels really well polished, and the dodging mechanic is intense and rewarding. I like seeing my healthbar grow with each enemy I defeat hitless, and man those clones sure are something. I really like the style too, reminds me of PICO-8 games and it feels well balanced too, although maybe magic is too OP? I think that the only thing I would add to this game is maybe some sfx for when you collect the key, I wasn't sure what it was at first.

Thanks! I think you're absolutely right, I should of have gotten some sound effects of the game, and a nice background, and man I should of had given the missile launcher more feedback, because that's what shoots when you press space (as long as you do have a missile launcher, of course). Those features you mentioned were planed, but then time happened and we couldn't implement it on time. Will do in a future update, though.

The controls feel kinda whack, specially because I cannot tell how big the cube i'm making is. The only feedback that tells me how big the cube is, is the sound. The graphics are nice though, and the scene feels nice to look at.

Very nice game, the sound effects are great and although sometimes grabbing stuff gets a bit weird, the gameplay overall is pretty enjoyable.

Thanks! I'm aware of mentioned bugs, and they will be fixed, appreciate the feedback!

The whole game looks and feels really clean, I like the way the menu is made, and although the difficulty curved fast, the game was enjoyable.

I think the concept is great, a platformer where you scale things up and down is quite common on the jam, but having limited arrows really sells the puzzle. I think the game is at its best with resource management in mind, give players limited arrows, and many sponges to shot, and you'll have a great puzzler. I'm not too fond of the controls, however, specially when you shoot.  If you face left, you can't shoot right, and viceversa, and also, it really is frustrating when the arrows don't hit the sponge I'm aiming, maybe turn it into a shrink/growth gun and take aiming out of the game? Overall, it's a great twist on a somewhat common idea, but the execution could of have been better. 

Yeah that was definitely on me, I will change the way cameras work in the future!

Thanks! I too think that the rotation is a bit messy and confusing. I'll change it in a future update

should probably write something to kill the player lmao

Will look into that 👍

Skill issue, don't do it again (I actually just said "eh, i don't need to kill the player for falling, if they close the game and reopen it, it's the same anyways")

Please go to the game page and read the info in there, there is no tutorial or anything

it's 3am my eyes hurt

Thanks mate! Sorry about the controls, didn't have the ability to comprehend a dialogue tutorial so it was scraped

Haha, sorry mate, i actually spend 3 hours trying to figure our how to add dialogue and tutorial, even made a funny looking sprite, but the tutorial was a bit outdated (5 years lmao) so I couldn't figure it out

Thanks! That's supposed to be GG for completing the game, when i made that level i didn't have much time because i had to work the sunday. I don't know why I didn't just delete the flag tho...

Yoo i got 58000

I  love how suddenly the enemies get overwhleming, they appear from time to time and then they get a whole army. Gives the game a sudden sense of intensity, great work!

Man, I don't think anyone can actually top this goddamn masterpiece