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Alpha issues thread

A topic by shiftBacktick created Aug 29, 2022 Views: 862 Replies: 37
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Developer (15 edits)

Here you may let me know of any issues you encounter with the alpha. Please include information about your system, and steps to reproduce, if possible. Thanks for playing!

Known issues

  • Sound can get choppy or drop out on slower machines.
  • Collision detection is not perfect.


  • Does not sound as intended in Firefox.

I will try to address major issues in patch releases if possible. Otherwise the alpha build will not receive major updates or features until the full release.


I’ve uploaded experimental Linux and HTML5 builds with some issues.


it doesn't want to run in safari in macOS, constantly loading.


Hello, thanks for the report. I’m sorry, but I don’t own a computer with macOS, so I cannot provide support for Safari or macOS. You may paste any errors from the JS console here, and I can see if there’s an easy resolution. I would recommend using the latest Chrome for this.

Hi. I cant use chrome, because it is made by a company that I hate the most. about the logs, I will see how I can get them.

Developer (1 edit)

I understand. I dislike them all. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism! ✊

The new patch may improve this. I removed some debugging code that was meant only for Chromium-based browsers. However, I’m unaware of any modern Webkit-based browsers, like Safari, that I can run on my Windows or Linux machine to test this myself. Please let me know if that improves things at all.

My understanding is that the Chromium project is open-source and maintained by folks who aren’t necessarily affiliated with Google, although they are the main sponsors. I tested in a few other Chromium-based browsers. Works as intended in Opera, Brave, and Microsoft Edge too.

I found that Firefox and other Gecko-based browsers do not work very well. There are plenty of audio glitches and undesired sounds. I don’t see a path forward to support Firefox at this time.

Of course, this demonstrates why the browser monoculture is bad for everyone.

try epifany on linux. IDK if it is maintained, but it probably is. about the patch, I will try it. thanks. 

edit, it actually worked, but I got in sort off move loop when playing for a bit, I was moving while not using arrows, and when I used, it just, moved the wrong way.

Can there be a menu? I got motion sick from how low the mouse sensitivity was. Also there was no tutorial which would be preferred especially since there are more things to do other than WASD.  


You’re right! The mouse controls are very bad. Thanks for pointing that out.

I play exclusively with a keyboard or gamepad, and don’t test the mouse often. For the past hour, I tried making a few changes, and couldn’t find a good solution that didn’t make my wrist hurt. And my wrist hurts very bad now.

The difficulty is that this is a simulation game, where using the controls will turn your character like a tank at set speeds, that are determined by your level. This works very smoothly with a keyboard, where the controls are either off or on, or the gamepad, where the analog sticks are between -1 or 1. With the mouse I just can’t keep a steady hand like pressing a button or stick.

I definitely need to think on this more.


Right now where I’m landing is that the mouse position could work like a virtual analog stick (the distance from center determines the input) rather than it requiring continuous input. And then I could represent it visually with a sort of crosshair if needed. I’ll jam on that when I get back from vacation. Thanks for the inspiration. Cheers!


Also, many thanks for the feedback on the menu and tutorial. Press escape or start while in-game for the menu. I’m working on adding additional text to smooth things out. For example, after reading your feedback, I added “Upgrades Available” text next to the Synthesis button on the Game Menu screen, as well as next to the Upgrades button on the Synthesis screen, to direct folks where to go.


I will be on vacation and unreachable for the next week. I’m excited to respond to your feedback and make improvements when I return. Thanks!

I wasn't able to take materials in Alpha Periphery B (2,555N) (779E)

Developer (1 edit)

Hi there, thanks for playing!

Sometimes materials will be under the terrain, for you to collect later after waiting or receiving a significant upgrade. I’ve made a few changes that might help. These are now harder to hear in scan results, more muffled sounding overall, and have a transparency effect applied. The upgrade is coming soon.

Also thanks for providing me your location! Your report reminded me that the Status screen is missing some very important debugging details: the world seed and mission time. These have been added as well.


A few things here. First, as compared with E.X.O, I find collecting materials here far less forgiving W.R.T. positioning and distance. I feel like I’m buzzing around a thing like a bumble bee sometimes before I can pick it up, or, I must move very slowly and make minute adjustments.

I believe that the cause of this is two fold. First, elements that appear far off are difficult to localize, because they sound wider than they are. Second, because the game seems to be less forgiving then it’s predecessor, even being slightly off to one side will cause you to miss. A third, minor component seems to be that when pulse width modulation is used, this can give the false impression that the item is growing/shrinking to either side.

This will probably be subjective, but I feel that the sound of an item is very nebulously positioned, almost like it’s within the outermost region of a cone, only when I get closer, does it seem to become clearer. By that time, it’s harder to get on target. I’m speaking of speeds less than turbo off, so with a gamepad, this means modulating the pressure on the Y axis of the left stick or on the right trigger, and on the keyboard, this means definitely having turbo off and tapping WASD to get it lined up perfectly.

Moving on, with jumping, for keyboard users, there is only two options, jump with turbo on and jump really really far, possibly missing stuff along the way and having to back track, or, jumping with turbo off, and gaining more height and distance. With a controller, it’s slightly better because you can just press as much as you feel you need to forward then jump. I do wish there was a way to limit your height. I love the amount of ground it’s possible to cover in a jump with a fully upgraded exosuit, however, I do sometimes find myself wishing I could limit the height of the jump, which would also have the consequence of shortening its distance.

One way I’ve thought about handling this would be to have the initial jump on a meter, in other words, if you tap and release the button very quickly, you won’t jump that far. But, if you hold it for longer, then you would gain a bit more altitude. To retain the ability to bunny hop, once you fill your jump meter, you automatically jump, and then subsequent jumps are always at full power.

Another issue I’ve found is that sometimes things seem to be occluded more than they should be. Though I wonder if this is intentional as it comes on somewhat abruptly as you move from one terrain type to another. This seems to affect the suit as a whole, but even items that are reachable sound as if they have been filtered.


Thanks so much for your detailed feedback. A few notes:

  • The collection radius is a quarter of E.X.O. I planned to revisit this when the new and improved Attractors are implemented in Side B. They will work differently than in E.X.O. based on your feedback last year, to make them a very important quality-of-life upgrade. However, in the next patch coming soon, I will double this radius to make it easier to position yourself and collect them without the upgrade.
  • I like the concept of charged jumping. I prototyped this on my lunch break today and have a basic version working. I think it’s missing an audio cue to indicate the charge. Let me try to include that in the next patch.
  • I can revisit the occlusion. It’s very basic and only works with the sand right now, not any other obstacles. There are already some changes staged for the next patch to share. So far I think it’s working as intended: items fade in as they become uncovered (it takes about a second), and you will pick them up if they’re within the collection radius (regardless of whether fully uncovered).

How am I uncovering them? Is this a thing that happens visually on the screen when you’re near enough? Because from my understanding, I do not have the ability to get to items that were too far down.


Good question! The sand moves on its own! Think of it as the planet being covered by glaciers, but instead of ice, it’s sand! That’s the rumbling sound you hear. Visually you’d see the surface moving as one giant slow wave, and the collectibles can be seen through the surface.

(The graphics are like a grid that covers the surface, that you can see through, but instead of grid lines, there are points at the corners of each cell. It’s very simplistic, but complemented with gradients of warm Mars-like colors: rusty reds and oranges, blending into to lighter pinks, yellows, or blues depending on the time of day.)

Anyway, you can stand over them, or come back later, to collect them. They are stationary. And with the Attractors upgrade, it has the ability to pull items out from the sand directly into your Cargo Racks.

I’ll be interested to see how that shakes out. I’m kind of hoping that they be a bit more powerful than E.X.O, sorry I’m comparing the two so much, but it’s my frame of reference. Anyway, even fully upgraded, you would have to pretty much stand still and let it come to you, which was a slow process, so it was much faster to just go the extra few feet and collect it yourself.

One question and one more comment if I may. The question is, I sometimes will hear something akin to a bird call in certain places? Does this sound have any special meaning? Hmm, less of a bird call and more of a chirp. It doesn’t sound like bird song, but a high chirping sound.

There is some really nice wind as part of this game when you move through certain areas. It would be cool if jumping were to make use of this wind, instead of what is there now, which sounds like filtered noise. That certainly gets the job done, but the wind is quite realistic and would sound nice when jumping IMO.

Developer (1 edit)

Fun fact! The winds sometimes reach 45 MPH, and they do pull and drag you in the air. In this next patch I’m fixing an infinite speed exploit. If you face away from the wind and bunny hop continuously, you will accelerate to very high speeds, faster than the wheels.

The winds are sometimes so strong that your movements do not affect the vector that feeds into its loudness or direction. On other planets it will definitely be much calmer.

With this planet I’m trying to play into this a lot! For example, the sand storms make it impossible to see, forcing sighted folks to use the scanner too. Likewise, the main music synth follows the sun, and is loudest when it’s brightest in the sky, so it forces you to play in certain ways (like keeping it at your back) to hear and see everything.

Anyway, the chirping sounds like some audio glitches I’ve run into myself. This is not intended. I think it happens when the sand particles in the air are moving very fast relative to you, and possibly a frame drop occurs. The reason why this happens is because the delay time of every sound source gets modulated to simulate the Doppler Effect and Interaural Time Differences. You can probably get a similar sound with a guitar pedal or effect in a sound editor.

I haven’t been able to break the game like I can break E.X.O, but then again, I haven’t really tried. Despite the limitations that got put into it, I can still hit 20KM in height and jump 10-30KM in distance, reaching speeds of voer 700MPH. I’m kind of interested to see when side B comes out, how that is addressed, without crippling the jetpack.


I’ve started a new branch for v0.5.x. This means that the v0.4.x alpha will no longer receive major changes. However, please continue to leave feedback here, to help inform the full release of Side A. Thanks for participating in the alpha!


Brave doesn't work with the site version.

(1 edit)

Uh, I downloaded the game, played it, but it started flashing random images like if the fps was dropping

I closed the game, opened it again and my stats were crazy (For some reason the image isn't letting me send the report, if you wanna see tell me a way to send you the picture)

Edit:.Here is the picture 


Hello! Thanks so much for the bug report and video. Can you tell me more about what (if anything) led to this happening? Was the game otherwise pretty smooth (45-60 FPS) before this?

I might guess that the window lost focus for 10-15 minutes. Something the game engine isn’t good at right now is handling time while the browser is minimized or in the background. I’ve seen this happen with the flashing colors when the game tries to crunch a bunch of missed time. There are some things I can do to improve that in the next build.

(1 edit)

Hey! Actually, the game was fine. The strange thing about this is the fact I got really far away when I didn't even started walking. I was on the window always, I only left the window when I went to OBS and started recording.

The latest Linux download seems to have some corrupted files in the zip.

    Archive:  /home/storm/Downloads/

  inflating: LICENSE                 

  inflating: documentation/font/firacode-light.woff  

  inflating: documentation/font/firacode-medium.woff  

  inflating: documentation/font/firacode-regular.woff  

  inflating: documentation/font/roboto-bold.woff  

  inflating: LICENSES.chromium.html  

file #7:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1261922

file #8:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1290624

file #9:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1309552

file #10:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1334292

file #11:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1456208

file #12:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1481209

file #13:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1651325

file #14:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  1657111

file #15:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  2145021

file #16:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  6680713

file #17:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  6770312

file #18:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  8940823

file #19:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  10168170

file #20:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  11740360

file #21:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  13702361

file #22:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  13702399

file #23:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  78509835

file #24:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  78509875

file #25:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  83830112

file #26:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  83897993

file #27:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  84078407

file #28:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  84078450

file #29:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  84078592

  inflating: locales/am.pak          


One of the files that did not extract was the executable itself. Sorry if the extract messages look weird, I couldn't figure out which format option I should use for it, so I just left it as is.


Hello! Thanks for letting me know. I found the same issue. I’ve rebuilt and repackaged the game for Linux. Could you please try downloading again and let me know of any issues?


Works great, thanks :)

The alt+1,2 and 3 keys do not seem to be working. When I press them there is nothing spoken. The other bindings, alt+x,y, and z do work. Out of curiosity, would it be possible to aadd keybindings, maybe page up and page down, to cycle through the speech history?


Thanks for the report and suggestion. I’ll investigate the access hotkeys not working. I have NVDA and Narrator here, so hopefully I can reproduce.

Could you please clarify what you mean by the speech history? In general all the speech is handled by the browser and outside my control. However, the in-game notifications and access hotkeys do write to live regions, and those messages could be kept in memory, for you to browse with the page keys. That would include material collections, new upgrades available, location discoveries, and new perceptions. Is that what you had in mind?

im not getting any visuals. Sound is cyrstal clear. Problem persists whether I play on crome or windows.


Hello! Thanks for playing and reporting this. Could you please tell me more about your system? Like I’m on Windows 10, Chrome 106, NVIDIA GTX 1050, and 16 GB RAM and get decent performance. Here is a WebGL2 support checker. If this displays a rotating cube, then your device meets the minimum requirements, and should be able to play if its display drivers are up-to-date. I’d also suggest toggling the graphics in the settings menu, but that should be activated by default.

Yes, that was exactly what I meant for speech history. That would rock.

I'm using orca on Arch Linux. It's interesting that only the number keys aren't working and things like alt+x and alt+y do. If you try orca, make sure it is in focus mode while playing the game, the shortcut is insert+a and will cycle through browse and focus modes.


Hello! I prototyped the message cycling hotkeys today. These will be included in the next release.

I’m unable to replicate the hotkey issues in Windows with NVDA, so I believe they are exclusive to Orca or Linux. I’ll investigate this further.

Awesome, thank you. I look forward to the next release.

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