There are already names for the track pieces in the code. I'm not sure if I want to show them in the editor somewhere because I feel like they'd be hard to translate to all the languages.
Here you go:
Straight, TurnSharp, SlopeUp, SlopeDown, Slope, Start, Finish, ToWideMiddle, ToWideLeft, ToWideRight, StraightWide, InnerCornerWide, OuterCornerWide, SlopeUpLeftWide, SlopeUpRightWide, SlopeDownLeftWide, SlopeDownRightWide, SlopeLeftWide, SlopeRightWide, PillarTop, PillarMiddle, PillarBottom, PillarShort, PlanePillarBottom, PlanePillarShort, Plane, PlaneWall, PlaneWallCorner, PlaneWallInnerCorner, Block, WallTrackTop, WallTrackMiddle, WallTrackBottom, PlaneSlopeUp, PlaneSlopeDown, PlaneSlope, TurnShort, TurnLong, SlopeUpLong, SlopeDownLong, SlopePillar, TurnSLeft, TurnSRight, IntersectionT, IntersectionCross, PillarMiddleBranch1, PillarMiddleBranch2, PillarMiddleBranch3, PillarMiddleBranch4, WallTrackBottomCorner, WallTrackMiddleCorner, WallTrackTopCorner, Checkpoint, HalfBlock, QuarterBlock, HalfPlane, QuarterPlane, PlaneBridge, SignArrowLeft, SignArrowRight, SignArrowUp, SignArrowDown, SignWarning, SignWrongWay, CheckpointWide, WallTrackCeiling, WallTrackFloor, BlockSlopedDown, BlockSlopedDownInnerCorner, BlockSlopedDownOuterCorner, BlockSlopedUp, BlockSlopedUpInnerCorner, BlockSlopedUpOuterCorner, FinishWide, PlaneCheckpoint, PlaneFinish, PlaneCheckpointWide, PlaneFinishWide
PolyTrack Version History Types Every Decade:
This Game its so Exciting over 100 Years of PolyTrack by Kodub History
I need to Help I can Start Upload on Twitter now (PolyTrack 0.4.0) upload is not 265 Posts on Twitter
Can you make the older versions available especially 0.2.0 because I liked the update and it's still on and had some amazing glitches like corrupting tracks and tabbing which made car zuggle and camera lock glitches i didn't really explore it and it was fun
How to Teleport Coordinates on PolyTrack Track Editor?
Coordinate -X (West) +X (East):
Coordinate -Y (Down) +Y (Up):
Coordinate -Z (North) +Z (South):
if you can get your car to spin flat you glide (watch any of the replays on this map i made using the bug) dont know if you can do it with some of the other blocks. also the bug does not work at high speeds v2EAqVXbwB4pdXP2kDCEDCG9DozcSc1s2EvCuw7U7JWX54PJWkCWWYXQeIvSfVWAhxp9reAksX1KKoxAdtKLoVAYrntqTINsPDLuRQjcDZG75I7mbzZKhfbtak96yRfPQSDwJsGpH5RBZOpPJqnzfzkogiMHbxr08MpHJd2fj21K7989JRX88vq11IfBJJZ7Dd7PiTacvv7ydSEC
say you have two of the black ramp peices next to each other and on top of the second one you place the upside down black ramp peice that you use to make the loops i am talking about a block that would go on top of the first peice to smoothly connect it to curved black ramp that is on top of the second ramp kind of like how you would use the triangle gray track peice on the gray square track peice or how you would use the gray triangle decoration peice to smoth out corners between gray block decoration pecies
Ask your 40 Questions of PolyTrack 0.4.0
PolyTrack 0.4.0 is Work From Present don't Future.
this is a track for beginners Have fun
How to Make a Line with a Turbo Speed and Effects?
I Can Changed And Fixed for the Next Update:
Leaderboard Ordinal Ranks has Changed to:
Let's See Your Number Ranks in PolyTrack Leaderboards:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |
11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th |
21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th |
31st | 32nd | 33rd | 34th | 35th | 36th | 37th | 38th | 39th | 40th |
41st | 42nd | 43rd | 44th | 45th | 46th | 47th | 48th | 49th | 50th |
51st | 52nd | 53rd | 54th | 55th | 56th | 57th | 58th | 59th | 60th |
61st | 62nd | 63rd | 64th | 65th | 66th | 67th | 68th | 69th | 70th |
71st | 72nd | 73rd | 74th | 75th | 76th | 77th | 78th | 79th | 80th |
81st | 82nd | 83rd | 84th | 85th | 86th | 87th | 88th | 89th | 90th |
91st | 92nd | 93rd | 94th | 95th | 96th | 97th | 98th | 99th | 100th |
Road Branches Now Available on PolyTrack
How to Add Banked Roads for the Next Update?
Add your More Track Parts for the Next Update?
Boost Pads and Effects You Added in the Next Update!
Boost Pads:
Just a Few the Road Types of Surfaces in the Next Update:
Asphalt / Tech
This is the default terrain that will be most prominent throughout the game. There will be a lot of grip here and entering a drift will only happen at a certain speed so this will be the easiest to get used to. | ![]() |
The driving will be a lot more free flowing on dirt and drifting will almost be constant so it's advised to make decisions earlier than usual when it comes to steering inputs. | ![]() |
There will be a lot less grip here whilst drifting will happen a bit earlier than usual and braking will be a lot weaker too. It will be useful to be accustomed to smooth steering, especially on downhill surfaces. | ![]() |
The grip will be minimal here whilst also being a surface that relies heavily on smooth steering since speed loss can happen quite frequently on here. It's advised to not turn too much and set up where you want to go much earlier than you would expect. This surface can also appear in various colours. | ![]() |
Sausage / Bump
This surface can be quite frustrating to get used to since the middle of the track is at a higher elevation to the outsides so a lot of unnecessary air time can happen here. The grip will be at maximum just like it is on asphalt, but it's important to keep it by steering inwards towards the middle at times. It's also to be noted that following the curve of the track will be crucial to keeping on track, especially at faster speeds. | ![]() |
The grip here will be similar to usual although steering inputs will require smooth steering at times since it can be completely lost at high speeds. There will be a short duration when exiting water, where grip will be lower than usual too. | ![]() |
This is easily the most difficult terrain in the entire game and will require certain inputs to not just be fast on but to even survive itself, and a lot of practice. There will not be any grip whatsoever here and braking will have little effect as well. The car has to be directed in a way where you are almost trying to slingshot your car and you must position it facing away from where you want to go before turning towards the desired direction shortly afterwards. The left stick is useful here since you can point in the direction towards where you want to go, allowing you to have more control than usual. It is best to be mindful of throttle control as you will naturally gain a lot of momentum here. It is also recommended to try to get a bit of a feel for how this surface works by experimenting a bit too, although fortunately, there will be minimal reliance on this since there are plenty of other recommended tracks to attempt that are shown later in this guide. | ![]() |
Ice Bobsleigh
This surface is similar to ice but can be a lot more consistent if approached correctly since this terrain has sweet spots to keep close to. There will be a lot of high speed on these sections, so any incorrect movements can cause your car to fly off completely into the air. The area to stick to when approaching winding corners is just around the upper red line that is visible here. The best spot to approach this will be different depending on your speed; however, with a decent amount of practice as well as trial and error, it will become clear how best to get somewhat consistent. | ![]() |
Just a Few the Turbo Blocks in the Next Update:
Turbo / Super Turbo
As the name suggests, Turbo blocks increase your speed, while Super Turbo increases it further. You want to roll on them if necessary to save time. In some occasions, you will find Turbos facing the opposite direction, which is called “Counter-Turbo”, and will slow you down instead so you would want to go fast enough before rolling on them; if not, you’ll instead go backwards and won’t be able to race further. The regular Turbo will be a yellow pad whilst the Super Turbo is a red pad. | ![]() ![]() |
Reactor Boost / Super Reactor Boost
This ability will alter how your car behaves, essentially as in low gravity mode changing its physics, going in effect for a few seconds. The first apparent change is that the car is getting faster. Rolling on a Reactor Boost Up will make any airtime much larger than usual hence the low gravity aspect, so it's common to completely fly off some surfaces. Rolling on a Reactor Boost Down that faces the opposite direction will make the car climb up steep angles easier like walls, and occasionally ceilings.
Coming in contact with a Super Reactor Boost will make the car's behavior even more pronounced. With a Super Reactor Boost Up, the wheels retract to the side and the car hovers on any surface without being affected, and airtime will be much larger, allowing a much larger air control. With a Super Reactor Boost Down having the arrow facing the opposite direction, the car will be able to roll on walls, even on ceilings, like it's nothing. It's best to approach this effect with extra attention since it the physics can be more sensitive so making an earlier decision on when to turn is recommended. | ![]() ![]() |
Just a Few the Effect Blocks in the Next Update:
This ability slows your car down to an exceptionally low speed whilst you will still be running in real time. It's important to be going as fast as possible when entering this section to minimize the effect. | ![]() |
No Steering
It blocks your ability to steer the car, so make sure to steer in the right direction before rolling on it, as not doing so you will inevitably hit a wall or go off track, messing up your run. | ![]() |
No Break
The break button is disabled, preventing you to do quick break for drifting or avoiding to hit a wall at high speed. You can still release the accelerate button to slow down.
| ![]() |
No Engine
Rolling on it turns off the car's engine, gaining no speed. Hitting anything, drifting, going up or other instance will make you lose significant speed, and in the worst case, be completely grounded. Any curves and slopes going downwards will help to gain some speed. | ![]() |
This block nulls all effect you previously gotten. | ![]() |
This effect will make your car vulnerable to damage so any type of hit will affect the performance of the car and at times will be completely undrivable. It's important to be extremely careful when going through these sections. | ![]() |
Cruise Control
This effect will make the speed you roll on this block as the maximum speed you can reach. | ![]() |
Maybe! I've been looking into some new ways of creating shadows. Some form of shadow volume algorithm might work!
I tried using post-processed ambient occlusion, but it didn't look very good in my opinion. Generating ambient occlusion maps when the track loads might be possible, but would probably use too much resources.
Let's See Your Posts for the Next Update:
Are Coming in The Next Update is Succesful!
In PolyTrack 0.4.0 It has Multi-laps 🏴, an Boosters and Effects, an Road Branches or Split Curves, an Larger Curves, an Car Designs we can use Images in Customize Menu, 300+ New Track Parts, 10 new Tracks 🛣️ and more!
Sorry about that! I don't have a Mac myself, so that makes it a bit more difficult to develop for it.
Also Macs seem to have pretty strict requirements for running "untrusted" software.
I might still release a Mac version later, but it probably wouldn't be as well supported as the Windows & Linux versions.
Hello Kodub how Adding into the PolyTrack 0.4.0?
The current track generator is like from 100 years ago
This setting the track generator might be setting in the version of PolyTrack in 0.16.0, 1.5.0, 1.19.0 (During World War II), 2.8.0, 3.1.0, 4.4.0, 5.0.0, 5.13.0, 6.6.0, 7.1.0, 7.19.8 (Y2K Problem), 8.14.2, 9.3.0 and 9.19.7
The current version of PolyTrack is now 10.8.0
Hello Kodub how Added In-Game For PolyTrack 0.4.0?
Don't Wrong to Reply, This is Yes for Looking Some In-Game for the Next Update!
Reply Your Post Here↴
Hello Kodub how to Play PolyTrack Made in the Future:
Play PolyTrack Made in the Future Here:
Hey Kodub how to add Suggestions for a PolyTrack Websites?
Check your website here:
Can you add this block?
Road Branches is Coming in the Next Update!
Hey Kodub How to Setting the Fixed Games on PolyTrack?
Hey Kodub can be Added and Changed to PolyTrack 0.4.0?
hi Kodub,
Thanks for making this game, it's nice and I'm really happy I found it because I can't play trackmania on my MacBook.
Here are some suggestions for the next update (it's been quite a while since v0.3.0)
1. V10 engine noise (it’ll make the cars sound nicer)
2. Advanced editor where you can clip parts together, with more precise track placement, and adjustable bank angle/width/checkpoint gate height/ etc.
3. Props in the editor to make tracks look nicer (ie. Fences, trees, buildings, bridges, viewing stands etc.)
5. Multi-lap checkpoints
6. Ring checkpoints for aerobatic tracks
Also, may you rate my tracks? (be as brutal as you like, I want to improve my track making skills)
Anyway, nice game and I hope the next update will be soon,
Nice game! I hope full controller support is on roadmap, altough I was able to play with my DS4 just fine.
A little annoyance: if I reset the race while accelerating, the game exits fullscreen. This happens to me a lot on controller because I remapped acceleration to RB and when I reset it's because I screwed up going too fast in a sharp turn (ouch!)
I don't know if it affects everyone because one of the levels I had the bug on I beat originally
but here is one of them
(from a form on
How to Adding New Track Parts in the Next Update!
Link: Added New Track Parts
I really love your game Kodub!!!
Here are some ideas:
- a counter for total time on a map (just to know)
- respawnable checkpoints (to make hard maps easier)
- watchable ghosts: you click on the ghost and you can watch it drive. (If you get a good time but didn't record, you can use this to watch your ghost again)
Another idea:
Accounts have passwords. I mean so you can access your account on other computers and your progress is saved. And so if your laptop logs out, not your whole account is deleted (this happened to me already 2 times and that's very frustrating cause all your times and custom tracks are gone).
So I would love it if this will be added.
Btw no offense, but it's just annoying.
I believe free-placing blocks or at least a bit more flexibility with block placement would really expand the polytrack mapping world into a different dimension. I understand if this is really hard but if you could do it sometime in the future it would be amazing! I feel it would make the game more flexible and also prevent you from having to add in a plethora of different block types of every map.
Old web versions are available at the following links:
Older versions are not able to be downloaded though.
2 things:
1. I just entered the level editor and this showed up for some reason
2. The checkpoints have a bug where you can go on the outside of the checkpoint and still count as crossing it, as seen by the run I made (Not Anonymous) on this track. v3TADhWZjtGcvlmb0BiY1dG4p9YlBGZAEoBokeGMfMCmff7frHIp5MwEcV8fff6ZEicfLQ5kEJ1CSGLAznJ461HkMbgqnRAwkHK4A
It would be possible to add, but I think the community is against adding incremental steering to the game since it could provide an unfair advantage.
Different cars might come in the far future. The vehicle would probably be selected by the track, since otherwise there would always be an optimal vehicle which everyone would pick.
play this map. then redo it, but edit it so the checkpoint is a normal block and look at what changes (it is press forward so play it like that)
1 I assume you already know the car gets pulled towards it bottom but this also means if you hit the edge of a ramp and start spiraling away it will spin and float longer than usual.2 also with the road if your in a z you can clip the back tires and spin not a bug but still i wanted to mention it.3 also with the road you can hook tires on the side and drive sideways on two wheels
A few suggestions
(I've edited this way too much)
P.S. when is the date for then next update set to be released?
I keep getting a bug in this map that on some of my runs, after the drop down, sometimes the car will entirely stop accelerating even when i press w or s but i cant show it cuz i dont have enough speed to make the last jump. also another case is after this happens and it reaches 0 speed, the w button starts working but it has like a limit for acceleration and i only gained about 1km/h every 1 second or so. Every block is also constantly slightly moving up and down on my screen. This can be seen (at least in my screen) in my run.
When you are going straight and while in the air hit another block straight on, the car can shift to one side as shown in this map that can be completed by holding forwards:
It's a bug, but could still be kept, and wouldn't change too much in-game.
can you make the game available on chromebook when i try to play through crazy games i start a level and the stage doesnt load but the ui is there and shows units. Also if you do make a chrome version will it work even while using a proxy? I have to use one called croxy proxy to get to the websites my school blocked
I’ve noticed quite a few people wanting community tracks in the game and I have a few idea’s for how this could be done
1: After every update put the Hof tracks into the game separated from the official tracks
2: Use something like how replays are saved and have the track code in a server that is sent by internet along with an option to save the tracks to the computer(for the niche instance people are playing on a .Exe and don’t have internet connection). While the size of tracks would be bigger than that of the replays, you wouldn’t need many of them, so it shouldn’t take up tooooo much space in the servers
1) Idk if this is just an error on my end but me and a few people I know all have the same error that doesn't load the leaderboard sometimes:
It says: "Error: Failed to load leaderboard"
2) Whenever I reload the site, the settings get reset. Whenever it gets reloaded, I am forced to change all the settings back to my preferences. It would make it much easier if settings kept
3) Adding checkpoint times to compare
4) (Optional) Would be cool to have standard tracks AND maybe a few seasonal tracks, doesn't have to be a lot, even like 4 would be really nice.
Please add a Stunt Mode in the Next Update?
For the Landtrick Stunts: Spin, Spinningchaos, Spinoff, Aerial, Alleyoop, Corkscrew, Flip, Flippingmix, Rodeo, Roll, Rollingmadness, Freestyle & Twister ↴
90° | 180° | 270° | 360° |
450° | 540° | 630° | 720° |
810° | 900° | 990° | 1080° |
1170° | 1260° | 1350° | 1440° |
1530° | 1620° | 1710° | 1800° |
1890° | 1980° | 2070° | 2160° |
2250° | 2340° | 2430° | 2520° |
2610° | 2700° | 2790° | 2880° |
2970° | 3060° | 3150° | 3240° |
3330° | 3420° | 3510° | 3600° |
3690° | 3780° | 3870° | 3960° |
4050° | 4140° | 4230° | 4320° |
4410° | 4500° | 4590° | 4680° |
4770° | 4860° | 4950° | 5040° |
5130° | 5220° | 5310° | 5400° |
5490° | 5580° | 5670° | 5760° |
5850° | 5940° | 6030° | 6120° |
6210° | 6300° | 6390° | 6480° |
6570° | 6660° | 6750° | 6840° |
6930° | 7020° | 7110° | 7200° |
7290° | 7380° | 7470° | 7560° |
7650° | 7740° | 7830° | 7920° |
8010° | 8100° | 8190° | 8280° |
8370° | 8460° | 8550° | 8640° |
8730° | 8820° | 8910° | 9000° |
9090° | 9180° | 9270° | 9360° |
9450° | 9540° | 9630° | 9720° |
Adding a 1080° Are Added Every Update!
Basicjump: 0°
Stunt Combo x1.5 (Perfect), x2.0 (Master) & x2.5 (Epic)
Suggestion For Anything in PolyTrack!
My ideas / questions:
1) How would stunt mode work? I don't know if it would fit in too well with the physics but idk.
2) Painting your cars with images could be a cool idea as long as you cant just use any image bc otherwise the images could be something inappropriate/disturbing.
3) What would you be able to buy with the in-game currency? Skins for your vehicle? Also how would you get the currency? Could be interesting..
ok so i found 2 glitches
both on this map
so if you run into a normal tiny bump at high speed you sometimes go to space
and if you go through the finish too fast it doesn't register (didn't happen this run but in the test it happened idk why)
Not Anonymous, skip to 2:15 and watch
Kodub, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think since the car actually has areodynamics taken into account, we can say that the higher the speed of the car, the greater the downforce. Thus the suspension is squashed and your car rides literally 0.000001 pixels above the ground (an exaggeration). So the hitbox of the car's chassis hits the road piece before the wheel's suspension can lift the front end causing the car to take flight. (sorry if my explanation is hard to understand, i'm trying to improve it)
Hopefully Kodub reads this...
- Green Blocks (Same color as Ground)
- Dirt Tracks (Brown tracks instead of the default black)
- Trees (Comes in different variations of density)
- Boosts (Makes the car go faster when the car first touches it)
- Magnets (Makes the car grippier on hills)
- Icers (Makes the car less grippy)
- IJustStoleYourEngineIfier (No more acceleration) - This would be a great id for it in the game code
- Reset (Removes all current effects)
Editor Mechanics
- Block Stacking (You can place multiple blocks in the same tile. This would require a new code format, but you could accomplish it with json arrays)
- Settings (This would be custom settings you could change for your level, such as checkpoint respawns or multiple laps)
- Start/End Block (Start and end at the same block)
Game Mechanics
- Freecam unpausing (When you go into freecam, you should be able to unpause the game and just show your replay moving)
If you don't have the time to do these, I really want to code atleast some of the aesthetics into the game through mods or something. Is there an easy way to do that?
Also fire game. Me and my friends fought many wars to get this unblocked on our school computers.
There is also a small modding community in the Discord!
I'd like to see different times of day and course themes (like mountains, snow, ocean, maybe even volcano?) implemented into the game, since it would add some extra, easy to change elements that make tracks more interesting.
Gameplay wise, I've seen many requests for boosters which I think would be awesome for making jumps etc more consistent on easier tracks! Something that I would like as well would be start positions that could be placed on top of tracks (similar to Geometry Dash, if you've seen that) which could be all deleted with a single button press for easier playtesting.
Finally i'd also suggest trees and flower planters as nice decorations/obstacles to again spice up courses!
Love this game so it would be really cool to see my suggestions implemented! :3
Different times of day and environments will come at some point! Not sure when though.
Boosters might come in 0.6.0 or 0.7.0, but nothing is decided yet.
Being able to select a start position when testing the track in the editor is planned, but it's quite low priority for now.
Trees and other decorations is something I want to look into for the next update!
I made a volcano...
So I have 1 request, by chance could you make it so that the obstacles, like ones that you would place in the middle of the road, can be placed more frequently without breaking other pieces? Like have 6 on one tile but place in separate areas? Like these pieces: v3UAL9GZ1JGIpNHIhd3cv1WZ4pdTLvcDACDDDANtSckbAilAYq47SAzNfVsjQV OHsyTxpwCGnjfZr430uV5OhNzegsWuT34OkdncfN8o8P9s0nekcfFyeyfpXkepXlePRuJ9pHsYuPd03KRe7ykpBD
On this screenshot you can see the exitbutton, the cpcounter, the time and the speed while on the homepage. I know this isn't how it is supposed to look cause I've restarted my computer and now it doesn't show it anymore. I don't know what causes this but it is really irritating cause it keeps showing while playing. So you see a vague 00:00.000 time under your current time
I just wanted to say this because it may be easy to fix but I don't know.
Please Add The Suggestion from the Spreadsheet?
Link: PolyTrack Spreadsheet Menu
Please Asked Anything on Suggestions:
When you import this track, then hit play, your screen fades to black and then nothing happens. You have to reload the page to get out of it. If you import this track into the editor all the menu buttons disappear. I can't recreate this with any other track. v3CAhB4p9YlBmYAEoB4kgwP9frnB2YgR4i9Ug8BwMEMoa
Please add Somethings in the last Post:
Let's Check your Own Spreadsheet: PolyTrack Spreadsheet Menu
Play the PolyTrack on Mobile (PWA) you can Traveling any Location
Also Concluding in Profiles:
Traveling for the Java Islands:
Asking the PolyTrack on Mobile you can Traveling any Location and not Playing a Computer Web in the game.
I LOVE this game. The only thing for me right now is that there is no controller support which is kind of a bummer because controller just feels better IMO.
Edit: I get that it is difficult because of the replay system, but I feel like for now you could just try making it digital inputs instead of analog. So even if you tilt the stick a little bit it goes all the way to the side. You could also do it so depending on how far you tilt it it does it multiple times. So if you hold it a little bit it will press the stick periodically based on how far it's pushed. Sorry if that's confusing lol
The community seemed to be mostly against controller support in the past, since people worry it will give players using controllers an unfair advantage.
It might be possible to have separate leaderboards for keyboard/controller, but it'll be quite easy to cheat and submit a controller run to the keyboard leaderboard.
A feature that wouldn't be too hard to add could be a signal that indicate the splits in the run. So it says how much faster you are in each checkpoint. So u can see haw far the ghost is behind. Like Trackmania. Also a feature where you can watch multiple Ghosts simultaneously so u can comprise different runs.