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Strive: Conquest

A successor to first Strive For Power game, currently at alpha stage · By Strive4Power

(Link Fixed.. Preg. hopefully fixed) Minimally Fucky Diffusion Megapack + Mod - ~5k body and portrait sets, ~22k images including clothed, exposed, and pregnancy, male and female every race, hair color, etc.

A topic by squariarch created Jul 15, 2023 Views: 34,953 Replies: 85
Viewing posts 1 to 36
(4 edits) (+8)(-2)

This is a pack of AI generated portraits and bodies. Every race in the game, every hair color, and a spread of other attributes are represented (notably: three bust sizes and two ass sizes for every female type, a dark and light skin tone for every "normal" race and every in game skin color for others). Also, clothed and unclothed versions for every character, and pregnant versions of both for every femal character. Quite frankly, this whole project was much more of an undertaking than I had expected, in terms of generating images that are actually decent on average; there are absolutely mistakes and occasional oddnesses (hence, minimally fucky), but on the whole I think it's in a state where it is a usable pack and the average mistake is not too noticeable/distracting.

I also have a set of mods to make the whole thing work. Obviously in the base game there is no concept of using clothed/unclothed portraits for normal characters, so one mod changes to use the 'exposed' bodies in certain circumstances (right now, that is only the sex scenes). Same basic idea for pregnancy; once a character is visibly pregnant, their body images will be swapped for pregnant versions. The other critical mod is one that allows using webp images; the whole pack is webp so without this nothing will work. Webp compression makes the images extremely small and still allows for transparency: all the images, unzipped, are only about 750MB. This mod is actually a modification of zeltop's threaded image loader (and replaces it), so most credit goes to them. Finally, there is a mod that is a version of another of zeltop's mods, the not so random portraits mod (so it again should replace it), which just slightly changes how the character values are pulled from portrait names so that the in game text will be slightly better aligned. All three mods are tested working on 6.10a, though in truth I wrote them originally for iirc 6.1, so they might be out of date in some ways.

Some comments on the images (starting with a few good because I'm pretty critical and I don't want to start by picking on a bunch of problems):

1. The portraits are by and large extremely good. Most of the reason I stuck with this was because the portraits are such high quality.

2. It does a surprisingly (to me) good job of keeping the recognizably of the character across different versions (portraits, clothed, pregnant, etc) so they actually do look like one consistent character, which is obviously important. The preview images I provided were not carefully cherry picked, they essentially were the first I saw from each category I looked for.

3. Not all, but most of the errors are not excessively distracting. This will probably depend on the person, but for me even when IE the hands aren't right as long as they are offside and the character overall is pretty good I don't tend to mind them. I don't see it, for example, add extra heads or arms or whatever.

4. The images are generally stylistically reasonably consistent, which for me makes them less distracting than having a bunch of diverse artstyles in a pack, even if there are oddities in some of the images themselves.

And the worse in approximate order:

1. I can't for the life of me get it to generate penises, especially consistently. Even a good setup seems to just make lovecraftian horrors 4/5 times; hence why you might notice that the men in the 'exposed' preview images are all wearing underwear instead of being full nude.

2. There are absolutely errors in some images. I think it isn't the majority, but you absolutely will notice some if you use the pack. The bodies are generated nude first and then essentially progress down to pregnancy, so as you get further from the original generation there tends to be slightly more errors; I'd say that the vast majority of the nude bodies have no errors or minor errors, but the bulk of errors show up in the pregnant or especially the clothed pregnant variations.

3. Tails! This is not something I expected coming in, but I would say the enormous majority of errors are in the tails (not, for example, the hands). It loves to do multiple tails, tails floating off in space, tails originating from bizarre places, etc. I settled on a system that mostly keeps these errors down, but it was a huge problem and continues to show up a lot.

4. The more that characters deviate from humans the harder it is to make them work. Centaurs wound up being pretty doable, but lamias scyllas and nereids are all very hard to generate consistently and the quality of their images definitely reflects that. Nereids I ended up compromising completely and turning into mermaids because those images were much better even if not accurate. I decided to include these races anyway for the sake of completeness but I don't love any of them, really. Funnily enough, slimes were in a way actually the best/easiest, because when a slime is missing a finger or stands funny or whatever it is kinda just part of the effect.

5. Sometimes the clothing is kinda funny. There are oddities in generation, but more so it's because I hand designed templates for the clothes and I maybe had too much fun with some of them, but decided to keep them in because I liked them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

All the files are defined by what is in them (hair color, etc.) and then a number at the end in square brackets. If you find an image that is particularly bad, you can let me know using that number and I can regenerate it (or you can give me the whole file name, etc). Similarly, the mods as I mentioned are tested but originally written for a decently early version, so if something breaks let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.

Again, the mods are essential because the base game does not support webp images. Also because many of the images just wouldn't be used without the mod that switches between them. Also, as noted above two of these mods replace zeltop's more random portraits and threaded image load mods, so make sure those are disabled/not installed.



UPDATE 1/18/24:

AAAAH the link was to the wrong file, so the fix in 1.1.1 didn't exist..... Anyone who had trouble, please redownload at the link above.

UPDATE 9/26/23:

New bug was stopping pregnancies from showing properly, fixed in 1.1.1

UPDATE 9/23/23:

Mods updated for 7.1c + some features, no need to redownload the image pack if you have it. Basically:

-Fixed the mod features so they actually work for 7.1c. Not tested as thoroughly as I'd like but hopefully its all there. I'll try to be faster on future fixes.

-7.0 I believe added the checkbox for whether the slave is forced to be nude, which is now used. Exposed portraits will be shown in all scenes if that is checked.

- Fixed dark elves probably just outright not working at all. I assume this has been a problem the entire time but I just noticed.

Again, sorry this was so slow. I'm not playing the game a lot so I just wasn't on top of it, I'll try to be better about fixing future things (hopefully it shouldn't break too easily, this I believe was because things changed to enable the paper doll system)

Let me know if stuff doesn't work (or honestly, if you were having problems before I'd love to hear they are fixed).  For anyone looking for image pack updates: it's possible but I'm not working on anything right now. I've mentioned in this thread that I'd love to do something with the paperdoll system if I can figure out how, otherwise I might do full beastkin portraits at some point soon. If there is any other portrait category that is of interest, let me know so I can try to gauge interest.

Is there some sort of readme or a guide where to place the files?

Oh yeah thanks for asking. Not sure about a guide, but if you open the game and open a customization menu for a character you should get a button that is called "Select Custom Portrait" and then if you click that you will get a menu where one button is labeled "Open system folder." Once you click that it will take you to a directory somewhere that has a few directories in it (including saves, etc). The mods need to go into the "mods" directory there, and the portraits, exposed etc. folders inside the image zip need to go directly into that top level directory (so the portraits folder and so on should be at the same level as saves, not inside the directory they probably come out the zip in). Iirc the mods folder exists by default, portraits and bodies folders might exist as well? But you should be able to just overwrite them with what is in the zip.


for clarification; they go in the roaming files(D:/Users/"name/Appdata/Roaming/strive2

you can find them by holding the windows key and pressing r and typing %appdata% in the popupp

Dude, after I put the downloaded file in the system file directory, I checked nudity in the game, but the picture didn't change. Why?

gonna do the beastkin races eventually?

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't properly save my password and wasn't getting the reset emails... Anyway, beastkins are probably possible; I'd like to, but to be honest some of the furrier images are noticeably much lower quality. I might look into getting it to work but it will be a little while either way.

beastkin races would be nice, but really good pack nonetheless, does this work with the images from other packs? 

Packs are unrelated to each other. As long you dont have the same name on a picture, every pic's will show up.

Yeah it should work. That being said, obviously the exposure/pregnancy stuff won't exist. It relies on having matching image names across different folders which are hard to get other ways.

If something breaks with the mod and other images/image packs let me know. I tried to be careful how the mod was implemented (so it would just use the same image in different situations if a special image doesn't exist) but I didn't test it too much outside of the pack images so I might have missed something.

what programs and prompts do you use for creating your images?

It's all just python and the a1111 SD webui api, but there is a lot more than just prompts. Basically the prompts are generated from the requirements/state of the image (IE, add "(pregnant)" for pregnant bodies, race descriptions for races, etc.), there are a ton of different LoRAs thrown in as well. Faces are isolated using an implementation of CLIPSeg  to create masks that guarantee their consistency across images and make the portraits, as well as used to eliminate as many errors as I can automatically detect (faces too big/body too small, too many faces aka multiple characters, maybe some others can't remember off the top of my head). Controlnet is used extensively to keep the bodies/poses broadly the same across images, and to as loosely as possible track a series of hand generated templates that are pretty much there to try to minimize the number of misplaced tails.

That's the broad strokes at least. I can go into more detail if there is interest.

I am very interested, i used to find and crop images in the strive discord and finding full sets of characters all nude, clothed, and pregnant was a nightmare and i never managed to get more than 3-4 done and what your doing seems a lot better considering you can make the same character in all positions/clothing/nonclothing.

if you could link/help me me to the things you use i would very much appreciate it.

I might make a full writeup in the future, but I'm just going to summarize manual steps for now. Like I mentioned, I used the API and I wrote a fair amount of python to get the whole thing automated. Plus actually generating this number of images took a fair amount of computing resources. I should (and probably will at some point) share the source, but honestly it's pretty hacky (it's a script and I wasn't really planning to post it anywhere) and I doubt it would realistically run for anyone else; for now it seems like you might be more interested in just generating your own individual images by hand anyway, so I'll give general steps that should point you in the right direction for that:

General setup is you need the a1111 stable diffusion webui, and you need the controlnet extension. You will want for controlnet the canny model and the depth model.

1. Generate a nude base body. You could experiment with generating the clothed body first; I didn't because I was worried that it would be more likely to place accessories, and non-formfitting clothes might cause weird body shapes later on. In any case, using prompts like "full body" and "standing" are probably useful to make sure it looks more like a portrait, as well as things like "simple background"/"grey background" to make it stand out less. Also, you probably want these in 512x768 resolution. If you are generating just a few by hand you could upscale them as well say to 1024x1536; this should take at least ~4x the time, so it was absolutely prohibitive for me.

2. Mask out the head. You can obviously just do this by hand, or you could probably find an extension that uses clipseg or fastsam or whatever to do it automatically to be closer to what I did. You probably wouldn't save time overall doing it automatically tbh unless you do a ton of images but it's up to you. This mask might be better made in gimp/photoshop/krita or whatever on your computer so that you can make sure that you don't lose it because you need it for a few steps. Or else you could just remake it if you lose which wouldn't be a huge deal.

3. Fix the face by inpainting with full resolution and using prompts that are more face specific. This isn't always necessary but it makes a lot of the faces a little less weird looking.

4. Make sure you save your face-fixed image, since you will need it in original form and to use for a few other tasks. Now you can make the portrait. Take your image and crop it to just the size of the face, trying to keep it somewhat square. Upload that to img2img and set your resolution to 512x512. Use prompts that are specific to the face, like maybe you used "pointy ears" for your elf on the full body, make sure that you use it again here. Also hairstyles, colors, etc. Try not to include any prompts that would apply only to the body here because if you ask for a tail it might give you a tail and it probably isn't what you wanted. Enable controlnet; I used canny for the portrait only, you could try just using the depth model here as well. Either way, it will help keep the face looking similar to how it was on the full body image.

5. For the clothes, go to inpaint and make sure the face is masked out. Again, I saved and used the same face mask but you could remake it if you need. Now inpaint unmasked (you want the face to stay the same so it is identifiable), and add clothing prompts to the prompt. Also, a little like the portrait try to make sure that any characteristics you need are still there IE pointy ears for elves, tails for beastkin/halfkin, etc. Enable controlnet and use depth. I use the depth_zoe module for creating the maps. You will probably need to mess with the weights or the control end step to make sure that there is still some room to actually add the clothes and deviate a bit from the base. Set the fill type to original image, and you can set the denoising strength quite high, like 0.9+. Also, make sure that you use the same seed for all the body portraits when you are doing the inpainting. It will help with the consistency.

6. Do the same as step 5 essentially for any pregnancy etc. You might need to play around with prompts to get the style and such that you want.

Also, I used Counterfeit v4 for all the images, so if you can't choose a model you could start there. I used a bunch of LoRAs as well, they are worth looking into if you want a certain effect/clothing/pose/etc.

Hey ! Following your advice I got into stable diffusion. Would like to know which model , extensions and LORAs you used for the process.
The issue I am facing is with the fact , that I am not able to get full body , if that happens , the image comes distorted.
If you can please paste an exemplar prompt. It would help a lot.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry I just missed this comment completely, I've given a slightly better answer on another response, but if you are getting not full bodies make sure that you have the resolution set to something that makes sense for a portrait (IE: 512x768). Loras etc. are a lot, but mostly specific to different bodies and so forth. You can see a prompt below, but I don't know if all the loras I used are good or right so it is probably better to experiment (and some I used just because I needed consistency and couldn't hand pick results that I wanted, better to use less when you can).

Hey ! Following your advice I got into stable diffusion. Would like to know which model , extensions and LORAs you used for the process.
The issue I am facing is with the fact , that I am not able to get full body , if that happens , the image comes distorted.
If you can please paste an exemplar prompt. It would help a lot.

hi, sorry for asking you this, but i haven't found answers online, i made some of my own bodies in stable defusion; how do you make matching bodies show up ingame? dropping files of the same name in both \bodies and \exposed doesn't seem to work regardless of file type, the exposed portraits don't show up, while the ones from the mod pack work.

If they have the same name they should work. You mean that the bodies show up correctly but the exposure isn't working? And do you have a portrait as well?

This is great.  I've been waiting for something like this with AI tools being more accessible.  However, no futa options is a bit of a deal breaker for me.  I would love if you could add that in the future, but I would understand if you didn't want to do that.

Honestly futa is missing because what I mentioned about the model being incapable of drawing penises at all correctly more than like 1 in 4 tries (same reason the men all wear underwear). I don't really have a workaround, but I might try again at some point.

Most of the images look really good, however lots of the other species look to human is it possible to make them more unique ?

Maybe, though what do you mean? I see people requesting full beastkin so I might get around to those, but are you talking about others? I know the gnomes mostly just look human, honestly I wasn't sure what to do with them that would be distinctive.

The images of the body do not load, have I placed them wrong? I put them in the bodies folder

(1 edit)

Which images did you place in the bodies folder? The zip contains the folders in the structure they need to be, IE there is a bodies folder, an exposed folder, etc. Those all need to go on the same level, as in those folders don't belong inside the bodies folder, the bodies images need to be in the bodies folder, then next to it you need to have the exposed images in the exposed folder, etc. Make sure that you have one of each of those folders, and that there are only images inside them, and all of those folders are in the "Strive for Power 2" directory.

Edit: And to be clear, I mean the "Strive for Power 2" directory that is apparently somewhere under appdata if you are running windows, or on Linux and probably macos it is in ~/.local.

but it goes inside the bodies folder, right? that is to say, do I put the files including the bodies that comes in the zip inside the folder?

Sorry for the late response, but I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. Only the images inside the "bodies" directory in the zip go inside the "bodies" folder. The exposed images go inside the exposed directory, etc.

(1 edit)

I'm really trying to get this mod to work, but I'm struggling. I did a clean install of the game, removed the game folder in roaming and only set up these mods on a new playthrough. The only pictures shown are the regular clothed ones, no matter in game states. The alternative images are shown when clicking on the characters in the sex scene. Is this as inteded, or is the mod supposed to work in the regular overview as well?

Also, drow was changed to dark elf a while back - is this meant for an older version of the game perhaps?

Great concept either way!

(1 edit)

Sorry for late response. I am not entirely sure I understand, but as it is right now, the exposed images do only show inside the sex scenes. Otherwise the only other change is the pregnant images show when the characters are visibly pregnant. Maybe I could make them show at other times (once the exhibition trait is unlocked?) but I didn't want to develop a full UI and as a general rule I didn't want there to be like an undisableable trait you take which causes you to never see a set of images again.

Aha! Yeah, I though the exposed images would kick in everywhere after the exhibition trait. I think that would be a great addition as it's optional after all, and you can disable it. Are the pregnant versions supposed to be shown when interacting normally, or only within sex scenes as well?

(1 edit)

There are pregnant images for every female both for exposed (sex scenes) and clothed, that replace both when applicable. I'll consider adding exhibitionism when/if I do another version (maybe depends on the direction of the paper doll system).

(1 edit)

The clothed pregnant versions don't show for me when viewing character info. Only shows the naked pregnant version during sex scenes

I'll take a look if I can reproduce it

Exposure mod is not working, here are the relevant errors

Mod Loader: 4.0

TW Threaded Image Load Webp

More Improved Random Portraits


SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_stored_body_image' in base 'Nil'.

   at: update (res://gui_modules/CharacterInfo/ - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_stored_body_image' in base 'Nil'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'capitalize' in base 'Nil'.

   at: update_purchase_btn (res://gui_modules/Exploration/Scripts/ - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'capitalize' in base 'Nil'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.

   at: showbody (<built-in>:6) - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.

Thanks for report and sorry for super late reply. I think I see approximately what is wrong but I won't be able to fix it rn. I'll see if I can crack something out in the next few days.
Predictably and understandable some of the framework stuff they changed to add support for paper dolls among other stuff has messed with things. Probably hasn't been showing pregnancy properly since 4.0. Oops.

Well that's odd, I'm currently playing with this mod with the TW mods, SfC Revamp mods and Def Rebalance (I'm currently playing with some of TW and some from the Revamp not everything) and i have no issue whatsoever. Playing version 0.7.0a btw.

yeaaah finally! dont know how i played this game without this mod ! thank you. please dont stop improving it

can we apply this on strive4power?

For the images only yes. For the mod no.

Unfortunately, the images might actually not work because they are webp and probably the game won't support them.

im using your img pack on strive4power xD

Good to know. Interesting that that's different in strive 2.

i still dont understand how to use it. must i change the webp to jpg or what? i cant change the body image

You need at least  the threaded image load mod because the base game does not support webp.

Is the mod working for the current patch? Also are you going to release a new version?


The mod is mostly working for the current patch, and fixing the last bit is more involved than I gave it credit for so it needs some dedicated time while my priorities are elsewhere. This mod took off more than I expected so I should give it that time, hopefully later this week.

As for another version, I am not working on it yet. I've been wondering if I could make something work with the paper dolls but I don't really have a workable idea for that at the minute. Other than that, I would like to do the full beastkin races, but while I don't mind them it's a fair amount of manual work + compute time to generate these and I'm not really behind it right now. At the very least, obviously I will fix the base mod first.

This is an incredibly great 'all in one' bodies/portraits package that even goes the extra mile with the image shifting and pregnant statuses.

I really appreciate that its compatible and derived from Zeltop's mods as I LOVE their 'Conquest Tweaks' mod pack as it really expands and enhances the base game experience. In that sense, I feel this pack and mod set is a nifty little add on to it since it really only adds to the base package. 

Anyway, don't worry too much if you couldn't get things to look perfect. AI generated art is still super new on top of you pumping out a lot of content and updating the mods. As long as the mods stay current, then I'm sure you'll also get the chance at some point to clean up the images to bring them up to snuff. as they do look REALLY good on the whole.

Thanks so much for the hard work and I personally look forward to seeing more of it! 

Hey thanks, appreciate it.

The mod is working for me for the most part, the only thing that it doesnt do is changing the images to a pregnant version when the character has the pregnancy icon. I tried to do a clean installation of the game and deleted all previous mods but nothing changes. The nudity option however is working fine with swapping images.

Ok I'll take a look at this again. I believe the way the mod pulls pregnancy might not be exactly the same as when the icon appears so it might be broken now sometimes or always (I took some shortcuts in how I tested this that might not be fully valid in the new game)

Yep, found and fixed, thanks.

(2 edits)

I'm using the v1.1.1 version but it's not changing the images for the pregnant variations, not even inside the sexual encounters...


Fixed it by using the following code in the

func is_visibly_pregnant():
    if (variables.pregduration/1.5 > get_stat('pregnancy').duration && get_stat('pregnancy').duration > 0):
        return true
        return false

I looked at the code and added some print() logs to find the cause, and noticed that the is_visibly_pregnant() always returned false, then noticed that the has_status() func looks for tags in the character status, and the character in the save file has no pregnant tag. 

Then I looked into how the pregnancy icon is set, and noticed it used the get_stat('pregnancy') func instead. I switched, and it worked.

Dude, after I put the downloaded file in the system file directory, I checked nudity in the game, but the picture didn't change. Why?

I loaded all three mods in the gam

I'm not sure what you mean. You loaded the mods, the portraits worked but the nudity checkbox in character screen didn't change the image?

yes I checked nudity in the game, but the image didn't switch, and my version is 0.7.1win64

Unfortunately it works fine for me so I can't reproduce this :/ 

I'll probably need to wait to see if more people have the problem and get an idea what is causing it before I'll be able to do anything

Hey, can you share which model/version you used? A link to huggingface would be nice, but just the name and version are good enough.
I'd like to make some more variations, mainly hair, and I want to keep the same style. Perhaps even try a merge or two lol.


They were all done with Counterfeit-V3.0 

And in case it helps, here is a random generated prompt pair. It won't give you an exact replica of any output because they were paired with controlnets and a sort of template to smooth out generation issues, but hopefully it is a start:

1girl,(skinny),long legs,(nude), pussy, (nipples:0.8), nsfw,standing,full body,(simple background), (plain background), grey background,  <lyco:GoodHands-beta2:1>,(cute),tan skin, <lyco:chocoskin:1.1>,small breasts,(brown hair),(((wolf ears))),green eyes,(hair bun),masterpiece, best quality

fat,chubby, (censored),(clothes),((dress)),(shoes),socks,shadow, (((((multiple views))))), (((multiple girls))), ((((from behind)))), (from side), (extra fingers, deformed hands, polydactyl:1.4), (multiple characters),(close up),ground, ((background effects)), head out of frame,((cape)), missing limb,child,adult,(light skin),large breasts,flat chest,(((fur))),(upset),crying,lowres, bad anatomy, text, error, (EasyNegative:1)

If you are doing manual generations you can trim these down quite a bit, but I needed tags like (((((multiple views))))) to make sure that I wouldn't get strange non-conformant outputs. Also, you will obviously need the lycos/loras to do this exactly, I don't have easy links on hand but you should be able to find them by looking on civitai. Also the EasyNegative embedding.

(1 edit) (+1)

I also just remembered that I put a more in depth explanation on another comment above, so if you want more specific sample steps you could look there. Ignore the part where I said it was counterfeit v4 I don't even know if that exists.

(1 edit)

I'v find how to fix pregnancy images issue.

In file "mods\expanded_portraits\" in function "func is_visibly_pregnant():" need to replace:

--- return has_status('pregnant') or has_status('heavily_pregnant')
+++ return parent.get_ref().has_status('pregnant') or parent.get_ref().has_status('heavily_pregnant')

Not sure why "parent" should be called. Just copied that calling from "src\character\" (line 1738) from original game code.

Alright I'll look at this, sorry this time I was legitimately just not having access for a long time to be able to do things. Hope people were able to find this if they wanted it.

Ok so apparently the link was broken which is why you and everyone else still had old code. If you have time try the new version and let me know if it is actually working now.

(1 edit)

Firstly: looks like a lot of hard work went into this and I appreciate the result, thank you for your hard work and sharing its fruits with us.

If I have two nitpicks (which I cannot remember any image pack avoiding and I don't want to sound entitled, I acknowledge that I'm just lazily waiting for someone else like yourself to be a hero and put in the hard work to improve upon):

1) Human ears on half-kin, usually as a redundant set of ears... when I see this it completely dispels the illusion of a half-kin, they're just humans wearing costume ears (in other image packs these are often very obviously drawn as costumes/costume accessories e.g. the non-human ears are mounted on a hairband).

2) Anachronistic apparel, e.g. modern fashion and accessories incongruous with the technology and aesthetic of a medieval fantasy setting. Personally, I prefer more fantastical clothing for fantasy beings (e.g. dryads) or at least more hand-tailored-looking clothes less reliant on post-industrial manufacturing methods (e.g. zippers, print/silk-screen).

(1 edit)

So 1. seems pretty much unsolvable, at least for now. 90% of the work in this pack was trying to convince it to do approximately the right thing IE not add like extra arms and so forth, something like making sure there aren't also human ears seems like it is probably impractical. 

Number 2. is my fault largely, and I'll consider it if there is a version 2. I think there is a tradeoff though in the variety/interest of clothing if you try to make everything preindustrial, which I know makes it "realistic" but if ultimately the characters seem more samey because of that I don't know that it is necessarily worth it. But like I said, I'll consider it esp with respect to zippers and other outliers.
Edit: Also yeah definitely if/when I do another version I'll at least partition the outfits more by race so they fit better thematically.

(1 edit)

Thank you for responding! 

I want to say that, despite most of my post being critical, I'm impressed with the pack and, no disrespect to Maverik et al, it's the best solution so far if the goal is to comprehensively represent the variety of visible attributes described within the game with aesthetically pleasing, stylistically consistent, imagery. 

You employed a new, burgeoning, technology that goodness knows probably would have required exponentially more effort to use 2 years ago and may require exponentially less 2 years from now. I imagine that improving on your result will become increasingly possible in the future but whether you iterate on this project or someone else takes up the gauntlet I doubt that I will be quite as dramatically impressed; you did it first. Still, it's a sign of things to come, it's pretty interesting to think about what will be possible as tools and expertise inevitably improve.

One thing I noticed after making my post, with regards to my first nitpick, was that the portraits and bodies are often slightly different and, in many cases, the portrait versions have additional hair or other features obfuscating redundant, human, ears that are visible on the full body image so that only the kemonomimi are visible. I don't know if you touched some of them up manually or by what other means the improvement was made in those cases but I want to explicitly acknowledge that you were already clearly aware of and actively addressing the issue.

Sorry to be a pain, the link for 1.1.1 leads to 1.1.0. Any chance to update it please?

Oh, thanks for telling me that's a huge pain. That's probably why it's been broken for everyone but it kept working for me.. Should be fixed now if you try again.

Thank you (Thumbs up)

Hello, I have trouble with this mod. The image are generated, but when I want to select them as custom portrait/body, they don't appear in the selection.

if the mod Dtw_threaded_imageload_webp, is activated no custom image is availaible at all, including those from other mods. 

Do you have an idea what is causing this problem ?

Without the mod activated, I'm not surprised that no images show. The mod is necessary to support the image format. Of course though, with the mod it should show and shouldn't cause problems with other packs. I'm not sure, unless it is a conflict with another mod? If you could try disabling all other mods except the ones from here that would really be my only thought, sorry.

When enabling the Explosure mod, character portraits are not displayed during sex scenes. Version 0.8.2a, portraits from other packs are not displayed, no other mods.

I have the same issue. Seems to be a problem getting the exposed sprite. Here's the log:

Game Version: 0.8.2a
OS: Windows
Generating portrait attribute cache took 0 minutes and 2 seconds.
Mod Loader: 4.0
TW Threaded Image Load Webp
More Improved Random Portraits
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
WARNING: statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
   at: showbody (<built-in>:6) - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
   at: showbody (<built-in>:6) - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
   at: showbody (<built-in>:6) - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
   at: showbody (<built-in>:6) - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_exposed_image' in base 'Reference ('.
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
   at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
   at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
   at: cleanup (core/object.cpp:2070) - ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
   at: clear (core/resource.cpp:417) - Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

I can't reproduce this problem, but those warnings ("statlist.get_stored_body_image() called directly") are things I put in and shouldn't be getting called unless isn't getting properly overridden by the mod (which maybe would also explain the other errors?). Unfortunately I don't really have any ideas on how to fix this if I can't reproduce it, it's possibly related to windows but I don't see why that would be a problem.

I found a fix for this if you didn't get a notification that the thread was responded to.  Check latest post.

(1 edit)

Sorry I'm slow on the draw as usual because I don't really look at itch very much. I'll take a peek rn if I can figure something out.

Edit: I can't reproduce this at all, seems to work ok for me. No other mods loaded, right?

May I ask, do you use any tools to organize your photo images? I tried using PortraitPackEditor but it seems different from yours. Because I also want to create my own but I don't know how.

Everything is generated from a python script, so yes and no. Not sure I can really be any help.

well i try this in 0.84a version but,,,,

exposed doesn't work
and pregnant pic doesn't work too

For some reason enabling the 'exposure' mod makes it impossible to put people into the battle formation. When I drag the portrait into the formation, nothing happens

well it seems that this only applies to the main character and the starting slave

is this still working?

(5 edits)

I made 2 posts but they're not approved yet. Since then I discovered a fix for anyone who generated characters prior to the mod's install, specifically those using the custom bodies who won't toggle from the default clothed state.

This will involve save file editing.  I recommend using Notepad++ with the "JSON Viewer" plugin, otherwise it is extremely hard to read the file.

The solution is simple.  The 'broken' characters are using the base game character file, the non-broken ones are using the modded file.

First find the character you need to fix.  You can simply search their name then scroll up until you find something like "hid3394222865": {  This will be the start of their character data.

The fix is right under that line.


"@path": "res://src/character/",


"@path": "res://tmp/",

Save the file... fixed!

Alternatively you can do a 'replace all' if you have a lot. It doesn't seem to be used for anything else?

As for default vanilla body characters, I don't think it's possible to 'fix' those.  You can 'fix' them the same way, but it will use the mod resource to try and display their image, which won't exist, so it will show a generic silhouette.  I've tried to mess around with the mod code but I don't understand anything about coding actually, so someone else will have to work on it.  If I were to guess, a separate routine has to be run to check if a character is using a generated image (dynamic_portrait=true) which is checked before the mod's routine.

EDIT: This also fixed the battle formation issue! (can't move chars)

I can't get the exposed and both of the pregnancy portraits to work. Is there something wrong with the mod or is it where I put the folders since I put all the images in the bodies folder and it only works for the bodies

There's no issues with the mod if you installed it and its dependencies properly before starting a new game.

If you started it AFTER a new game, with already generated characters, you need to perform fixes in my post (before yours).

This is awesome - maybe the most impactful use of AI I've come across for game mods. The pack really does do a lot for the game. Kudos!

Did you ever open-source the script you used? I saw you posted details on your setup, and I've managed to replicate it mostly, but I'm interested in how scripted all this was. I'm half-toying with the idea of trying some generation of the rest of the races, but if you've got a script all ready to rip, I'd love to see it before I try