I think we'd all agree that we would love to see Itch get more popular - which would of course have knock-on bonuses for we devs. It got me to wondering what we could do to help Itch get bigger... aside from the obvious ways, any ideas?
Obvious ones;
- Release games on Itch
- Promote our own games on social media etc
- Promote others' games on Itch
- Encourage devs to release their games on Itch
One idea I have been cogitating is to make certain games exclusive to Itch. This is a tough one though as anyone making a free game will want as many people as possible to play it, and anyone trying to make a living selling games is hardly going to deliberately not release on sites covering 99% of the market (though obviously there may be other factors coming into play for that idea).
Anyway, basically I'm just throwing this out there to see what people can come up with. I don't know if the day will ever come when it's viable to actually release a commercial game only on Itch and be able to earn a living from it, but wouldn't it be a glorious day if it did ever come?!