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Idol Manager

Idol Manager is a business sim about conquering the entertainment industry using any means you deem necessary. · By sadambober, Kuiper

Bugs Sticky

A topic by sadambober created Nov 20, 2018 Views: 61,137 Replies: 880
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Also when I loaded up a save, it was time for an idol (idol A) to graduate (said "graduates soon"). when I pressed play, another idol (idol B) immediately announced her graduation. After getting that message, idol A was gone from the group and had been transferred to the graduated tab. I didn't get the option to hire her as a staffer or the other choices.


Seems like removing scandal points freezes time. Also closing and reopening the game will add 2 or so group scandal points.

(2 edits)

This happened to me as well. It added 2 group scandal points when I reopened the game and after I tried to remove them by firing a staffer the time froze.

Edit: I went back and tested it and when I fired one of my staffers that I've had for a long time it worked fine, but when I hired a new staffer and immediately fired them the tooltip listed that it took 2 scandal points but when the window popped up I could only take off one and then after I closed the window the time froze again.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I found a bug that can cause this - it happens if you fire a staffer when your staff tab is in compact view. You'll have to switch to the full view every time you need to fire someone until the next update.

Another related bug - hovering over a staffer in the building view to show their tooltip and then firing them. Can be avoided by hovering over another staffer, before firing that first one.

started my second sister group and their “research” screen seems to mirror that of the first ones despite them having different targets (My second is targeted at Hardcore Adult Males, the first at Casual Female Teens, yet the second group’s max fans/fan growth per single seems to mirror that of it they were also targeting Casual Female Teens)

(1 edit)

Tried playing on my Apple laptop (ie with a trackpad, not a mouse) for the first time today. I couldn't right/left click within the game like I can in the rest of the OS (to select Auto Proposals, for example). Is this a bug or a Mac OS thing?


“Right click” is only used to quickly show/hide the tab on the left, everything else (including context menus) is a simple click. Maybe that’s your issue? Try simply clicking on a room.

If not, then that’s definitely a bug - I test the game on a macbook and never had this issue

In this instance, I'm trying to select a Preferred Proposal with a standard click. Menu items with check boxes are not selectable for me this way. (or I'm doing something wrong)


Ah, you have to “research” them first, check the research tab

I forgot to add a tooltip for this

I see. Thanks for the help!


In the auditions of nationwide, it says: "1 guaranteed gold idol"

First time, I got 4 normal idols and 1 silver idol.

Second time, I got 4 silver idols and 1 normal idol.

Is it a bug?


How many scandal points do you have? There's a penalty to auditions if you have too many


Ooh, this needs to be included in a tooltip somewhere near the auditions part.

Ok, then it makes sense lol. Thanks.


If it is my misunderstanding, I am sorry. I report 2 behaviors who looks like bugs about beta 13.1 for Windows 64 bit.

1) In my environment, "Avg. Recent Earnings" of Salaries maybe be not average but accumulation.

About a idol, "Avg. Recent Earnings" increased from 267,595 yen (in Nov 2018) to 400,677 yen (in Feb 2019), though she did some works of photographs. And it never decrease.

Even in other new game, it is same.

2) When I borrow the first office, though the massage "This floor is rent free" is displayed, it actually costs a rent expense every week.

I am sorry, I can write English little.  But I enjoy this game very mach.  It is cute and exciting!


I don't know how it happened, and I did nothing special in the game.

I think I never need to worry about the money in this round lol.


Everytime I play, no matter what I try , The game freeze during April 2029. I dont know what to do. I restarted my pc, I tried to load from a different save file. I dont know if I'm doing things wrong. Am I the only one having this bug? or it's part of the game?


Please upload your save file where this happens or send it to me at

Win: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\manual_saves

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/data/manual_saves

O dont find the AppData file


Try this:


When i put a girl on hiatus, the date of her rehabilitation doesn't appear. I'ts a bug? 

(3 edits) (+1)

I don't think the game is discounting the free floor on rent.  

Beta 14, Version 33, Windows 64-Bit

EDIT: Loading saved games apparently is not working either?

EDIT2: I may have forgotten to delete the old folders, game loaded up fine after reinstalling.


The "visual params" options aren't selectable.
PS: this game is Amazing! <3

Does anyone else get the bug where you try to accept an audition and the game just freezes on a blurred screen? The idol cards never come up - I've waited about 15 minutes before giving up. Idk if this is just extreme lag or a bug, but has anyone else had this problem?


Check the first post, you probably just need to delete cache files

Oops, I didn’t see the frequent bugs! Thank you so much and as always, thank you for your hard work on a lovely game! 

I've noticed a small bug where if you fire a staff member using scandal points, it won't actually fire the staff member. But it'll use up the scandal points.

Ever since th newest update, I can't play an entire in game day without time stopping in the middle of it, and not continuing. This continues to happen even if I restart the game, make a new game, reload, or continue my save file.


Hi, have you tried deleting some of your cache files? It's supposed to fix another bug, but who knows, maybe it'll help you.

Win: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\cache\portraits
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/data/cache/portraits

Oh, I haven't! I'll try that, and reply again with if it worked or not!

Ah, it didn't work. Thank you for trying tho ^^


Please upload somewhere or send me to these files:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\Player.log
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\global_data.json
And any of your save files that don't work
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\manual_saves

Sending now!


Do I need to explain?? xD (this id my favourite bug since I started playing)


btw is it normal that I dont make one penny from the theater(I always sold out)? I've 2 theater and I'm losing to much money on rent...

Every time I load the game I lose the stats on my theater.

I also influenced an idol to break up with her bf.  When I checked her profile a day later it said she still had a bf.

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't know if the star symbol broke it or something but it was fine at first, then as he kept talking, it sort of fell apart.

Edit: I found another bug! One of my idols graduated and found a successor, but it seems that another idol of mine has confused the successor with the graduated one. Even when I hover over the profile, it shows me the stats of the graduated idol.

Theater stats only display stats from when you last loaded the game

(1 edit)

Any cutscene doesn't load, just leaves me in the blurred screen state the entire time

Images for the idols on the audition screen, new single fame addition screen, and any cutscene also won't load. They're fine on the portraits in the idol screen but that's it. This has been the case for me from version 13 onwards.


Try deleting everything in this folder, I think that should help:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\cache\portraits

Tried that first, the problem persists


Have you ever installed any mods?

If not, please upload somewhere or send me to these files:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\Player.log
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\global_data.json

And any of your save files that don't work
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\manual_saves


Idk if i misunderstood it or not but the "rentfree floor" actually deducts rent weekly, with my office, two manager offices and a break room i have to pay 50k every week in rent


1. The first floor's supposed to be rent free, it's not

2. Training stamina drain can be a bit odd, because it looks like it's deducted by day spent training and each training request, rather than by time spent training. So, if you start two idols training at the beginning of the day, but one takes the entire day to train a point, but one only takes half a day, they both lose 7 points of stamina. This can have some strange effects, like the fast training trait being far less useful than you'd imagine, because stamina is a bigger constraint on idol activity than time, and training low stats effectively using a lot more stamina than training high stats over time (eg. if you take 5 days to train 8 points in a low stat you'll lose 56 stamina, compared to 35 stamina if you take 5 days to train 5 points in a higher stat). I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, though. (Sorry if this is hard to understand, I explained it as clearly as I could)

3. I got one incident of a text bug where I asked idol A about gossip and she said that idol B was dating idol B

4. Sometimes blaming a staffer for a scandal removes the scandal points, but doesn't fire the staffer. I think this might happen if you take this action while the game is paused.

5. I got one incident where a concert didn't start production when I put it in the producer's room (time was definitely running)

6. It seems like if you hit 100% opinion with a demographic, the opinion will reset to 50% when you release a single, or load that save

7. Sometimes idols being styled will be counted as idle, so you can assign them to two rooms simultaneously

8. The stamina drain for going to France in the World Tour is only 10%, compared to 20% for every other country (again possibly, but not probably, intentional)

9. Scandal points at the bottom of the screen sometimes display incorrectly, for example I once got 4 points, but two idols graduated and this dropped to 1, but it still said 4 (the tooltip when I moused over said 1 though, and it correctly displayed 1 when I reloaded the game)

10. Theatre shows don't seem to use stamina, given how much money it makes I'm sure this can't be intentional

11. There doesn't seem to be any age logic for scandals involving adults and idols under 18* (this could happen in real life, but at least give an extra option for the player to call the police)

12. When you combine a 2-shot (-75%) with the stamina drain for all single releases (-30%), it's basically impossible to do one without a severe risk of injury, which seems very over the top even if it's intentional

13. If your floor rent multiplier is high enough, additional cafes (or even the first one) can cost more in rent than they make (this applies to theatres too, but they potentially make for more money so it's much less likely to happen). Not sure how this could be dealt with, maybe make assigned idols increase income directly instead of sales? Again, could be intentional but doesn't seem logical

14. When you improve the lyrical/dance/music styles some of the ones that have negative modifiers improve and some get worse (so some with a -10% modifier will be -8% at level 2 and some will be -12%). I'm sorry, I made a note of some of the styles this happened with, but I deleted it by mistake.

15. Lastly, this is something I'm not sure about, but I'm worried that the sales bonuses for having a handshake event for singles don't work. In games where I have enough of a money cushion to start producing physical CDs with handshake tickets I look at the units sold per fan and expect to see a noticeable rise (with a fanbase at around 65% hardcore), but I never do. It's hard to test this with any accuracy because there are lots of variables, but I'm not sure it's working properly.

My game isn't letting me advance from Live Blog onto the next levels of elections. 

i can't even start the game


Check the first post, have you tried the -force-glcore thing? Let me know if it doesn't work for you

it's not working, so i'm just gonna send you the file


1. When you load up a game, the idols you had assigned as pushes aren't saved

2. Half bug, half suggestion; there doesn't seem to be much age logic for the members who end up dating each other, members over 20 dating members under 16 happens quite often, maybe put in an age filter

3. Demographic opinion still seems to reset to 50% if it ever hits 100%, happened a couple of times in my current save

4. During the politician chain, if you choose to just issue a flat denial of his claims, and then choose neutral reactions, on the third stage of the event change his name will disappear and be replaced by [politician_name]

5. Sometimes clicking the right mouse button to open and close side menus stops working

6. If you delete a room and replace it with something else, the game seems to consider it to be adding an extra floor to your building, leading to spiralling rent costs (I had four floors and deleted a few rooms to make the layout easier to look at and my rent quadrupled)

7. The issue with using scandal points to fire staff removing the points, but leaving the staff in place, is still there

Hi, it's maybe not a bug, but I thought I might find help here, I don't understand what is "fame point for a variety show" (when I look into contract I don't see such a thing), and so I don't know how to try to rise it. I am stuck for eons a this level of fan, and I really want to level up it, but it doesn't seem to raise even when I promote my 9 stars idols and only accept contract of this type. 

Some help/advice would be welcome <3

Don't know if you still need help, but you have to level up the variety show stats by using your manager's points. By doing this, the contracts will have higher fame points

Thank you, I understand better now!

Hi! I'm having an issue where the staff list can't go over 11 staff members. I hired two new stylists but only one appeared on the list and i attempted to hire a few more people but they didn't show up either 

I do not understand how the recent average idol earnings are considered. Or why is the recent average earnings equal to all-time earnings divided by 4?

Example: I have an advertising contract for 56 k per week, then the average and all-time earnings will change as in the table below
WeeksRecent average earningsTotal earning
1 week14 k56 k
2 week28 k112 k
3 week42 k168 k
4 week56 k224 k
5 week70 k280 k

There appears to be a bug in which idol bonuses from award win/noms stop randomly applying. I'm not sure what causes this. 

I just bought the game and I also cannot start the game, when I press launch on itch then click play at  the configuration screen it just closes.


Try downloading the 32 bit version, that could help

If you're using the app:

Hi there, I've also tried that and also have the same problem it just crashes.


Have you tried the -force-glcore thing from the first post?

Also, please send me this file (
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\Player.log

Btw, if nothing helps you can always email support to get a refund:

Yup I've also tried the -force-glcore, I sent you the file. Okay will do thank you very much.


Not sure if this is a bug, but I'm unable to unlock the broadcast methods for the elections. The only one available is live blog and it's already my 3rd election.




same problem here :( the elections just stuck at the live blog even after 3 elections

Well... Hopefully it's fixed in the next update.

I unlocked the second broadcasting method after my fourth election, so maybe you just have to keep having elections?

Nope, I held more elections than that but still couldn’t unlock the other broadcast methods. But it’s apparently been fixed in the new update, so I’ll check it out :)


Hey, I've been coming across a bug where my group splits into subgroups after I do an audition. 

I think if you click on the expand/collapse column header thing (where it says dokidokiyoki B for you) and then click it again they should all be back to one group.


hello I've ran into the same problem a few times now when an idol try to talk to me (I believe about them deciding to graduate) the image of the idol will load and the background will get blurry but the idol's text never loads and I am still able to interact with the build and the menus on the side. It was never a big problem because of this because i could just click around a little till i got save and quit then i would reload and it would be back to normal, however i did miss out on whatever the idol was going to say. unfortunately the last time it happened i was no longer able to interact with the side menu thus i lost a good bit of progress.

If you need/want anymore info let me know. I look forward to build an idol empire in the future!

This also happened to me


I think this would count as a bug but it isn't game breaking or anything. Figured I should post it here so if there is an issue it can get fixed

Hi! I’ve encountered a bug in which my music producer, upon confronting me about my sister band having been made a month ago and not having its debut single, has his dialogue glitched a bit. I sent a picture too!

After having my second election, my game freezes with the winner and the runner up. There's no dialogue,  no action, no way of going back. It's the second time this has happened to me in two different save files.


I have some troubles with the game. Unfortunaly, the game crash very often. When the game crash my graphic pilot is shutdown. I nerver see this before.

I send you the player.log + error.log.

Not sure; if it's a bug or not but some girls can't up their cool or sexy styling as you can see on the screenshoot. Thanks for your hard working !


Enki, I am unsure but i did notice that my young idols could not increase sexy even though they were not at their potential, so some of this may be tied to age.


Yep, check this update for more info

The menu where you assign idols to auto train specific stats (on the idol side, not the room side) doesn't allow me to pick any visual stats, and I have stylists hired and in the respective rooms.


If you destroy the cafe while people work there, they are stuck and you can't remove them from that task.

Sometimes when dragging idols, they get stuck and become your mouse and you can't do anything anymore.


Oh, also, I can't seem to ask an idol to stop bullying another, even at max influence.

Hi, when i try holding a concert there will be a point where a finish button appears,when i click this button the game will crash.


Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if this is done on purpose, but when I destroy a room and then later on decide to rebuild it, the rent increases. Like for example, the cafe rent was 256,000,000¥, but I deleted it because I didn't have enough money to keep it going, but when I wanted to rebuild it (without having added an extra floor or any other rooms), the rent became 326,000,000¥.

Also, still not sure if it's a bug or done on purpose, but when I set a minimum stamina for auto-practice, it works for dance and vocal practice, but doesn't work for the styling room.


Styling doesn't actually cost any stamina, so that's okay. But the rent is a bug, thanks, I'll check it.

(1 edit)

Sometimes when you want to negociate a contract, if we lose the negociation, the salary goes up.

Apart from this, I love your game!

Possible bug, not sure if intentional:  upgrading certain genres via research etc, sometimes causes higher levels of fan dissatisfaction instead of less, for example enka at level 10 gives casuals a way bigger penalty than it does at level 1


Played the game for 8 hours for the first time tonight. Here are a list of bugs I ran into. I’ll post elsewhere my thoughts on the game itself.

1. Sometimes when negotiating a contract and lose the dollar amount goes up sometimes by a crazy amount.

2. Putting the stylist on auto train will train individuals even if all the idols stats are above the maximium the stylist training level.

3. When an individual is injured and then is on hiatus. It doesn’t show how many days left on hiatus.

4. Some neck chokers when selecting styling are on a layer higher than the hair

5. After styling members the idol list doesn’t update right away and requires switching to other panels and coming back a couple of times.

That’s what I can remember for now!

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but when member from a sister group graduated, their dialogue will talk about main group.

Example:  Main group [Heaven] Sister group [Hell]

Sister group graduated member: I look forward to graduating from Heaven.  That's 3 months from now, blah blah blah.

It's really weird for me when they graduate they will mention main group instead of their group.

Ever since my idol got injured, she's been on permanent hiatus and it's been switching between '90 days' and saying nothing.


Hello.  When I try to fire staff, they won't go away.  Even though the scandal points are gone, the staff still works for me. 

Have same staff firing problem.  I actually *wanted* to trade out my choreographer for someone with better production skill, but I'm stuck with her.

If you click and drag an idol, but they start a task as you are doing so, your cursor becomes the idols profile picture permanently,

Max coaching level of the "cool/sexy" novice stylist is 40.
Max coaching level of the  "cute/pretty" novice stylist is 21.

Is this correct?

(1 edit)

Some idols are missing from concergts it says that members have graduated even though they are partg of the group, they can still be used for singles and promotions, just not concerts.

Bought the game a couple of days ago and here are the most recurrent bugs I came across. 

1. One of the reason for that is that the loading button rarely works on my side : either it doesn't do anything or if it reloads, the save is bugged, like erasing all of my idols.

2. Going back to the menu hardly works to reload, most of the time, it starts a new game when you want to load your save or when you click on "continue".

3. Twice, when I clicked on the audition button, the game froze, loading the white-grey background, but never loading the five cards. No other way around than quitting the game.

4. And today, I came across a new recurrent bug, the game sometimes shows on screen that a task is done, but on the "project"'s tab considers that it is still ongoing. Letting time flow doesn't really fix it and so far cancelling the "project" was the only way to go around it.

5. Not really a bug per se, but I shall add it here still, the game starts lagging on my side when you start having over 50 idols or so.

6. There's something I'm unsure whether it's a limitation of the "unfair" setting or a bug, but I can't add "talk breaks" during concerts. It's not something I encountered in the two other difficulty settings.

So, i've been playing the game for a couple of days and so far i've come across two bugs, the first one is when i load a save sometimes all the idols from my idols list disappear, reloading doesn't fix the bug but restarting the game fixes it so i'm not too bothered. the second one, im not really sure if this is a bug or not, but the time stops when i hit February 4, 2022. the animation still plays but the time,practice, business, and other bars stops moving. i tried waiting but the bars never start moving again. ill start another save in the meantime to try and see if its just a one time bug or not. anyways, Good luck on the game, its been great so far. Cheers!

it stops here btw.



Please upload your save file somewhere or email it to me at

Win: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\manual_saves
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/data/manual_saves 


I'll fix this in the next update, but here's a quick fix for you:

1. Launch the game, load your save file

2. There's a doctor on the second floor, Yamauchi Saki. Cancel her task. (For anyone else having this issue, you can try canceling tasks of all staffers).

3. You can unpause the game now and it should work

Thanks for the report! And let me know if it didn't work

I tried it and thankfully the time starts moving again, Thanks for the help.

Soooo, I found an exploit, but don't know if it belongs here.

You can increase the subscription fee for the theater to the maximum at the end of the month and it's being paid.

I would suggest, subscribers simply leave on payday if the fee is to high. Just an idea to balance this :)

(1 edit)

Ok, so I had spoken two weeks ago of lagging issues, but now the game has started to lag so much I basically can't play anymore. Whenever I try to do something, the game freezes. More specifically, it goes to the "grayish" page and doesn't do anything. And regularly, the game doesn't even load the credits when opening the game, so I can't even reach the menu. For the record, whatever quality I choose, there's no difference.

Developer (1 edit)

Please upload somewhere or send me at these files:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\Player.log
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\global_data.json
C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\manual_saves\

I sent it a couple of days ago by mail. Didn't get any reply, so just in case : did you receive the mail ?


Yep, thanks! I'm checking them

Slot idols it's non-update physical stamina in View : full   but It's work normally in View : Compact

When I release just a single (I don't choose anything else that needs stamina like 2 shot event, handshake and so on) all my idols lose like +22 stamina.

I somehow randomly got the requisite amounts of each room stuck on the bottom of the room (including the amount of time before able to socialize wih an idol again). Saving and restarting game fixed issue.


I've gotten a weird bug twice now with random events where the initial screen asking for a response will show a picture of one idol and name that idol as being involved in the controversy, but after choosing a response, it changes to a different member of the group.


My cursor still occasionally becomes the idol even without it being on automatic. I think it has to do with a task finishing when I am dragging an idol.

Actually, it is on automatic, sort of. I'm dragging an idol, and she suddenly is being assigned to the cafe while I'm trying to assign her somewhere. That's what I think it is.

So I keep getting stuck on this screen despite closing the game and reloading my save, wondering if theres any way to get out of it except loading an earlier save and hoping it doesn't happen? I've pretty much tried spamming keyboard commands/cheats already.


Please upload your save file or send it to me at

Save files should be here: ~/Library/Application Support/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/data/

Deleted 3 years ago

You need to click and hold the button for a bit, does it work?


So, I've been changing the character portraits because I'd like to play with a real group in the game -- using the image of the actual members -- and after changing the body.png in the IdolPortraits folder for every girl and adding individual transparent files for face and hair, whenever I open the game and do an audition, only one of the girls appear and she has a face and hair from one of the original portraits on her face,  even though I deleted them and added the transparent files...  What should I do?

Developer (1 edit)

You need to delete all files in this folder:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\cache\portraits

Ahhh, thank you so much! <3

All my idols portraits are missing, and when I try to do auditions the screen gets blurry. Any fixes? The ones suggested didn't work.


Deleting everything inside ...\cache\portraits didn't help? (Don't delete the "portraits" folder itself)

Have you ever added any mods?

I've never added mods, and I deleted everything in /cache/portraits and the glitch is still happening.


Send me your log file and save file pls:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\Player.log

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\

Deleted 4 years ago

Okay, thanks, I see the problem.

What's your email? I'll send you a build later with a possible fix to test

Sorry, I took a nap. My email is

Hey ; not sure if you saw it, but my email is

Bug:  Not getting fame from lvl 1 photoshoots.

(1 edit)

When I get to the awards ceremony, no text appears, so I get stuck. I play on Linux, dunno if that's relevant.
EDIT: the event is working fine now. Not sure why or what's different, but at least I'm not stuck anymore.


I know somebody already commented this, but this bug was not fixed in version 17.5 so I'm going to put it here in case you didn't see it.

"I have encountered a bug while playing the game.
Even with influence on level 5 with member A, I still cannot use it to stop member A from bullying member B."

Whenever I try to have an audition for idols, everything just stops. The game seems to hang on the grey out screen where the cards are supposed to show up, but they never do.


Try going to Options in the main menu and clicking "clear cache", auditions should work after that. Let me know if that doesn't help

That worked perfectly, thank you!

Interesting bug - when inputting text (like the title of a single, for example) cheats still work. So if I'm naming my single "How You Love Me," if if capitalize the "M" in "Me" with shift, it adds levels to my skills etc. that I don't want.

Oh, huh. Actually, when I hit "M" at ALL it'll level everything up.


Hi! I was playing the game, and found a bug where I tried to make an idol stop bullying another one. It said I didn't have enough influence points, but her influence was at max.


The "Extra" page of a Idol is pretty broken, I can't scroll and text is overlapping


I have the same issue.


Hey I experienced a glitch where I banned livestreams but I still got livestream related scandals. 

(1 edit)


I'm encountering a big issue with my game. I made some custom clothing, faces and hair and I had no problem having it work in the game until tonight. I hadn't played for a long time and wanted to change the look of some of my girls, so I modified my save file (which I have done countless time without any issue.)

The problem is that I can't open my save file anymore. I also can't start a new game, because when I start an audition, nothing happens. I tried clearing the cache, it doesn't help... The only fix is deleting all my custom content (which didn't cause any trouble before but for some reason apparently does now.) It's really strange and I'm kind of at a loss right now, as I have no idea how to fix the game without losing my save and all the content I created :/

I'm playing 17.5 and I believe it was the first time I modified the save file with this version of the game.


I'm reworking the way modding works, and because of that custom sprites don't work in this version. They should work again after the next update.

For now you can download the older version of the game using the app:

("Library" -> Click on the game -> Click on the options gear icon -> "Manage" (or "Install" first if you haven't already, then "Manage") -> "Switch to another version")

Thank you so much!

Minor bug, but when you drag a song over to a room (i.e.  lyrics or marketing) to build it, it does not show the CD being dragged over. It does show the special box when you're building up a special event, but not a CD for the song. It's invisible.


My level of performance is stuck at the limit of when you need 90,000 from advertising to move onto the next level. It's been at 86,700 for over a year despite repeated payouts. It was at that level before I started  playing on beta 17.5. 


You need to get one job that pays more than 90k /w to clear this task, you can do that by leveling up "Advertisement" in research. I'll fix the tooltip text to make it less confusing.

Or have you done that but still can't level up?


When you hit the randomize dice button to give you a song name, it will spit out song names that don't fit in the allocated amount of characters allowed.

(3 edits) (+1)

I can't progress during the 1st award ceremony. The event pops up and there is no text and i can't get out of it anymore. Restarting the game and clearing the cache doesn't work. 

Also tried to cancel all tasks staffers were doing, still nothing. 

NVM. Downloaded again and reinstalled. Works now

During the award ceremony, the music started to go all weird all of a sudden.


When I try to view the idol profiles, the text appears on top of each other.

so i fired the idol imai sora, but shes still appearing as an idol for some reason, even though her name is in the graduated tab, and i have no way to get rid of them.

i tried restarting my game and the idol picture just went blank

I did a concert for an election and a scandal showed up right before the voting started, and it glitched out my game. 

i restarted my game and now this is stuck on here

Your game is on pause on the lower left corner press the play button


ya i knew that but i went to an older save to fix my game

I have an idol with the trait that makes negotiations for photoshoots never fail, and while it shows that it succeeded (+10% etc), the amount of money they're being paid still goes down.

(2 edits)

This actually seems to happen regardless of whether or not I have the idol - the amount displayed after you hit negotiate, whether you succeed or fail, is often incorrect and doesn't match what it should be.

Some more:

If I'm dragging an idol to socialize and that idol is automatically pulled into another room (practice, styling etc) the idol's portrait gets stuck on the mouse cursor. Nothing breaks and you can drag a different idol to make it go away. Edit: "Socialize" gets stuck on display on your room, though, and that doesn't go away.

Switching from Compact view to Full view for idols will add an extra copy of the idols list every time (so you get to the last idol and under it will be the whole menu including the "new group" button).

Compact view does not show idols in sister groups.

Canceling a practice/styling/doctor session by clicking on the idol portrait or using the idol menu will make the staffer idle. Doctors are especially buggy since their auto actions are still toggled on, and so you need to toggle a new action or deselect an old one to make them work again.

The "no critical failure" card for concerts doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Trying to release a non-election single with the election concert ready to go triggered the concert music and locked the game. Upon closing and reloading, it automatically started the concert with buggy (white square) idol portraits and didn't release the non-election single.



You can't set an automatic style in the "auto practice" menu for idols (it doesn't select the option and will de-select any other options you have).

If you click promotion/performance/spa treatment right as the day is about to end with an active queue, it replaces the next item on your queue.

If you remove items from the queue when it's full, you can't queue up additional things until the next day.


I tried playing the game for the first time and started a new game. Once I put in my information for: Gender, First Name, Last Name, Group Name  and Difficulty and hit continue, the game softlocks with just the image of the title screen image.

Same here!


I'll update the game soon, but for now you can fix it by creating this folder:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\cache\portraits


Should be fixed now

MY SHOWS ARE ONLY IN PRODUCTION, they not launched yet but my idols are losing stamina like shows (radio, tv, internet show) already launched.

It's on their job list showing how much stamina they use from shows that are not even launched.

Hello! I've been enjoying the game a whole lot but I ran into a pretty big bug.

My game is unable to progress beyond Sunday, October 18, 2018 for some reason. It won't let me save or exit from the game directly. I've tried restarting the game but nothing seems to work. 


Please upload your save file or send it to me at

Save files are here: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data

Visual bug:
When adding songs to a concert, all songs appear to be able to be added, even songs that were added already. (like when adding songs, the songs already added to the setlist should be lighter to indicate that they've been added already). Opening the concert, adding a song, and then going back to add another song seems to fix this

In the cafe, when creating a new dish, no idols are able to be picked

- Additional info
No idols are in the main group, all are in sister groups 


There's been a long running bug where if there's a scandal (such as one as blackmail/one where you can pay off a reporter/the one where people online start making memes of the billboard), even if you successfully pay the blackmailer or make a positive choice, you still incur the liability.

I made a separate thread about this, but I'm concerned it'll be missed if it's not also included in this thread, so I'm posting here as well. In the "auto practice" menu for an idol (see attached picture), you can select the first 4 options ("Don't practice" through "Dance") but not the last 5 options ("All visual params" through "Pretty").


One bug I seem to notice is whenever I used influence>Force Breakup, the game will freeze. The meter of the idol will show, but there will be no dialogue or progression; just stuck on the cafe image.


When I go to do tasks such as marketing for singles or pre-production for shows, there is no text by the assistants' office (displaying the action and her talent) when I drag over to her area for her to work on that task. Moving it over to there does start the process of pre-production or marketing, however.

Still waiting on the update patch notes, so I can't say what is and isn't a bug at this point (what was attempted to be a bug fix). Some of this may just require a new file due to things like friendship and influence being shifted around.

the patch notes are on twitter

Yeah, I found them through the Discord.

For some reason i cant download the latest update. It doesnt even show up for me to download it.


When you go here, you don't have the download button?

Or you can try using the app

Nevermind, i see the download button now!

With 19, tasks don't complete when the requisites are fulfilled. I just had the game freeze on me, unable to save , exit, or have time go forward. I was still able to put in certain cheats like adding money or fans.


Hi !

On the 19 update, when I pass my mouse over the idol doing activities in the compagny I get this :

Sometimes, it just a few stats that are replace by ''cute : 76'' but it's always the same number and it's for all of my idols.

I'm seeing that with mine as well.

(2 edits) (+1)

Just started playing. Encountered 4 bugs. 

1) Same as user "meimeia" - when I pass my mouse over an idol doing activities, it shows all their stats as "Cute: 76".

2) If you are in the middle of a game and load another game, all stats and unlocked/locked research "appear" to be the same as the game you were just playing until you unpause the game. E.g. If I save my game, unlock the lyrics "loneliness", and then load up the previously saved game, it will appear as if "loneliness" is now unlocked until I unpause and continue playing.

3) If you cancel a queued activity in the quick-access bar under "details", you can't queue another activity (also, is there a reason why you can't queue activities if you click them on the sidebar)?

4) There is an inconsistency between the Activities on the sidebar and the Activities on the quick access bar. My main issue is with the spa activity and how much stamina it restores. If I queue a spa activity now, is the displayed "stamina restore +2/+5/+10" a projection for the day it actually activates, or does it only reflect today (which would be misleading)?  Right after using the spa to restore 10 stamina, the mouseover under quick-access  will show that if I queued it again, it will restore another 10 stamina (which I know is untrue). Under Activities on the sidebar, it will show correctly +2, although sometimes I find this value off too. It's frustrating not knowing what I will get if I queue this activity.

Edit: 5) I found a 5th bug which is a little exploitative but a little difficult to replicate - sometimes midway through playing a game, I've loaded a previous save but the save window won't close. When I click cancel to exit the window, I found that I have indeed returned to the previous save, but I have also retained some elements of the existing game (e.g. I've retained the research points I gained in that time, and maybe money?). 

1. I'm not sure if this is a bug or on purpose, but it seems like I can't complete objectives for leveling up Promotions, before unlocking that tier. For example, I launched a radio show before I was on the "Launch a Radio Show" tier, and once I was on that tier, it wasn't counted as being completed, so I had to launch a radio show again. (Hope that made sense.) In my opinion, my actions should count, even if I do them before unlocking that tier?

2. I had max influence with an idol, and found out she was bullying another idol. I tried to influence her to stop bullying, but it told me I didn't have enough influence, despite having max influence with her. 

3. I tried moving the bullied idol into a new subgroup, but that didn't fix the bullying problem. I thought that moving idols into a different subgroup than their bully was supposed to end the bullying problem.

4. I was trying to launch a show to fulfill an idol's wish (something like Have Music TV Show with Host) but she went on hiatus, and it replaced her with another idol before I launched it. Once the idol was back from hiatus, I launched the show, but saw the new idol was hosting it. I re-launched the show with the original girl with the wish, but it didn't count as fulfilling her wish. I feel like it should count. 

5. One of my idols went on hiatus due to depression from bullying. At one point, there was two minus signs by her name - does this mean she's being bullied by two people, or is it a glitch? Also, she continued being bullied while on hiatus, so her mental stamina never recovered. I could have sworn the bullying used to stop when idols went on hiatus, but I could be wrong? Maybe they are just cyberbullying her remotely... oof. 

Hi, I just got that werid situation, when less than a month after the start of the game, all my Idols suddenly had five stars fame (it happened once before but it was to ten stars) and as you may guess it, in the beginning it's almost impossible to sustain the cost of such renowned idols ... (and I didn't release a single yet.)

Wishes and requirements are not fulfilling. I have released new singles that should fulfill wishes and they still haven't also. I also fulfilled the requirement to get a new loan and I still cannot get it (I have a loan amount available).


When you complete a wish you have to click on it in the tasks section to complete it, same with loan requirements

Yeah I ended up figuring it out haha. Thanks

I just got the game and I encountered a bug when I would drag an idol to socialize and it just says "Planning a date"

That is the text that shows when the socialize event is processing

(2 edits)

I can't open the game. Every time I do it goes to the graphic settings and when I press play it says that Idol Manager is not responding. This happens every time I try to play. Any Ideas why? (Happens with both the 32 and 64 bit. I have tried every graphic setting too. And sometimes it starts but it takes a long time and even if I get to the title screen it will still freeze and say not responding. I waited a long time for it to respond but it never did


Developer (1 edit)

Do you still have this issue after the update? Have you ever played the game before or is it your first time?

If it worked before you can try deleting (or renaming) the save folder C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager, apparently this helped someone

fyi you can always contact support to get a refund:

(1 edit)

Ok that worked. Thank you so much

I made a new save file for the new story mode. I closed the game during an event (specifically the start of the local gameshow event), but now when I reopen my save file i can't continue the story in the tasks. It's like it has changed my save file into freeplay mode. I also tried to revert it back to when I started the save file, but I still can't continue the story mode.

The exact same thing happened to me, If you discover how to fix it, let me know :)

(1 edit)

I had the same issue, but I had to fiddle around inside my save file to fix it.

In my case, I had to open up my save file,  scroll down to "data_dialogues_Data," find the last story event listed there, and deleted that off of my file. I made a backup in case something went wrong, loaded up the new file, and used the cheat (~) to manually start up the event, and it worked.

I dunno if this'll work for you guys, but it worked for me. I did end up a few story events back from where I actually was, but everything seemed to play out as it was supposed to. I think I ended up sidestepping the issue by allowing an older story chapter to trigger instead, so this probably isn't an actual fix, so if anyone could find a better solution, that'd be much appreciated.


I think you could also do F7 -> "story_chapter_0_15" and it should continue normally

(1 edit)

i tried the "F7" but only loads the background of the event nothing else loads :/
I'll try editing my safe and let you know what happend ;)

same happened to me too. In case of that lot of sidequests n new stuff to explore, i had bout 5 hours of gameplay until i saw the "storymode" wasnt available anymore :)

(2 edits)

In the dating mechanism, after getting to about the 4th level it prompted an event where the idol confronted the player about going private or something along those lines. Instead of having the idol who was at the 4th dating level, it pulled some random idol who I hadn't talked to. The only similarity was that they had the same shirt. Sorry I can't give any other details, I was just so confused  as to what in the world was happening.

Great work though, it's an awesome and unique game. Thanks for sticking with it!

had a dating issue too, after having 3 dates working well ( the initial -restaurant- one, the aquarium and the game area ) the 3rd one i tried ( i think it was the libary one ) it just didnt show up any action/dialog/window and did stay in management mode. After loading older savegames, even the dates which did work before, didnt work anymore. After clicking "invite on a date" it just hits me back on management screen without something happening.

but so far, i love it :D hope its getting fixed soon =)

My idols aren't posting on SNS or Streaming. I was wondering if thats a bug or if it should be working. I have my settings set to controlled streams and monitored posts but there hasn't been any actions? Do i need to get to a certain fame level or something else?


it doesn't tell you when they post but you can get passive income from streaming.

I can't seem to use cheat anymore.  :(

How do I enable cheat I tried using f3 and it won't work.

Guess all my idol going to suffer from  depression and   injury.


You now need to press F7 five times to unlock cheats

Thank you you save my entire career 😢

(2 edits)

On story mode in May I click on click here to continue the story and nothing happens even tho it's a green button. No story further. I went to load so I could go to the story again and click on that button (because after I loaded button was there again) and the same thing happened. No story at all. I had to make a new group after that I started a new story and this didn't happen again. Just with one of my saved files this happened, which is sad because I liked that group better I had better members in thag group.


I am having trouble with the story progression. I just got to the part where my rival told me he recommended me for this show. When that part was done, I got a task letting me when the next part of the story was. I clicked on it and nothing happened? It was June when this happened and now it's September. 


1. You will need to update the game to the newest version

2. After that you either need to load a previous save file where you still have a story task (if you didn't save manually, you still should have an auto save file at the start of the chapter. Click "Chapter 2" in the loading menu)

Or you can trigger the event manually: press F7 five times to unlock cheats. Then press F7 again and select "story_chapter_1_25", this should restart the story from the rival dialogue.

So, I have checked to make sure I have the latest update. And I tried step 2 and triggering the event manually. The event  never triggered when I did step two. When I tried to do it manually....the game decided there were no longer any characters in the story and I got this blank scene for about three minutes XD I did this several times and got the same thing. 
(3 edits)


I got to the part in the story where you had to choose whether to pull out of Nation of Idols, or stay in. I chose to pull out, and the story progressed as I assumed it would. I then got to the ramen shop scene with my rival talking to me, and they began saying dialogue as if I had stayed in the show, and talked about how I got an hour of broadcast time. I had just gotten out of a chat where an idol talked about how none of the groups had showed up, so I'm not sure what was supposed to happen. This is on build 20 and I didn't use cheats to activate it.

Edit: I can confirm that I had the "Thanks for pulling out [Your Name]" from one of my idols, except now the entire story has changed and the idol that was thankful for me pulling out is resigning because we "showed up to the event". 


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this part is bugged, I'll post an update tomorrow

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Actually, if you don't want to wait, you can just replace this file


with this

(You'll have to either load a save before the ramen dialogue, or use cheats to trigger "story_chapter_2_28")

Deleted 3 years ago

This isn't a bug that affects gameplay too much, but it's absolutely baffling for story continuity: an idol had the wish to center a political single, but as I was producing the single, I got an event with her where she told me she didn't want to center political singles because she didn't want to get involved with controversy. I realise that some kind of system to make sure idol wishes and story events don't contradict is likely not high on the priority list and might be more trouble than it's worth, but getting that particular combo was super bewildering.

This happen ed to me as well.

(3 edits)

I ran into 2 bugs while playing the newest build (Windows x64, beta 20):

1. I can't seem to fire the trainer, either using scandals or cash. The conversation will trigger but after the conversation the game locks, not a single button will work until I restart the game. The blackmails or cash demand from the trainer will still apply but the scandal points or compensation cash won't be consumed, and trainer just won't leave. I encountered this issue during late game, story mode (300k fans, ¥1B cash).

2. During game play the mouse cursor flickers constantly. Does not flicker in other apps or desktop if I switch out of the game. But will still flicker in game if I switch back. This happens constantly.

Love the new dating system and stories though. Keep up the great work.

Bug number 1 keeps happening to me as well.


>2. During game play the mouse cursor flickers constantly. Does not flicker in other apps or desktop if I switch out of the game. But will still flicker in game if I switch back. This happens constantly.

Did you have this in older builds too or is it a new thing?

I didn't play this game very frequently but I do not recall having this issue prior.


First off, this update is amazing.  I am loving the story elements, they are fantastic.  I have encountered what I believe is a bug however.  In chapter 3, I have the rival task of "watch all the Phantasm Facade events," however I have completed all the events that have appeared and I still cannot complete the rival task.  Additionally, once I completed "story_chapter_3_event_6," the background music and interface switched back to their state in chapter 2 and I don't seem to be able to progress any further in the rival's story.  I've tried manually re-triggering story_chapter_3_event_6, and the event plays with the idols, but the rival's task still cannot be completed.  I don't know if this is a bug or if I am missing some requirement to trigger the remaining masked group events and rival events.   

Regardless, the game is still amazing.  Thanks for all the exceptionally hard work.  

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks, I see what might've caused this

For now to fix this you can just F7 -> "Complete all tasks"

If you have other tasks that you don't want to complete, you can delete this variable from your save file and trigger story_chapter_3_event_6 again


Thank you for the incredibly fast response!  I really appreciate it.  I'm downloading the latest update tonight, if I run back into this issue, I'll give this a try!

hello i am new to the game and one of my idols is bullying a girl and it won’t let me influence her to stop even though I have maxed out her influence. It says “Influence Cost: Lvl 2” even tho I got her to level 5 it still won’t let me 

In a similar vein, I tried to influence an idol to dump her boyfriend.  Didn't want any scandals.  

She agreed, but her profile still shows as having a boyfriend.  

I don't know if this is a bug, but I'm in chapter 5 (IV) and am not progressing in the main story after completing some events.  The objective to watch all Phantom Façade events appeared 3-ish months ago in game and even though I completed all other side story's none of the Phantom cutscenes show up. I've already seen 2 cutscenes of the phantoms, but no others have appeared after it. Is this just part of the story, or did I miss an objective?


Yeah, this part can get bugged. You can try this (press F7 5 times to unlock the debug menu), or wait for a patch (probably in a day or so)

Thanks!! Have a great day!

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi! Loving the update! The story is really fun so far, I got to about the end of Chapter 2. A few bugs I encountered:

1) During the 2nd Award ceremony where the Rival gives a speech at the beginning, it gave their speech and then cut out without showing the award show at all, so I had no way of knowing what I won. I know that I won something since I got the Fujimoto dialogue that happens when you give him credit, but outside of that nothing.

2) Sometimes it will show the same idol in 2 different rooms at the same time (when the room are of the same type, like 2 dance rooms). Cancelling in one room doesn't cancel in the other, but autopractice picked up the same idol again so the problem popped back up.

3) Sometimes when releasing singles or shows, white boxes will appear instead of the idols at the part where the fame gain is shown.

4) In one save, a random dialogue with an idol came up (the one about zucchini bread) and right after it was done I released a concert that was tied to an election. The concert went as usual but after instead of the election up popped up the prior idol (I'm assuming to give a follow up to the zucchini bread thing). The game was frozen at this point, so I force quit then booted it back up and the idol was gone but the election still didn't happen. I let it run for a few days and nothing.

That's it for now but I'll update it if I see any other bugs!

Sorry that I'm posting again so soon, but I may have encountered another one of the same type of bugs I posted about earlier. It's after the summer Olympics, and it introduced me to chapter 7(? I think, maybe 8) I have no tasks and it's September 13. Is there an event that's coming up, or did I glitch it out?


If you've seen the credits then it just means that you've completed the story and can just continue playing if you want. Or load an earlier save (there's an auto save at the start of every chapter) to see other endings.

Oh! Thank you, sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.


Seriously the story update is amazing but I have some bug on the chapter 5: summer festival committee, I can't unlock the committee preference even when I have points. And something the committee pop up doesn't load at all


A minor bug I just noticed a moment ago:  The "Ask to stop mentoring..." option doesn't seem to actually work in the idol conversation menu. When I click on the button, nothing happens.

Bugs collected over the weekend:

= Mental stamina loss announced for idols not using mental stamina.  At least, except for bullying, this feels like a bug to me.
= Idols who have lost mental stamina are picked up for auto heal by physicians that are set only for physical and being then treated for physical.
= Played the "No Critical Failure" card, still got hit with 30% loss of hype.
= Idol hired from "buyout copycat group" event not gaining fame.
= Bug: Idols nearing graduation have their physical stamina crash... This crash is not detected by physicians and not picked up for auto heal.

Bug in the free play mode:

- my old saves doesn't show up in the new version

- I can't save anything in this mode, after saving and restart the game, the save slot will disappear.

-No events or dialogue in this too, like the policies dialogues, fujimoto, rival intro and more...

-Auditions pop up keep freezing for me or when I'm trying to change the idol name, the screen will be blurry 

the cheats are not working anymore since the new Update. I press F7 five times and then Y, but don't work. I close the Game and try again- not working. I delete the Game and downloaded it again- not working. 

(1 edit)

If you're on Mac, try using Fn+F7 instead.

Thank you :) Work for PC too :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! Loving the new update so far, though I haven't gotten very far in the story yet ^^. A few minor issues I've noticed:

- The Photogenic trait still lists as applying a bonus to Random Photo marketing, even though this marketing strategy has been removed.

- Occasionally Idol Portraits in the results screens of launched shows(I personally haven't noticed it on singles yet, had this happen for a few shows on older builds) will be white flashing squares instead of remaining blank/showing images. When this happened to me on the current build only the three Idols showing up were actually hosting the show.

Love this game a ton! Looking forwards to the official release, and I'll update with any more bugs I find as I play more

I experience this a lot, too- from what I understand, it happens when you go from releasing something with that many idols to releasing something with only a few. It'll put white boxes where everyone else was in the last single/show. Happens all the time when I put out solo songs (I know that's probably bad strategy, but don't judge me, I've got a storyline going and I want to keep it up sdlfkjsdlfj). Doesn't seem to affect anything other than the visuals tho

After downloading the new update I can't make saves anymore to my existing games.  Do I need to start over?

(5 edits)

Not sure if already reported by other users or not. Can't seem to find a search feature here so I will post some new things I've found.

1. Theatre income always shows 0/w when hovering the cursor over current balance.

2. Under individual idols' auto practice menus, all styling options (Cute, Cool, etc.) are unclickable. They are not dark blue but clicking will not activate them.

3. After loading a saved game, subscriber counts in theatres go down dramatically for a while.

4. This is more of a suggestion but it's related to #2. Can we have an option to force or prioritize auto practicing for a specific idol? Would be really helpful for maxing out an idol's stats in order to upgrade to promotion level 10.

5. When I learned that an idol is bullying another, I tried to influence her not to. It won't let me because it says required influence level 2, while in fact I already had max level influence on her. Not sure what's going on.

6. Story disappearing as other posters here also pointed out.

7. If I click and drag an idol for a task and said idol got selected by auto-practice before I can drop it off, the icon of the idol will be permanently stuck to the cursor, and the stats on the employees will also persist indefinitely.

8. Auto salaries won't update the salaries correctly when changed. And sometimes changing this setting will not update the display of this option (in fact all policy options are affected by this issue).

9. Sometimes, during late game every single one of my idols get random mental health increase/decrease, every week. That's not 5% chance, that's 100%. Restarting the game might fix it temporarily.

(2 edits)

Something interesting as I was playing through, but I'm just now updating to the new version so not sure how much is still valid - it seems like when I make major decisions (whether to stay with the show or not, the route to go with, etc) it somehow changes which one I went with partway through.  For example, I chose to pull out of the show  - at first everything was normal, but then a few days after the immediate effects of that choice, I met with my rival and she started talking about how I'd "changed the narrative" and I was confused but kind of went along with it.  Then a day or two later, the girl who had encouraged me to pull out left the group, while the girl who'd wanted us to stay stuck around.  I eventually chose Fujimoto's route (had also qualified for Aya's), but barely heard from Fujimoto after that, and the end credits scene included a cute drawing of me and Aya, so I'm assuming something similar happened there.  The task to lock into Aya's route never disappeared after I chose Fujimoto's, either.

EDIT:  NVM, seeing that at least the first time that happened was a known issue that's been fixed.  Not sure if the same for the second, but figured I'd leave this up just in case.

(1 edit)

Now playing through the newest update - during the Nation of Idols arc, when I was supposed to have one girl supporting us staying in the show, it showed a blank white box on the screen and no name in the dialogue box.  Later, Fujimoto came to my office and referenced the girl who quit, but he used the wrong name and referred to a girl who's still in the group. 

The rival's route is really bugged, too - I've had to use the f7 debugger thing a few times because the next part of the story wouldn't trigger after I completed the task.

I'm running into a bug where time just stops.  I have to close the game and reopen from my latest save to get time going again.  However, time will stop at around the same point.  

Does the bug happen around December 2022 and January next year? Because it only happens to me around that date.

Yes, it was in Dec 2022.

You also didn't meet the song requirements at the top?.

A small bug I just ran into on the current build is a dialogue event coming up for an idol complaining about a nickname and asking for a change. The only issue with it all is that she hadn't been given a nickname at all and still had her real name.  

I ran into a bug where people will appear in a idol's friend list multiple times.  Should be just once.

I can't load my autosave file. Save & Quit just autosaves so I don't want to open my actual save file because it's almost a year behind.

Developer (2 edits)

Please upload your autosave file or send it to

If you're playing story mode, it should be something like

C:\Users\*your username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\story_mode\*GroupName*_8bd6dce4\auto_save.json

I am on a Mac. I don't have those options. Is the data within resources the same?


Should be something like ~/Library/Application Support/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/data/story_mode/*GroupName*_8bd6dce4/auto_save.json

I just updated to story mode today and haven 't played it since. There is no Glitch Pitch in Application Support, only in Logs which I submitted to the email you gave.

These bugs might have been fixed because I recorded them a few weeks ago, but here are some bugs I noticed.

1) 76 stats

2) Hiatus until (Hiatus end date not showing)

3) Idols don't seem to be using break rooms very often. I've only seen them use them a few times despite having over 50 idols and multiple break rooms.

4) Loan glitch: suddenly began paying 100x week payment and was paying well over debt amount

5) Genre/lyrics/choreo not changing; the most popular never or rarely changes. Releasing most popular also doesn't work for award show.

6) Stamina cost not working (don't quite remember what this means)

For the popular Genre/Lyrics/Choreo chart you have to repurchase it every month to see the changes

I do and they never change. The same genres will stay at the top. It hasn’t changed over several years and doesn’t work towards award shows.

Hey trying to use the cheats but it's not working when I use the mac keys


I am currently experiencing 2 glitches/bugs. 

1. ) The story of the rival crashes when loading the event. (The event where she asks for a favour). 

      The sprite of her is still transparent and the game freezes even before the text appears.

2.) When I pressed the button for a Phantasm event, the button disappeared but the scene was not triggered.

     Keep up the great work =)

Idk if this is happing to anyone else but sometimes the game crashes when I'm doing an audition. Is there a way to fix that?

(2 edits)

- I don't know if this is a 'bug' per se, but it's a little funny and probably unintended. Yy idol group is really boring- nothing is going on, no one's bullying each other, and only a few of the girls are in relationships, so I always get the same few responses when I ask for 'gossip'. Okay, sure, cool, that's arguably good for my run. Occasionally, the girls will tell me about their own relationships,,, as if they're gossiping about other people. Several times I've done a double take like "oh, Yamato Rina's in a relationship with Yoshida Akane... wait hold on, you're Yamato Rina."

- Idols will talk about friendships with graduated idols that stayed on as staff members, but they don't show up in the bonds part of their profile. I feel like one of these is a bug, but I'm not sure which.

-I have no idea whether or not I'm stuck on the Phantasm events, or if I just haven't encountered them all yet. (Most recent one I saw was the rival dialogue about the bird statue at the awards show.) If I have... how do I get myself out of it? If I haven't, maybe a counter on the task to show how many I have left to see? I'm kind of just stuck, I want to unlock all three routes before I pick one (so I can make branching saves at the last possible moment).

Deleted 1 year ago

Have you unlocked at least one promotion type, music genre, lyrics theme and choreography?

Did you give it a title ?

Well, Try retyping the numbers for the number of singles sold. Maybe that will help.


At Chapter 4, the game crash (with rival route, the second time you do "the task").

I had this same issue.  The cutscene freezes and the game crashes without fail as the rival's picture loads.  This happens regardless of whether I click on the option or click on the cutscene through the debug options.


I've found several bugs:

1. In Chapter 4, the "release 3 metal singles in one month" task for the rival will register as completed even if you haven't actually done it (I may have released 3 singles that month, but none of them were metal).

2. Theater income always appears as 0 when hovering over my current balance, even though my two theaters are generating plenty of revenue when you examine them individually.

3. After one of my idols was treated for depression, her Cute score reset to 0. Other idols treated for depression didn't have this problem.

4. Variable names sometimes show up in dialogue rather than variable values. I've had a couple of idols tell me when announcing their graduation that they'd be saying goodbye on "[date]" when earlier in the dialogue they'd given the actual day, and once I saw "[actor]" rather than an idol's name show up in a social media post.

5. Number suffixes on the birthday screen are incorrect for some birthdays; my idols had "21th," "22th," and "23th" birthdays rather than "21st," "22nd," and "23rd."

I open game and open google chrome together. next i minimize a google chrome to play game. this i see.

After i set the concert and election. this happened. but i can use my key arrow and i can scroll but the screen is blury.  i forgot my old account and i have to use this -_-

and another BUG 

Recently I've encountered a pretty major bug in which when dialogue events come up, sometimes no idol will be there.

The dialogue will play but there will be no idol sprite and no idol name present. This has happened once with a random dialogue event and then once in the main story line, wherein the idol who wanted to stay on Nation of Idols was blank (no idea who she was) and stayed blank for subsequent events. The idol who was against Nation of Idols showed up without issue. This is a very bad bug, and I was wondering if there were any work arounds or anything to be done?

(1 edit)

When you start a new game and you reach the point where you meet your rival in the tv studio hallway before the gag comp., it shows the name of the rival in your previous game.

Edit: Minor nitpick- When you're at an election, idols are thinken instead of thinking.

I think that's one of the popups that only 'meme queen' idols can get, and it's supposed to be funny.

During the quiz show, when the host asks us which of the idols isn't a member of the player's group, the correct option features one name, but then the host says another name. So, for example, if I pick "Rika Morikawa" as the answer, the host will say "Anna Yamada" is not a member of the group. The names don't match.

Ran into a bug that sounds similar to some other reported bugs, but I'm not certain how to determine what went wrong or if there is a workaround.

Situation: Early in Chapter 5, I click on the task to continue the story. The task disappears, but no story event plays.

Is there a way to check what event was meant to play, and force it to play with a debug tool? Or does this kill that playthrough's story triggers?


This chapter is pretty linear except for the very end, so you can just filter for story_chapter_4_ in the debug tool and trigger whatever event hasn't played yet (or any of the older ones and keep playing from that point)

i have the same bug as jackkel dragon (i click on the task, it just disappears and doesn't trigger anything), only i'm on chapter two right after you perform on the show for the first time. i tried to trigger the next event with the debug tool but it seems like there might be some events missing? it goes from 1_50 to 2_05 and when i try 2_05, it starts chapter 3 immediately after the event plays. i'm not sure if this is intentional or not cause it feels like i missed a lot of story in between 1_50 and 2_05. re-triggering 1_50 doesn't do anything either, it just disappears without triggering the next event no matter what. any way to fix this?

Developer (1 edit)

No, that's correct, 1_50 is the last event of Chapter 2, and 2_05 is the first event in Chapter 3.

Also, how many idols do you have? If you don't have enough idols or staffers for the story to progress, the event just gets added to the queue and waits until you hire more people.

ah okay! i only have 3 so that's probably why

Ran into an issue with the tutorial on the "Hire Dance Staffer" Step. I purchased a dance studio first then clicked through the menu to hire a staffer pretty quickly, and the tutorial got stuck on the "Hire Dance staffer" step. I tried hiring another, but the tutorial screen hasn't changed. I can't assign either to a room. 

There is this dialogue between two idols where they talk about this comedy routine they perform, one playing the more serious character, and the other being silly. However, I'd like to know if this dialogue is supposed to trigger even if you don't have a theater. Because I definitely don't have one, and it popped up for me. I don't even have any ongoing shows, so it barely makes any sense for that dialogue to exist in the context of my group.

For some reason since yesterday, the game stops responding after the Glitch Pitch logo appears. Is this a bug? Or 


Try deleting/renaming this folder, apparently it helped someone before: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager

Your save files are also in this folder, so you should make a backup, and if the issue is fixed - copy your save files back to this folder.

Minor thing, someone seems to have mixed up the layers on her legs 


I had a story event and then the counter of my fans was completly wrong. I didnt notice and released a single that got a really big amount of money because of the wrong number of fans.  

(4 edits)



Chapter 3, if you fire the idols of the main story (there are 2 idols, one who want to withdraw from the nation of idol and one who want to participate) you won tons of fans at the end of this chapter.

So I'm not sure if I'm dumb or not but whenever I build the cafe, I can create dishes but I can't select them to add to the menu. 


This should’ve been fixed recently, updating the game should help

(1 edit)

There's a glitch with dressing ;w; I accidentally try to dress my idol at the end of the day and the new day comes with my idol's birthday the event popped up and it makes me can't dress my idol and I can't save the game too 

Is this a bug or am I tripping? That small green box should be critical success right? And it should have been a +200% rather than -75% of the critical failure?

(1 edit)

Hi I'm here to repport a bug on one of the scandals

It's the one when one of your idol gets in the car of a politician. Whenever I try to take the option to take the pictures down, the game bug, leaving the window blurry like when any event pop or when you make auditions. And I cannot continue my game because that scandal always happens even if i go back a little furter. it always pop right after I close a window (either an audition window, another event or anything of the like)

Edit : closing the game and reopening it using the autosave worked and it continued right after the event happened

Everytime I try to do something that involves influence, this screen pops ups and I can't exit without clsoing the game.


Upload your save file please or send it to me at

Save files should be here:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\story_mode\*groupname*\

(1 edit)

The same issue occurred.Please execute date using my data.

save data

Disabling my mod solved the problem.


I think it happens when you enable the custom idle portrait mod. I have tried some mods.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
   at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0006a] in <e7ebd2aff7ec4d2997ffaa9e45e105f8>:0
    at Date_Popup.Progress_Text () [0x0000c] in <d693c2543c4d487dbb10f3fbb6cb3100>:0
    at Date_Popup.OnClick () [0x00049] in <d693c2543c4d487dbb10f3fbb6cb3100>:0
    at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () [0x00010] in <eea339da6b5e4d4bb255bfef95601890>:0
    at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00022] in <eea339da6b5e4d4bb255bfef95601890>:0
    at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x0001c] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00009] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00007] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target,
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData,
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00063] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ReleaseMouse(PointerEventData, GameObject)
(Filename: <e7ebd2aff7ec4d2997ffaa9e45e105f8> Line: 0)

Hi, I can't seem to continue on Story Mode? When I click on "Click here to continue Story" under the task panel, it fades away, but nothing happens. Then the task panel shows [0/0 Task].

My save file is here. Thank you so much before! Super great game, I love it!!

Developer (2 edits)

I see the bug, thanks for reporting!

Here's fixed save file:


If anyone else is having this issue and doesn't want to wait for the next update:

This can happen if the center of your single that ranks #1 in the charts graduates before you continue the main story.

You need to open your save file with a text editor and:

- Find an idol with "Variables": ["center"]

- Remove "center" from her and add it to any other idol who hasn't graduated yet

Works like a charm, thank you so much!!

I have a girl being bullied. I put her on hiatus for her depression, but she can't recover because she's getting bullied from the great beyond. What ever she gains in mental stamina, she immediately loses again, is this intentional?


When preparing for the Summer Games, I encountered a localization error. While talking about how to pander to the audition judges, this happened:

Hi! I think I just got the rival ending but idk why this task is still on the list and it's already way passed the due date. Can anyone help me figuring this out? Thank you so much


Is it still there if you return to the main menu and then load your game again?

Yes, that fixed it! I thought there were more to the story. Thank you!

(2 edits)

This bug is an odd one, that only seems to happen once. I loaded the game to two computers (Win7 and Win10) and the same thing happened on both. On initial play through, the game freezes on the first autosave. You can close the game and load the save okay. I assume it's a bug when creating the first save on a computer.  (This is the version downloaded off the site not using the app launcher, so it was manually installed on the desktop of the computers from the same files.)


I reached the ending where you quit to marry an idol. After returning to the main menu most buttons don't function until I restart, and the game doesn't seem to remember me completing the ending - the ending and associated CGs aren't unlocked in the gallery and if I replay the ending I can't skip over lines I've already seen, nor are my previously selected choices marked.

Idols who have announced their graduation don't seem to lose nor gain stamina from most sources.


Hello, This game is so much fun!

** This message is google transfer **

I am playing beta with steam demo save data.

I have some issues.

save data

1. The same member performs multiple stylings.

2. Dating with the graduated members.Is this the correct specification?

3. It's 2028 now. Various response operations slow down after playing for a few hours.I feel that it is getting worse over the years.

4. This is a suggestion. Place the newest song at the top of the concert song selection screen. As more songs are released, scrolling to the best to pick the latest song can be annoying.

5. This is a suggestion. Please allow members to socialize(Planning a date) during practicing and styling.I'm taking the following boring action to achieve this:

  • Cancel practice.
  • Room is "auto practice" will be disabled, so set it back to enable.
  • Execute socialize(Planning a date).
  • Manual start practice.

Hey there is one bug that particularly annoying that when I tried to use influence to force idol to break up or do something else, the game got stuck, nothing appears chat, and I can't anything but force quit.

(1 edit)

Do you have any mods installed? If you do, please deactivate all of your mods and see if the issue persists.

No I didn't use any mod in the game

btw, I am so disappointed to see Idol Manager is no longer in China's steam store

(1 edit)

The devs have had to change the game's age rating to 'Adults Only', which is causing problems to players in a few countries that don't openly and freely allow the sale of such products. It could be the case with China. This is not a final decision, however, so there's still a chance it may end up being reverted.

That's sad for all of my friends cus I have asked a lot of them who are in China region to buy this game on steam :(

I'm playing the latest beta. After I deleted a sister group, I can still assign idols to that sister group. I assigned my idols to that deleted group, they got disappeared. 

(1 edit)

I had a game breaking glitch where one of my idols tried to leave at the same time of a scandal. Every time I opened the game I didn't have enough time to fire her so immediately after she left the scandal would happen. And after clicking one of the solutions (no matter which option I chose) the game would freeze up

When starting the game for the first time on an ultrawide screen (3440x1440), the top portion of the screen is cut off in some windows.

Hello when I trigger an audition it just give me a blank screen and not showing me any idol or anything , I tried changing my resolution and the -force-glcore method and it still not working , anyway to solve that? (I have audition before but it is fine . this is the third time and the game broke

Im using the Steam version btw (playerlog) (my save file)


Here's your fixed save file:

Have you installed any mods? Something went wrong because of this girl: 夕凪英姬

nope I did not. I got that girl after 1 girl graduation

(3 edits)

Hello, I cant raise Cool and Sexy for some idols. Sometimes it work sometimes it doesn't. From the screenshots it is visible that this idol can raise her Cool and Sexy up to 55 and 76. I have an expert stylist with Cool and Sexy but It doesn't allow me raise the attributes. When I am trying to drag and drop the Idol as it is visible on the screenshot, areas with Cool and Sexy are red.

Can someone help please? I am using the steam version and I have tried with mods and without with the same result.
I also think that there is some problem with the story progression. I am still at chapter 1 and my current quest is to top the single charts. Is it supposed to be this way? I haven't seen much events either.

I'm also having this issue with the stylist. Here's an attached save file and log:

In this screenshot here, I'm trying to drag Sasaki Karen to the stylist with 6 stars in Cool/Sexy. Cool and Sexy are both marked ineligible in red, even though her Cool and Sexy stats are only 20, so the stylist should definitely be able to train her. Hiring new stylists doesn't change it -- it applies to all the stylists that I have.

*** Google Translate ****

I think age has something to do with it. Perhaps the maximum for 12 and 13 years old is 20.

(1 edit)


the main idol group in my game isn't generating more than 1-2k new fans per single release, with the current fan base of ~150k people. If anything, the number of new fans goes down, not up as the time goes and fan base grows larger. For a while i believed this could be some sort of weird balancing choice, but after hearing people are getting 30-50k fans per single with this sort of fan base, and seeing how my sister group with just few points generates 5-10k fans per single with its different mechanics, am starting to believe it's more likely to be some sort of a bug?

Here's a save file, with a new single for both main and sister group lined up for a release:

At the beginning of the game i have accidently closed the tutorial window before my first single was released. No idea if it has anything to do with this behavior.

If it's not a bug, but some sort of weird result of "working as intended" game mechanics, i'd appreciate some explanation what is causing it. Just how the game is determining fan gains etc. isn't really explained anywhere that i'd see.

I took liberty to peek in the game code, and i'd guess this issue is caused by the huge impact of your current fame level on the number of new fans you acquire:

 private float GetFameNewFansBaseCoeff()
    return resources.GetFameLevel() switch
        0 => 2f, 
        1 => 1.5f, 
        2 => 0.5f, 
        3 => 0.3f, 
        4 => 0.25f, 
        5 => 0.25f, 
        6 => 0.15f, 
        7 => 0.1f, 
        8 => 0.05f, 
        9 => 0.03f, 
        10 => 0.01f, 
        _ => 0.1f, 

The catch is, fame levels are very easy/fast to acquire. In my game i have fame level 10 after a year or so, mainly from doing contract work. This means my new fan gains are reduced to 1% of what they'd be otherwise, even though i have just a bit above 100k fans total and obviously plenty of room to grow in this department.

As a fix i'd suggest increasing numbers needed to acquire fame (a bump as large as 10x wouldn't be out of place, considering you can hit the max in just a year) and/or improve the fame coefficient calculation to take into account the size of your existing fan base, and don't reduce it so drastically if the players fan base is still somewhat small.

 Hope this helps?

= Hovering the mouse over "scandal points" does not cause the pop-up to pop-up.
= Stylist stuck on styling one idol at a time

"Hovering the mouse over "scandal points" does not cause the pop-up to pop-up."

This fixed itself after firing an employee to get rid of one scandal point.

"This fixed itself after firing an employee to get rid of one scandal point."

Restarted the game this morning, and the bug had returned.

I've been having a problem viewing charts past February 2031. My saved game is currently on June of 2031, and my six groups all release singles about monthly, but at the end of each month, it's only February's charts that show up, and when I click the arrow to view the next month... nothing happens. It's all February. I can go backwards, but never forward. The singles would be ones that charted, too, higher than the ones released in February.


Hey, been a while since I've posted stuff here. Thought I'd put some observations I found. (Warning, massive post ahead)
She's in two rooms at the same time. One is styling her for sexy, the other for cool.

Choosing any of the styling options (Including 'All visual params') under 'Auto Practice' doesn't work. The tick doesn't appear and vanishes from the list until any of the top 4 options are chosen.

While being on the topic of stylists, I would humbly request an option (in the policies section, probably) to disallow stylists to work on stats that are over an idol's potential.

Singles still grant buzz, but it looks to me like that function has been removed from the game. The main UI does not show any mention of buzz anymore.

The photogenic trait claims to make negotiations in photoshoot contracts always successful, but they aren't. And the 'random photo marketing promo' is no longer a thing from what I can tell.

Again, is buzz even still a thing?

Still on the topic of traits, can we get an option for idols like this to train their lowest stat in their auto-practice option? Perhaps also an option to not train any of their stats that are already at or over their potential.

Swapping tabs (with tab or MMB) while carrying an event/show/single will stick it to your cursor, until you click on the originating event/show/single again.

Adding activities to your queue and then removing them greys out the activities and will not allow you to re-add them by clicking (in the 'Details' menu or the 'Activities' menu) Shortcuts (Z, X, C) will still work.

For that matter, level-up requirements for activities do not update for the 'details' menu when the requirements are reached during an activity cooldown, while they do update in the 'Activities' menu itself.

After building your first expansion on a floor, the subsequent floors' rents go up, this is normal, but for some reason the floors going down gain a higher increase of rent than the floors going up.

If you lower an idol's salary to ¥1.000 /w, you can no longer increase it by pressing the plus button (You can still change it with the edit icon)

ᶜᵃⁿ ʷᵉ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃⁿ ᵒᵖᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ⁿᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ ˢᵉᵖᵃʳᵃᵗᵒʳˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵃˢ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵉʳᶦᵒᵈˢˀ

Raising one idol's salary reduces the satisfaction of other idols, this is intended(?), but can mess up the auto 50% salary policy, making some idols get under the asked for 50%. Also, why is there no 100% option?

Elements of the game are clickable through the bottom UI bar.

This also causes tooltips to overlap

One thing I would love to see is the ability to view idols' profiles while deciding on a formation for new singles. This will allow you to see which idols like or dislike each other and who has been a center/part of other singles, among other things.

I find the inconsistency of the stamina limits between policies and the cafe a bit strange. (And the theater doesn't have any?)

Speaking of the theater, I can't select Young Adult or Adult as the target audience for Sunday, as the dropdown box goes off the screen.

I know this is a massive list, and some of these are just pet peeves, but I thought I'd mention them anyways.
Thanks for all the hard work, loving the game still,



Have you been able to find a fix for the duplicating Idols in Stylist rooms ? I've been searching everywhere to no avail and this problem is driving me crazy. I've 11 Stylists working full time but they keep bugging due to this problem and the Idol stops getting any kind of progress in most cases (or only one Stylists progress will actually matter in the best case scenario).

I'm at a point where it'll be extremely tedious to micromanage each idol for a stat increase, if you do not have a fix i sure hope they will fix this soon because i'm not sure if i want to keep playing like this for long.

Sorry mate, I'm pretty sure this one's up to the devs to fix. They used to update (roughly) once a month, fixing most (if not all) of the bugs found that month. Not sure if they're going to keep that up now that it's released. Only time will tell.

Well that's a bummer, let's hope they will fix it at some point, still thanks for replying tho.
In the end i kept playing anyway, i like this game too much. It's just going much slower since i have to manually do everything now, but i guess at least i keep a closer track of who does or needs what, eh.

(1 edit)

hey i got the game on steam and redownloaded the game from itch to compare and found the same issue a few of my idols salaries were at the highest the game would allow and they all had 0% satisfaction i had this issue across multiple saves and devices with and with out mods


What language are you playing with?


however i do speak Russian and ran the game in that on a new unmodded save and had the same issue

I agree with TehWooF about the stamina limit in the theater. Well I agree about basically everything they said actually but this lack of stamina management in the theater makes it more or less unusable. I've had to destroy it because it was randomly taking my most tired idols and I was having a lot of injuries and depressed idols.

Besides, another theater bug (probably) : The streaming revenues don't seem to appear in the income/outcome panel at the bottom of the screen.

Finally a question : Where do I put mods when playing on Linux(native)??


I think they should be here:

~/.config/unity3d/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/Mods/

Thanks it was indeed there!

You agree with everything I said? Aww, you flatter me.

Sure! Great work!

I have a weird bug (mod related so I'm not sure if it should be here). I've added several idol mods, and now everytime I do an audition I have WAY too many silver, gold or platinum idol cards.

On a local audition I got a gold and two silvers, and on a regional on I got 4 gold and one platinum.

Pretty sure mods can force their (unique?) idols to be of a certain rarity.

I checked the params.json files but I don't see any parameter of that kind. 

Seems to have been reported here: Unique Idol Drop Rates - Idol Manager community -

That's about their drop rates in general? While I agree with that post, that's not exactly what Loacoon is talking about, right? If a modded unique idol's params.json doesn't mention a specific rarity, it shouldn't have a higher chance to spawn as a higher rarity, no? And if it has a minimum rarity, it should only have a chance to appear if the game normally would give you such a rarity to begin with. These are of course just my opinions, and I think you guys seem to share them? Would love to see more attention to how mods should/can behave from a player's perspective.

(2 edits)

By "rarity" do you mean their rating? If so yeah they're set on almost all the idol mods I installed. I do think that this post talks about the same thing I did. And they probably nailed the reason. That would explain such a high drop rate.

When you click on one of the three drawings depicting the three daily activities, the convenient green dot next to the calendar icon that indicates the absence of scheduled activities disappears. It is necessary to save and load the game, to make it reappear, taking care if possible not to click again on one of the three drawings.

Activities in general are a bit weird and in need of some TLC. They feel more like a hassle than a boon most of the time. As some (including myself) have reported several bugs regarding them, they are also not very helpful compared to other things you can do in the game. If you solely want to gain stamina through them, you have to wait for the soft cooldown of the spa treatment to wear off, or it's not as effective. The performance money gain doesn't scale with the amount of idols you have, while still increasing in stamina cost for every idol you have, and promotion is borderline mandatory early game to gain any sort of foothold. 

Again, it's just my opinion, but I think the activities are in need of a bit of a rework. Sadambober, perhaps you can have a look at it at some point?

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On this note, the spa effectivity drop makes very little sense when you have more than 5 girls, and the subsequent session would involve ones who didn't just visit it. As does the limit of five girls itself. It'd make more sense if it worked similar to "socialize" option, i.e. with individual cooldown for a given girl, and being able to send any number of them there.

Hey there, 

Found a bug in the idol formation when preparing a single. By setting girls in every slot except one, then very quickly mashing the mouse button on the leftover girl, you can double her in the song. The stats shown reflect the "extra" girl, but I didn't hit continue in case it could somehow compromise my save. It's a little hard to repro, you gotta really mash that mouse button and it definitely takes a few tries, but I got it to happen 3 different times.

Link to log and autosave here:

Thanks for the awesome game!

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While I can't seem to reproduce FlowerThief's issue, I did manage to get a ghost idol stuck to my cursor that I can't do anything with:

I achieved this only with an autoclicker.

And I mean, she got real stuck. Only after selecting another idol through the single creation menu did I get rid of her.
Mebius_Tos' issue is very easy to reproduce though. To help clarify their images, as I assume they are Japanese and not confident enough to post in English, it's achieved by starting to drag an idol by leftclicking, then rightclicking them while still dragging them, hence adding them to the formation, leaving you with the idol still on your cursor, after which you can drag that one over to formation as well.

Very easy to reproduce.
ありがと Mebius_Tos

Grats on Calli and Milky Queen streaming the game btw, Sadambober. I'd imagine that got the game quite some traction.

I have a question regarding mods, is there a limit as to how many the game can run? I have different save files with different mods (all unique idol ones) and noticed that some aren’t showing up anymore (their images) and are replaced by a generic in-game one

producer avatar box will turn blank after promotion to senior

Hi! I'm not using any mods, but the time progression is frozen. It's happened to me before but was solved by restarting the game, but this time I can't get the time to resume at all. Any suggestions?

a couple days ago playing vanilla was fine, and then add some mods yesterday still playable but only vanilla idol portrait were become blank.

today when i try to play the game, this happened.

i reinstall and delete everything it's still the same. (didn't put any mods)

i dunno where is the source for the problem, though i think it was linked to mods, but after reinstalling without the mods, it's still persist..

i manage to reset the resolution by deleting the glitch pitch from registry

big thanks to discord guys that helps me ruling out the problem though

So maybe it is not an issue from the game but from me using the Mods

But I was downloading some Mods from Steam recently (only to have additional clothes and hair colors), everything was working fine, I played several time with these mods. And I don't think I changed anything in the meantime

But then, I started my game once and I lost almost all of the girls, instead I get the same idol multiple times  and for the others they have their face slightly shifted from their head

Is there a way to recover my game or do I have to start another one ?

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Having the same problem as @Hankeei did; audition screen seems to be stuck at the grey screen. Think it might have something to do with Sakomoto Megumi, since she's the only one in the game without a portrait for some reason. I got her as the successor to the daughter of some friend of Fujimoto (the one who gives you 10 million in exchange of letting his daughter in).

Having the same problem as @Hankeei did; audition screen seems to be stuck at the grey screen.

So there is a bug that happens, Sometime when I fire a staff, the cutscene does not start and my time freezes

Suddenly a few of my manual saves have disappeared from the "load game" menu? I can still find the data for them though

does this website still assist people who bought the game? In mine the people still move and such however the date and time are entirely frozen and no tasks can be completed. Even if you reload the game or close it that does not fix it. 😓

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Hello, I would like to report a bug, the bug is pretty easy to notice but also game breaking as it goes on after saving. The bug is about "time stopping suddenly". I have a save file with a total of a day and a few hours of gameplay, the time in game just suddenly froze (fast forward and play button on the time doesn't do anything, it stays frozen) and restarting or reloading the save file will not fix it (done it a lot of times). I still have the save file in case there are going to be solutions or workaround as on how to fix it. Thank you for your time. 

Hey, I've been loving the game so far. However, after some time playing I've encontered a bug in which I load up my game and time simply won't move forward. All the animations work and all, but time simply doesn't advance. I have tried updating my drivers, starting the game with the parameters you mentioned. I'd really love some help, thx xoxo

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