visuals are top tier here, and for some reason I quite like the floating tutorial text. is the game meant to be completely silent though?
I was enjoying the self-imposed challenge of getting through a combat encounter without getting hit
Visuals are great, and the art design is fantastic. Movement and Combat is very janky unfortunately.
On the combat in particular I have a few notes:
- Parrying becomes trivial when you spam.
- You can just button mash the boss to death.
- Also not sure how exactly you are supposed to avoid boss attacks when the player's movement is too slow to avoid attacks.
Enemy AI also had a tendency to bug out or respond weirdly.
Beautiful art, effects, and animations.
Movement could use some work. The current speed could probably be fine if areas weren't so huge and empty. Jumping up platforms often had my capsule stuck just on the edge or falling in place, either an auto ledge climb/run/jump, or other helper would ease this.
The camera's position would work better if that's where it sat during lock on, it gets in the way of exploration when it's so close to the player as it is. No More Heroes has a similar position
Getting stuck in place for so long while attacking with no real way to cancel out of it to dodge incoming attacks really sucks against the bigger tanky enemies. I wasn't sure if there was a better way to deal with them as they barely responded to my attacks but mashing through them took them out just as well.
Despite the game being linear the cave entrances being the same shade of gray as the sides of mountains makes it difficult to see where I should go, better signposting would be appreciated.
Controller support pls I love Dao
The game looks incredible. That's all I was expecting, really. I will skip most of the redundant feedback.
If you are going to shake the screen with every jump, at least don't rotate it around the forward axis. But preferably don't shake it at all.
The performance issues, especially when you hit enemies, stink of some terrible optimization mishap. Are you instantiating prefabs from assets to create each of those particle effects? Do they have unnecessary components in them? Are you using vertex-based cloth physics? This game is running at least an order of magnitude worse than it should. For the immediate future this would benefit a lot more from a visit to the profiler than to a 3D modeling program.
God I really love the visuals, it reminds me of an upscaled PS2 game. It also has good character designs and animations.
Combat was okay but needs some work, some sort of doge or dash wouldn't hurt, also the enemies were too simple and easy. The visual effects looked cool though.
Performance definitely needs some improvements.
Very impressive for something that was put together in such a short amount of time, I can't wait to see it become a full game.
Am I missremembering something, or the game was supposed to be a first person action game about summoning monster girls to fight for you?
Glad you uploaded, was hoping for a chance to get my hands on this. The character models and animations are top tier, very appealing. But I think there is a lot more that can be done with the core movement and then especially the combat. The thing about having such polished visuals, is that they are sort of making a promise to the player about the level of polish in every other aspect of the game. Getting the core movement just right will do justice to the models, and then allow you to get the combat right.
Your closest neighbor here is probably Bloodborne, with the melee combat and gun based parry system. I think it would be very worth spending some time playing that and really observing how the camera moves and tweens to position. Your camera by comparison seems to be perfectly locked on to the character, which makes it feel very stiff. When you move your character forward, it feels like they instantly switch into their top running speed, instead of building into it, and the animation instantly snaps into full run. If I move left and then right, the character near-instantly flips their speed and character model back and forth. When I jump, I'm instantly moving up in the air (often doing a little glitch shift towards the top), then when I land its just right back into the running animation.
It's all these little things, added up, which prevent the character movement from feeling visceral and good and fun. Players might not be able to enunciate all these things, but they certainly notice them. Good player movement is a result of having hundreds of little tricks and transitions and effects and so on. If you strip away all the graphics, and just have a capsule collider moving around a bunch of boxes, what are you left with? A capsule that just perfectly translates control inputs to movements is not fun. The goal is to build the illusion of an actual physical thing, with its own constraints and mass and momentum and abilities. Something that the player can learn and master.
Once that is tuned in, then getting combat to feel good is its own process. But movement comes first, in my opinion. I hope this isn't harsh, you just have such slick models and concepts here (the player waking up when you click start demo is the kind of little detail that is fucking brilliant). The character design is the best in AGDG. I really want to see the gameplay be brought up to par with that, in which case I have no doubt this game will succeed. Good luck.
Even if there are no sounds how the heck did you fit all that in such a small disk space?
Animations are beautiful and elegant. The aesthetics look great. However the level is so repetitive it's easy to lose direction during combat.
Boss has some cool visuals. I gave up on avoiding boss attacks and just bumrushed her for an easy win.
Is there a way to deflect fire bolts? I tried to gun them down by intuition but it didn't work. It might be a cool feature.
Once I managed to launch myself way above the level by doing some kick and gun combo on an enemy. I couldn't replicate it though.
Looks promising overall, but it feels like it lacks any depth so far.
Hello! I played it and I took notes!
Actual issues:
Very Wobbly Camera please stop oh god these aren't the jiggle physics I wanted uuuurg
But seriously it goes on way too long and it's way too intense. I dreaded having to go up platforms because of the jump wobble. I don't know that you even need it - Dark Souls and DMC both do fine with no camera wobble.
Fighting the armored greatsword dudes doesn't feel very good. The parry is very Simon-says and using regular attacks gives no feedback.
Enemies in general feel real slow compared to your character. Like your attacks are from DMC but you're fighting enemies from Dark Souls.
The fight with red skull lady is kind of a mess, visually:
Your hit effects, her harmless spell effects and the actual dangerous projectiles she spawns are all the same color so it's hard to tell what's safe.
Maybe zoom the camera out a bit? I'd like to be able to see my feet while looking horizontal.
Coming across the road the second time I tried following the road both ways before I saw the actual exit.
Maybe I'm just stupid but when I see a road my first inclination is to try following it.
I seem to remember seeing a version of the air finisher that started with a forward flip. I think that'd be better than the current version.
The roughness on the leather parts of Dao feels weird. Seeing all those specular highlights flashing brighter than anything else in the environment as you're going through a dark tunnel is weird and distracting. But maybe that's an environment or reflection node problem, rather than the material itself needing to be changed.
Bunch of places where the level geometry is too steep to let you land but too flat to slide you off of it if you move into it so you just hang there forever.
For example, trying to just walk on to the stone henge put me in the fall state since the sides of the henge are too steep and I just stayed falling so long as I tried moving forward.
After dying to red skull lady, I got a brief speed boost on respawn?
You can't hit boob mode to get flat Ruina this is false advertising and also hugely unrealistic why would dragons even have mammaries (making them even bigger would also be acceptable)
The move set is desperately crying out for something that makes you go faster horizontally, either a dodge or a sidestep or a sprint or a lunging attacks or something, as well as a launcher that takes you up into the air.
But overall it's very promising looking, and I look forward to getting thoroughly mogged by you guys in future DDs as well.
Really cool game! For anyone wondering about the whole quarantine thing, I ran the files through VirusTotal and Microsoft Defender and neither of them said there was any malware so if you held off on downloading this (like me) because of freaking out over nothing; it's safe, don't worry. That aside, here are my thoughts:
All in all, lovely game with a bright future ahead of it. Bloody well done.
Fun little game. Probably one of the best looking agdg games I've seen in terms of just visuals. Here are some of the issues I noticed:
I hope this doesn't come off as too negative, the game looks like a very promising start and the character models are very nice.
Forgive the train of thoughts-style writing, I'm typing as I play since I'm sure I'll forget everything otherwise.
I'm unable to swap character models in the menu. Dunno if I'm just retarded (I am retarded), maybe it's just me. That aside, I love the art and graphics. The character art is cute, the environment is pretty. "Boob mode" being optional is pretty cute. I hate titties so having a flatty MC to play as is nice.
My frame rate is really inconsistent. Looking toward the start vs forward through the level causes some pretty huge frame rate discrepancies. Performance is fine though, all things considered , although my PC is pretty modern, so older PCs might have trouble..
The controls are good. The animations are well-done. Currently just screwing around comboing stuff right by the floating tutorial text. The combat is really fun and satisfying. I ran into a bug with one of the axe guys where, after hitting him once, he stopped doing anything. More enemies throughout the level might be nice, but I don't know - having lulls between action is important too.
The level itself feels a bit padded out maybe. Trekking through caves into clearings into caves into clearings into... etc. gets a bit old. The set pieces are pretty though so I don't care much personally. Giving the player something to do during downtime might help a lot. You might consider adding sprinting out of combat for that purpose - even if the speed boost is only minor, I feel like having a button to press that does something fun when you're not in combat may help keep player's minds occupied. Sprinting in particular may also backfire and cause players to become more impatient over time, so I dunno.
The boss fight looks pretty cool, but in the end I wound up just brute forcing her. I initially tried to avoid damage and play it safe, but I wound up dying twice. Third time I brute forced her and got her down.
I know it's really early in development, but I think you've got a nice game on your hands here. These kinds of games are like crack for me, so I'm looking forward to seeing more from you soon. I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Very interesting Discord virus. Anyway, some thoughts:
Made it to the tree level, after that no matter how many times I pressed restart from checkpoint the next level wouldn't unlock after I killed everyone.
While the combat is really well made it kind of gets a little stale since there is no sound or anything to do besides get to the next level, have you thought of adding a shop or a ranking system like DMC or Ultrakill?
Can't wait for you to add sound.
Also there aren't any monster girls.
Unfortunately, I'm struggling to run the game. My computer's not the best but I don't think the computer's the problem. The third time I tried to start it up I saw the character on the title screen before it crashed. I have had unity games that have crashed my whole PC before, maybe it just doesn't like Unity.
Windows 10, downloaded the build that says "10 hours ago". I'll try again later, it looks very nice.
EDIT: Now it's 10 days later I tried again. I can't provide screenshots because the crash seems to disable the ability to take screenshots, the game gets past the "Made With Unity" screen and loads up about 180 MB of memory. The main menu starts dark as you load up the game and only once has the screen ever had time to run long enough for it to brighten. Given other people don't have issues, I can't begin to wonder what the problem is, it's likely a Unity-specific problem, maybe my graphics drivers are fucking about. I was going to replace my graphics card soon, anyway.
i believe i encountered a bug that halts progression in the first room. i kill all 4 foes and explore the room, but both the entrance and the exits are sealed by a gate with orange foliage, and i can't progress. this happens with both characters.
as far as i can gather i don't think this is the intended end of the demo, so i'll withhold feedback until i play the rest of it.
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