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I'll play your games live on stream 馃惉

A topic by Believing-Gamedev created Feb 04, 2021 Views: 797 Replies: 33
Viewing posts 1 to 34
Submitted (2 edits)

Hey everybody,

I'll do a livestream with your submissions, watch you game get played and get feedback along the way.

06.02. 5pm UCT

Simply add a link to it and  add description if you want.
Include something like:

- how many jam  you already participated
- if you joined a team
- what you liked most about the jam
- what you learned
- where you are from

"Hey Phil,

this is my first game jam I've joined.
For the jam I worked together with a friend of mine.
We tried Unity for the first time and had to watch lots of youtube tutorials.
It was amazing to see that others played my game online.
Greeting from Germany ~ Phil

<link to the game>


Here's mine :D, hope you check it out, and maybe play it on stream?


Sorry if I've posted here before or you've seen my game before

here is mine

Submitted (1 edit)

Heyo Phil!

This was my first ever jam (and first project!) so it's fair to say I learnt a lot, and by the end I realised why most people don't opt for 3D... That said, the knowledge I've gained about how to build a world and create simple mechanics is great.

Also having no basis in code I opted to create all the mechanics in Bolt which was a dream compared to looking at walls of text I can't make any sense of... haha

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

- Leo

Here's the game: A short, wholesome narrative experience about giving away your privillages.


What's up, Phil!

This was my first game jam and second game ever. I used Gamemaker Studio 2, and this jam allowed me to put all of my skills to the test and really push myself with what I thought I could do. In the end, I'm extremely satisfied with what I was able to accomplish. I learned too many things to be able to list all of them. Anyway, here's the game: Hope you enjoy!


CIao Phil! IlDiavoloVesteRosa from Italy here! Your girl here made her second game, for her third game jam (I finished the game in my first jam, but never submitted it t.t)

I made my game myself, using Unity! For drawing I used Krita, and with a bit of Bosca Ceoil, Audible and SFXR I had my audio.

I loved having my game rated in such a big jam!

Sooooo I'll just put a link and an image, I guess! This is < is >, by me!

Submitted (2 edits)

Hey Phil!

- Its my first completed jam, for gmtk i cant submit on time.
- Was a solo develop game, the music was composed by my friend Terizan on beepbox (thx!)
- I liked jams because it forces me to make something, test new things with deadline
- Was my first topdown shooter, first time using scriptable objects as common access variables, also the adaptative music using unity mixer. I fail to make on time the enemies hp bars, radar, and add particles and trails. Also im so bad at graphics, just use the basic 2d forms (hey less is more!)
Im pretty happy with the reviews, the comunity its awesome, the biggest problem its the game is hard, due the lack of external playtesting
- Im from Argentina

Here is my game:



Check out my Strange FMV game

Submitted (1 edit)

-This is the 29th jam I have joined, although its the 10th or 9th jam I have submitted to.

-The community is the best.

-I have a new workflow now, hopefully I can become more productive with it I didn't learn much, but rather I practiced what I already knew.

-I from this random planet known as Earth :)

- Also I'm solo.

Here is my game:


Hey Phil, how are you today? This is my fourth game jam, and also my fourth time working alone! With Dr. Maniacal's Monster Maker, I'm most proud of my UI for creating the monster (the wheel), the music that I made for it, and the way that the monsters look once they're customized. I learned how to make an adaptive soundtrack and used a new music software to do it, as well as a few things with UI management and enemy AI movement. 

Best regards from New York!

Submitted (1 edit)

Please try my game. It is the first game I have made. I made it by myself. Hope you like it!!


Hey Phil, thanks for streaming some of your playthroughs. It's very helpful to see other people play through your game for the first time.

This is my 6th game jam, I started joining games jams about a year ago and I've really enjoyed it.

I tend to just work by myself in my free time for jams.

I really enjoyed trying to polish up my game for once in this jam. I usually don't have time for that :)

I learned the value of time management and a healthy dose of sleep deprivation.

I'm from Pennsylvania!

Let me know if you can make it to the end of hardcore mode! 馃榾

(You can turn on practice mode if any of the levels are too hard)


Hi Phil, thank you for your time! 

I started with game development 3 years ago, and this is my 3rd game jam. I am working by myself, all the sprites, music, and code were created by me. I learned a lot about creating meshes through code, raycasts (the game is an action-packed stealth game, so I have to create a field of view effect), adaptive soundtrack, and overall how to make better efficient code. I am most proud of all the little polish things, like UI animations, sound effects, snappy movement, particles, and so on. I really enjoyed working in limits of the theme, this limitation 暖ead to some really creative steps! 

You can play it in browser here:

Greetings from the Czech Republic! (Heart of Europe, it's a little state right in the middle)


Hi Phil !

This is my 4th jam and i love how there are a lot of good games in this jam. I have created everything from scratch music,sounds,sprites etc. For a long time i wanted to make a top down shooter and this jam was what i needed :D I  also have learned how to manage sound effects and music in unity this time. I hope everone is having a good time while playing other entries :D

Here is my game :


It would be great


Hello Phil! 

I've participated in a few jams, not sure on the exact amount, but I started programming / Game Development back in September.

This was a solo project, with me doing literally everything except the font in the level select

For this jam, I decided to try and go without tutorials as much as possible, and ended up experimenting with code and getting something that I'm pretty happy with.

I'm from  Western Massachusetts (USA)

here is my game 


thanks for playing my game!


Here's my game


my game:


Here's my game :


Here's my game if you want to check it out!


Hey! Have that for your livestream, let's see how far you can get!



This is my first ever game jam and I would appreciate if you can rate my game.

You cannot complete the game as I unwillingly created a bug in the second level which doesn't allow the player to proceed. Otehr than that it would be nice to get a feedback.



We are now live, come and join the stream.


this is 3rd jam, i made the game solo

read the controls and the descriptio and enjoy!!


here mine! :D imma play urs too!


We had some technical problems, but are live again


Hey, could you play mine?


Hi, here is my game
It would be cool to see play on stream

Read the page well before you play, important information in it ;)


If your game hasn't made it in the stream yet, there is one last opportunity.

06.02. 5pm UCT

People in the streamchat will be favored.



Play my game ORB QUEST HERE

It's a short and sweet stealth game with the gimmick of: THE LESS LIVES YOU HAVE, THE FASTER YOU GET.



Hi I'm Picodaddy, I'm from Spain and this is my first jam :D .

This jam has been a unique and incredible experience in which I've learned a lot about how jams work, how to give quality feedback, what my game lacked (I should have put a tutorial, now I know it) and what things I could use for the next ones.

When after the first day I saw the first positive comments saying that my game was one of the best they had seen and that they really had had a great time, it was incredible (I almost cried). I hope you like my game as much as they do.

Sorry for that speech hahaha, here is my game:

Please, as there is no tutorial I strongly recommend you to look at the warning of the top of the game page before playing. Thanks for everything :D .


Hey I think i have the timezones right but my game is procedurally generated roguelike where the less health you have the more damage your sword does. I made it solo and learned a lot about proc. gen.  It was nice to interact with a very positive community.