I have no words for this game really, is amazing.
Broken Atom
Creator of
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Hi everyone!
I’m a game developer looking for a team for this game jam. My main engine is Unity, but I’m also familiar with Unreal. I recently graduated with a degree in Game Development, and my current goal is to create another project for my portfolio. I’m highly motivated and plan to dedicate significant time and energy to this jam!
You can check out my portfolio here: www.josepromera.com
Or see my games on itch.io for a quicker look: https://brokenatom.itch.io/
Discord: josepromera
The art has a consistent low-poly style, and the gameplay was pretty unique, I liked it! One thing you could improve for future jams is the UI. Better text panels, typography, and adding small images for the coins would make it look 10 times better. But overall, great game for something made in a week!
As others have mentioned, the clicking issue is a bit annoying, but aside from that, it’s awesome! I really liked the art, and the gameplay is great, especially for a jam. I’ll definitely play again once it’s fixed! I believe you can update the game to fix game-breaking or awful bugs during the rating period, but the rules say you can’t add more content. I had to fix a game-breaking bug too (but it was an easy fix).
The art is incredible! Personally, what I loved most about your game is the UI and the animations for it. I think the audio is the weakest point, but I understand you focused on visuals and gameplay. I also liked the originality of combining a city builder with tower defense, it’s a really nice concept!
I'm more fan of hotdogs! I will play your game now! Play mine if you can!
Hey people! Play mine if you can/want:
I always rate back the people that rate my game with a comment!
I played a bit, but I’ll play more later. I just stopped by your page to rate it, you really deserve it! The art is incredible, and the minigames are great too. I’m not sure if you made the audio yourself, but it fits perfectly with the game. Also, the transition between casting the hook and looking at the screen feels really satisfying!