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Tower Of DeathView game page

Welcome to the Underworld! Work your way out in this bullet-hell shooter!
Submitted by Pedroleum — 1 day, 17 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Wow this game is amazing, I love it! Graphics, audio, and gameplay are all great, the dialogue is pretty funny, and it has an awesome storyline

I hope you work on this a bit more. One thing I thought was missing is some sort of visual cue for the hooking mechanic, and I wish I'd seen your message about fullscreen before xD, but other than that you did an incredible job on this game, one of my favorites so far!


I love every single thing about this you managed to make an undertale type rpg with all sorts of cool stuff! Sometimes I got annoyed with how many times I died during the fight with those skeletons and the doors. But that's because I'm bad at these games and it's what happens when you put together too opposite concepts confined and bullet hell. But the movement feels smooth, and everything looks and sounds great!


WOW this one is awesome. I love almost everything about this. Looks great, feels great to play, really creative and fun mechanic (that is also expanded on creatively), Audio is really nice and unobtrusive, love the bosses, and the dialogue/story is fun. Love this game, the only very minor criticism I have is that sometimes it can be a little hard to dodge things, particularly on some of the pumpkin stages. Fantastic work!

I specifically really appreciate how fast the respawn is.


Wow  *_*  Great game! I love the gameplay!


I'm on a mac unfortunately, so I'm unable to try the game, though I would like to say this game looks incredibly well done! :) I really look forward to being able to play this in the near future (when there's a mac build, or I'm able to invest in a pc. Whichever one comes first lol). 


Juste perfect :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

really cool game love the art and music,  the grapple mechanic  added a welcome challenge.


It's such a cute an fun game! The idea of moving between hook points is very creative for a bullet hell. The levels were well designed, and the controls were easy to learn and use. The game looks very cute and stylized. There's not much of a glaring issue with the game, it is solid overall. Great game, congrats!


Wow, you did art, sounds AND music!? Really talented. The art style is so nice, sounds cool, and game as a whole AMAZiNG! Really cool.


Heya, such a creative and well made entry you have here! Big plus for graphics, sounds and story, no need to explain myself further there. The mechanics of the game are something really unique and fun, and you have nice variety in here as well, I especially liked the part where you had to block the flying bones in the graveyard! I think this would work well as a real game! The main movement mechanic needs some work though, in my opinion. There was countless times I took damage just because I missed the hitbox of the grappling hook target by an inch. Also it would make sense that the player could easily continue shooting while moving, the moving part could maybe be done with keys (or a joystick when playing with a controller). Anyway, fantastic job in such a short time! I'll definitely have to keep this one in mind ;)

We'd greatly appreciate if you checked out our project as well!


Omg this is just so good!

The movement mechanic is really cool and creative, never experienced this kind of control style(?), but it's incredbly fun.

Needless to say that the graphics and the audios absolutely fits each other, and it's not getting even a bit boring after long time of me play(sry if my english is bad, I'm not a native speaker :(

Also it really shows how much you can make in just 10 days(or shall I says 9 days :thinking:), it totally amazing.

Congrats on your insane work!! It's definitely a 5/5 for me :)


This is so good! It’s almost unfair that developers out there are this talented. I loved every second of it, finished in about 20 minutes. Build this out with some more levels and I think you could easily sell this! Great iteration on your own mechanic of the grappling arm throughout the various stages. Nice work, looking forward to playing more of your work in the future.


I'm giving this a perfect 5/5. At first it was confusing being unable to move but then after understanding the movement mechanics it gets really fun. Also I probably don't even need to say this but the visuals and audio were amazing, it was a really creative idea, really easy to learn how to play and it has a really interesting and unique interpretation of the theme.

Good job. 


NOTICE: Please use Alt+Enter to set the game to fullscreen, it'll help with aiming. Thanks for playing!


I like this game. I liked the movement mechanics and having auto shots. One thing that bothered the movement is that sometimes you just turn the mouse to aim at the enemy but the player understands that it is to move and changes position, maybe making it less sensitive solves it, or making the player's movement by keyboard, If you think better. Good game, congratulations.


this game is absolutely phenomenal, the core gameplay extends to other interesting combat patterns and enemy interactions super super well. Definitely a stand out game out of all the other games I've played so far. The bat boss fight was frustrating but in the best way possible.

As the other commenter said, I would have liked some aim assist with the grappling as well, since I feel like the game should reward your decision making in terms of what to grapple to instead of rewarding the degree of precision you have in aiming your hand throw, but that's a super minor nitpick.

This isn't a suggestion or even feedback as I'm not sure how it should honestly be, but I'm split on whether or not your character should have some or any invincibility frames during the grapple travel. I found it weirdly frustrating sometimes that some bullets seems undodgeable because they were coming in from the exact direction of the grapple, but it could also end up being overpowered and might require some clunky workarounds in terms of animation timings and cooldowns and stuff. Just something to consider I guess!

I loved every single second playing your game; it was a perfect example of doing a lot with a little, especially in a 10 day time frame. Congrats on the submission and awesome work!

I see that you're using GameMaker, but if I may ask, how did you manage the boss and enemy behaviors and switching in between phases? I'm assuming you used a finite state machine, but every implementation of that I use in Unity seems really clunky and awkward to work with, so I was just wondering what kind of options you have in that game engine.


thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'll check out your game as soon as i can. 

As for the enemy behaviours, in terms of bosses I used a rather crude form of a state machine that probably isn't very efficient but worked well in my case.

I'd first have a system which set a random boolean to be true. While this boolean is true the enemy would carry out their attack, which can be animated using a timer which decreases every frame. When the attack is finished, the boolean sets itself to false, and the system returns to the random choice. As for changing phase in a boss fight, that was handled by setting a boolean to be true when the boss reached half hp perhaps, which then changed some logic of the boss by checking if it was in that second phase.

As I said this is definitely not the most efficient way, and I'm pretty sure I'm effectively describing a function with the boolean system I used, but it worked well for the limited time frame I had.

Once again, thanks for playing, and your feedback is really important so thanks!


This game was amazing! The only thing I think could be improved would be a little aim assist on the hand throw. But other than that I have no complaints!